The Final Wars of Equestria

by Final fantasy forever

Liberation of Gryphonholm and the march of the green army

The Final Wars of Equestria
CH 6 Liberation of Gryphonholm and the march of the green army

Shining Armor lay motionless in a fountain filled with three inches of blood and corpses of Gryphon and Equestrian troops alike. Union infantry transports rode by as the soldiers inside killed any survivors and smiled as they surveyed the scene. He played possum praying that they would think him dead. A young soldier near him tossed and clamped into his sides where two bullet wounds stung and shot pain throughout his body. He wanted to tell the soldier to stop but he knew that would only compromise him. He watched as a Union soldier came by and finished the job. He kicked at the body and spat. Shining Armor gritted his teeth. At that moment every fiber in his body yearned to end that soldier’s miserable life. He kept his anger under his skin and watched the soldier climb onto one of the transports. After three minutes there was silence. He waited a little longer to make sure he was alone. He slowly began crawling along the perimeter of the fountain. He looked down at the corpses of his division and the other two that were with him. He vowed to avenge them somehow. As he was about to turn he saw one of the Gryphon Troops get into an upright position and look Shining Armor in the eyes. He placed one of his claws up to his lips gesturing silence. He grabbed a gun with his claw and crawled towards Shining Armor. “Come with me. I need your help.”
Shining Armor followed the Gryphon to the end of the fountain. “My name is Corporal Viktor Shepard. I already know who you are, Captain.”
“Where are we going?” Shining Armor asked.
“We’re here.” Viktor gestured to get into an upright position. “My injured left claw means I can no longer aim with this long range sniper rifle. Your horn means you can aim with equal or even great precision than someone with opposable claws. Look out there at the Union Elite Guard Division. The bastard in the armored transport is General Reznov himself -- the architect of Gryphonholm’s misery. Nein, in all of the Gryphon Kingdom. I have had much suffering at his hooves but that is beside the point. He must die. For almost a week I have tracked him down. And for almost a week; his cowardice and dumb luck have saved his wretched life. I would love to end it now but I’m no fool. If we are discovered; this fountain will be our graves.” The two watched the General be escorted into the buildings next to the transport. “Patience, Captain. The Union has been making a new airborne vehicle called the Hummingbird. They have been sending these things to massacre and slaughter our soldiers. They are anti infantry exclusively so if we see one, do not engage. They are going on another run now. When they are overhead use the motor engines to drown out the sound of gunfire.”
Shining Armor looked up at the division of Hummingbirds. He couldn’t make out any clear details aside from the twin propellers on each wing and the long gun barrel at the front. “Ready… SHOOT.” Shining Armor quickly took aim and shot at the Union soldiers standing side by side at the doorway of the building the General was in. The Magitech bullet ripped through both of them killing them in seconds. The remaining four patrols remained oblivious to the death of their comrades. “Hold your fire and wait for the next wave. NOW.” Shining Armor fired once more killing the soldiers watching the road. “Good; now choose your next kill wisely. The last two soldiers are in that transport. If you kill the driver the one on the mounted MG will panic and fire about trying to find us. If you kill him then the driver will speed off. If he gets away we will have an armada upon us.” Shining Armor hesitated, moving his gun from one to the other before settling on the gunner. As expected the driver saw that his comrade was dead and revved up the transport. Shining Armor Quickly fired the rifle once more as the transport began moving. He breathed a sigh of relief but it was short lived. “Captain. Manticore rider.” Shining Armor tried to shoot but he was out of shot. He quickly reloaded but the Manticore had found their scent and began to rush towards them. Shining Armor finished reloading the rifle and killed the rider but the Manticore pursued them without his master.
“This rifle isn’t going to cut it,” Shining Armor said in a panic.
“Captain, quickly get to the MG. I’ll bait this thing away from you.” Shining Armor made a dash for the mounted machine gun. The Manticore gave chase but Viktor flew and zipped by it, slashing at the beast with his claws. The Manticore grasped the wound on its cheek before giving up on Shining Armor and giving chase to Shepard in fury. He took flight but was brought down like a bird in the paw of a cat by the Manticore. The beast raised its claw ready to strike. Viktor shut his eyes but opened them when he felt the rush of liquid sprinkle on his face. He looked up at the large wound in the Manticore. Seconds later it collapsed on its side.
“You alright?” Shining Armor asked.
“I’ll be fine,” Viktor replied. “Come’ the other patrols will surely have heard those shots. We will need to find another way to Reznov.” The two made their way to an inn and pub.
“Do you know a way to the general?”
“Yes, my friend.” Shining Armor saw that the Corporal looked troubled. He moved to his position and found what he was looking at. The burned bodies of a Gryphon couple were left rotting behind the counter of the bar. They were holding each other’s claws even in death. “Come now, Captain. We mustn’t dally.” The two walked up the stairs into the inn part of the building and through to the other buildings via destroyed walls.
“Corporal Shepard?”
“Yes, Captain.”
“You said you had suffered by the hooves of General Reznov. You said that as though it was more personal than the war.”
Viktor sighed. “When the occupation of Gryphonholm first began my father played many nationalistic pieces of music on his violin. To my townsfolk; it was a symbol of hope. To the Union; it was a symbol of defiance. They slit his throat in the darker hours of the night. I was still awake from tampering with the furnace. I saw them come out of his bedchambers; their hooves were soaked in his blood. I was a coward not that long ago. I stared… and did nothing else. They let me live. I’ll make sure they regret that decision. They did give me a parting gift though. He showed Shining Armor his left claw. They took all but my big talon.”
“Yes, Captain.”
“Please just call me Shining Armor.”
“Very well, Shining Armor; what did you want to say?”
“Don’t let your hate consume you. I know you want to give the Union soldiers what they deserve but know if you let your hate influence your decisions it will only lead to self destruction. I won’t pretend to know your father but I know he wouldn’t want you in harm’s way for him when he’s already dead.”
“This isn’t just for him. This is for all of my brethren that have been slaughtered by the Union and…” He was cut off by a bullet grazing the side of his face. “Get to cover!” he shouted. The two of them darted to another corridor. “Scheisse.” We’re going to need to draw that sniper out to continue. Did you see where the shot came from?”
“No,” Shining Armor replied.
“OK. I’m going to draw his attention. Look for where the shot comes from. READY.” Shining Armor focused his attention to the direction where the shot originated. Viktor left the safety of the corridor and went into the exposed room. He looked around in anticipation and fear of the sniper. He paced until he saw the glare of the scope . He quickly leaped to his left, barely evading the bullet. “Did you see him? He’s in the building, twelve o’clock. I’m going to draw him out once more. You need to get him this time.”
“I’m ready,” Shining Armor said. Viktor once again went into the opening. The sniper saw his prey return and locked on once more. Shining Armor saw the scope’s glare and fired at the sniper. The bullet only grazed his front leg but it was enough to disrupt his aim. He cringed as he grasped the stinging part of his shoulder blade.
“He’s not dead,” Shepard shouted. “Keep your guard up.” Shining Armor waited until he saw the hat of the Union sniper. He quickly fired. The bullet sailed through the empty attire. “It was a diversion,” Viktor shouted. His attention was drawn when he saw the glare of the scope once more. He leaped to his side but realized too late that that was a diversion as well. The Union sniper got into position and locked onto Viktor who now lay defenselessly on his side. He saw the glare of the scope once more and shut his eyes shuddering at the sound of gunfire. Seconds later he opened his eyes realizing he was still alive. The Union sniper lay on the floor resting his head in a puddle of blood. He placed his hoof over the part of his neck where the magitech burst had ripped through. He struggled to breathe as he realized it had taken his right lung. After fifteen seconds he allowed the last strands of life to leave his body in exchange for mercy from the pain.
Shining Armor helped Viktor off the floor and onto his claws. “Come on, the Union troops will be here soon.”
“Right, captain.”
“I told you, call me Shining Armor.”
“Thank you, Shining Armor.” The two exchanged a smile before continuing on. “Down here,” Viktor said. The two went down a flight of broken stairs. “SHHH Viktor breathed. He pointed his claw outside the window. Shining Armor peered out to see a long march of Union troops along the street. “Let them pass,” Shepard said in a hushed voice. The two watched as the troops marched on. As they passed one soldier approached the window. The two hid in the blind spots they could find and prayed that they weren’t discovered. The soldier eventually left and rejoined the march. The two of them breathed a sigh a relief but that was short lived as the building was flooded with teargas. “Don’t ‘cough’ don’t breath in the gas,” Viktor wheezed. The Union troops outside had begun firing into the building and threw Molotov’s setting the building ablaze. The two crawled through smoke, ashes, shrapnel, and broken glass all while the fire and cinders burned their bodies and stung their eyes. They kept their heads down inches from the floor. More than once they wound up tasting the ash but they knew if they got up they would die. After two minutes of crawling through what the two had come to conclude would be the layout of hell they reached a staircase and darted up it. As they reached the second floor a Union infantry transport’s MG opened fire on them. They ducked their heads as they continued to run to the other side of the building.
“There, out that window!” Viktor hollered. The two leapt out the window and landed on the ground below. Shining Armor cringed at the pain but forgot about it when he heard Union soldiers approaching. He and Viktor reached for their guns that they’d lost in the fall but the Union troops kicked them away and beat their heads in with the butts of their rifles. Shining Armor’s vision blurred up as he lost consciousness. The last thing he saw before he passed out was Viktor being dragged away.

