The Genesis of Equestria

by ghost child

Book 1: LIFE


The First Two
1It began with a union between two beings. Our Creators. ²The first three things to ever exist were HE who would create the sky and the Earth, SHE who would fill the earth with life, and the love that was shared between them. ³These two beings had no form nor did they have names. They simply existed and they existed for each other. ⁴For a time, love was all that was needed but only for a time. For you see, reader, even immortals grow weary of everlasting tedium. That is to say, SHE grew weary.
              ⁵As SHE stared out into the chaos that was the world SHE found that SHE could not stand the emptiness of it all. ⁶There was nothing to behold, and there was no Earth to walk upon. There was no life to experience. ⁷There was only the chaos in which our creators lived. ⁸SHE longed for something to exemplify HER existence. ⁹So SHE went to HER partner and said. “My love, you know that I have always lived for you but I must confess that I am no longer happy with what we have. ¹⁰I find myself pained by the hollowness of our existence. And I do not know how much longer I may continue to live this way.”
¹¹HE was greatly troubled by HER words. And so HE said, ¹²“I have never known you to be dismayed; this is new to me. Please tell me what brought this upon you.”
¹³“I want to believe that we have a reason to exist.” SHE replied, “That there is more than just this empty void.”  
¹⁴And so HE said, “My love, I cannot stand to see you unhappy. I know what I can do for you. ¹⁵I will fill the void with light that you may bask in its beauty.” ¹⁶And so HE set to work at filling the void with bright celestial bodies. ¹⁷By the billions HE created them and they shine in the night sky to this very day.
¹⁸When HE was finished HE said, “This is what I do for my one true love. ¹⁹Let these stars testify our existence and the love that we share.”
²⁰SHE was awestruck by what HER partner had done. ²¹“Truly, you are the love of my life.” SHE said. And SHE was happy once more.
The First World
 2 As beautiful as they were it was not long before the stars were no longer enough. They shone brightly and yet they were lifeless. So SHE said to HER partner, ²“My love I am still unhappy. These stars are beautiful but what life do they bare? ³The void still feels empty to me.”
⁴Again HE was troubled by HER words and thought about what HE should do. Finally, an idea came to HIM. ⁵“I will create a place for you.” HE said, “A place that you may, rule over, care for and call your own.”
⁶When SHE heard this SHE was very happy and said, “I cannot wait to see what you create!” ⁷So HE went off and began creating a place for HER. One can only imagine how long it took to form this place. ⁸HE had the love of HIS partner at the forefront of HIS mind every second HE designed it and HIS love was reflected in every detail of this marvelous creation. ⁹HE wanted the beauty and majesty of HIS one true love to be reflected in this place and so it was. ¹⁰HE pulled one of the stars close to provide light and heat for the plants HE created. HE called this star ‘Sun.’ ¹¹The firmament that HE placed over this world was clear so that it did not obscure the view of the other stars above. ¹²No words could ever do justice to describe the world that HE created. The care HE put in was evident in every corner.
¹³When SHE saw what HER partner had done SHE praised HIM several times over. ¹⁴“Let the stars know that HE is the love of my life,” SHE declared, “and HE always will be.”  ¹⁵So SHE went out to enjoy this new world. SHE tended to its plants and tended to the weather. ¹⁶SHE found great joy in caring for the world and taking in all that it had to offer. ¹⁷But over time SHE grew weary of the silence that permeated all throughout the world. ¹⁸There was not a sound to fill the air, nor was there a living soul and again SHE felt empty inside. ¹⁹SHE looked down onto the world and thought about the life that could fill it.
²⁰Then SHE went to HER partner and said, “My love, the world you have created is wonderful in many aspects but the silence is hard on me. ²¹There is not a living soul to share this wonder with. ²²If it pleases you I would like to create other creatures to live in this world that you have created.”
²³But HE did not like what SHE was suggesting. “Why must we create other beings?” HE said, “We’ve only ever needed each other.”
²⁴And then SHE said, “I know that but I also know that it is not right for such a lovely world to remain so empty. ²⁵You created it. Would you not want others to enjoy it?
²⁶“The only one I am concerned about is you. However if it will make you happy then you will have no complaints from me.”
²⁷“Oh thank you!” SHE said, “Thank you for letting me do this!” ²⁸And so SHE left to fill the world with life.
 ²⁹When SHE was gone HE said to HIMself, “I do not want inferior beings getting in the way of what we have. ³⁰I will allow HER to do this but only so that SHE can see the trouble that such things may bring.”
