I Prefer the Term Freedom Fighter

by One of the Crowd

For the right price

Chapter 4: For the right price

***Back with Sombra***

"Sir, I believe you should know that there are duplicates of us." Isaac said while walking toward Sombra, "The other me stole my elemental gauntlet as well so we've got a big problem" The king of darkness stopped and looked at Isaac with a calm expression before speaking,

"Do you know where they came from?"

"No, but they are helping the ponies so that mean we have to deal with them!"

"Or we can make them work for us"

"Sombra there was one of me and one of Luca, It's reasonable to assume there is also one of you and Silver"

"We will have to deal with that then, wont we."

The two continued down the street without saying a word as they both knew that if some version of them were helping the ponies problems would certainly arise. Of course Neither of them knew anything about the other set of them but based on Isaac coming back without one of his swords and missing a gauntlet meant that they were cunning and tactful.

***Back at the Castle***

"I don't want to set the woooorrrrllllllddddd on fire, I just want to start a flame-"

"Do you have to sing?" Luca asked before Isaac threw another fireball at one of the shadow ponies charging at them.

"Hey, I've been waiting my entire life to sing that in this context!" Isaac said before tossing another fireball into a cart filled with hay causing the shadows nearby to shrink away from it giving the guard time to rush in a stab them. When Isaac had put on the Gauntlets earlier he just did it for a laugh when he accidentally shot a fireball out of it causing one of the market stalls to catch fire with the owner yelling "MY CABBAGES"

The shadows stopped pouring in for a few moments which gave everyone a moment to recuperate and decide on what to do to ward of the next wave that would inevitably come. Taking a few steps toward the pink alicorn he and Luca returned with Isaac grinned as he began formulating how he would negotiate this contract when he was picked up by a magenta aura.

"Hello Isaac" Twilight said walking up to the human who was suspended in the air before flipping him upside down to speak to him face to face, "How did you get out exactly?"

"Human ingenuity my dear purple pony, now GET ME DOWN" Isaac yelled which got the attention of everyone within earshot including Luca who was already getting ready to beat twilight to near death. Isaac however immediately fell when another magical aura enveloped his body which caused Twilight to look around for who was interfering when her eyes fell upon Cadence.

"Cadence, don't you realize this is Isaac?"

"Not the Isaac you believe him to be."

"There's only one Isaac princess."

"Not anymore, Not Isaac meet Twilight" Cadence said gesturing the to toward each other.

"I am Isaac, just not that evil fuck you know." Isaac said before extending a hand toward Twilight, "Nice to remeet you Twilight." Twilight glared at the hand before carefully putting her hoof in it,


"I'm assuming that asshole did that to you." Isaac said as he pointed at the two nubs where Twilight's wings used to be.

"Yes, you did"

"Not me the other me"

"I don't see much of a difference from where I'm standing"

"I swear you are much more of a bitch than my twilight"


"A bitch, now before this escalates I'm going to talk to Cadence" Twilight tried to continue the argument but Isaac didn't rightly care to speak to this twilight since she still believes that he was a monster. With everything concluded everyone that had been looking at the scene proceeded to pretend that they didn't see anything while they whistled nonchalantly.

"So princess, As you have seen by now me and Luca are quite capable of dealing with you problems, and just so you know we accept payment in bits, gems, and magical artifacts"

"YOU"RE ASKING FOR MONEY NOW" Cadence yelled right in his face.

"No, just when we establish a contract and we complete it" Isaac said completely calm about the situation. This was the typical reaction to Isaac's contracts since most of the time he offers his groups services during dangerous situations like this one.

"You're not going to help us unless we PAY you?"

"No, we will help you until you send us back home anyway"

"Okay, okay, how much do you want" Cadance asked defeated

"Since I have a certain expertise in dealing with this thing that no one else has... 10,000 bits"

"THAT IS OUTRAGE... Wait, only 10,000?"

"Yeah, that thing would kind of cut business if free so you're getting a huge discount" Isaac said before walking back toward Luca who was having a heated argument with Twilight, "If you do hire us though I should tell you, you were wrong about our friend in that prison as well so don't freak out when they show up.