Shining Armor awoke later that day in a cage. He could feel movement and figured he was in some kind of transport . Shining Armor tried to break the lock on his cage with magic but he found that the Union troops had attached a siphon on him. He tried to tell himself that this wouldn’t end badly but he felt that the Union didn’t take prisoners without having some fun at their expense. Shining Armor waited alone in the dark until he felt the vehicle stop. His cage and the other prisoners in the transport were levitated by magic from a crystal. He was released but bound and joined a group of Equestrian POW’s. He watched as a Union officer took each soldier individually and inspected him by his species, strength, health, mental condition, and overall rank. From what Shining Armor saw by the condition of how they were treated if he raised his right hoof then the POW had shown he had some value to the Union. If he raised his left hoof then they were sent to either a POW camp or a gulag. On some occasions the POW’s had shown defiance to the Union. From what he saw they were going to the chopping block. Thirty minutes passed before the officer reached Shining Armor.
“Shining Armor.”
The officer looked up from his clipboard. “Truly. Captain Shining Armor of Equestria. Brother of Princess Twilight and the prince of the Crystal Empire. Well, ex-prince of the Crystal Empire,” the officer snickered.
“Yes,” Shining Armor cringed.
“Well then. I hope you can prove that.”
“How do you want me to do so?”
“That’s for you and General Reznov to discuss. For now though get yourself cleaned up. You’re filthy.” Shining Armor dusted off his uniform before two escorts arrived to take him to the Union command post. Shining Armor boarded a transport with the escorts. They were off. Fifteen minutes passed as the transport drove further and further into the Union occupied half of Gryphonholm. The transport approached the Mayor’s office (the mayor and staff had long since fled the city when the Union had come). The three disembarked from the transport and walked through the building until they reached the mayor’s office. Shining Armor looked around the rotunda. It was impressive but was in shambles. Though the air was better filtered in here than the outside it was still choked with ash and gunpowder from the countless engagements the city had seen. The once clean and orderly office was now dirty with debris and all around felt dead. Much of the city had lost its beauty and now both sides called heaps of rubble shelter.
“What could you possibly have found that’s so important you needed to tell me directly?” Shining Armor turned his attention to the stallion staring out onto the masses of Union troops. He wore a standard Union officer’s uniform with a patch on his shoulder blade and a wool and fur hat. Around his neck was a hoofmade necklace with four Gryphon talons.
“General Reznov, we have a POW of importance here for you.”
“Humph. Just whom have you brought me this day?”
Shining Armor walked forward. “I am Captain Shining Armor, sir.”
Reznov looked Shining Armor square in the eye trying to find any hint that what he said was a lie. “Is that so? Well then Captain, perhaps you can be some kind of use to us.”
“I don’t want to help you or the Union.”
“I can understand your defiance. Hmm… we’ll give you some time to decide whether you want to remain loyal to your lost cause or aid in the army of the future. You have a week or so, ‘comrade’, before the executions take place. Then we will see how defiant you are. Until then, you’re filthy. Take a bath. You look like a pauper.”
Shining Armor was fixated at his necklace. “What are looking at Reznov snapped?”
“I know whose talons those are.”
“I bet you did,” Reznov laughed. Whoever it is I assure you is well dead by now. Shining Armor tried to strangle the general but was restrained by the Union troops. Reznov snickered at Shining Armor’s pitiful attempts at his life. “We’re done here, gentlecolts; take him to…to, to somewhere decent. Give him a bit of motive to side with us.”
“Sir, yes sir, General Reznov sir.”
“Get to it then.”
“You heard the general; get moving.” Shining Armor was escorted to a holding room in the Government building.
“Get yourself comfortable,” one of his escorts scoffed. The two then left Shining Armor alone in the holding room. He looked at the layout of the small bedchamber. It wasn’t in mint condition anymore but he would have been surprised if anything in Gryphonholm still was. It still had its walls in one piece and held back the wind. It was rather warm. Shining Armor had grown used to the cold air of Gryphonholm and forgot about heat over the last few days. He found his way to the bathroom and rinsed off the ash in his mane. He dried off and found his way to the bunk in the room. After all that had happened he felt it would be hard for him to find slumber but he fell right to sleep.

“Good morning major.”
“To you as well, soldier.”
“The sun is almost up; should we get to the mess hall?”
“We eat at eight soldier, no later, no earlier.”
“Yes major.” The solder laughed slightly.
“Is something funny boy?”
“Not really, more ironic. We couldn’t be closer to danger, yet we couldn’t be safer. We’re father from battle than any other base. Yet on the other side of this barrier lies the sleeping bear of the Union. This M-TECH curtain is a real marvel of technology. It’s hard to believe that this thing can hold back all that the Union has thrown at it.”
The two gazed out at the field of tank shells and missiles on the other side.
“I know soldier and…” the major lost his concentration due to a small bug. “Can you swat that thing soldier?”
“Yes sir.” The Alliance trooper chased the bug until he caught it. “Hey, major. Come look at this.”
The major gazed down at the white metallic insect. “What the Tartarus is this thing?”
“I don’t know, major.” The insect flew out of the hooves of the solder and made its way to a power socket. Seconds later the socket short circuited and began to flame up.
“Get that thing before it destroys anything else.” The insect spread its wings and flew out of the room into the open. The two chased it until their pursuit was cut short by alarm bells.
“What’s happening, Major?”
“I don’t know.” The soldier’s question was answered as the M-TECH slowly dropped until it ceased to be altogether.
“S…sir what…what do we do?”
“Ok…ok, maybe the Union doesn’t know yet. We can get this thing back and running before…”
He was cut off by the announcement system. “Global Union infantry detected, Union Armor detected, Union artillery detected, unknown aircraft detected. Evacuate. Evacuate. Evacuate.”
“We need to warn Canterlot immediately.” The two galloped to the evacuation barges as the first Union artillery shells bombarded the base. After five minutes the two boarded a barge and set it to Canterlot.
“We made it kid we…” He was cut off by the young trooper.
“Sir… look,” the soldier said, pointing out to the field. The two gazed, awestruck, at the wave of Union troops, tanks, and artillery. “All of Western Equestria is going to burn… isn’t it sir?”
“Not if I have anything to say about it boy. Not so long as I have breath in my body. You have a family boy?”
“Yes sir.”
“Good. When we get to Canterlot you’re dismissed from duty. You deserve to go back to them.”
“With all due respect, sir, they’re why I joined the Alliance.”
“You’ll make them proud kid. Just don’t die on me.” The two watched the base they called home burn away under the treads of the Union’s Armor.

