A Vinyl's Last Scratch

by Shadowflash

Chapter 11: DJ Mixer.

Chapter 11: DJ Mixer.

Author's note: The '^ ^' around a word in this chapter represent a high pitch tune, the 'v v' around a word represent a low pitch tune. Thank you.

Stop, Vinyl Scratch, see the beat. You'll never beat me cause I'm Elite. I'm DJ Mixer, pleased to meet ya. Today's your last scratch, and I'm going to beat ya.

"So, you'll be down here later today?", Jack was speaking on a different looking device, but was the same as Clarence's. Just more boxy looking. And besides, it had a large, thick, black string attached to a base that had numbers on it, instead.
"Awesome. See you then.", Jack set the phone down onto the base, and looked over at Vinyl Scratch, who was laying down on a couch.
They were in the living space, which had three leather couches surrounding a small wooden table. A marble fireplace sat in front of the small table, and all around the left of the fireplace was windows and bookshelves. To the right of the fireplace was just another room, in which looked like a dining area.
"So, he's coming in a couple hours. I'm sure he's going to love your stuff.", Jack said, enthusiastically.
Vinyl yawned softly, and looked up at Jack. She was unsure how his 'friend' would re-act to her being a pony.
"Does he know what I am?", Vinyl asked quietly.
"Well... I... May--.. No.", Jack said, with a sigh.
Vinyl softly nodded, then laid down on the couch. Last night here was hectic for Vinyl. After going downstairs, she helped Jack sort some of his belongings. Although Jack didn't want her to, he felt it appropriate for now. Vinyl went asleep immediately after, and was still tired. She just wanted a good sleep...

This couch is soooo soft... I want to sleep sooooo bad, right now!, Vinyl grunted at the thought, stuffing herself against the cushions of the couch.

Jack laughed as he watched.
"What are you doing?", Jack chuckled softly.
"I'm tiiii-rred. I want to sleep and this couch is comfy.", Vinyl said, smiling softly.
"Well, I think it's appropriate for you to sleep. Go ahead. I have a few things to do, anyways.", Jack walked out of the room, as Vinyl nodded to him, and went upstairs.
Vinyl sighed in relief and immediately found a soft spot for her to lay on. After she did, she closed her eyes, and drifted off into sleep... A long sleep...

She was running. Running at a fast pace, at least. There were many dark trees branching out to grab at her hooves. They had searing red eyes, piercing into hers. Her bloodshot eyes darted further, seeing the large mountain ahead of her. Vinyl had to push through...

Yes, I will see you! Through the smoke and flames! On the front lines of War!

A large branch slammed down in front of her, dust scattering everywhere. A laugh was heard echoing in her mind...

"You can't run, Vinyl...", It said, demoniacally.
"Yes, I can!", Vinyl jumped over the large, jutting branch, pushing further. She eventually made it out of the dark forest, and into an open area.

And I will stand my ground until the end... Until we conquer them all...

The ground was marsh-like, many vines intertwining with each other and covering a sparse area. Large pools of bubbling gas was diversely spread out amongst the area, causing flames to shoot up from the pools. Vinyl felt confident though, ready to push through it.

"It's useless, Vinyl. We will win. We. Will. Win...", The voice caused a crack in the sky. Purple lightning shot down and a large, green, creature stood a distance away from her.
Vinyl scoffed and pushed forward, feeling ever more confident now.
"I can beat you. I know I can...", Vinyl said, as she ran directly at the creature.

It roared and started to run at her. The creature's forehead ejected a large plasma ball at her, shooting at her hooves. Vinyl jumped right over the small explosion, darting downward at the green creature. The creature didn't see her coming, and was tackled to the ground.
Vinyl kicked it multiple times in the head, and then started to push forward, avoiding the vines that started to grab at her. The mountain was getting closer now, and the sky was shooting searing flames across it, beaming down onto Vinyl. Large balls of fire were spread around her as explosions started to spread around her, forming large walls....

We will conquer them all... We will conquer them all... We will conquer them ALL!

"A wall? C'mon, try harder, father.", Vinyl laughed and made her horn glow with a blue-like magic.
It shot directly at the wall, making it ripple and crack open, large chunks of molten lava spread forward and seeped into the pools of gas, igniting them into pools of fire, now.

So I will find my, battledroid fall, until we conquer them ALL!

Vinyl started to run, adrenaline pumping from her adrenal glands and into her legs. She felt the burst of energy and strength as she pushed past the marsh lands, and to the mountain. As she reached the mountain, everything seemed to disappear. Into a large, white, light...

Yes, I will see you! Through the smoke and flames! On the front lines of War!
And I will, stand my, ground until the end! Until we conquer them ALL!

