//------------------------------// // The Start // Story: Pony meets Brony // by Dark Nightshade //------------------------------// My day started out fairly normal. I was making pancakes for the color run at the Santa Fe downs, when I suddenly had an odd feeling, like something that wasn't supposed to be there was there. I wondered what it could have been, but then I got back to making pancakes. Much later after the color run, and after the colored dust was rained down on the runners, I had the same feeling, only this time, it was coupled with the feeling of being watch. I started looking around, and then saw someone staring directly at me. The first thing that I noticed was that she was female, and kind of attractive. She was wearing a white tank top, and a green skirt with three butterflies on it. She was slightly familiar, but I couldn't tell from where. When she noticed me staring at her, she started blushing. I started going towards her, and when I did, she started towards me too. When we got to each other, I asked "Where you in the color run?" "Was that what it was?" she asked. "Yeah. So were you in the color run?" I asked. "No, I was not." "That explains why your clothes aren't stained, but what about your hair? Is that natural?" "Yes. I was wondering if you could help me with something?" "Ok. But why me? Is there a specific reason?" "Probably because of your rainbow colored skin, but other than that, I've kind of got a feeling that you could help me." "Ok. First of all, this is just dust, not my actual skin color and second of all, what do you need help with?" "Oh, my bad. Back to the point. Oh, how do I explain this? Where's Twilight when you need her?." "Twilight? As in Twilight Sparkle?" I asked, needing to satisfy my inner brony. "Yes, actually. How did you know that?" she said nervously. As she said that, I started making a mental check list. Pink hair, check. Sudden shyness, check. I was talking to Fluttershy. "Don't worry, Fluttershy, I'm not going to hurt you." "You know my name to?" she asked, getting noticeable more nervous. "Yes. Again, I'm not going to hurt you." "How do you know my name?" "You exist in a TV show in this world." She stopped moving. I raised my hand to my head and asked my space/time continuum expert personality, Scott Black, "Did I just break the space/time continuum?" He responded, "No, don't worry, you didn't break anything." "Oh, good." I said. "Um, what are you doing?" "I've got Multiple Personality Disorder. Just asking one of them something." "Ok. Anyway, could you please help me?" "Sure," I said. "Fortunately, my parents are on a vacation, and my brother is at college."