Shining Armor awoke at six o’clock to the bugles and horns of the Union’s marching song. He cleared the sleep from his eyes and got out of bed. He looked out at the Union forces. Division after Division marched through and around the complex. He left the window and washed his face. The water felt cold and refreshing though with the cold northern air it soon sent shivers down his spine. Shining Armor later found himself pacing around the room lost in his thoughts. How could the Union get so many forces to Gryphonholm; and what’s stopping them from overrunning the town altogether? Will I find myself bending my knee or at the chopping block? How is Twilight faring at Black Feather base? Will I see any of them again? Does Corporal Viktor still live? Lost in his thoughts he explored every crack and crevice in the walls of his room as though he could escape like a mouse does into a hole in the wall. After a while he realized what he was doing and felt absolutely stir crazy. He went to the door and pounded on it hoping someone would answer him in some way. Two guards answered the pounding. Before he could speak the Union soldiers handed him some rations.
“Breakfast,” one of the troops said with an indifferent tone. “Eat up. Then General Reznov is going to discuss the terms of your compliance with the Union.” Shining Armor ate the rations and was then escorted to General Reznov.
“Am I allowed to leave the confines of my room?” Shining Armor asked.
“As of now, no,” the guard replied. “You can discuss this further with Reznov, however.” They entered Reznov’s office; the three were promptly greeted by Reznov.
“Ah good. Shining Armor, I hope you slept with ease… It would be a shame if something truly ‘tragic’ were to happen to you,” Reznov snickered.
“What have you called me here for?” Shining Armor asked.
“To make sure nothing ‘tragic’ happens. And the best way to do that is to assure your compliance.”
“If you want me to betray Equestria then you can send me to the gallows now; I won’t do it.”
“We will be the ones making the demands Captain. Now the first part I must clarify is…”
Reznov was then cut off by a Union trooper rushing through the door. “Sir. General Reznov sir?”
“What? What could you possibly want?”
“One… one of our superiors has requested a meeting with you sir.”
“Tell whoever he’ll need to wait until I’m finished with this ‘interrogation’” Reznov laughed.
“I would think it unwise to delay a meeting with a Marshal of the Global Union.”
“One of the Marshals! W…what could be so important here or about me that one of the top ranking officers would come here for?”
“I don’t know sir but that is between you and…” he was cut off as another pony barged into the room.
“Him and I private.” All in the room turned their eyes to the pony who had spoken. He was an unusually large stallion with well toned muscles in his legs and abdomen. He had a usual gray mane and yellow eyes. Shining Armor looked deep into his eyes and felt a mix of fear and hate. Somehow he felt he hated this pony even more than Peryite. He wore a Union officer’s coat with a badge with the Twin Dragons of the workers between two olive branches.
“G…General Nikita sir... w...what in Equestria are you doing here?”
“We will discuss that Reznov. I’m here to collect your reports on the gas.”
“F…forgive me sir but is it safe to speak?”
Nikita looked around the room at the Union troops and Shining Armor. “I suppose we could use some privacy. Before I let you go, WHO IS THIS ALLIED TRASH?”
“This is Shining Armor. I am confident you know who he is.”
“Indeed” Nikita replied.
“Take him away,” Reznov urged. The two guards did as they were told and escorted Shining Armor out of the room leaving Reznov and Nikita alone. “I assume this is about the gas,” Reznov said.
“Yes. How has Nova Prospect performed?”
“The kill time is dependent on the weight of the victim. The foals or young Gryphons died in less than fifteen seconds; fully grown stallions and mares or Gryphons took longer, around eighteen to forty-five seconds.”
“Did any survive?
“None, Comrade Nikita.”
“Of all the Union troops in Gryphonholm; how many have not received Peryite’s blessing?”
Reznov shuffled through some papers in his desk drawer. He pulled out some files and read the data out loud. “A little less than ten percent of our troops are without protection. Of that ten percent. Forty percent is in the infirmary.”
“So casualties won’t be high.”
“E…excuse me?”
“Ready Nova Prospect, General Reznov.”
“With all due respect sir I can’t endanger the lives of our soldiers.”
“Total war has been permitted. More of our boys will die if we don’t.”
“But sir. It could take decades to remove all the poison and make this city Inhabitable again.”
“Inhabitable?” Nikita laughed. “Look at this shithole. There’s not a single building intact. YOU have destroyed Gryphonholm and I tell you… I couldn’t be prouder. The Union needs ponies like you who will take the initiative and open your eyes to see that those against us must be punished. Spared when possible but never spared the rod. When the time comes I will see you become all you deserve to become.”
“T…thank you s…sir but.”
“Don’t tell me you’re turning soft boy. When you kill one…it is a tragedy. When you kill millions… it’s a statistic study and a strategic triumph so long as the bulk is from the other side.”
“Y…yes sir. I must say though, we don’t have anywhere near enough of Nova Prospect to flood the city.”
“The city’s husk, Reznov. This is not a city anymore. It’s a battleground. As for the gas don’t worry. I’ll send enough shipments.”
“Thank you sir. I won’t fail.”
“Good. Now I’ll be on my way.”
“Where are you going sir?”
“To aid in the invasion of Canterlot.”
“Canterlot is under siege!!”
“Yes. We have broken through the M-TECH Curtain.”
“Peryite’s speed then, General Nikita.”
“As to you Reznov, make us proud.” With that Nikita left the Union forward command center and boarded a Zeppelin. He watched as the airship gained altitude and made distance between him and the Gryphon Kingdom.

It was mid morning in Ponyville, around ten thirty. Around this time many of the town population had eaten breakfast and had found their way to work. Those who weren’t were in the town market. The foals played in the fields enjoying their break from school over the weekend. “Whew,” Applebloom said, taking a deep breath.
“I don’t know how you do this work every day Applebloom,” Sweetie Belle complained.
“Come on Sweetie Belle. Were here to help Applebloom with the farm, with Applejack gone,” Scootaloo said. “Remember you volunteered for this.” At being reminded of her big sister Applebloom stopped working. She sighed and dug at the ground with her hoof.
“Don’t worry Applebloom, I know Applejack can hold her own,” Sweetie belle reassured.
“Yeah Applejack and Rainbow Dash will give those Union jerks what they deserve.”
“Thanks girls,” Applebloom said in a mix of a sobs and her southern accent. The three embraced until they felt the ground shake. “Wha…what was that?” Applebloom stuttered.
“Is this an earthquake?” Scootaloo said looking down at the ground with a worried look.
“Am I the only one who hears those motors?” Sweetie belle whimpered.
As the two sat and pondered what was happening Applebloom’s older brother Big Macintosh came galloping out of the orchard. He swiftly grabbed the three fillies and threw them on his back. “Hold on,” he warned. The three grabbed onto the large stallion’s neck or yoke as he galloped towards the farmhouse. When they were out of the orchard and on the hill the three could see the source of the shaking of the earth and motors. They gazed mouths agape at the countless Union Armor trampling the apple orchards leaving the ground scared with tread marks.
“Hurry inside,” Granny Smith hollered. The five of them rushed inside the farmhouse. They made their way to the cellar and barricaded themselves in. They sat and waited huddled together in the dimly lit cold concrete room for almost three hours. After they had almost reached the third hour mark the noise had quieted down for almost twenty minutes. They hesitantly removed the crates and stored furniture they had used as a barricade from the door. All was quiet once more on the farm.
“D…do you think they’re all gone?” Applebloom said still shook up from what had happened.
“You heard all that, Applebloom,” Sweetie Belle whimpered. There’s no way Ponyvill could have held them off.”
“What do we do now?” Applebloom asked.
“I say we hightail it out of here before one of those Union jerks finds us and…” she was cut off by Granny Smith.
“Shhh. Do you hear that?” The five of them listened to creaking in the floorboards in the upper floor. “We aren’t alone here.”

