The Fault In Our Harmony

by Miralusa

The Princess Of The Griffons

Sunset sat there in silence when the Doctor told her who he was. “Ok,” Sunset said finally in complete understanding.
“You're not surprised at all?” The Doctor asked in confusion.
“Nope,” Sunset said shaking her head.
“I’m a time traveller, I have a time machine and I’m also an alien from another world that can see the flow of time itself,” The Doctor replied still slightly confused.
“I come from a world where people walk on two feet rather than four hooves. Also, time travel is kind of a thing already if you didn’t know,” Sunset said with a laugh.
“Huh, I guess I never thought of it like that, normally people freak out or just don’t believe me… But anyways back to why I’m here,” the Doctor started and leaned forward in his chair. “You know of the creature Chaos don’t you?” He asked.
“Small bits, like the fact that he’s allied with Tirek and has made dark versions of my friends,” Sunset said with disgust in her voice.
“So I arrived just in time,” the Doctor said with a hoof on his chin.
“What do you mean?” Sunset asked confused now.
“I can see the whole of creation, every little thing that happens in time… I have seen the beginning of this universe and I have seen it’s end. But for some reason I cannot see anything past this point in time anymore. Somehow Chaos has managed to change the timeline, change the entire of history,” the Doctor started now pacing around.
“How?” Sunset asked leaning closer.
“I don’t know… Isn’t it exciting?” The Doctor asked with a smile on his face.
Sunset smacked the Doctor in the face with her hoof.
“What was that for?” The Doctor asked as he touched the sore spot that was left by the slap.
“People are dying and you find it exciting?” Sunset asked in disbelief.
“Sorry it’s just how I am… I love to find these problems and solve them,” the Doctor said making patterns with his hooves.
“So you seek danger out?” Sunset asked more confused than ever.
“No, well maybe, ok yeah,” the Doctor replied pacing even faster now.
“You're insane,” Sunset said with a roll of her eyes.
“No I’m not, well maybe a little, what is insanity anyways?” The Doctor asked Sunset.
Sunset was about to answer when the Doctor put up a hoof.
“Wait, I seem to have gotten sidetracked a bit, I do that sometimes… I wonder why that is?” The Doctor asked himself with his hoof on his chin in contemplation again.
“It’s a complete mystery,” Sunset replied slightly frustrated now.
“Right, I need to find three others, Discord, Shining Armor and Guinevere,” the Doctor said listing them off on his fingers.
“Gwen?” Sunset asked in disbelief. I guess there is another version of her in this reality too.
At that thought Discord came out of his room on high alert with Shining Armor trying to to hold him back.
“No time, we have to save the princesses,” Discord said and looked over to Sunset. “Sunset, the princesses got captured, where’s Twilight?” he asked looking at her with desperation in his eyes.
“She’s out of action,” Twilight stated averting her eyes from Discords.
“Wait, that means we have less time than I thought, we must find Gwen,” the Doctor said and grabbed Sunset by the hoof and dragged her to the door.
“Who are you?” Shining asked breaking the Doctor’s hold on Sunset’s hoof.
“I’m the Doctor and right now I’m your best chance at saving the entire of reality,” the Doctor said in a defiant and serious tone, far from the laid back and happy tone from before.
“Doctor who?” Discord asked.
“Let’s not start this again,” Sunset said exiting the hospital. “So where is Gwen?” She asked looking at the Doctor.
“That’s the thing I don’t know, all I know is that she’s an Alicorn,” the Doctor replied stepping past Sunset and looking around the town.
“If only Pinkie were still up and about, she would have been able to find Gwen,” Sunset said trying not to think about her friends.
A mare pushed past Sunset and ran towards the town square followed by a couple of others.
“Where’s the fire?” Sunset asked stopping one of the ponies in their tracks.
“Someponies picking a fight with Bulk Biceps, we’re going to watch,” the mare answered and then ran past Sunset. “Wait for me guys,” she added chasing after her friends.
“Somethings never change in this town,” Discord said with a laugh.
“It’s denial, the people refuse to believe there’s a threat so they drown it out by any means necessary,” the Doctor replied with a grim tone. “So anybody up for a fight, maybe it could give us some clues,” he added with his tone changing to being more cheery.
“Well we have no other leads, let’s go,” Sunset replied and proceeded to walk to the town square.
“Alonze,” the Doctor stated gleefully and shook his head in excitement.
The entire trip there Shining wouldn’t take his eyes off the Doctor. I don’t trust him… Shining thought to himself as they approached the square.
They found a cloaked figure there with a hood drawn over her face. Their only defining characteristics were their red tail with a streak of green through it and a diamond bracelet that hung around her hoof.
“That one seems familiar but I can’t be sure,” Sunset muttered under her breath as she turned to see the white pegasus with more muscle than wings. “Bulk Biceps, I’m assuming?” Sunset asked already knowing the answer.
Discord simply nodded as he watched on.
Biceps made the first move, he tried to tackle the pony but was met with nothing as the pony quickly ducked under and through his legs.
The pony quickly met Biceps with a buck of their hind hooves.
Biceps whipped around with a loud “Yeah” and tried going for the pony again missing wildly as the pony back flipped over Biceps and bucked him again.
Biceps whipped around and swung at the pony with one of his fists and then again and again.
The pony dodged each attack and on the last attack they dodged under and uppercutted Biceps. Their hood came off to reveal it was a mare with dark red hair and a horn.
“A unicorn, so she isn’t a…” Sunset started but the Doctor held up a hand.
“Just wait,” the Doctor said hopefully.
As if on cue the mare took off her cloak to reveal her wings.
The crowd gasped as they looked at the Alicorn before them.
“Sunset Shimmer, meet Gwen future Princess of Griffonstone,” the Doctor said pointing towards the Alicorn with his hoof.
Future… Right he knows everything that’s going to happen, but princess of Griffonstone… I’ll believe it when I see it. Sunset thought to herself as she something happening to Gwen’s wings.
Gwen’s wings started to be enveloped by wind that gathered from all around her. She then burst forward like a bullet with her fist outstretched and punched Biceps in the face sending him flying through the air.
Biceps landed awkwardly on the ground now unconscious.
Gwen glared at the viewers who then backed up a bit. “Anymore takers, or are you people going to leave me alone,” Gwen said with acid in her voice.
The crowd went silent and started to disperse.
“That’s what I thought,” Gwen said and retrieved her cloak before leaving the town square.
“So what’s the gameplan?” Discord asked the Doctor.
“From the looks of things she doesn’t look like she wants to talk to anyone,” Shining observed as he looked at Biceps.
“This wasn’t exactly what I was expecting,” the Doctor answered with a nervous laugh.
“What were you…” Discord started before Sunset cut in.
“I’ll talk to her, I know her… Well the other her, I could try and convince her,” Sunset said turning to the group.
“Are you sure?” The Doctor asked.
“Yes I am, if we need her then I’ll try my best to convince her,” Sunset said as she took a deep breath and went after Gwen. This isn’t at all like the Gwen I know, the girl I know is nervous and would never hurt a fly… What happened to this one? Sunset thought to herself as she approached Gwen. Time to find out… I have a bad feeling about this…