//------------------------------// // Chapter 6: A Day at Rainbows // Story: A Whole New World // by Nick the Brony //------------------------------// Beep... Beep... Beep... "I swear I'm gonna go crazy in a couple of minutes!" I yelled. The sound of the heart beat reader (I think that's what it's called) has been going on for hours now. And since there was nothing to do, it was much worse. All I could do was daydream. I would always dream about killing zombies, being a T-rex (because who cares about the Spino) , and having a beautiful girl friend. "Wait, if I'm stuck here. I pretty sure getting a girl friend would be near impossibe. Just great." The last thing I wanted was to be alone for the wrest of my life. I've heard rumors about people going crazy after being alone awhile. Those can't be true, right? "Breakfast!" Nurse Redheart came into my room with a cart of food. "Thanks a bunch, I'm starving. So, what's there to eat?" My stomach was eating itself. "Well for you we have bread with butter, an omelet, and apple juice." My mouth was drooling now. It's been so long since I had a decent breakfest. All I had on those trips was a slice of bread. She brought the cart to my bed and made the tray float to the table. Wait, float! "Wait! How are you doing that?" "Doing what?" She asked confused. "The floaty thing with that tray." I pointed at the tray which was still in the air. "You mean magic?" Now I was more confused then ever. "You can use magic! That's not supposed to exist. How are you doing that?" "Well Joel. I'm a unicorn, so I can use it." Well then. This place has has officially become a childrens book, or cartoon. She placed the tray of food on the table. "Well, enjoy." She said, taking the cart to the other rooms. "Thanks." I said, grabbing the tray and putting it on my lap. LATER "Burp! Oh boy. Now that's a breakfest." If I were to give it a rating, it would get a 9.5 out of ten. The omelet was almost perfect. Then, the door opened, and in came Redheart with a clipboard. "Hey Redheart. What's up." "We have good news Joel. You are free to go. Just sign this paper please." "Wait. Don't I have to pay?" I asked. "Don't worry, you don't need to. Rainbow Dash has already paid for you. She is actually waiting for you in the waiting room." She handed me the piece of paper with a pencil. "Wow. Rainbow is pretty awesome. I gotta thank her for this." I thought. After I finished signing the paper, she helped me out of the hospital bed. When I started to move, my bones started to crack and snap as they moved around. That's what happens when you stay in bed for like, four days. Redheart then lead me to the waiting room. Inside was Rainbow Dash holding my bag and reading a book. "Wow. She seemed like the type who would never read." I said to myself. "What? It's a good book." Dash said. "Anyways, good to see you are better Joel. How you fell?" "Well besides my stiff back, I'm feel great." "Thats good. You'll be staying at my place for now. I've got your stuff too. Though I really don't know what most of these things are." She said looking in my bag. "Hey. No snooping." "Sorry. So you ready to go?" She passed me my bag. I nodded my head and walked to the door. "Oh. Thanks for taking care of me Redheart." "No problem Joel. It's what I do. Have a safe trip." She waved, and I waved back. I then followed Rainbow to the door. Once out, the sun's bright rays shined right in my eyes. I squinted, and held my hand above my eyes. I hate when that happens. We both walked on a dirt road until we reached a simple looking town. "This place looks a medieval town." I thought. The houses were pretty simple. They were made out of wood, stone, and had hay for roofs. How exactly they keep dry in the rain was my question. "So what is this place?" I looked around at the different ponies and buildings. "This is Ponyville. This is where me and the others live." She responded. "Really, Ponyville!? That's the silliest mane for a town I have ever heard." I laughed at how stupid the name was. Rainbow gave me an unamused look. "You got any better ones?" Really. How was I supposed to come up with a good name for a town that has something to do with ponies. "Um, Fillydelpthea. That's all I got." "Sorry Joel. Equestria's already got a city named that. Better luck next time." She smirked. We continued walking until a strange building caught my eye. "Whoa. What's that place." I pointed at what seemed like crystal tree castle. "That right there is Twi's castle. She live's there and attends to her duties." I couldn't take my eyes off it. It was