They heard other voices. “Are you sure about that”?
“Positive. I’ve checked all around the house, there’s nopony else here.”
“Two Union soldiers walked down the stairs arguing with each other until they found the Apple family and friends.
“Nopony else here huh?”
“I can be wrong. Just because I’m smarter than you doesn’t mean I’m right all the time”
“Shut up or I’ll shove an apple down your throat.”
“You five state your names,” the Union soldier demanded now holding them at gunpoint.
“Easy now. We don’t want no trouble,” Big Macintosh said as persuasively as he could.
“Neither do we. Now do as we say.”
“I’m Big Macintosh.”
The Union Soldier wrote down the name on a piece of paper on a clipboard. “Ok. The old mare?”
“Who you calling old you hoodlum?”
The Union soldier rolled his eyes resisting the urge to answer the rhetorical question. “Easy now granny,” Big Mac persuaded. “Her name’s Granny Smith.”
The Union Soldier wrote down her name as well. “The three fillies?” The Cutie Mark Crusaders cowered behind Big Mac at being addressed. “Come on now, its not like we’re calling you out for firing squad. Just answer the question.”
“The Earth pony’s name is Applebloom, The Pegasus is Scootaloo, and the Unicorn is Sweetie Belle,” Big Mac answered once more.
The Union soldier wrote down the last three names before handing them all cards. “Don’t lose these,” he warned. “They will become your ID numbers. Now follow me and this nitwit I was assigned to chaperone over to the town square.”
“Mudak,” the other trooper said in a disgruntled tone.
“Cursing in front of children, how professional.”
The two escorted the Apple family and CMC to Ponyvill square. When they arrived they joined the mass of citizens. Applebloom and friends looked around at the divisions of armor and infantry stationed around Ponyvill. “There’s so many of them,” Sweetie belle whimpered.
“It’s OK, look.” Scootaloo pointed to the large bulk of infantry and armor as well as the Hummingbirds all leaving Ponyvill. “A lot of them are leaving.”
“And where do you think their going?” Applebloom said. “They’re heading to Canterlot to take the city.”
“No,” Sweetie belle whimpered. “T…they couldn’t th…they’d never succeed.”
“Look at all of them Sweetie,” Scootaloo said a bit frustrated. “They’ll burn the city to the ground.”
The three argued more until Big Mac interrupted them. “HUSH. I don’t want to hear any more of this kind of talk.”
“Attention citizens of Ponyvill. Your silence is requested.” The three fillies huddled close to Big Mac and Granny Smith as the Union announcement system continued on. “As of this moment you have been liberated from your allied oppressors. Your lives will continue as normal. Any who have ties or are blood relatives with high ranking members of the United Equestrian Alliance will be taken for questioning. Any and all who need to leave the city will require passport identification and pass border checkpoint inspection. Tsarist sympathizers will be made examples of. Traitors will be put to death. Comply with us and your future will be as bright as the fire of the Global Union. Direct your attention now to the Union National Anthem.”
All turned to a small chorus that the Union had gathered. “You may begin,” a Union soldier said to the gray mare next to him. Octavia took a deep breath and readied her cello. The song was on short notice and she honestly couldn’t make heads or tails of what she was singing but she figured she could enunciate. She slowly played the first note.

“Nash Sovetskiy Soyuz pokaraet
Ves' mir ot Evropy k Neve na vosto-ok
Nad zemleoy vezde budut pet':
Stolica, vodka, Sovetskiy medved' nash!
“Nash Sovetskiy Soyuz pokaraet
Ves' mir ot Evropy k Neve na vosto-ok
Nad zemleoy vezde budut pet':
Stolica, vodka, Sovetskiy medved' nash!
“Vse narody zdes' stoyat togo,
Chto my vse voplotili na svet,
Blagodarnyy nizkiy poklon
Ot sa-moy mo-gu-sches-tvennoy v mire!
“Vse narody zdes' stoyat togo,
Chto my vse voplotili na svet,
Blagodarnyy nizkiy poklon
Ot sa-moy mo-gu-sches-tvennoy v mire!
“Aaaaa, aAAaa!
“Nash Sovetskiy Soyuz pokaraet
Ves' mir ot Evropy k Neve na vosto-ok
Nad zemleoy vezde budut pet':
Stolica, vodka, Sovetskiy medved' nash!
“Nash Sovetskiy Soyuz pokaraet
Ves' mir ot Evropy k Neve na vosto-ok
Nad zemleoy vezde budut pet':
Stolica, vodka, Sovetskiy medved' nash!
“Aaaaa, aAAaaaaa!”
Applebloom turned her head up to see a Zeppelin take off. She then turned her attention to a Union officer she hadn’t noticed before. He looked down at her and smiled before walking away. Of all the Union troops she had seen he was the only one with colored fur and normal eyes. He had a warm feel to him as well; she didn’t know why but he was different.

“Ah General Trotsky sir how was your…” The Union soldier was cut off as he was shoved aside.
“Find a place to park the Zeppelin. I have business with King Peryite. Come now Colonel.” The soldier watched as another Union officer galloped off the Zeppelin. He boarded the airship and steered it towards a nearby airfield. “Now Colonel Markov, are you positive that your intelligence is accurate?”
“Positive, sir. I was present giving my report on the failed capture of the Vessel of the Elements when Commissar Petrenko ordered the Total warfare protocol with General Reznov.”
“I see. And you know for certain that he ordered the destruction of Black Feather Village as well?”
“Yes sir. My…’employer’ was present when he ordered the dragons to attack. Saat Ven also confirmed this in his report of the failed attack on the village.”
“Good. This should be enough to convince the King to court martial the Commissar. The Union thanks you for your service to her, Colonel.”
“Sir I need to… finish up a few things before accompanying you to Peryite’s chambers here in the Crystal Empire.”
“Peryite’s speed to you then, comrade Markov.” The two parted ways.

“And you’re sure about this, Comrade Commissar? These kinds of accusations aren’t taken lightly, especially not with one of our Marshals.”
“I am not saying Trotsky is a traitor…yet. But I question his commitment to the cause, my liege.”
“Surely you must have reason to back this assumption.”
“Yes my liege. The battle for Black Feather Forest could have succeed had we focused our attacks on the village where enemy reinforcements were coming from.”
“Attacking a civil center?! For a location that held little to no strategic value?”
“The real prize was the Equestrian chief scientist. It was him who constructed their new crystal waste bomb; now named ‘M.A.D Warhead’ that plagues us. Because of Trotsky’s refusal to destroy the village the Elements of Harmony escaped us yet again and our base there was destroyed. No one survived that bomb.”
“All valid points, Comrade Petrenko. I think I’ll give Trotsky a little test.”
As if on cue Trotsky entered the Crystal throne room. “My liege I…” he stopped when he saw the Commissar.
“Ah, Trotsky,” Peryite said. Perfect timing. I have a new position for you.”
“My liege whatever nonsense tale he’s spun, I assure you it’s nothing more than a tale.”
“Calm down now Trotsky. I have heard you may have been getting soft.”
“I have not sir.”
“So you didn’t belay some of Commissar Petrenko’s orders that would have rewarded us the Equestrian chief scientist?”
“Those battles would have been too costly sir.”
“If those battles had taken place all of the occupying forces of Fort Wilhelm would still be alive” Peryite retorted.
“Everyone at that fort died, Trotsky, all at the hooves of the scientist who built the M.A.D bomb.” Petrenko replied.
“I will take responsibility for that sir but Petrenko has crossed the line, he…”
Trotsky was then cut off by Peryite. “Tried to destroy a village? A shameful tactic I will admit. But had he succeeded our boys would still be alive, Black Feather base would be ours, the Elements of Harmony would have been captured, and the Allied weapon of mass destruction would be in our far more capable hooves. Still though; I can see that you had the concern of the populace at heart. Plus I don’t wish to court marshal a committed officer as you Trotsky. So I will give you a chance for redemption. You are to be assigned to the occupation force in Ponyvill. There I want you to detain the families of the Elements of Harmony and bring them here.”
“F…for what sir?”
“To give the Elements of Harmony ‘motivation’ to comply with us.”
“W…what will happen if they continue to fight?”
“Then they die. Simple, right?”
“S…sir I…I didn’t don this uniform to kill innocents. What sort of corruption is spreading throughout the Union of Global Equestrian Republics?”
“Trotsky you will do as you’re told or I’ll court marshal you and find someone who will.”
“Y…yes my liege. But before I go I want you to know this. When I first meet you I felt you were some sort of savior. Perhaps you still are. I guess even saviors are entitled to commit an atrocity now and then.” With that Trotsky left Peryite to leave for Ponyvill. As he walked down the hall he ran into Markov.
“General Trotsky, have you spoken to King Peryite?”
“Yes. I’m on my way to Ponyvill to detain the families of the Elements of Harmony who reside there.”
“W…what!” Markov stuttered.
“If the Elements don’t surrender his Majesty says he’ll have them put to death.”
“T…this cannot be.”
“Commissar Petrenko has convince him that I am not fully committed to the cause and has made this a test for me.”
“I’m going to talk to Peryite about this madness.”
“Don’t. The Commissar will only convince the King to ‘test’ you as well.”
“I’ll still try to get him to give you another test.”
“Please hurry then.” With that the two parted ways once more.

