//------------------------------// // Chapter 1 // Story: Sweetie Belle Drops // by Autum Breeze //------------------------------// Sweetie Belle Drops Chapter 1 ___________________________________________________________ “That was an amazing wedding,” Lyra said as she and her Earth Pony companion waved goodbye to Cranky and Matilda as their carriage took them off on their honeymoon. “Yeah,” Bon Bon smiled, glancing at her marefriend, before looking at the bouquet on her back. She’d caught it when Matilda had thrown it into the crowd. And I’d love if we could have ours someday. While she didn’t like how their relationship might now be a bit strained by Lyra knowing about her past as an Agent, and no doubt would be asking a constant stream of questions about it, she felt a bit better, knowing she wouldn’t have to hide anything anymore. She would tell Lyra anything she could, as long as she was allowed to. Still, the fact that the Bug Bear had found its way to Ponyville did put her on edge. She’d never have expected it to find her, though she was more than thankful that Princess Twilight and the other Element Bearers were able to defeat it. She only hoped it wouldn’t get out of wherever it was put this time. She noticed Princess Celestia and Princess Luna heading towards their personal chariots not too far off. “I’ll be right back, Lyra,” she said, passing her the bouquet. “I need to ask somepony about something.” “Sure,” Lyra took the bouquet, before her eyes widened. “Wait. You caught this?” Bon Bon didn’t wait to answer, sprinting across the path towards the princesses, calling, “Princess Celestia!” Both stopped, turning to look at her, Luna with confusion, Celestia with an almost missable dawning in her eyes. “May I help you... Bon Bon, wasn't it?” Celestia asked, clearly almost having slipped from the surprise and trying to fain unfamiliarity, Luna glancing at her oddly. Bon Bon stopped, looking around, bowing. “Is there somewhere we could talk in private, princess? It’s regarding... what happened today with Princess Twilight?” Celestia gave a firm nod, her expression the tiniest bit sour. “Luna, please wait in the carriage. I must speak with Miss Bon Bon.” Luna still looked confused, but nodded and headed into the carriage. Once she was out of earshot, Celestia cast a silencing charm around them, ensuring none would hear their conversation, before she looked to Bon Bon. “What is it... Agent Sweetie Drops?” Bon Bon gulped, glancing around again. “Princess, the Bug Bear being here has kinda put me on edge. Is there anything else about the Agency that I should be worried about coming to light, even if nopony knows we were connected to the Bug Bear?” A flicker entered Celestia’s eyes, so fast, Bon Bon could’ve mistaken it as a glint from the sun... if she didn’t know her former employer better. The only ones who would know the princess better than her were Luna, Cadance and Twilight and even the latter of those through didn't know that much. Celestia closed her eyes. “No, Bon Bon. There is nothing.” “Please, princess?” Bon Bon begged, looking up at her pleadingly. “If there’s anything I should know about, please tell me. I don’t want it coming back without my knowing and making things worse. My cover could get blown further!” That seemed to strike a chord, causing the white Alicorn to frown. “Further? What do you mean “further”? Are you saying somepony knows of your true identity? You have been compromised?” Bon Bon winced. Oh, that hadn’t gone well. Damn it! She was so antsy from the Bug Bear’s return she had revealed something she really should’ve kept quiet. Taking a deep breath before letting it out, she hung her head. “Lyra... found out... when the Bug Bear came.” Well, she didn’t have to say she’d blurted it out to Lyra, did she? Come to think of it, why had she blurted that all out at once? She could’ve worked around it, giving Lyra a better reason for her needing to be absent for a while... No. No, she didn’t want to lie to Lyra like that. Lyra had told her about her weird fascination with those heu-man things, something she’d hidden since foalhood, so keeping secrets from her wouldn’t have been right. Celestia gave Bon Bon a firm look of disappointment. “Can you assure me she will not speak of this to anypony aside from yourself?” Bon Bon looked up in surprise at that. “Um... well, Lyra does know the importance of keeping secrets...” “It was your marefriend?” Celestia then nodded. “Then I will permit this. Now, what I tell you will no doubt cause you concern, Bon Bon. However, if you truly wish to know if anything from your days as an agent for safety reason, I suppose I have no right in withholding this from you. Do you remember your clone?” Bon Bon blinked, before nodding slowly. A year before the Agency had shuttered due to the Bug Bear’s escape, she’d been one of several Agents put on the cloning program. The plan was to take the best Agents and create clones of them, both to combined skills from different ponies, while at the same time creating a back-up plan, should an Agent fall in the field. She’d even seen her clone once or twice during its growth. She’d found it odd that it was a unicorn, but had chalked that up to mutations that had been seen in others. She had always assumed it had died when the Bug Bear escaped and had attacked Headquarters, so she’d never thought about it once she went undercover as Bon Bon. But, why would the princess ask her about something that died a long time ago...? Wait, she wouldn’t have asked unless... “Your daughter is still alive, Bon Bon.” Bon Bon froze in place for several reasons, one Celestia had just confirmed her clone hadn’t perished as she’d assumed and two, she’d called it her daughter. She’d never thought of it, well her, like that before. She’d always just seen the clone as her replacement. Now, though, thinking it over... her daughter? She shook her head. “What happened to her?” Celestia closed her eyes. “When the Agency was shuttered, you were informed that all evidence of its existence was destroyed. The clones that survived were not. I had them fostered out to good homes, families that would look after them and keep them safe.” Bon Bon gulped. “And... mine?” Celestia closed her eyes. “She was at the wedding today. If fact, you likely see her every day.” Bon Bon felt her body shaking. “Who is she?” “She was placed with two loving ponies whom already had a daughter, one who grew up to become the Bearer of the Element of Generosity.” Bon Bon’s eyes widened. “No...” she whispered, her lips quivering. “You... you don’t mean...?” Celestia nodded. “It is a bit ironic, that she ended up with the first half of your true name. Sweetie Belle.”