//------------------------------// // A new day by Knight of Lycaeus // Story: Dark Paradise 2: The Twiluna prompt tag collab // by Majora //------------------------------// Twilight opened her eyes only to shut them just as quickly. What little she did see was dim yet it seems even the dim light had upset her eyes. Slowly she tried to open them again letting them better adjust to the faint amount of sunlight filtering into the room. The room's thick deep blue curtains dimmed most of the light of the early sun, but not all of it. Around her she could see a bedroom in dark tones although none of them looked familiar in the dim morning light. This was likely not her room. It was then that she noticed the warmth next to her. Okay, now she was completely sure this was definitely not her room. She turned to see dark blue fur and smiled fondly recalling last night. Last night had been great, a nice and relaxing evening with Luna with no interruptions by Guards, courtiers, or the press. Part of that was likely Celestia running interference and drawing attention elsewhere. For Luna and Twilight it was a relief, last night had been the first night that she had been able to spend alone with Luna in a while as their duties kept them busy and often led them to distant locales for varying reasons. Relishing in the peace and quiet of the early morning she decided on a course of action. Rather than rousing Luna to face the new day, she opted instead to close her eyes and snuggle closer to the Lunar Princess. The day could wait a little longer.