“My liege, how could you command such a dishonorable act?”
“I beg your pardon. Who are you and what is the meaning of this outburst?”
“I am Colonel Markov. As to the meaning of this outburst general Trotsky has informed me that you ordered him to detain and possibly kill the families of the Elements of Harmony.”
“Hmm. Why would Trotsky have gone to you begging for help?” Peryite asked.
“He didn’t. I asked him how his session with you ended.”
“Well I assure you we won’t kill them.”
“B…but Trotsky said…” Peryite then cut off Markov.
“Trotsky said what he was told; which was a lie. I will not kill them. I only told him I would to see if he will still follow this command and prove his unquestioning loyalty to me.”
“S…so you aren’t going to kill any of them?”
“Heavens no. But now that you know this you are forbidden from communicating with Trotsky or those close to him or your squad.”
“B…but sir.”
“No buts. Now settle in. You’re going to be spending quite some time here.”

Trotsky sat in the cockpit of a Union Zeppelin looking down over Ponyvill. He was lost in his thoughts of disbelief. What have we become? Have those I’ve idolized and called brother only recently acquired this bloodlust? Or have they always been like this and I’ve only now noticed? It wasn’t just King Peryite. His thoughts turned to the Stallion he once called brother. The pony who he thought fought by his side with honor and courage and valor in Stalliongrad; wound up wearing the Tsar’s crown. Joseph had been with Trotsky since the first flames of the Marxist Revolution were being fanned into a furious fire; to the siege of the Palace of Kings and the overthrow of the Tsar. Yet when the smoke had cleared and Trotsky was chosen by Peryite to be a Marshal of the Global Union Joseph became Premier and killed his own ponies when he felt his power was threatened. I only found out about this a little less than a month ago when Markov informed me of what was happening in Stalliongrad.
“General Trotsky sir. The ship has arrived.” Trotsky only nodded in response. He made his way out of the Zeppelin. He went to the large gathering of ponies at the town square. He had arrived for the last portion of the Union national anthem. He questioned himself; what does that song mean? He had only been taught the basics of the Uralian language. After the song was over Trotsky turned to see a small yellow filly with a red mane and a pink bow staring at him. He looked down at her and gave her a gentle smile before walking away. I suppose I should get situated in the Mayor’s office he thought to himself.

Shining Armor awoke in the early hours of the morning. He figured he could sleep no later than nine o’clock due to the Union soldiers’ morning drill. He did what he figured would become his daily routine. He woke up, washed up, ate, and then would be called to talk with Reznov. As he had come to expect the two Union soldier escorts came to take him to Reznov. After a short walk the three reached Reznov’s office.
“Ah good. Shining Armor.”
“Good morning,” Shining Armor replied.
“I apologize for cutting our ‘chat’ short yesterday but I’m sure you understand that it’s unwise to upset a superior.”
“Indeed. I’ve told you once and I’ll say it again, I won’t betray my brothers.”
“We’ll see. Now what do you know about the Alliance’s plans?”
“I could have told you something about a month or so ago. Plans changed when we found out that my sister was still alive. I was flown off to Gryphonholm fast and didn’t get any updates.”
“What about in Gryphonholm?”
“I only received orders of some of the Alliance’s forward assault positions here. When we got there they were destroyed and my division got slaughtered.”
“Hmm. What about Alliance weaponry?”
“You’re barking up the wrong tree. I barely understand how this Magitech weaponry works. That’s Casimir’s department.”
“I see. Well this hasn’t borne fruit now, has it? I’ll find some use for you old sport. For now though this meeting’s over.” Shining Armor was once again escorted back to his room. The day passed rather fast and he found his way to sleep.

“Show NO mercy my comrades. No fear, and do not waver for soon Canterlot will be ours. This is the day we show the all of Equis that we are the true holders of destiny. Where the Changelings failed we shall succeed. On Celestia’s birthday one thousand V2 rockets shall turn Canterlot to rubble; do the same to their soldiers with you guns, with your knives, with your BARE HOOVES. Our land was forged to drive corruption from this world. We will destroy what these Alliance pigs cherish most, the shrine to their failed philosophy. To the palace my comrades; let nopony stop you. For the glory of the Global Union.”
“URA.” The Union soldiers cheered as they started a marching song.

(The army) Attero Dominatus
Canterlot is burning
Denique Interimo
The regime’s over.

(A Union soldier) We stand at Canterlot
With half a million equine.
We worship the tyrant not
We’ll own every land plane and clime.

Our armor is leading the way.
Reclaiming that which was stolen.
We fight to seize the day.
The wings of the eagle are broken.

Marshall Nikita’s orders:
(A Union soldier) We’ll avenge all the losses.
The city is ours to take.

(The Army) Attero Dominatus
Canterlot is burning
Denique Interimo
The regime’s over.

(As the Union troops sung and fought on the Palace was in their sights and the last city district)

(A Union soldier) The price of war must be paid.
We’ve crawled through snow, ash, and mud.
We fight for our kin and the land we made.
The price will be paid in blood.

He spoke from red square to Stalliongrad.
He showed our lands grew in corruption.
He showed us we’d been had.
Now the beak of the eagle is broken.

King Peryite’s orders:
(A union soldier) We’ll avenge all the losses.
Equestria’s ours to take.

(The Army) Attero Dominatus
Canterlot is burning
Denique Interimo
The regime’s over.

(At that point the Union artillery began firing on the palace from above and the Union had taken the front gate)



Attero Dominatus
Canterlot is burning
Denique Interimo
The regime’s over.

Attero Dominatus
Canterlot is burning
Denique Interimo
The regime’s over.

“Sir. We’ve been at this for the bulk of a day but we can’t hold out for much longer.”

“We can’t abandon Canterlot; that’s final.”
“Major Cornelius. The Union’s missiles tear into the Canterlot palace even as we speak. We can’t hold them off for much longer. The boys’ morale is low, our ammunition even more so.”
“What would you have us do?”
“Go to the Gryphon Kingdom. Tell the Reichstag that we’ve fallen.”
“You want us to run and cower?”
“I want you to live, DAMNIT.”
“Very well, Private hooves.”
“Y…yes Major Cornelius.”
“You’re coming with me.”
“A…are you sure sir?”
“Get your arse over here boy.”
The two of them gathered what supplies they could muster and headed to the docking bays. As they boarded a barge they were interrupted by Spike. “Wait. Hold on,” the baby dragon said short of breath. “Take me with you.”
“Grab on,” the private said hoisting the small dragon onto the barge. With that final passenger they took off. As they flew away they saw a Union soldier plant the flag of the twin dragons of the workers atop the palace. He cheered to the soldiers below. “ATTERO.”

“I…I told you that’s all I know. Please, you said if I told you what I knew you’d let me go.”
“Of course. Now since this is a Zeppelin and not a taxi this is where you get off.”
“B…but I can’t fly. I’m an earth pony!”
“Since when was that my problem? Bye now.”
“No, please, great Peryite NOOOO!”
“Don’t you think that was harsh Mr. Casimir sir?”
“Shh. Do you hear that?”
“What is it?”
“I’ve heard this before. Now I’m not positive but I think it’s the sound one hears when NOBODY GIVES A DAMN.”
“Sir this is just cruel. Why would you do this?”
“Believe me. If I left them alive they would have died slow and horrible not quick and painful, Mr. Hind.”
“Yes chief scientist Casimir.”
“I invited you with me because I felt you were a Light speed Gryphon.”
“Excuse me sir.”
“I feel you could have a place in Light speed research facility. Working by my side to enrich the lives of all.”
“T…truly sir!”
“I watched you at the Black Feather Forest base. You showed that your skills in the field of science are being wasted under the censor of the Gryphon Kingdom’s parliament. If you’re interested you can go with me to the Gryphon Kingdom’s branch of Light speed Research facility.”
“T…thank you sir but I’m curious as to what it is you research.”
“I can’t tell you…yet.”
“Very well sir but I must ask. What are we doing going out into Gryphonholm; especially the Union occupied part of Gryphonholm.”
“On paper we’re supplying weapons and lending support to the Alliance in Gryphonholm. Also we’re going to check up on Field Captain Shining Armor for Princess Twilight. Not on paper; we’re going to do some field tests for a new weapon. You and I are here to observe.”
“Sir, I hate to change subject like this but; it’s three in the morning. Can I get some sleep?”
“Get some sleep. You’ll need it.”
“Thank you Chief Scientist Casimir.”
“If we’re going to be working together then learn to call me Casimir.”
“Thank you Casimir.”