The Creatures of the First World
 3SHE was excited to fill the world with other living creatures. ²HER creations were beyond description as SHE let HER imagination soar to new heights. ³SHE created creatures by the thousands and named each one. ⁴They were all extravagant in their design; much more than any creature seen today. ⁵Each creature was unique in its own right and all were granted with magical ability. ⁶Indeed SHE was very proud of HERself and rightfully so. ⁷SHE watched as they explored and grew. SHE tended to the needs of HER creations and they were grateful to HER.
⁸Among them was a creature SHE named ‘Centaur.’ ⁹The Centaur was great in size (greater than any creature seen since) and possessed four massive horns on his head, two on each side. ¹⁰His coat was white and his skin was a golden yellow. ¹¹He was widely reputed for his magical ability which surpassed many in his world. ¹²Now The Centaur was said to be the wisest of all of the creatures. ¹³He saw the position of power and authority that SHE had over the world and he wanted it for himself. ¹⁴The Centaur said to himself, “I want to possess the authority that SHE possesses but even I cannot defeat HER on my own. ¹⁵I shall raise an army and turn every individual in the world against HER.
¹⁶Now The Centaur, was cunning. He went before his fellow creations and said. ¹⁷“Creatures of the world hear what I say. I have a question for you all. ¹⁸I ask you, are we treated fairly by SHE who gave us life?”
¹⁹And to this the creatures responded, “Indeed SHE is fair to us for in HER eyes we are equal.”
²⁰ “Yes, in HER eyes but I ask you this, are you all truly equal? ²¹Look, some of you are big and some are small. Some are better skilled and some are not. ²²Many of you are capable of achieving great things and yet none are recognized for their greatness. ²³Some of you are better than others and yet we are all treated the same. Is this truly fair?” ²⁴The creatures of the world did not know what to say. His words made sense and were pressing on their minds. ²⁵Over time fights broke out among the creatures as they began to argue over who was better.
²⁶Many times the creatures went before their creator and asked, ²⁷“Creator please tell us, who among us is better than the other? Who among us shall stand above the rest?”
²⁸And each time SHE replied to them, “Why do you concern yourselves with such matters? Do you not understand? ²⁹This world was given to you that you may enjoy it together. ³⁰Now cease these petty squabbles and go out and find joy in what you have.” ³¹But they were displeased with HER answers and left unsatisfied.
The Creatures Rebel 
4 Now the creatures of the world saw that The Centaur was wiser and more powerful than any other so they asked him, ²“Please, Centaur, you be our judge. Who among us is better than the other?”
³And The Centaur said, “I cannot be your judge for I do not have the authority. ⁴However if you make me your leader I will reward you greatly. ⁵Each of you will be judged by his ability, strength, and pulchritude. ⁶I will enforce an echelon and only the best will stand above the rest.”
⁷And then the creatures said to him, “How will we stand against our creator? Surely SHE is stronger than us all.”
⁸“You are wrong!” The Centaur replied, “SHE appears strong but SHE is truly weak. ⁹If we stand against HER all at once then SHE shall relent.”
¹⁰And then the creatures of the world said, “Clearly you are the wisest among us. ¹¹We will follow you and stand against our creator.” ¹²And so with the creatures of the world levied behind him, The Centaur came before their creator and stood against HER.
¹³When SHE saw this SHE was hurt deeply, and SHE said to them, ¹⁴“Creatures, to whom I have graciously given life, who leads you in this wanton rebellion?”
¹⁵Emboldened by the pain in HER voice they replied with confidence “It is he, The Centaur. He is the one who leads us!”
¹⁶Then SHE turned to their leader and said, “What ails you, Centaur? What have I done to warrant such ire? ¹⁷I beseech you now, whatever enterprise on which you lead these creatures, abandon it, for you do not know the consequences of your actions.”
¹⁸Then The Centaur turned and said to his followers, “Listen! Hear the sadness in HER voice! ¹⁹Surely I say to you, do not be afraid! For how strong can our creator be if we can cause HER such pain?”
²⁰The creatures roared in agreement with what The Centaur was telling them and so they moved forward. ²¹Using what magical abilities they had, they attacked HER relentlessly.  ²²Their attacks, however, did HER no harm for SHE was without form. ²³This did nothing to dissuade the creatures of the world from proceeding for they were deluded by The Centaur’s influence.
²⁴Now HER partner heard what was happening and HE rushed over to HER and asked, ²⁵“What is going on why are you’re creations attacking you?”
 ²⁶“They wish to over throw me,” SHE cried, “and I do not know what to do.”
