The Fault In Our Harmony

by Miralusa


Cadence raced through the halls of Canterlot’s royal palace trying to keep herself presentable as she ran… But ultimately it was a futile effort. She burst into the throne room to find Celestia, Luna and Twilight already waiting for her. “I’m sorry I’m late,” Cadence started. “Being in the Crystal Empire makes it difficult to make it on time for important meetings,” she added still trying to make her hair presentable.
“That’s understandable, Cadence,” Celestia stated seriously.
“So what they’re saying is true?” Cadence asked dreading Celestia’s response.
“I’m afraid it is, artifacts have been stolen from all over the world over the past year by a strange assailant of unknown nature,” Celestia replied immediately.
“What’s been stolen though?” Twilight asked curious.
“There’s been a break in at the palace in the Crystal Empire,” Cadence stated approaching the rest of the princesses. “A shard of the door that sombre used against you and Spike,” she said looking at Twilight, immediately regretting bringing up Spike when she saw the look of sorrow on Twilight’s face.
“What would someone want with a simple shard of the door?” Luna interjected.
“In theory, the shard could still maintain the magical force that the door held,” Celestia said. “In theory,” she added making her point.
“That’s still too big of a chance,” Twilight said looking towards Celestia.
“I know,” Celestia replied. “But it’s not the only thing that’s been stolen. A recovery team attempted to recover the idol of Boreas in Griffonstone but what they found was a mocking IOU message. Along with that many artifacts pertaining to Chaos have been stolen as well,” she added trying to contain her anger. “Including the gemstone of Chaos from inside our very own royal vaults… Whoever this person is is making a mockery of us and our allies in the most heinous of ways,” She said this with her hoof stamping angrily to the ground.
“Chaos? You mean Discord right?” Twilight asked even more confused.
“Of course not,” A voice said that came from all around them.
“Discord, you can come out now,” Twilight said with an exasperated sigh.
“You're just no fun anymore!” Discord cried as he started moving through the glass panes before appearing before them with four sets of flowers in hands.
“Your late, Discord,” Luna said seriously.
“What? A man can’t pick up flowers for his four favorite princesses?” Discord asked with his best puppy dog impression.
“Now’s not the time, Discord,” Twilight reasoned with Discord noticing how on edge Celestia and Luna were. Last thing we need is them to lose it right now, Twilight thought to herself.
“Fine, I guess you want me to regale you with the story of Chaos,” Discord said as if he was describing his hero.
“Yes, Discord I told you that’s why you were meant to be coming here,” Luna stated exasperatedly.
“Very well, gather round everypony for a tale of daring, danger and of course adventure,” Discord said as he snapped his fingers and a couch spawned behind him and he sat down in it. “Before the world of Equestria was born there existed a being known only as Chaos. He was my predecessor…” Discord trailed off letting what he had just said sink in.
“Wait what?” Twilight asked confused at the comment. “But Chaos is just an old mare's tale,” she added trying to think of this news logically.
“You know better than any the truth in stories…” Luna stated. “Remember when Nightmare Moon was just a story, you and my sister were the only ones to know the truth… So do not take this story lightly,” she added with all seriousness.
“Please continue Discord,” Celestia said.
“As I was saying, I merely inherited the title of god of chaos, when Equestria was born Chaos caused much grief for the people, until he committed an unforgivable act and wiped out an entire city and it’s people with it. Now when Equestria was born two new beings were born, Life and Death. Up until Chaos committed the act the three had an understanding where each was required to balance out the world,” Discord explained and then snapped his fingers.
Before the princesses appeared a magic puppet show that floated off the ground. The puppets were labelled with crude writing, life wore a white robe and had a halo floating over her head and had glowing blond hair. Death wore a black cloak with a hood over his head and a skull mask on. But Chaos was simply a cloud of dark mist.
“What’s with Chaos?” Cadance asked.
“Nopony knows why he chose that form, maybe he thought it represented true chaos… Or he was just insane,” Discord replied with a shrug of his shoulders. “Now Life and Death were not pleased with Chaos,” he added and the puppets of Life and Death moved their hands to their hips and their facial expressions changed to anger. “So as punishment for Chaos’s actions he was sentenced to eternal imprisonment inside an Alicorn amulet…” Discord trailed off as Life and Death pulled out the Alicorn amulet and Chaos was sucked into it. “I was created to take Chaos’s place and maintain balance… But I was also tasked with hiding the amulet in a spot where no one would ever find it again,” Discord said still slightly shaken thinking about the amulet. “If you thought I was bad, Chaos would make my work look like a foal’s science fair project… And he has no want or need for friends, he is pure evil,” Discord said with no hint of a joke about him as he snapped his fingers again. A model of the world appeared and then was quickly overtaken by a black mist. “This will be our world if Chaos were to ever return…” Discord looked at each of the princesses seriously.
“You speak as if he’s returned already,” Twilight said with concern at how serious Discord was being.
“There is a prophecy that if his artifacts are being gathered, then he has returned, and there will be no stopping him this time,” Discord explained.
“But what about Life and Death?” Celestia asked.
“Trapped inside their own realms, they will be unable to help us this time around, we are on our own,” Discord replied.
“Then we must stop the last of the artifacts from being stolen,” Cadance said getting back on her hooves.
“There is only one artifact still accounted for, it is currently in Yak Yakistan,” Celestia stated and got off of her throne.
“Then we must leave at once and ensure it’s safety,” Luna announced going to the door to alert the royal guard…
During all the panic to get everything underway Cadance approached Twilight.
“Twilight do you have a minute?” Cadance asked her looking around.
“Sure what is it?” Twilight asked slightly concerned.
“I want you to stay behind on this one,” Cadance said simply.
“What, why?” Twilight asked her concern changing to confusion.
“You don’t remember?” Candace replied.
“No,” Twilight said her confusion growing as she tried to remember.
“It was something that happened a year ago that changed your life forever,” Cadance said trying to jog Twilight’s memory.
“A year ago… Me and Sunset started dating,” Twilight replied realization dawning on her.
“Now she get’s it…” Cadance started. “I want you to take the day off… No the week off and go spend your one year anniversary with Sunset. You deserve it especially after that whole business with the cutie map and what happened with Spike,” she added fixing Twilight with a serious gaze.
“But what if you need me?” Twilight protested.
“No buts, we can handle a single thief. Now I’m not asking you, I’m ordering you as the Princess of Love to spend some time with your damn marefriend,” Cadance said with a smug grin.
“You're right, I could use the break and I haven’t seen Sunset in months,” Twilight said with a sigh which then turned into a grin. “It would be good to see her again,” she added nodding slightly now. “You win Cadence,”
“Always do, Twilight,” Cadance said triumphantly.
“Does that mean I get to go with her?” Discord asked popping out of nowhere with a Hawaiian shirt and suitcases with him.
“No, you're coming with us,” Cadance stated taking the suitcases from him.
“Umm… I’ll pass,” Discord replied while nervously twiddling his thumbs.
“What’s wrong Discord?” Twilight asked.
“Chaos is what’s wrong, if this prophecy comes true I want to be far away when it occurs,” Discord said. “And you would do well to do the same,” he added jumping around impatiently.
“Which is why we have to stop this now,” Cadance said. “Twilight, you go on now, we have this handled,” she added and dragged Discord with her towards the other princesses.