“General Nikita this is madness. Our forces were blunted after the invasion of Canterlot. We should have stayed back to help secure our weak grip on the capital. The Tsarists would have been at our mercy. But no; and now our backs are against the wall. If we continue fighting it is only a matter of time before we fall. If we run they will gun us down like rabbits fleeing from a forest fire.”
“I know. But I have an ace up my sleeve. A card I didn’t want to play to soon but we’re out of options.”
“What is it?”
“It is called Nova Prospect. I’ve been mastering and refining the nerve agent for the bulk of a year now and after the reports of my field worker General Reznov I believe I’ve made a batch more than worthy of use in war. Go into the prisons and fish out a POW. Use him as a little peace offering to get negotiations running smoothly. Let them know that if they don’t surrender we will arm our warheads with this nerve gas and send it into Cloudsdale.”
“B…but sir. If Cloudsdale is poisoned then Equestria’s weather system will be corrupted. It could cover the entire land in clouds of death. If it isn’t stopped then all of Equis will die!”
“All the more reason for them to comply with us then.”
“If they refuse then we gas them and destroy Cloudsdale.”
“Sir we NEED Cloudsdale. Everyone needs Cloudsdale. It’s what maintains weather stability.
“No longer. Prof. Nicola’s new weather control device will play the role nicely. Our only real use for Cloudsdale now is as an airbase and as a staging area for weather storms on the Equestrian Army. Enough; go do as I said.
“Y…yes sir.” The young Union Soldier grabbed the keys to the prison cells and headed down into the lower levels of the Union command post. As he reached the prison level the inmates yelled out to him. “You rat, Union filth, let us out of here.”
“Simmer down all. I need only one of you. One of you will gain your freedom but I’m not sure you want to be that pony.”
The Union guard surveyed the prisoners and picked the healthiest of them. “You there. Come on now.”
The Union trooper released the gate to the prison cell and led the Alliance prisoner out. He had him take the lead and held him at gunpoint. When they reached the surface the Allied prisoner had to shield his eyes from the light. “Stop,” the Union trooper, said halting the POW. He raised a white flag over his head.
“Sir, come take a look at this.”
“What is it?”
“A Union soldier waving a white flag. He brought a POW as a sort of peace offering.”
“Hmm. Let’s at least hear what he has to say.”
The Alliance trooper waved a white flag in response to accept the parley. He flew down on a barge and picked up the Union trooper. The three flew up to a small forward outpost satellite orbiting Cloudsdale. “Head into the building up ahead. Our Commander will be there shortly. I’m going to bring the soldier you brought to the barracks.”
The Union soldier went into the command complex and was escorted to a meting room. After waiting about three minutes the Equestrian commander entered the room and sat in the chair opposite the Union trooper. “Welcome general…” The Equestrian commander said waiting for the young soldier to fill in the blank.
“Corporal. Corporal Gradenko.”
“You have a rather low rank for one being sent to parley.”
“Comrade Nikita didn’t want to risk losing anypony of value. Besides I feel I have all I’ll need to succeed here.”
“Hmm. Well then what is the nature of your visit?”
“To request a surrender.”
“Very well; we will discus your surrender.”
“You mistake me commander. This is you surrendering to us.”
“I beg your pardon. Last I checked you were in a corner. What makes you think you can make us surrender.”
“You’re right commander. We are backed to a corner; and like a cornered animal we refuse to go down without a fight. Marshal Nikita has threatened to release a poison known as Nova Prospect. It is a very deadly nerve agent. I want you to see this. He reached in his pocket and brought out a small video set. These are the tests of Nova Prospect. I haven’t seen it myself but Nikita thought it might ‘convince’ you to agree to the terms of surrender.”
The Alliance commander brought out a video player and placed the tape in it. “Trial number thirteen; subject Nova Prospect. We shall administer nerve gas in three, two, one,” the recording said in Nikita’s voice. The two watched in disgust at the horrible effects of the gas as the dying victims screamed in agony as necrosis began to take effect.
“Now do you see why you must surrender? If you don’t use of this poison will be authorized. Its effects are bound to its range on NORMAL circumstances. But if Cloudsdale is poisoned then all of Equestria will suffer. The only ones who can call off this strike are the other Marshalls and King Peryite himself. It will be too late before the message could even be sent. I beg you. Please, for all our sakes surrender. Take one for Equestria and surrender Cloudsdale. I will assure your safety.”
“I suppose we really don’t have much a choice then.”
“Not one that will end well.”
“Very well. I’ll gather my troops.” With that the Equestrian commander left to evacuate his troops from Cloudsdale. After an hour and a half Cloudsdale was under Union occupation.

Shining Armor awoke to knocking on the door to his room. The two Union guards came into the room. “Come on now. This is your last chance.”
“Chance for what?”
“Chance to live. GET UP.” The two forced Shining to his hooves and hurried him out of the room.
“What is all this?” Shining Armor said somewhat irritated.
“Today is the execution day. This is your last chance to prove your use to us.”
“I haven’t been able to help in what you’ve asked of me so far. What if I can’t help you with this?”
“Believe me. Trust me. Just comply.”
“Y…you. What is it that you want of me.”
“Reznov will fill you in.”
The three entered Reznov’s office and were promptly greeted by the general. “Ah Shining Armor; welcome. Forgive the rude awakening but as I’m sure my guards briefed you; your life may very well depend on your compliance.”
“What would you have me do?”
“Some of the Equestrian POW’s have been cheering your name. Something about the ‘white mane massacre of Saddle Arabia.’ Apparently in the battle of Saddle Arabia you showed great courage and valor. Furiously rallied the Equestrian troops into battle. Critical blow after blow just bordering complete brutality.”
“I led the attack on the city; me and Heinrich. My division said they’d follow me to Tartarus and back.”
“Good. What we need you to do is convince the prisoners to side with the Global Union.”
“If they see that their hero is siding with us perhaps they will have a change of heart.”
“So you’re just going to trust them with freedom and weapons?”
“You underestimate how influential an idolized pony is.”
“And if I do this; what if they don’t follow me? I’ll die without my honor.”
“No of course not. Just do as we say and you will prove your loyalty to our cause. It matters not if your efforts bear fruit.”
“Very well.” Shining Armor said in a depressed tone.
“Excellent. Chin up now Captain. Think of all the lives you’ll save. You’re saving them.”
“I don’t believe that; and neither will they.”
“Hmm; and is it better to die in a fire?”
“I’m still considering that.”
“Well you don’t have long to think. Come, the executions start now.” Shining Armor followed the two escorts out to the main courtyard.