²⁷Then HE said to HER, “Do you see now what can happen when we create other beings? We were much better off without them.
²⁸“What are we going to do?” SHE asked.
²⁹“We shall punish them and undo this wrong.” ³⁰Then HE addressed the creatures of the world, “You evil creatures! Is this how you repay your master for giving you all that you have?” ³¹The creatures trembled when they heard the anger in HIS voice. “You! Centaur, step forward!”
³²The Centaur moved without trepidation. “I am here!” He said, “Do what you will!”
³³Angered by The Centaur’s audacity HE said “You are wrong not to fear me but you will learn!
³⁴Because you have done this evil thing
you will be stripped of all magical
³⁵You shall be small and weak in
this world.
³⁶Anyone who sees you
will know how feeble you are and
these creatures will no longer follow
³⁷Instead they will stand above you in
every way,
and they will easily bring you harm.”
³⁸And so the Centaur was stripped of all magic and strength before the eyes of his followers. ³⁹When his followers saw this they were frightened. Then HE said to the creatures of the world,
⁴⁰"I will cast this world into darkness.
This world will become your prison.
⁴¹You will try to escape but none will
be able.
You will want to die but death will
evade you.
⁴²This is to be your punishment.
Never again will you bask in our
⁴³And so HE cast the world into darkness leaving the creatures of the world to wallow there. They remain there to this very day.
The New World
5 SHE was saddened by what HER partner had done. HE saw how upset SHE was and decided to give HER time to grieve. ²HE said to HIMself, “SHE grieves now but soon SHE will forget about them.” ³And so for a long time SHE mourned the loss of HER creations.
⁴Still unsure of HER partner’s actions SHE asked HIM, “Was that really the only way?”
 ⁵“Indeed it was.” HE replied, “And now you understand how easy it is for inferior beings to become corrupted. ⁶We are better off on our own just you and I. ⁷We can enjoy the stars and all of their splendor alone together just as before.”
⁸But then SHE replied, “My love I know you mean well and please do not be angry but I would like to try again. ⁹To create a new world with new creatures.”
¹⁰When HE heard this HE was stunned. “But why?” HE asked, “You saw what happened last time.”
¹¹“I have not forgotten.” SHE replied, “My ideas were extravagant. Perhaps I would do better to limit myself.”
¹²“Why do even want other creatures to exist?” HE asked, “Am I not enough anymore?”
¹³“I just think there is more to be experienced.”
¹⁴“You mean more than what we have?”
¹⁵“Of course not, quite the opposite, I think there could be more to what we have. Haven’t you ever wanted more out this life?”
¹⁶“I have not,” HE said solemnly, “I have only ever delighted in the love I share with you and until this moment I believed that you felt the same.” ¹⁷SHE said nothing when HE said this. SHE began to worry that HER words were hurting HIM.
¹⁸Sensing HER concern HE quickly said, “But do not fret, for I understand your plight. ¹⁹I will create a new world where your new creations can live and you can care for them just as before.”
²⁰And so SHE was relieved. “Thank you,” SHE said, “Thank you so much.”
²¹But when SHE left HE said to HIMself, “I will create a world for HER new creations but it will not be as the first one. ²²I will make it dangerous and unappealing so that SHE will not want to create any creatures to live on it.” ²³So HE created a new world but not with the same love and care. ²⁴The world was constructed briefly and haphazardly. ²⁵The mountains that HE placed were tall and majestic and yet rough and treacherous. ²⁶Sometimes the oceans and rivers HE created were calm and serene yet other times they were swift and fierce. ²⁷There were beautiful forests and lush green fields yet there were also hot deserts and harsh tundras. ²⁸Many plants were appealing and good to eat yet others were bitter and harmful. ²⁹Like before HE brought a star close to provide light and heat. ³⁰This time, however, HE created a bright blue firmament to cover the new world so that the stars could not be seen. ³¹The world was beautiful but it was also dangerous. ³²HE thought to HIMself, “When SHE sees how dangerous I have made this place SHE will not want to bring any more creatures into existence.”
                6 HE presented his work once finished. ²SHE looked at what HER partner had created. SHE looked in silence for a long time. ³HE was certain that HIS plan was successful. But then SHE turned to HIM and said, ⁴“It is amazing, darling.” HE was surprised to hear HER respond with such praise, ⁵“It is…different.” SHE said, “It is imperfect and yet that’s what makes it special.” ⁶HER partner began to worry when HE saw the excitement that was growing within HER. ⁷“This world is an experience” SHE continued, “and I cannot wait to release my creatures out into it. ⁸But there is one thing that troubles me. The firmament is quite a site but through it your stars cannot be seen.”