beautiful and ugly at the same time. "I wonder how much those crystals are worth. And what duties does Twilight do anyway?" I thought. We then continued walkink towards our destination. As we walked, I noticed the ponies around us were giving me strange looks. Some looked in horrer and ran away. While others just looked with fascination. "Hey Rainbow. What's with all the ponies right now? They are acting weirdly right now" She then patted me on my back. "Don't worry. They always act this way around new creatures. They'll warm up to you soon enough. And look, were here." "Um. Where's the house?" All I could see was an empty space between two buildings. "Look up." She pointed towards the sky. I looked up, only to have my mind explode, twice. Right above us was a beautiful house made out of clouds. Rainbows fell down it like a waterfall. It was big too. Bigger then most buildings in town. Well, not as big as that...crystal toy castle. "You live in a cloud mansion. It, it's." "Beautiful, I know. I built it myself. It's made of special clouds that anypony can walk on. Not just pegasi. You can leave your complements for later." She bragged. I was speechless. I could walk on these clouds. I like this place already. "Wait. Pegasi can walk on clouds." "Up. But these can hold anypony. Now wait down here while I get the ladder." She zipped into the house, and soon came out with cloud ladder. "Just climb up this. And don't worry. You can walk on it as well. Now come on." I was a bit nervous a first. I slowly touched the ladder, only to find my hand stop right on it. "Wow, she wasn't kidding." "Can you hurry up already!" She yelled. "Sorry." I hurried my way up the ladder, and followed Rainbow into the house. I was greeted by a large room with cloths racks and stairs leading upstairs. I took off my hat and shoes and followed Rainbow upstairs. "So, you hungry Joel. I got some drinks and snacks in the freeze box." Rainbow asked. My stomach growled at the thought of food. "Yeah. I could go for some food. What do you have?" "Well, lets have a look. Follow me." Rainbow then took off up the stairs. I ran after her, being careful not to break anything. I then found her in the kitchen sleeping on the counter. She noticed me and got up and yawned. "Yawn. What took you so long?" My mouth hung open. Was she being serious? "What do you mean long? I took just ten flat seconds." I responded, crossing my arms. Rainbow then started to laugh uncontrollably, and soon flew on the ground. I was not amused. "Hey. I was only kidding. It's just your reaction was just priceless. Now come over here and see what we to eat." She calmed down. "Yeah, whatever." I said embarrassed. This was the first time someone pranked me. She can't be that fast. Rainbow then opened the freeze box (fridge) and moved over so I could see what she had. "Okay. We got soda, ol jay, purple stuff. Oh, what's this? Apple cider. Can I have this?" "Sure, just don't even think about drinking it all. Got it?" Rainbow said tapping my head. "Ok ok, jeez. You like this stuff?" "Like it, I love it." She drooled a bit before stopping her, action. "She's like Dad with beer. But at least she isn't obsessed over the stuff, right?" I thought. I put the jug a cider on the table and went to get a snack. I grabbed a good looking salad and some chips. "So Joel, wanna chat?" Rainbow asked. "Sure. Where do I sit?" She then flew towards what seemed like the living room, and landed on the couch. "Right here is a good spot." She patted the open spot. I grabbed the food, and put it down on the table in front of us and took a seat. I then settled on the couch. "Wow. This couch is amazing. I haven't sat on something this comfortable in my life. What's it made out of?" I literally sanked into it. "It's made of clouds. Nothing can beat the relaxing feeling you get on a cloud. So Joel, tell me more about yourself." I leaned back and thought of things I could say. "Well I'm fourteen, and was born in Vancouver Canada." "Well I have no idea what a Canada is. But this Vancouver place sounds familiar. Continue." "Well I like sports, food, the internet, and video games. I'm an expert player actually." I said with pride. Rainbow seemed to have even more questions now. Those eyes say everything. "Ok, first thing. What's an internet?" "Well. It's a gobal network connecting all computers. You can play games, chat, and look up billions of billions of information for, everything. It's like all the information in the world at your fingure tips." "Really? I wonder how Twilight would react? She'd probably have