Twilight the Terrible

by RK_Striker_JK_5


The flight to Ponyville took longer than normal. Celestia was still weakened, but insisted on flying there under her own power, in order to see even a small part of Equestria. Twilight and her family were hidden away in the depths of Canterlot Palace, with several trusted guardponies standing watch.
Nightmare Moon and Luna flanked Celestia as they flew across the sky. Four guardsponies pulled a double-wide chariot with Twilight Sparkle, Rarity, Pinkie Pie and Applejack in it. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy, meanwhile, flew along besides them.
Rainbow Dash glanced down as they passed over Whitetail Wood. She let out a low nicker and slowly shook her head. “Dang, didn't realize how bad it really was.”
Fluttershy quickly looked down, then locked her eyes straight ahead. “N-normally you c-can't get the full view unless it's from the air.”
They arrived at Ponyville. A large crowd, almost the entire town's population, was gathered outside the main gate. Almost all the raiders were all off to the side, bunched up. None of them were restrained, but guards lined the perimeter of their group. About half of them had plates half-filled with food in front of them, mostly hay with some apples and other assorted plants.
Mayor Mare and Commander Dash were out in front of the crowd, the former without her heavy red jacket and the latter wearing only her oversized helmet. Mayor Mare gasped as the group landed. She slowly walked forward. “Even in my wildest dreams I didn't think it was possible. For five years we've watched and struggled and fought and died. But now, now it's back. The sun's returned!” She thrust a foreleg into the sky. “You did it, Nightmare Moon! Just like you said you would! You brought back the sun and saved Princess Celestia!”
The rest of the ponies slowly made their way forward. They began talking to each other. Their words blended together at first, but several voices rose above the general din.
“I can't believe she did it! She saved us all!”
“We can grow food properly again!”
“What a tale to be told!”
“Three cheers for Princess Nightmare Moon!”
A loud cheer went up. Nightmare Moon stepped out, away from the rest, and held up a foreleg. She waited for the crowd to quiet down before she swept it in front of her and spoke. “Citizens of Ponyville! As promised, the sun rises once more over Equestria!” She swept a foreleg to her right and motioned to Celestia, standing just behind her right. “And Princess Celestia, my sister, is now fully restored to her former glory!”
Celestia waved at the crowd. She opened her mouth, but the crowd suddenly surged forward. Her jaw hung open as most of them gathered around Nightmare Moon, some cheering while others bowed deeply. Some walked up to her, and she smiled and bowed her head to them. She glanced over at Nightmare Moon talking with the crowd and her smile grew larger.
Luna leaned in close to Celestia and, in a voice too low for the crowd to hear, asked, “How are you holding up?”
Celestia shrugged. “I'm glad... my sister is free and better. I'm glad Equestria can heal now.” Her gaze turned to the raiders still huddled together and under guard. “Although that healing will take some time. And I wonder how it will go. “
Luna followed her gaze. “It won't be easy.” She glanced to Nightmare Moon as she conversed with the ponies. “Aren't you going to speak up?”
Celestia slowly shook her head. “I'm going to hang back unless she really needs me.” Her voice dropped as low as it could go. “I'd like to see just how changed she really is.”
Nightmare Moon suddenly raised her head. Her eyes narrowed and she stomped a hoof on the ground, sending everyone hopping into the air. “Commander Dash, bring your raiders forward!” she bellowed.
Commander Dash gulped and shrank back slightly, but suddenly stomped forward. Gilda and Lightning Dust broke from the raiders and walked beside her. The crowd around Nightmare Moon parted as they approached. “Okay, So what do... what is it? We going to jail, now? If you're gonna do anything, do it to me. They followed my orders. I'm the leader, here.”
Nightmare Moon snorted and rolled her eyes. “Oh, please. If I wanted to wipe your entire party out, I would've done so when you first attacked. No. This land needs to heal, and the ponies here must come together to rebuild. I am willing to pardon you, in exchange for you and some of the raiders staying here in Ponyville to protect it and to help the surrounding area recover.”
Lightning Dust's ears perked up. “Hey, that doesn't sound too bad! If we organize, can we get cool uniforms like the Wonderbolts have? Oh, oh and badges, too? Can we have badges, please?”