                ⁹“Indeed,” HE said, feigning concern, “There would be no purpose in bringing life into a world if they cannot experience all of it’s splendor but without the sun it will be too dark. ¹⁰I’m afraid there is nothing we can do.”
                ¹¹Then SHE said, “Do not worry, I have a solution. ¹²I will make it so that the sun remains hidden for a certain amount of time and I will create a smaller light to rule in its stead. ¹³This way the stars can still be seen as well as the world beneath them.”
                ¹⁴“But how will this occur?” HE asked.
                ¹⁵“It is simple, I will take it upon myself to move the two bodies. They shall revolve around this new world.” ¹⁶So SHE moved the sun beneath the western horizon and created a smaller light to shine in its stead. SHE called this light, the Moon. ¹⁷Over time the time of the Sun would come to be known as ‘day’ the time of the Moon would come to be known as ‘night.’”
                ¹⁸“Now wait,” HE said, growing fearful, “If we are to do this we must make sure that your creatures do not rebel against you as they did before. ¹⁹Do not give them the ability of magic and do not give them the ability to speak. ²⁰Limit what they can do so that they may not feel as bold as to rise up against you. ²¹And do not create so many, instead only create a certain amount, this way they cannot outnumber you. ²²Promise me you will do these things. I do not wish to see you grieve again.”
                ²³SHE was hesitant to agree to such conditions but decided that SHE did not want to worry HER partner. ²⁴And so SHE agreed, “For your sake, I will do this. You have my word that I will create within the limits you have set.”
The Creatures of the New World
7So SHE set out to fill the new world with creatures just as SHE did before. ²The creatures that SHE created were much simpler by design but still just as imaginative. ³SHE created creatures to swim in the waters and birds to fly in the air. ⁴SHE also created animals to walk on land. ⁵Each creature was created with an attribute and ability to help them survive the climates and terrains set by HER partner. ⁶Now all of the creatures SHE created slept during the night and the night grew silent. ⁷So SHE created some that would be awake during the night and asleep during the day. ⁸SHE wanted to create more but then SHE remembered the promise SHE had made to HER partner and so SHE stopped.
⁹HE then thought to HIMself, “These creatures are so dull and simple. ¹⁰Surley SHE will grow bored and abandon them and soon SHE will forget about this enterprise once and for all.”
¹¹Now SHE was not satisfied with number of creatures that existed for they were sparse. ¹²SHE said, “If only there were a way that you could multiply without going against the wishes of my partner.” ¹³Upon the mention of HER partner SHE remembered the love that they shared and SHE had an idea as to what could be done. ¹⁴SHE created for each creature a companion; one that each creature could love and share their experiences with. ¹⁵And then SHE said to them, “Since I cannot make more of you, I will leave you with the task of filling this world. ¹⁶I have given you the power to create more of your own kind.  ¹⁷However, your creations shall not be the products of magic but of the love you share for one another.” ¹⁸So HER creations set out into the world each with their own partner and they filled the world with more their own kind.
¹⁹When HE saw that SHE had done this HE was very upset. ²⁰SHE technically did not go back on HER word but HE was hurt nonetheless. ²¹HE tried to forget about the matter but it remained at the forefront of HIS mind with great tenacity and the more HE thought about it, the angrier HE became. ²²However, HE did not wish to see HIS partner upset so HE decided not to say anything.
²³The world was not perfect. None of the creatures could speak nor did they possess the knowledge and wisdom that their predecessors did but they were happy and much to HIS dismay, all was well. ²⁴SHE made sure to tend to the new world just as before. ²⁵Every morning SHE raised the sun and every evening SHE raised the moon. ²⁶SHE was responsible for all of these things and SHE needed no rest.
The New Life
8Now as time went by SHE once again became unsatisfied with what SHE had. ²This time, however, SHE did not go to HER partner for SHE did not know what more SHE needed. ³SHE went out to brood over this when SHE observed the families that were being created. ⁴SHE saw the children that the creatures had and the joy that the families shared. ⁵They were mortal, they were limited and the world in which they lived had its dangers but they were happy. And certainly they were happier than SHE. ⁶In that moment SHE knew what SHE wanted. ⁷So SHE went to HER partner and said, “My love I know what we must do. ⁸We have created the world but do not live in it. We do not experience life as the creatures do. ⁹We do not know what it is like to frolic in the fields or to dance in the rain.  ¹⁰I want to start a family, just as the creatures do. I want to create more of our own kind.”