Twilight raced back to her castle… She had just written to Sunset that she was going to be coming to the human world for a week and Sunset couldn’t have been happier about it.
I can’t wait to see you again baby, I miss you so much… Don’t worry I’ll sort out everything that we’re doing this week, I have the perfect idea. I love you Twilight.
Always Yours… Sunset
Twilight grew evermore excited to see Sunset as she remembered that letter. I couldn’t have hoped for a better girlfriend, Twilight thought to herself as she entered her castle to begin packing. She was leaving in the morning since night had already overtaken Ponyville, she marvelled at the nightlife of Ponyville and thought that it was good that she had time off to enjoy the little things in life as well. Twilight began to pack her bags as she sang Pinkie’s Smile song.
What she didn’t see was a mysterious figure in the corner.
“Hello, Twilight,” the figure said from the corner.
“Spike?” Twilight said in surprise spinning around to face the figure.
Spike stepped out of the shadows to reveal that he wore a cloak and wore an Alicorn amulet around his neck. But most of all he had matured to where now he was several inches taller than Twilight. He also held a shard of a door in his hand. “Surprised to see me,” He said as he flipped the shard over and Twilight stared straight into it.


Twilight awoke to find herself in the human world right outside of Canterlot High. She stood up and looked around seeing nothing at all… And she had the worst headache. “What just happened?” Twilight asked herself. Then she saw Sunset and thought that it must have been a nightmare. But how did I get here? Twilight thought to herself as she approached Sunset.
Sunset then whipped around holding Twilight’s Element of Harmony in her hands. “Now your power is mine!” She yelled with an evil grin as she placed the crown on her head and she transformed into her she-demon form. She laughed evilly as the high school suddenly caught fire.
“No, Sunset what are you doing!” Twilight screamed and raced towards Sunset only to be swiped away by Sunset.
“What do you think I’m doing. Equestria shall be mine!” Sunset yelled as she raised her army of zombies.
Twilight just sat there unmoving thinking only one thing over and over again… Why?


Spike stood over the now motionless, shivering Twilight as he cast the spell using the staff in his hands. Suddenly a second shadow manifested from Twilight. Then it separated from her and formed a copy of black-furred version of Twilight that seemed to shift in and out of reality.
“One down, five to go,” The amulet said. “If it’s anything like this one was, this is going to be too easy,” it added and then ordered Spike to turn to shadow Twilight. “You know what must be done, spirit of dark magic, leave the weakling here and deal with Canterlot, the trap has been baited. All we need is for those idiots to trigger it,” it said with an air of anticipation about it. “Not long now…” It finished as they left Twilight there reliving her own worst nightmare over and over again…