Gilda rolled her eyes and slapped her face with the palm of her hand. “Lightning, just don't, okay? Just don't.”
Commander Dash hesitated. She glanced away and scrunched her brow, then looked back up at Nightmare Moon. “What about Cloudsdale? I mean, it's my home. I can't just... abandon it for this small town.”
Mayor Mare snorted and turned her muzzle up at that.
Nightmare Moon smirked. “The more they change, indeed. The raids you and possibly others conduct for Cloudsdale will, quite obviously, cease. I suppose you could go back to Cloudsdale to represent the central government, but those left behind here need a leader. Is there anyone else who could fill your horseshoes, Commander?”
Commander Dash glanced to her left, then right. “I got two good candidates right here.” She pasted a grin on her muzzle. “Gilda, Lightning Dust, what do you either of you say to a promotion?”
Gilda's beak dropped wide open and her feathers flared. “Wait, what? A little sudden, don't you think?”
Lightning Dust, meanwhile, rubbed her chin. “Do I get a nice office?”
Gilda grabbed Commander Dash's head and turned it around so she could look her in the eye. “What time do I start?”
Nightmare Moon chuckled. “I believe we have two viable candidates. I leave you to hash out which one stays.” She waited for the three to walk or fly off before shifting her gaze to her left. “Mayor Mare, in one week's time you are to report to Canterlot with a new set of reports. I'll need information on everything concerning Ponyville, Whitetail Wood and the surrounding area.” She dropped to her knees, low enough that her head was level with Mayor Mare's own. “And I promise, this time I shall give your presentation the respect it deserves.”
Mayor Mare's eyes watered. She nodded furiously, then rose to all four hooves and turned around. “Okay, listen up! Cup Cake, when Carrot gets home send him and the logging chief to City Hall. Rarity, I need a full update on our defensive position. Big Mac, Trixie, get to Sweet Apple Acres!”
Rainbow Dash leaned in close to Applejack. “Can we take her home with us?”
Applejack slid her hat down over her muzzle, but her shaking body betrayed the laughter bubbling up.
Nightmare Moon slowly turned, looked to Celestia and winked. “I trust my decisions are agreeable to you? You didn't step in, so I presume they were.”
Celestia chuckled slightly and nodded. “Okay, got me there. Yes, I agreed with what you said...” She stopped and shook her head. “Forgive me. I just... I don't know what to call you. You're not Luna, but you're not Nightmare Moon. At least not to me.” She raised her head and stared at Nightmare Moon's helm. “I'm sorry.”
Nightmare Moon's jaw clenched, but she eventually waved Celestia off. “I am Nightmare Moon, Celestia. Don't get me wrong. I realize the magnitude of my sins, and the horrors I would've inflicted upon this world if I had succeeded. But I am no longer 'just' Luna.” She looked to Celestia's left and Luna standing there. “That is Luna. I am not.”
Celestia closed her eyes and bowed her head. “I suppose for now, that will do... Nightmare Moon.”
Nightmare Moon swallowed and her mane and tail settled slightly. “As for you, and you six, words alone cannot express my gratitude for your help.” She held up a hoof and waved them off. “I know I already said thank you, but it still feels inadequate for your deeds.”
Luna reached out and patted Nightmare Moon on the shoulder. “And as I said, that's what are friends are for. This Equestria has a chance to heal, and that's all we need.”
Rainbow Dash spoke up. “Although I don't suppose there's a chance we could get a stained-glass window in the palace?” She shrugged as the other five turned and glared at her. “What? We got two back home!”
Fluttershy spoke up. “Um, pardon me for asking, but what about the windigos? Aren't they still around?”
Luna sniffed the air. “They are retreating. Their presence is diminished, but there's still a threat.”
Celestia blinked. “Wait, windigos?”
Nightmare Moon rubbed her chin. “At least this time we know of them and their threat. All that we can do is stoke the fires of friendship to keep their chill at bay.” She looked up to Celestia. “The windigos not destroyed at Friendship Cavern have been making their way south to take advantage of the strife during your incapacitation.”
Celestia half-smiled. “Aren't I supposed to be filling you in on the latest news, instead of the other way around?”
