Doctor Whooves: The Changeling Invasion

by Draconaquest

Nightmares and Dreamscapes

Whilst Twilight was getting her shower, the Doctor and Sunset talked about their nightmares. "A mysterious item, pentagrams, Tartarus, prophecies, all we're missing is a few crop circles." The Doctor joked. "But, I heard two prophecies, you only heard one."

"That's right." Sunset agreed. "The universe is cracked, the Pandorica will open, silence will fall."

"I heard the same one, but, I also heard another." the Doctor said, "He will knock four times. That prophecy is the one about my death, I know that much, but, I am not sure about the other one."

"So, let's do what you do best." Sunset said.

"What would that be?" The Doctor asked.

"Figuring things out." Sunset explained.

"Alright then!" The Doctor shouted, jumping up, and waltzing into the living room, and plopping down onto the couch, Sunset next to him. "Let's star with the first verse, 'the universe is cracked.' I can only guess that that's referring to a possible crack in time and space. I've heard about them, but, never seen them.

"Verse two, 'the Pandorica will open.' Now, that doesn't make any sense. The Pandorica is just a fairy tale, said to contain the worst being in all the cosmos."

"Who was that?" Sunset asked.

"I don't know." The Doctor said, "One of the Pantheon of Discord-"

"Discord?" Sunset asked, immediately recognizing the name.

"Long story, I'll tell you some other day." The Doctor explained, "But, the final line, 'silence will fall,' is possibly the most difficult to decipher."

"Why?" Sunset asked.

"Silence could mean anything." the Doctor explained, "It could mean the silence of the universe, most probably meaning it's destruction, or, it could even be the silence of one particular person. The question is: Who?"

"I guess we'll find out in time." Sunset said.

"Probably." the Doctor agreed, "Still though, all three of us have a nightmare, on the same night, and, you and me having the same prophecy spoken in our dreams, it's almost impossible."

"Not impossible, just a bit unlikely." Sunset said, smirking.

The Doctor smiled, as he had used that line before, "But, what was Twilight's dream? We'll have to ask her. She was more shaken up than either of us, meaning it could of been more terrifying. It could've been a connected dream, or a brand new dream altogether."

"Well, it looks like we're about to find out." Sunset said, as Twilight walked into the room.

"What are you two talking about?" Twilight asked, now seeming cheerful, as if the previous hour hadn't happened at all.

"Twilight," the Doctor began, "do you remember anything about your dream? Anything at all?"

"No." Twilight said, sitting down own the couch. "I don't remember a thing. Well, I remember that it was really dark, and, I was having a conversation with someone, but, that's where it ended. I don't remember why I was so scared.

"Hm...I wonder..." the Doctor said.

"Wonder what?" Sunset asked.

"I wonder if these dreams are more than just normal dreams," the Doctor explained, "They could be prophetic dreams."

"Prophetic dreams?" Twilight asked.

"They're dreams that predict the future." Sunset explained.

"How did you know that?" the Doctor asked.

"Princess Celestia sometimes has them." Sunset explained.

"Oh. Too bad..."

"What?" Sunset asked.

"It's just," the Doctor said, "I was really looking forward to explaining what prophetic dreams were. Although, there is a bit more to it than that."

"Then, it gives who room to explain." Sunset said, smiling.

The Doctor smiled. "No one has ever proven prophetic dreams actually happen. Granted, there's been displays throughout history of prophetic dreams, such as in the Christian bible. Prophets would have dreams about things happening. Christians believed that God would talk to them in their dreams, and give them messages to the people. Hence the term, prophetic dream."

"But, prophetic dreams don't necessarily have to major, like what some people believe." Sunset said, wagging a finger.

"Very true." The Doctor said. "Have any of you ever had a dream, and then, something happens in the waking world, and you swore it's happened before, but it hasn't. However, you experienced the same event in a dream. Thus, you experience Déjà vu. Reason being: While in a dream, a small psychic field grows in your brain, allowing you see into the future. It doesn't happen all the time, but, it has happened.

"Granted, this can lead to some problems. Some people get cocky with this ability, and begin to believe that everything that happens in dreams also happens in reality, causing their brains to be scrambled. They then have hallucinations in their dreams, and believe them to be reality. It can cause severe brain damage. Split-personalities, social disorders, you name it."

"So, what is it in our case?" Twilight asked.

"It could be anything." The Doctor said. "It depends on what the future holds."