//------------------------------// // Chapter 12 Crazy Ideas // Story: A Visitor From Manehattan // by ILIKEBOOKS //------------------------------// Not much can be said about Spike's life, he was hatched by Twilight Sparkle, raised by Celestia, and is a personal assistant to his best friend/sister. Spike could forget all of his experiences and all of his failures just to be with one simple mare. This mare may not be special or overtly extravagant, but Spike wouldn't choose to be with anypony else. There is many things that Spike loves when it comes to her whether it be her soft sky blue eyes, her amazing smile, her mane that shines in light. Yes truely in Spike's eyes there has never been somepony as beautiful as her. Spike sighed softly as he stared her, not thinking about his future only their future. Spike was smitten ever since he saw first saw her. He placed his hand on top of her hoof. She giggled and moved closer. Spike took a small breath. "Coco?" Spike asked. "Yes, Spike?" She replied. "I was thinking about me and you. I thought that maybe if I can, move in with you in Manehattan?" Spike asked with a unsure smile. "Spike that's, I don't know what to say. Are you sure? You have responsibilities here and I don't want to jeopardize that." Spike grinned and placed a hand on her cheek. "Coco, I have a chance to find out what I want to be in this world," he kissed her cheek. "I want to learn that with you by my side." "Spike, what about Twilight?" Coco asked. "She can handle herself, besides she's got the best friends a pony could ask for." "Spike are you sure?" "Coco I love you, I want to be with you. I can't settle for a long-distance relationship, you deserve so much more than that." Spike pushed his lips against her's. Coco felt her cheeks get hot, she tilted her head to the side and put her forelegs on his shoulders. She moaned softly and broke the kiss. "Spike if you really want to, you can move in with me," Coco blushed. "We can live together" "Coco, I wouldn't want it any other way," "I can't believe this," Coco hugged him. "You're the best." Spike chuckled. "Well I try." Twilight Sparkle and her friends walked along the trail that lead through Ponyville. "Can you believe it? Spike has finally found love," Twilight wiped a tear that fell on her cheek. "I thought he was going to follow Rarity for rest of his life, good thing Coco came right?" Rainbow Dash said. Rarity scoffed. "I wasn't going to have him follow me around for that long. I would of turned him down by then." "But why?" Fluttershy said in a soft voice. Rarity's cheeks turned red. "That's between me and Spike," Rarity said. "Spike? Whatever happened to Spikey Wikey?" Pinkie Pie said. Rarity cheeks got even more red. "In hindsight that name was a little bit ridiculous, don't you agree?" Pinkie shook her head. "Nope I think it's a cute name," "Well Spike is too old for that. Besides I think it's time for us to treat him like an adult." "Well I suppose," Twilight ears fell to the side of her head. "I don't know what if he's not ready for the world?" Twilight asked. She turned to her friends. "What if I'm not ready?" "Twilight?" Rarity began. "I don't know, I just don't think I'm ready for him to grow up," a hoof was placed on her shoulder. "Twilight, no matter what happens, you have us. We'll take care of each other forever, I promise." Pinkie said in a serious way which surprised her friends. Twilight embraced Pinkie Pie which made the pink mare's cheeks become red. Pinkie pulled her closer. "I'll be here for you Twi," Rarity joined in. "So will ," Rarity said. "Me too." "Well since we're all hugging," Rainbow joined the embrace. The mares all giggled. "I love you girls," Twilight said. "We love you Twilight." Spike felt happy genuinely happy, for once in his life he knew what to do next. He glanced towards Coco, he grinned I should go with her, I don't know if I can be happy without her He put his hands behind his head. The soft blanket was making him tired. He yawned and closed his eyes. A little sleep never hurt anypony he put his arm over Coco's chest, he could feel her chest rise and fall as she breathed. Spike used his tail to fold the rest of the blanket over them. A Few Hours Later Spike shivered as a breeze of cold air swept over him, he opened his eyes and saw Coco's mane in his face. He sat up and noticed how dark it was outside. They no doubt slept for a more than he expected. He wondered if maybe he could sleep out here under the blanket of the moon lit sky. He grinned and fully covered her body and his with the blanket. Never thought I would be spooning with a mare I just met He moved his arm over her barrel. I'm loving every second of it he closed his eyes and let sleep overtake him. The Next Day The sun rose over the horizon in Ponyville bringing forth a new day, and new revelations. (Love that story) Today was the day Spike had been longing over for years, he was going to abondon his childish naïveté and gain something much better, opportunities, chances, in a different place with different ponies. Today he will achieve something that had always eluded the poor drake, love. Spike opened his eyes stared at his mate. He smiled when he realized she was facing towards him. Spike tapped her shoulder and waited for Coco to open her eyes. She flashed a grin when she saw him. "Good morning Spi-" her eyes widened when she felt his lips push against hers. She stayed still for a second or two before returning the kiss. They parted and Coco's cheeks were red. "How was that for a good morning?" Spike said with a devilish grin. Coco pushed her lips against his and moaned while doing so. When she pulled away it was Spike's turn to blush. "Now that's a morning kiss," Coco said seductively. Coco put a hoof on his face. "So who wins?" "You, definitely you." "Good that's how I'm going to kiss you every morning." Spike chuckled. "I can get behind that," he stood up. "So do you think the girls can handle what I got to say?" "Maybe some more than others," Coco sighed. "I just wonder how Twilight will take it." "We can only hope for the best," he picked her up. "So let's get going." Spike locked his arm with Coco's front left leg. Coco sighed. "I just hope she understands." Coco leaned her head on Spike's shoulder. "She will."