Nightmare Moon nickered. “Trust me, Celestia. I've put my hoof into my mouth on more than one occasion concerning news and reports. I have a lot of work to do, in order to regain their trust and respect.”
Celestia nodded. “And I'll be with you every step of the way, Nightmare Moon.” She licked her lips. “That... still feels weird to say.”
Applejack cleared her throat. “Pardon me for askin', but how long 'fore we all head back to our own Equestria? I mean I know we all gotta get back, but you see there's a certain... couple of ponies back at Sweet Apple Acres I'd like to talk to. If it's all right?” She scuffed a hoof over the ground, kicking up a small cloud of dirt. “I-I mean, if it's – “
“Can you be back in about ninety minutes?” Twilight Sparkle asked, while the others nodded their approval. Twilight Sparkle walked up to Applejack and winked. “I think I know who they are, so go on ahead, Applejack. We've got some time.”
Applejack swallowed and nodded. “Much obliged, Twilight.” She reared back and whinnied before spinning about and galloping off in the general direction of Sweet Apple Acres. “Trixie, Big Mac, wait up! I'm comin'!”
Twilight chuckled as Applejack sped off. She turned around to the other Bearers. “Okay, we've got some time before we head home. Any ideas on how we can pass the time?” Her head suddenly darted back and forth as she counted only three other ponies there. “Wait, where's Pinkie?”
Rainbow Dash jabbed a foreleg to her right. “She's all right.”
Over in the crowd of Ponyville residents, Pinkie Pie could be seen next to Cup Cake and the Cake twins. She bounced up and down, Pumpkin hanging onto her mane and Pound toddling around her hind legs. A tray of muffins was balanced on her head. Every time she bounced, a muffin hopped off of the tray and into the mouth of a nearby pony.
Twilight Sparkle nodded. “Okay, no problems there.”
Rainbow Dash flew up and circled around Twilight Sparkle. “Hey, Twilight? Any chance I could speak with you for a moment?” She swallowed, but quickly chuckled. “I mean if you're not busy.”
Twilight Sparkle arched an eyebrow, but shrugged. “Okay...” She walked off, Rainbow Dash flying by her side.
Rarity looked to Fluttershy. “Darling, I'm going to go seek out my counterpart. Would you like to accompany me?”
Fluttershy looked around. She quickly spotted Commander Dash talking with Gilda and Lightning Dust. “Thank you, Rarity, but I'll pass. If it's all right with you?” At Rarity's nod, she trotted off towards the three.
Rarity turned and bowed to the three princesses. “Well, if you'll excuse me, I shall be off as well.”
Nightmare Moon nodded to her. She waved a wing at Ponyville. “In the meanwhile, Celestia, would you care to be shown around Ponyville? I think it would prove most beneficial for you.”
Celestia nodded. Her eyes traveled up and down the wall encircling the town. “I think you're right. Time to get my hooves dirty, so to speak. After you, Nightmare Moon?”
Nightmare Moon nodded. She strode towards Ponyville, Celestia and Luna trailing behind.

Rainbow Dash led Twilight around the wall, away from the majority of the crowd. They stopped next to a small culvert in the wall. Twilight Sparkle looked up at Rainbow Dash as she floated above in the air. “Okay, so what is it?”
Rainbow Dash let out a breath. She darted back and forth before finally blurting out, “I'm sorry for acting like a jerk to you when you tried to get me into Daring Do.”
“That's all – wait, what?”
Rainbow Dash dropped back down to the ground. She blew a strand of her mane out of her eyes and chuckled nervously. “Well... remember when I was laid up with my broken wing and you tried to help me pass the time by introducing me to Daring Do and I called you an egghead, said how uncool it was and was generally a rude flankhole?”
Twilight Sparkle arched an eyebrow and rubbed her chin. “I seem to recall something like that happening, yes.”
Rainbow Dash looked down at the grass and her wings drooped. “Well, I got a taste of that from Commander Dash outside Ponyville. And it stung a bit. Well, more than a bit, but not a whole lot. And I realized how it must've hurt you when I said those things to you. And I guess... I guess...” She groaned. “Hay, this is harder than I thought it'd be.”