one of her moments. Which are hilarious. So what's a computer, and video games?" I had to stop this now. The more I explain, the more questions she asks. "Well it's kinda hard to explain. If there was a way to show you, I would gladly do so." "Oh, ok." Rainbow blushed. Normally it was Twilight who would ask the questions. "Well what can you tell me of your past?" My mood suddenly plummeted. All those terrible memories of being used as a slave, no friends, and my moms death. My head fell. "I would rather not talk about that right now." Rainbow got the memo. "Oh, thats fine. You want to head to your room?" I tried my best to hide my tears. "Sure. Just let me have my salad." "Ok. Just don't take too long. I'll go get your room ready." She then flew down the hallway. I started to eat the salad, and tried to get my mind off of those memories. "Hey, this is pretty good. This tastes better then the ones from those expansive diners." I stuffed my face with the stuff, savouring the flavour. "It doesn't even have dressing on it." This was the best salad I have ever had. While I was gorging myself, I felt a little nudge on my leg. I Looked down to see what caused it, only to see a tortise looking right at me. "Why hello there...tortise. My name is Joel. It's nioce to meet you." I started to pet it, giving it a smile. It smiled back. It then looked at the salad with hungry eyes. "You want a leaf?" It nodded. "Dang. You are smarter then the average turtle, er tortise. I picked the greenest leaf from the bowl and put it in my hand. "Here you go, enjoy." The tortsie smiled and grabbed the leaf. And started to chew happily. "So. Looks like Tank likes you." "Whoa. Oh, hi Rainbow." I was surprised by her sudden appearance. I then chuckled nervously. "Um. Your ok with me feeding your tortise, right?" "Oh don't worry about it, it's ok." She grabbed Tank and started to pet him. "The thing is, if a pony gives him something to eat. He will only eat it if he likes them. So it seems that he likes you. Isn't that right Tanky wanky?" She started to rub her muzzle on his nose affectionately. They went at this for about a minute before I intervened. "Ahem." Rainbow the looked at me and realized what she was doing. She blushed and put Tank back on the ground. She then tried to change the conversation. "So uh. Your room is ready. You wanna go?" "Sure. Lead the way." I then followed Rainbow down the hall. The walls were full of posters everywhere. They all showed a groug of pegasi posing or flying. "I'm guessing theses are the wonderbolts you mentioned earlier." "Yup. And I'm gonna be one of them. Soon I'll be on those posters all well. Say, you said something about your place has a group similar to them. Mind you telling me who they are." "Their called the Snow Birds. They are a group of expert stunt flyers that do shows for the public. They do flips, spins, dives, and a whole book of stunts. I even got to meet them. One of the best days of my life." I smiled. "Wait. How are they able to fly. You don't seem to have wings." "You see Rainbow. Man can not fly like you or birds. So, we build machines to control. For the air, we build planes. Think of them as giant metal birds that don't need to flap to fly." Rainbows eyes widened at the thought. "Well how fast can they go?" I turned to face her. "Well that depends on what plane you are talking about. Some planes are big and slow, but can carry a lot of weight and fly long distances. While others are small and fast. They are used for ariel combat and stunts. The fastest ones so far can break the sound barrier." Rainbow grew a smile on her face. Something as fast as her, or maybe even faster. She wanted to see on in action. "Joel. If you get the chance to fly one here. Race me, and we'll see who is top flier." She grinned. I chuckled at her challenge. "We'll see." We walked for a little bit until we came across an open door. "Here's your room Joel. You can leave your stuff here." I looked at the room. It was pretty nice. Who knew a room that was mostly all white would feel, welcoming. The was kinda small though, but beggers can't be choosers. There was a nice window looking over Ponyville. I could see all the ponies doing their chores. Then there was a knock on the door. "I'll go get it Joel. How about you go and wash up." "Ok." I responded. "Wait. Where is it?" "Down the hall to the left." Rainbow pointed. "Thanks." I followed Rainbows directions and soon ended up at the bathroom." <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> Third Person Rainbow flew to the door, which whoever