¹¹HE did not like what SHE was suggesting “More of our own kind?” HE asked, ¹²“We have no ‘kind.’ We are formless just as we should be.
¹³“That is why I want create a form for myself.” SHE replied, “What I want is a body.”
¹⁴HE trembled at the thought of what SHE was wanting to have them do. “What you want is mortality.” HE said, ¹⁵“What you want is to lower yourself to the level of the very creatures to whom you gave life.”
¹⁶“But is that really such a bad thing? We will still be greatly skilled in magic and our lives will not be short by any means. ¹⁷Honestly, what purpose do we have in these formless bodies?”
¹⁸“Our purpose is to live for and love one another” HE said, “that is all we have ever had; it is all we have ever needed.”
¹⁹“I know that,” SHE said, “But these things are simply no longer enough.”
²⁰HE fell silent for a moment. Then HE replied, “And again you insinuate than I am no longer enough for you.”
²¹“That is not what I mean,” SHE said, “What I mean is that there must be more than this. ²²The eternal languor in which we’ve lived. ²³Look down upon the world you created. Do you not see how wonderful it is? ²⁴We’ve worked hard to make it what it is, now let’s experience it. Together. ²⁵Even if it means living with limitation and even if it means accepting mortality. ²⁶Surely I say to you, it is worth it. Especially if I share the experience with my one true love.”
 ²⁷HE understood what SHE was saying, although HE still did not like the idea. ²⁸HE thought to HIMself, “What shall I do? My partner is adamant and if I refuse SHE may go on without me. ²⁹I cannot imagine life without HER. The very idea fills me with fear.”  ³⁰And so HE agreed, “Alright, if it will make you happy then I shall do it for you.”
³¹SHE was overjoyed. “Indeed it will make me happy!” SHE said, “And I am sure that it will make you happy too.”
³²“What forms shall we take?” HE asked.
³³“You need only wait and see. I have had some time to think about this and I know the perfect forms that we shall take.” ³⁴So SHE created forms for HERself and HER partner. ³⁵They left behind the life that they once had. They accepted limitation as well as mortality. ³⁶The transformation may have been gradual, it may have been abrupt we have no way to know now.
The First Alicorns
9Alicorn was the name she designated for their forms. ²They were equine creatures with massive wings on their backs that they could use to fly through the air. ³And horns on their foreheads that they could use to perform magical feats. ⁴They both stood on the surface of the world for the first time. Looking upon it with fresh eyes. ⁵It looked different than it did when they observed it from above. It was vast and they could only see so far ahead of them.
⁶She looked out towards the eastern horizon. It was dawn. As she saw the sun rising she said, ⁷“Talaya. Talaya shall be my name.” ⁸A sense of pride came upon her as she uttered her name for the first time. ⁹“I don’t know where this name came from,” she said, “it just came into my mind and it feels right.” ¹⁰Then Talaya asked her partner, “What about you? Do you have a name for yourself?” ¹¹He did not say anything as he was still shaken by the vastness of the world around them.
¹²“My love, please tell me, what are your thoughts?” Talaya asked with concern.
¹³“It looks so big now,” He said, “It all looks so big. I don’t even recognize this place anymore. ¹⁴We can no longer see everything. We can no longer see everyone. How are we to rule over this place now?”
¹⁵Hearing the concern in her partner’s voice, she kissed him on the cheek and said, ¹⁶“We will find a way, do not worry. Give it time and you will see. ¹⁷Once you begin to explore and once you meet our first born you will come to love this new life.” ¹⁸Talaya’s words were tender though he found little comfort in them.
¹⁹“Alright,” he said, “If that is what you believe.”
²⁰“Now what of your name?” Talaya asked.
²¹“My name?” He did not like the idea of taking on a name. ²²Even that, he thought, was something beneath an immortal. But he was not immortal anymore. ²³He hated to admit that he already had a name in mind. He looked up at the sky; there were still a few stars visible. ²⁴“Nova,” He said with a resigned sigh, “I don’t know how this name came into my mind but it did.”
²⁵“‘Nova.’” Talaya repeated, “A fitting name.” ²⁶They sat in silence together from dawn until dusk both preparing themselves for their new lives and the new experiences that it would bring them.
²⁷And so it was. The creators had now surrendered their immortality to experience the world. ²⁸Nova and Talaya were the first two alicorns to ever exist. ²⁹This would mark the beginning of not only the alicorn race but of The Unicorns, The Pegasi, and The Earth Ponies.
³⁰These were our very first ancestors; the first pony generation.