Twilight Sparkle walked up to Rainbow Dash and placed a hoof on her friend's shoulder. “No need to say anything else. Thanks for that.” She stepped forward and hugged Rainbow Dash. “Remember, you're not Commander Dash. Just like I'm not like this version of Twilight.”
Rainbow Dash nickered slightly. “Thanks, Twilight.” She pulled away from the hug and winked. “That was some pretty good advice I gave, wasn't it?”
Twilight Sparkle rolled her eyes. “Yes, brilliant advice.”
Rainbow Dash's stomach suddenly growled. Her cheeks flushed as she pulled a daisy sandwich out of her saddlebags. She held it up to her muzzle, but stopped. With a bit of care, she tore it in half and gave the larger piece to Twilight. The two ate in companionable silence as they made their way back around the wall.

Fluttershy slowly approached Commander Dash, Gilda and Lightning Dust. The three had their heads down and close together. “Um, excuse me?” She stepped closer and craned her neck out. “Excuse me, I don't mean to be a bother. But...” She waited as they continued conversing amongst themselves. “Excuse me? If you're not busy, could I talk to you for a moment? If you're not busy, that is?”
Commander Dash's ears twitched. She looked up and over at Fluttershy. “Well, to be honest, we kinda are.” She let out a groan as Fluttershy shrank back. “Okay, fine. What is it?”
Fluttershy sucked in a breath. “Well... I hope things work out for you and you figure out who stays in Ponyville. It's a nice town and it needs help. Then again Cloudsdale probably needs help, too. But if you work together, things should be fine. Goodbye and good luck!” She quickly turned and trotted off, eyes burning slightly.
“I'm sorry about what might've happened to... the other version of you. But I'm not sorry she hasn't crossed my mind all this time. Things have been a bit crazy here, if you hadn't noticed.”
Fluttershy slowly turned back to face the three. She opened her mouth, but stopped and hung her head. “You're right. I'm sorry for that. I'm not sure what I was expecting here. You're Dash, but you're not the Dash I know. You're... different.”
Gilda punched Commander Dash in the foreleg. “Hey, different or not, she's never left us hanging!”
Lightning Dust nodded and punched Commander Dash's other foreleg. “First in, last out. Quick and clean!”
Commander Dash winced and hopped into the air. She rubbed her forelegs and the bruises rapidly forming on them. “Thanks, but next time, don't show so much enthusiasm, okay?”
A small smile formed on Fluttershy's mouth. “Maybe there's more in common than you think,” she whispered.
Commander Dash's ears turned forward. “Wait, what?”
Fluttershy giggled slightly and waved her off. “Oh, nothing. Thank you for your time. And whoever stays in Ponyville, it really is a great place. I'm sure you'll love it. Goodbye.”
Gilda slapped her beak as Fluttershy walked off. “That was weird! There's no way you'd be friends with someone that lame, Dashie. No way in Tartarus.”
Commander Dash stared at Fluttershy. “Maybe, Gilda. Maybe.”

Applejack kept pace as Jonathan and Martha Apple galloped all over Sweet Apple Acres, barking out orders to everyone within eyesight and earshot. Jonathan turned to Applejack as they headed back to the main house. “Sorry we haven't had much time to chat, Applejack. But with the sun back there's heaps of work to get done and no time to get it done!”
Martha blew out a breath as they slowed down from a gallop to a walk. “But we do thank you for helpin' us out here. You definitely are an Apple, to the core.”
Applejack, grinning widely, shook her head. “Not a problem. And thanks. This has been the most fun I've had all day!” She trotted up between the two and swallowed. “Ah, I know I said this earlier, but I'm still sorry for the way I acted when I first saw you two. It was still wrong o' me and embarrassin'.”
Martha and Jonathan both wrapped a foreleg around Applejack and pulled her into a hug. “No talkin' like that,” Martha whispered into her ear. “Another Equestria or not, you're still family. You're still Applejack. And you and your friends saved us all. So thank you.
Jonathan broke from the embrace and walked into the house. He emerged a few minutes later with three apple pies balanced on his head and back. “I asked Mom to bake these up for us while on our rounds.” He slide one off in front of Martha, one in front of Applejack and the last one landed right in front of his muzzle. “Dig in!”