“Soldiers of the United Equestrian Alliance. I ask you; is death as an Alliance soldier any more honorable than life as a Union soldier? So many of you think so foul of us. We are here for your enrichment. The Ponies’ Army of the Eastern Gryphon Kingdom seeks only to help you.”
“Horseshit!” One of the POWs shouted. “You destroy all those who stand in your way. Slaughtering those who resist and making examples of those who you can, that is why we’ve survived this long.”
“Yet we make you an offer. Join or die. The choice is yours.”
“We’ll never aid you. We fight for freedom and peace. The truth will always be that you fired the first shots.”
“Hmm. Well it is clear to me that I can’t get through to you. If you won’t listen to me then perhaps the Captain here will succeed where I failed.”
The Union soldier left the stage and let Shining Armor speak. Many of the three hundred or so Equestrian soldiers stared at him in complete awe. To see such a brave stallion bend his knee to these Union soldiers was almost impossible to believe. They stared wide-eyed through the bars of the cages as he spoke. “My Brothers. You know me as a hero to our cause. You have fought through much horror for the Alliance. There is no honor in dying when faced with the possibility of life. Each of you has the right to defend your life and to preserve it regardless of the cost. The choice is yours. Die in a cage or live and…” Shining Armor stopped talking as he looked to one of the cages in front of him. He looked deep into the hard cold judging eyes of the young Gryphon. His claws were pressed up against the bars of the cage, all five of his talons grapping the outsides of the bars. Shining Armor continued to stare before regaining his senses. “I will repeat. The choice is yours. Just know that to be a turncoat makes you worse than scum!” The Union soldier’s eyes widened at this. “I donned this uniform because I wanted to be a harbinger of freedom. Should any of you say otherwise then it had best be a good reason else you never will earn the right to die a hero. I lived and served for the United Equestrian Alliance; today I will die and in death, inspire others to make greatness. Never submit, never falter, never bow to these usurps.”
The crowd cheered at Shining Armor. “Cap-tain, Cap-tain, Cap-tain.”
“Very well then. If this is what you want then you can burn with all these heathens,” the Union soldier said pistol-whipping Shining Armor on the head. He called over a soldier carrying a tank on his back. “This…is what our lab boys call a flamethrower. I’ll let you guess what it does. Better yet, I’ll use you to demonstrate what it does. Zapishite etot tsarskiy penu.”
The Union soldier readied the flamethrower by dispersing two gusts of fire into the air. He moved behind Shining Armor who closed his eyes waiting to die for what he believed in. He opened his eyes as he heard a high pitched whistle coming from above. Two bombs landed on two flak cannons, not exploding but crushing the antiaircraft defenses. More came, completely disabling any form of air defenses around the perimeter of the parliament building. Five more landed near but not on the prisoners in the cages and one landed near Shining Armor and the two Union soldiers. “T…they’re all duds,” The Union soldier stuttered.
A familiar voice laughed and mocked from above as the zeppelin that deployed the bombs drew near. “Those aren’t duds you poor unfortunate soul.” With that ominous statement the pods opened to reveal large metallic ponies. Their red eyes locked on the Union soldier as they exited their deployment pods. One raised its right hoof that opened up to reveal a series of Gatling guns. “FOR THE ALLIANCE,” the robot said in a raised mechanical voice. A hailstorm of bullets tore the soldier apart and then blew up the pack on the flamethrower soldier. The other pods opened around the courtyard and their occupants opened fire on the Union soldiers. The bullets of the Union rifles ricocheted off the metal of the robotic ponies and after five minutes of a very one sided battle the Robots stood over the hole ridden corpses with only scratches. The robot near Shining Armor turned to him and a familiar voice spoke. “I believe a thank you is in order; wouldn’t you say Captain.”
“C…Casimir. I…is that you.”
“No duh. When you royals need someone to come get your arse’s out of the pan and oil you come to me, remember.”
“What in Equestria are you doing here?”
“Saving your arse. Your little sis got worried and with good reason. Come on now Captain. Help my Motorized Equines break the boys out. This Airship has an armory filled with weapons.”
“Right,” Shining Armor said leaping to the cages below and opening them. Come on boys let’s get some payback.”
“HERO OF SADDLE ARABIA.” The POW’s cheered in response. Alarms sounded and the air was filled with the sound of motors and the smell of jet fuel.
“Hummingbirds!” an Equestrian soldier shouted.
A barge landed next to Shining Armor with two magical crystals. “Get on the barge Captain; and bring as many Unicorns as you can board.”
“Why Unicorns?”
“We have no antiaircraft weaponry deployed. If we can get enough magic users close to those things then their combined magic should be enough to ground it. We need to act fast. Those things will gun our boys down till they’re all pushing up daisies.”
Shining Armor quickly rounded up a small squad of unicorns and took flight. He maneuvered the barge trying to avoid the incoming fire from the Hummingbird. They had gained its full attention as it ruthlessly pursued them in the sky. It was far more agile and heavily armed. Still the barge held up to its attacks and when it drew near the squad and Shining Armor grabbed it with magic and threw it to the ground. The soldiers below cheered. Union soldier reinforcements came but Casimir’s zeppelin bombarded and mangled them to bits. By now many of the Equestrian soldiers were armed and were invading the parliament building. Barges surrounded the facility like a school of sharks; ramming into the windows breaking them where their occupants used the empty sills to lay siege to the complex. Shining Armor piloted the barge up to Casimir’s zeppelin and dropped the unicorns off. “You boys have earned a rest. You stay. I’m going to find the general.”
Shining Armor flew the barge back around to the complex to the room nearest the mayor’s office. He ran through the hall gunning down any Union troops in his way. As he drew near he found the massacred bodies of Union troops. The path of death led to the mayor’s office where he could hear gunfire. Shining Armor kicked open the doors in time to see his friend Viktor shoot a guard in the head. Viktor then approached General Reznov who cowered in the corner. He loaded the pistol and pointed it to his head. “Viktor! It’s over,” Shining Armor said.
“NO. IT IS NOT OVER until HE lies dead,” Viktor retorted in an angry tone.
“I know what he did to you; and it was horrible. But he’s no use to us dead. He can prove useful to us.”
“He can die for us.” Viktor said putting the gun inches from Reznov’s head.
“CORPORAL SHEPARD. Think about what I told you earlier. Don’t let your hate consume you. His Intel might save our boys. But if you kill him know that when this war is over some of those families widowed might have had sons or husbands or fathers return had you let him live.”
“They would never give this kind of mercy to us unless we had something they KNEW was useful.”
“WE ARE NOT THEM!!! We are not them.”
Reznov looked to Shining Armor. He quickly spun the pistol to its butt and with all his strength pistol whipped Reznov on the head. “YOU DESERVE TEN TIMES WHAT YOU GOT. But a hero vouches for you. So you live. You’re going to hell and there is a LOOOONG painful eternity waiting for you. He took the necklace off of Reznov. I think I’ve earned these back. Let’s get this scum on chains.” Shining Armor and Viktor escorted Reznov to Casimir’s airship. The Union soldiers had surrendered and Gryphonholm was once again under Alliance control.

“Captain, take the airship and head over to Gryphonstone,” Casimir said to Shining Armor. “The Reichstag will be glad to hear of our success. I’m going to stay here, however, and delve into the Union’s weaponry. They’re primitive, but oh so creative.”
“We’re in your debt, Casimir.”
“I don’t much care for debts, since … never mind. Anyhow, your sis will want to know you’re safe. She should be at the Parliament building by now.”
“Thank you again. Come, Viktor, let us go.” The two boarded Casimir’s vessel and headed off to Gryphonstone.