was there was still nocking on. "I'm coming. You can stop nocking." Ahe opened the door, and outside was Applejack. "Oh hey AJ, what's up." "Well I just wanted to make sure everything is doing ok. How's Joel" She asked. "Listen Applejack, can we talk for a sec?" Rainbow face showed concern. "Sure Dash, what is it?" "It's Joel." "Has he started to cause trouble?" Applejack gridded her teeth. Rainbow shook her head. "No no. It's the total opposite. He has been nice ever since I picked him up. Tank even likes him, and Joel isn't a pony. Plus, he told me about so many things I have never heard about. Things that don't exist in Equestria." Applejack curiosity grew. "Can you name a few?" "Lets see. Hmm." Rainbow put a hoof on her chin. "Oh. He talked about the internet, planes, and a stunt flying group called the Snow Birds. You ever heard about something about those things." "I have no idea what the hay those things are. I'm pretty sure Twilight doesn't know either." Applejack responded. She was truly confused. However she was pretty sure snow birds were a type of bird. She often saw them flying north in summer. But stunt fliers, no way birds can be that. Meanwhile, Joel had just finished washing up. He smelt great. Like a warm summer evening in a field of flowers. He then heard talking. "I wonder who Rainbow is talking too." He wondered. Joel slowly opened the door and sneaked down the hall. Being in a house made out of clouds, his foot steps were completely silent. Once he was at the end of the hallway, he could here them clearly. He poked his head over the corner to see who Rainbow was talking to. It was Applejack. Joel thought of going to meet her, but he stopped himself. "Lets see were this conversation goes." He whispered. "Well what matters is Rainbow is that he doesn't know about the plan." Applejack said. "What plan?" Joel thought. "I know. It's just, you sure it is the right thing to do? What if he really isn't a creature from Tarterus Applejack. What if we were wrong all along." "Tarterus. Isn't that hell from greek mythology." Joel thought. He was also worried. Did they really believe he was a monster. One of the only other beings besides his mom were nice to him, were they faking it? "Well Rainbow. All the facts seem to be pointing to him being so. Twilight will be here tomorrow with some guards. She'll put the feller to sleep, and the guards can capture him. Then we take him to Chanterlote jail. There we can get answers from him safely. As Twilight said, it's for Equestrias safety. Ye understand that, right Rainbow?" Rainbow knew what they had planned was a little harsh, but she understood that it was for Equestrias safety. "I understand AJ." She smiled. Applejack smiled back and gave her friend a hug. "Whoa whoa whoa! No need to get all sappy, ok." They both shared a laugh. While with Joel, it was a total different story. He was on the verge of breaking down. "Guards, sleep, capture, jail!" He whispered with anger. He was going to be used as a test subject, just like an alien in his world would end up as. He stormed to his room. If it wasn't for the cloud floor, Applejack and Rainbow Dash would of heard him. "That's it, I'm done. There's no point for me to live here any more. For once in my life, I thought I actually made some friends. But, since the universe hates me. It made them my worst enemys. Well not anymore. If I can't live happily with friends, then I have to live a miserable life alone, again!" Joel roared in his whispering tone. He went to his room and closed the door. Back with Applejack and Rainbow Dash. They had just finished saying their goodbyes. Applejack had to get back to work. And Rainbow wanted to see how Joel was doing. She flew to the closed door of Joels room. "Hey Joel. Can I come in?" No answer. "Joel. You ok?" Silence. "Joel." She opened the door, only to see an empty room. All of Joel stuff was gone. Rainbows heart was now beating twice as fast. She entered the room, and soon noticed a parchment and a smashed picture of her beside it. "Oh no." Was all she could say. She picked up the note, it read. Dear Pony Bastards I have decided to leave forever from you fackers. Since a MONSTER like me doesn't deserve a home. If you are reading this, I am long gone. I am going to live the only way I know how. Depressed and alone. It's what I am good at anyway. Hope to never see your freaking faces again. P.S. Fuck You! From Joel Rainbow had to read it twice to believe what was on it. She then looked at the open window, these very words coming out her mouth. "What have I done?"