Applejack swallowed and wiped her eyes before leaning down and digging in. All three pies were quickly polished off and the pie plate itself licked clean. “Thank you,” Applejack said. She kicked at the dirt. “I know I gotta get back to Ponyville, my Ponyville, but I don't wanna leave you two. But I know I gotta. My own family's back there, including a little sister.” She chuckled at Martha's gasp. “Back where I come from you had one more daughter named Apple Bloom. Gets into all sorts of mischief, but smart as a whip. Big Mac and Granny Smith are waitin' for me, too. So...”
Martha and Jonathan hugged her once more. “Just look up and wink at the night sky when you wanna think of us or your parents, okay? We love you, and we'll miss you.”
Applejack closed her eyes as tears streamed down her cheeks. “I'll miss you, too.” She slid out of their embrace and wiped her eyes. “I love you.” She turned for the gate that led out of Sweet Apple Acres and back to Ponyville...
Jacqueline, Big Mac and Trixie suddenly emerged from the house. Jacqueline held up a hoof and shouted out, “Applejack, wait!”
Applejack skidded a bit and stumbled. She regained her footing and spun around. “Wait, what?” She looked up at Jacqueline and smiled. “Well, good to see you, too!” She trotted back as Jacqueline, Big Mac and Trixie walked down the stairs to stand by Jonathan and Martha.

Jacqueline extended a hoof to Applejack. “I just wanted to say thank you, not only for saving Equestria, but for helping me to get past some... issues I was having.”
Applejack pressed to Jacqueline's and the two shook. “You're welcome. And thank you for making me realize how badly I treated my own Aunt and Uncle Orange. I'll write them up first chance I get tomorrow, that's a promise.”
Trixie spoke up. “Applejack, your name and deeds will be immortalized in song and story. I, the... something-something Trixie will make sure of it.” She leaned forward and held a hoof up to her mouth. “Princess Nightmare Moon's already asked me to construct a performance and story of this day. Can you believe it?”
Applejack chuckled. “You'd be just the mare for it, Trixie.”
Jacqueline looked to Jonathan, then Martha. “Speaking of Aunt and Uncle Orange, I have an announcement. In one month's time, Trixie, Big Macintosh and I are heading back to Manehattan.”
Martha gasped. She reached out to Jacqueline, hesitated, then placed a hoof on her shoulder. “Jacqueline, are you sure?”
Jonathan nodded. “Seems a little sudden.”
 Jacqueline half-smiled and nodded. “I don't know if they're alive or dead. It gnaws at me, and with the sun returned, I have a chance to find out. They did so much for me, it's the least I can do.”
Martha nodded. “I've wondered every day since you and Trixie showed up at our doorstep. I hope sis is all right, but we don't know, do we.” She choked back a sob. “J-just be safe, all right?”
Big Mac tapped his chest. “That's why Trixie and I are goin' along, Ma. It's way too far and dangerous for her to go alone. Trixie and I will be back, though. Don't you worry none 'bout that.”
Martha blew out a sigh of relief, but quickly looked to Jacqueline. “Wait, Big Mac said he and Trixie'd be comin' back. He didn't mention you, Jacqueline. Are you... stayin' there?”
Jacqueline lightly brushed a hoof against the Orange-shaped manepin in her hair. “If they're alive, then yes. If not, I'll return with Big Macintosh and Trixie.” She held up a hoof. “Now, please, don't try to dissuade me from – “
Jonathan nodded. “Fair enough, then. Here's hopin' the two made it through those danged riots in one piece.”
“ – taking this course of action. I...” Jacqueline trailed off and arched an eyebrow. “Come again?”
Jonathan barked a laugh. “Jacqueline, your mom and I love you and want you to be happy. And we know you were happy in Manehattan. Sweet Apple Acres, well, it ain't for you. It's not where you belong. Manehattan is, though.”
Martha half-smiled. “And I'd give my left foreleg for Mosley and Orange Sherbet to be alive. So as weird as it sounds, stay a while there, okay? Just don't forget to write?”
Jacqueline swallowed and wiped her eyes. “Every day. Thank you, Mother. Thank you, Father.” She looked straight ahead to Applejack. “May I ask your thoughts, my counterpart?”