"This... War... Is mine, father...", Vinyl smiled softly, as she closed her eyes. The voice of her father pushed out of her mind, her heart racing at an extreme speed. The adrenaline going to her brain, and her eyes opening with blind joy. They glowed with excitement and prowess. Everything was now balanced in this ponies mind...

For now...

Vinyl woke up to the sound of a door opening in the foyer. She looked over the couch nervously to see a dark man walk into the foyer. The man was wearing a hat that was red and black stripped, and labelled 'K' on the side. His shirt was black and had a large spike symbol going towards each of his shoulders. His pants were just regular blue jeans and his shoes were plain white. On his right wrist he wore a tooth-like necklace, with a picture of something on it. Too far away to see, Vinyl couldn't make it out.
He shook Jack's hand and smiled, as he pushed closer into the foyer.
"Yo, man, where's this chick you were talkin' about? I want to see what she's got!", The man's voice seemed to be very different from Jack's and Clarence's. It sounded much like some Zebra's she met on her travel's, mixed in with a 'classy' pony.
"She's... In the living room. But, Ken--"
"Ah, damn, man, can't wait!", 'Ken' completely cut off Jack, and walked into the living room.
He looked around for a second, and stared down at Vinyl, who was looking up at him. Ken stepped back and nearly fell, scared for his life.
"Yo, what the hell, man?! You said you had a woman who's a inspiring DJ, not a freaking unicorn! Where in the hell did you get this thing?!", Ken turned around, and stared at Jack.
"I tried to explain on the phone, but you were too crazy and I couldn't try and tell you. Ken, this is Vinyl Scratch. She's a pon--"
"It has a name? What's next, man, it talks and has magical powers?!", Ken yelled in disbelief.
"Look, Ken, calm down. Let me explain for a second...", Jack, frustrated, tried to get Ken to shut up for five minutes.
Ken nodded and crossed his arms at his chest.
"This is Vinyl Scratch. She's a pony from... 'Ponyville'... In some different part of the... Err.. Universe, I guess. She's a DJ where she comes from, and wanted you to come here so she could maybe see how us humans do it.", Jack finally explained.
Ken stared over at Vinyl. Vinyl was quiet and staring at Ken with her large red eyes. Ken walked over to her, and leaned down, looking her in the eyes.
"Hello.", Vinyl smiled and spoke softly to Ken.
Ken jumped back. Vinyl couldn't help but giggle.
"Jesus Christ all mighty...", Ken made the sign of the Cross on himself, still having trouble processing this.
"Look... Uhm.. Ken?... I just want to see how you humans play... And then I could show you how I play... Please...?", Vinyl pleaded to Ken. Her voice being soft and low for her to seem desperate, but eager.
Ken looked at Jack, then at Vinyl, and back at Jack.
"You're lucky I still owe you, Jack...", Ken looked back at Vinyl.
"Fine. But, you betta' not pull some freaky voodoo crap on me. I've been through enough black magic in my life.
Vinyl nodded softly, and smiled at Ken.
"All right, lemme grab my equipment and set up a bit. Jack, move some of the couches so I can have some space...", Ken then walked out of the house, leaving the door open, and headed to a vehicle parked at the curb.

After about thirty minutes of pushing the couches and carrying the tables out of the way, along with dragging in a lot of electromechanical equipment, everything was set up. There were four base speakers, two large speakers, a mixer board, two microphones, a 'wub' machine, a keyboard and a couple vinyl records. Many wires spread across the floor, neatly, and plugged into a large outlet in a wall to the left of the entrance to the foyer.
"All right... Vinyl, let's see what you can do, before I show my stuff. If your... Hooves... Can handle it.", Ken said, standing back.
Vinyl smiled, and walked behind the large mechanical devices. She stood on her hind legs, so she could reach the many buttons and switches, along with the vinyl records. She looked around it, memorizing where the keys would be, and then started.
She turned on the machine, a loud buzzing noise was heard from obvious feedback, and she slowly floated two of the many vinyl records onto their slots. She continued by placing the needle onto the spinning vinyl. It played an odd electro beat, but it did not stop Vinyl from continuing her trial. She wanted to impress Ken with her skills.
She quickly started to spin both requires, making the sound of the beat distorted, and even more electrifying. Her adrenal glands started to pump rapidly now, as she started to sweat and spin the records back and forth, every few intervals, she would let go of one, and spin the other back and forth in a crazy, hipnotic, tone, then swapping over to the other, and finally doing both at the same time.
Ken went wide eyed, staring at Vinyl, and listening to the awesome beat of music that she was creating.
Vinyl let go of one of the record, and click the wub machine. Soon, it made a sound like this:

"Bow-whoa-whoa-Bow-whoa-whoa-Bow-whoa-whoa-^whoa^-^whoa^... Bow-whoa-whoa-Bow-whoa-whoa-Bow-whoa-whoa-vWhoav-vWhoav"

It repeated as she continued to spin the records, with increasing speed, and then stopped after a loud buzzing was heard, leaving the 'Bow-whoa-whoa' beat to die down, and finish.
Ken was standing there, speechless, and staring at Vinyl. Vinyl was breathing heavily and staring over at Jack, smiling.
Jack softly clapped and Ken fell onto the floor in amazement.

