Friendzone ain't magic

by Marshall_Evergreen

The survival guide

It's a lovely autumn evening (fall, for all my 'murican homies). The sunset over the horizon is simply stunning, as its reflected light pools out and radiates across the sea. Feeling lucky to be alive, I sit at my typewriter and begin working my magic. Just as I'm about to press the first button, Spike barges in, looking rather frazzled.

"What the hay Marshall!" He roars indignantly, "You wrote a prequel?!"

Smiling, coolly I reply, "I thought it'd be fun." As if that was all that needed to be said.

Spike wasn't having any of it. "Fun? Wasn't the first story good enough for you? Haven't you torn up my character enough? How miserable do I have to be before you're happy!?"

"Hey," I begin, noticing his contradiction, "I hooked you up with AJ."


"Besides," I continue, "it isn't that bad. Just a bit of humor and quirk. No harm done boyo."

Spike had turned his glaring eyes from me and directed them to focus on the sunset outside. I noticed beyond the anger and frustration, a hint of fear. Then I noticed the other signs. He was sweating and nervously pulling at his hands, trying to get something out of his mind.

"Spike. What's bothering you?"

"What, me? Nothing!" Spike said defiantly.

"I just wrote a flippin' paragaph on how nervous you are, so what's wrong!"

"Well..." Spike begins in uncertainty, "prequels are known for stinking with a bad reputation. I'm just worried that it might ruin this story."

Then his pupils shrank and his knees buckled in an expression that could only be read as horror.

"Sweet mother of Celestia, you didn't include Jar Jar Binks did you? DID YOU!"

"Only Discord, my friend."

"That really doesn't make it any better..."

Well ladies and gentlemen, in case you haven't sussed it out already, there is prequel to this story! Though I recommend you read this story first, I hope you enjoy it all the same. Thus, may I present to you, the second story in the holy galactic library of Marshall_Evergreen.

Friendzoned: A declassified survival guide

Enjoy! :pinkiesmile:

Marshall out.