“Mr. Hind,” said Casimir.
“Yes, sir?”
“Look around the building and see what you can find me in the way of weapons. Blueprints, mostly, but if you can find a product or two I’d be happy to see them.”
“Yes, sir.” With that Hind left to gather what he could find.
Casimir twiddled his hooves for fifteen minutes, waiting for Hind to return. The young gryphon scientist entered the Mayor’s office and presented Casimir what he had found. Casimir looked over the haul with obvious disappointment. He sighed, “Hind, look at this. What is this?”
“It’s a rifle, sir.”
“Exactly. Now let’s see what happens when we pull the trigger.” Casimir fired the rifle and a bullet ricocheted around the room. The young gryphon ducked and covered at the bullet’s unpredictability. Casimir grabbed the bullet with his magic, stopping it in mid flight. He grabbed a small Magitech pistol and fired it at the wall. The burst ripped straight through, leaving a hole to the outside.
“We have weapons far more advanced, far more reliable, and all in all just better than theirs. Come now Hind, isn’t there anything you could find that was even the slightest bit interesting,” Casimir said, shuffling through the diagrams. “I mean I know they probably got rid of anything of immense value when we began the invasion, but …” Casimir’s eyes focused on a chemical composition blueprint. “Hind, what is this?”
“I believe it was called Nova Prospect, sir. It was some form of nerve agent. I have no files on how effective it was, however.”
“Hmm,” Casimir said, twiddling a small ballpoint pen. “Do we by chance have any subjects?”
“Excuse me, sir?”
“POW’s boy. Do we have any POW’s?”
“Sir, that’s rather wrong, don’t you think?”
“I suppose it wouldn’t matter. Most of the Union soldiers are immune to nerve toxin. But while we’re on that note, do you know if there are any that aren’t?”
“Some are in the infirmary, others are scattered amongst the POW’s.”
“Excellent. Let’s go sort out the fish.” With that, Casimir and Hind left for the courtyard, to tend to the POW’s.
“Attention all. You will be given an inspection. Move to where you are directed.” Casimir separated the POW’s into different groups based on age, health, and rank. Actually his true intention was to ‘pluck’ all the soldiers not immune to the poison from the others. “Good.” Casimir motioned to a few nearby Equestrian officers. “Officers will follow the major here to find use out of you and get you better accommodated here. Soldiers will be sent to POW camps. CAUSE NO TROUBLE.” He then moved to those who had not received the blessing of Peryite. “You all are coming with me.”
“W…(cough) where are we going?” one of the Union troopers asked.
“You’re going to help me with a ‘special’ project. But first, you all look filthy. What would you say to a… SHOWER?”
“A shower?” The Union soldier repeated. “I suppose. I didn’t know there were any left intact.”
“Well it’s sort of a makeshift shower but it’ll serve its purpose. Come now, follow Mr. Hind and me.”
The Union troops followed Casimir and Hind into the complex and down several floors. They reached a dimly lit room with a cart of several dead plants on shelves. A small sign read ‘hydroponic garden’. There were several other large chambers with several faucets attached to the ceiling. The echoing of water droplets could be heard from a drainage pipe. “Head into the chambers and we’ll begin.” The Union soldiers did as they were told, with skepticism. The room reeked with madness and fear; they all had an ominous feel. One of the Union soldiers looked down at the floor. There were desiccated leaves at his hooves. His attention turned to the dead plants on the cart. He was no botanist but he worked on a farm before his service as a soldier. He knew that only pesticide could harm a plant like that. His eyes widened as the realization of his situation came to life.
“RUN! Comrades RUN!!!”
As he uttered his cries the doors shut and almost as quickly as they did the faucets released the Nova Prospect nerve gas. The soldiers began to cough and gasp as they struggled for air. After a minute of endless wheezing they began to collapse and die. Those that survived began to enter the terminal stages of necrosis. Their manes began to fall apart exposing horrifically infected skin blackened and in a state of decay. They began to vomit and cough up blood as the agony in their lungs and heads tore away at their sanity. Those who had survived this long had collapsed and were crawling on the floor pushing aside their fallen comrades. Casimir watched as a Union soldier made his way atop the bodies of the fallen to the side of the reinforced glass and pound on it trying to break out. The young stallion’s eyes began to bleed as he collapsed and rested his head in vomit. With that the last of the POW’s were dead. “Effective,” Casimir said indifferently.
“Oh dear sweet Celestia… ugh…I’m gonna…” Hind began to throw up at the sight of the atrocity.
“Oh come now Mr. Hind. Grow a stomach.”
“S…sir. T…this is… this is a war crime.”
“Indeed. Now I trust you’ll keep quiet about this. Before you answer that I want you to know I would hate to kill such a fine mind as yours, Hind.”
Casimir walked over to the Gryphon and looked him deep in the eyes. “I…I won’t sir. I promise.”
Casimir continued to stare him down before replying. “Good. Now grab a hazard suit. We’re going to dispose of these bodies in the furnace.”
“Y…yes sir.”
“Mr. Hind.”
“Yes sir.”
“Welcome to Lightspeed Research. Also, call me Casimir.”
“T...I…thank you sir.”
“You will of course be working as a rather low level scientist in a low security clearance. Please understand I think and have high expectations of you, Hind. But due to security protocol I’m suppose to start you off with reasonable restrictions in your knowledge of Lightspeed Research. I can assume that you already know that what we do is rather ‘illegal’ but know it’s for the good of all. Still I shan't play favorites with my staff. Call me Peryite if you want but you are all equal in my eyes.”
“I just might. I question how much ‘Green’ you have in you sir,” Hind said with a slight chuckle.
“Mr. Hind, I think we’re going to get along just fine.”

Shining Armor gazed down at the city of Gryphonstone. He was relieved to see the Reichstag standing proud. Things had been going south for him up until recently and he had grown an understandable pessimism. “We’ve arrived, Shining Armor,” Viktor said.
“Indeed Viktor. I mean no offense by this but now that Gryphonholm is safe do you have thoughts of retiring? I mean, you’ve been through so much. I doubt most would want to continue soldiering after all this.”
Viktor chuckled at this. “Would you quit sir? Would you stop until a Union soldier cuts you down or the UGER is extinguished?”
“I suppose I wouldn’t.”
“Then you have your answer. Still though, I think I’ll stay and rebuild and defend Gryphonholm.”
“You’ve earned some rest, you know.”
“Rest is for the civilians we fight for.”
“We’re flesh and all it is heir to. Don’t forget to take care of yourself. Come now Viktor. I feel your actions and valor should be addressed. I owe quite a bit to you.”
“You’re too kind Captain.”
The Zeppelin docked atop the Reichstag and two Gryphon guards arrived to escort Shining Armor and Viktor to the king’s council chamber. When they reached the chambers Twilight and friends were waiting for them. The lavender mare quickly rose to her hooves and rushed to her brother. “Twily. We really need to stop meeting like this. I don’t think most families reunite after saving a city every other week.”
“I don’t think we can call ourselves ordinary ponies.”
“I suppose not.”
“Ahem. I don’t mean to interrupt this reunion but need I remind the both of you that we’re in this meeting for a reason. It’s good to see you’re alive and well, Herr Armour.”
“Oh. Of course Highness,” Twilight said bowing in apology to the large Gryphon in gilded armor.
“No need for such gestures, princess. Your service to us is more than thanks enough. While we’re on that, Prince Armour, does your presence here mean that Gryphonholm is safe?”
“Safe is stretching it. The town is in desperate need of repair.”
“I see. We will send soldiers and carpenters there at once. I also feel I should ask who this young soldier is?”
“His name is Viktor Shepard. He gave me aid when I was alone in Gryphonholm. I dare say I owe my life to him.”
“Your words are kind, Shining Armor, but I digress; we would all be dead if not for that stuffed shirt Casimir,” Viktor replied.
“That is true but you belittle your actions Viktor.”
“Casimir did as I asked of him then. Good, I need to thank him for that,” Twilight said.
“I guess I owe that little runt some gratitude when this is all over,” Shining Armor added.
“Regardless. Thank you for your help. Perhaps one day we will be able to repay your kindness,” the Gryphon King said.
As if on cue two Equestrian soldiers ran into the room. “H…Highness.” The Alliance soldier huffed.
“Calm down now. What is all this about?” Shining Armor said.
“Sir. The officer then turned to Twilight. You’re all here, good. Sir I bear dreadful news. Canterlot has fallen.”
“WHAT!!!” All else in the room wailed.
“The Union flag flies over our capital. Ponyvill and Cloudsdale have joined it as well.”
“How did this happen?” Twilight asked with a sickening feel growing in her stomach.
“I don’t know. I watched the M-TECH barrier fall before my very eyes.”
“Major Cornelius sir. I parked the barge as you asked.”
“Thank you private hooves.”
Twilight turned her attention to the baby dragon on the young private’s back. “Spike.”
Spike turned to his loving caretaker. “Twilight,” Spike shouted rushing to her embrace. “Twilight, it was awful. The whole city was on fire. S…so many dead.”
“It’s ok,” Twilight repeated several times cradling the baby dragon.
“We’re going to retake the city,” the Gryphon King said. You helped secure our nation’ now we will help you secure yours. The time has come to put an end to Peryite’s ambitious plans once and for all.”
“Thank you highness.” Shining Armor replied.
“We begin at tomorrow’s first light. Until then ready yourselves. Then Union will fight tooth and nail to keep its hold on Canterlot.” With that Twilight and friends retired to the Reichstag’s guest rooms.