After a couple minutes of help Ken up, he started to speak.
"Now that was music! I'm impressed, man. You may be a pony, but damn, you got some skills, girl!", Ken raised his hand to give a high five.
Vinyl didn't know what this meant, but gently slapped it with her right hoof.
"Haha! Awh, man, this is great. She really does have talent, Jack.", Ken was looking at Jack, giddiness in his eyes.
"Well, I never knew she was this good.", Jack smiled, winking at Vinyl.
"Well, I guess it's my turn to show you what I can do, Vinyl. I think we're both equal on it though, that was pretty amazing stuff. I may not be a big shot, yet, but I know my stuff is good with the amount of albums I'm selling.", Ken stood up from the couch that he was placed on and stood behind the electronic machines.
"Ya ready for this?", Ken laughed softly.
"Yeah, show me your stuff, Ken.", Vinyl said, with a smile of joy on her face.
Ken immediately flicked on the machine, smacking the 'wub' machine and creating an ensuing beat. It was a lot different, though, as he swapped out the records immediately as it started, and a new beat was created. It was something along the lines of a guitar and an electric keyboard.
Quickly, and very accurately, Ken started to hit the keys of the keyboard with his fingers, creating an intertwining beat with the music. The 'wubs' were very soft, but added a bass to it. It was making Vinyl's heart beat fast as if she was on stage, and facing a DJ in a battle. But, she knew, that she was impressed. She's been against some harsh DJ's, but this one was insane. Her level, even.

These humans know there stuff..., Vinyl thought, smiling gleefully.

After Ken finished up, he looked over at Vinyl.
"What ya think?", Ken said, smiling brightly.
"It was perfect. I'd say we are pretty equal.", Vinyl giggled softly, smiling brightly.
"Let's just hope the neighbours aren't too pissed.", Jack laughed, as well as everyone, and pony, else in the room.

After about an hour of taking everything down (Ironic that it only took thirty minutes to set up, right?), they sat down and had a drink together. Ken had a weird, black and brown liquid, that was placed in a large, green, bottle. The label was hard to read, but, Vinyl could see one of the words labelled 'Dos'.
Jack was drinking the same liquid, but in a different bottle, with one of the words revealed to be 'Bud'. Vinyl just asked for orange juice. She was unsure of what their liquids were...
"C'mon, just a sip. It won't hurt.", Ken laughed, pointing his green bottle to Vinyl.
"I... I don't know.. What's in it?", Vinyl asked.
"It's beer, Vinyl. Do you have that back in Ponyville?", Jack answered, and then asked a question.
"Beer?... No... What's beer?", Vinyl asked.
"Beer is the good stuff that you get when you need a pick-me-up!", Ken said, chugging a bit of his 'beer'.
"Ignore him.", Jack laughed softly. "Beer is an alcoholic beverage that makes you feel a bit... 'Different'. If you don't drink much of it, you'll be fine. I think a sip won't hurt you.", Jack said, placing his bottle on the table for Vinyl.
"Well... I guess a sip won't hurt...", Vinyl went forward to the beer, and used her magic to pick up the bottle.
She put the tip to her mouth, unsure how to drink from it.
"How do... I drink from this?", Vinyl asked, confused.
"Tilt it back to your lips, but, don't wrap your lips around it. If you do, it'll foam up and explode everywhere.", Ken laughed softly.
Vinyl tilted it to her lips, leaving a small air pocket open and had the brown-black liquid drain into her mouth. It tasted odd for her, but, enjoyable. The taste was, to her, that of a coconut mixed with caramel. It wasn't too bad.
"Wow, that isn't bad...", Vinyl said softly.
"Ha, you owe me ten bucks, man.", Ken laughed, looking to Jack.
"Dammit.", Jack pulled out a black, leather, object from his pocket, pulling out a piece of paper that had an old man on it, was light purple, and a large '10' placed in the corner.
"What's that?", Vinyl asked, placing the beer on the table.
"This is our currency. Each country in the world has different currency. Each is worth different amounts. The 'dollar' in our country of Canada is worth around eighty-five cents to one dollar and two cents. It varies widely, depending on how markets are doing. It's confusing, too.", Jack explained.
"Let's just say our money is worth more here, than anywhere else.", Ken explained more bluntly, chugging back his beer.
Vinyl nodded softly, and then laid down on the carpet. She yawned softly, and felt her head buzz lightly... An odd feeling...

She was also very... Aroused...