Applejack stepped right up to Jacqueline and tilted her hat. “I think you're doing what's right for you, and I'm hopin' your own Aunt and Uncle Orange are all right. I belong in Sweet Apple Acres, but you're not me. And that's not wrong. I'm sorry for not seein' that earlier. Good luck, Jacqueline.”
Jacqueline tilted her own head to Applejack. “And good luck to you, back where you belong.”
Applejack backed up. She blinked away sudden moisture in her eyes. “Okay, if I don't go now...” She spun around and galloped off, tossing a “See you!” over her shoulder as she left.
Martha rubbed her eyes. “I'm gonna miss her.”
Jacqueline slowly nodded. “I shall, too. She brought a fresh perspective to my life. The road not taken, in physical form.”
Trixie chuckled. “Wish you turned out to be an old-fashioned farmmare instead of a Manehattan socialite?”
“Not in a thousand years!”

Applejack galloped full-speed all the way back to Ponyville. She quickly arrived and spotted her five friends standing near the main gate. Luna, Nightmare Moon and Celestia were there as well. She slowed down as she approached. “Well, looks like the gang's all here!” She swallowed. “Hope I didn't keep you waitin'.”
Twilight Sparkle waved her off. “We just got here, Applejack. And we're all ready to head home.”
Rarity nodded. “Indeed. I cannot wait to get back to my boutique and get creating again. The Rarity here is pleasant to talk to, but her sense of beauty's been a bit stunted. Understandable, mind. But still, I need to beautify, to make art!”
Celestia bowed her head to the ponies. “I cannot thank you enough for your actions, my little ponies.”
Twilight Sparkle looked up to her. “Princess, if I may ask... what's going to happen to the Twilight of this reality? I mean, it wasn't her fault, right? It was an accident! Okay, how she handled it might not have been the best... but she meant well.”
Celestia paused, then shook her head. “I truly don't know. I wish I could have an answer for you, Twilight Sparkle, but right now, there hasn't been time to consider it.” She leaned down and gently nuzzled Twilight Sparkle. “But I can tell you I'll make sure she's treated well and given help.”
Nightmare Moon rubbed her horn and sighed. “We'll do the best we can for her. It's the least she deserves after the trauma she's gone through. You're right. It wasn't her fault.”
Luna smiled at her counterpart. “You really have come a long way. So, ready?”
Nightmare Moon stepped forward and spread her wings out. Her horn flared to life and crackled with pent-up magic. She glanced to Rainbow Dash. “For your actions here, a stained-glass window and a statue in the Royal Gardens!”
With that, a long pole of magic stretched from her horn. She sliced the air, cutting a hole open in space itself. Her horn's magic brightened. “Go!”
Fluttershy, Rarity and Pinkie all ran through the hole. Applejack glanced over her shoulder once more before following. Rainbow Dash flew through, followed by Twilight Sparkle.
Luna looked to Celestia. “Your road ahead will be difficult, but together, you can make it.” She turned and galloped through the hole and back to her own Equestria.

Across the gulf
Princess Celestia glanced up at the sky. She and Spike were still outside Ponyville, waiting on the return of her sister and the Bearers of the Elements. She had met with several government officials, making sure she kept her appointments. “I hope Luna returns soon,” she said, as the sun lowered and the sky began turning dark. “She was always better with the night.”
Spike yawned and stretched his stubby arms out. “I hope they're back, too. But I'll stay here until they get back!” He clenched a hand into a fist and shook it in the air.
Celestia smiled at him. “Twilight and the others are lucky to have a friend like you, Spike.”
A gust of wind kicked up. A swirling, crackling hole in space ripped open. Six ponies and one alicorn tumbled out, ran into each other and landed in a tangled heap in front of Celestia and Spike.
Twilight Sparkle kicked and untangled herself from the others. She stumbled about and rolled her eyes. “Now I see why Nightmare Moon was so loopy when she got here,” she muttered, her face green.
Spike gasped and ran over to her. He wrapped his arms around Twilight Sparkle's neck and steadied her. “Twilight, you're okay!” He leaned in close and narrowed his eyes. “Wait, are you okay?'
Twilight Sparkle leaned into his embrace and wrapped a foreleg around his shoulders. “Oh, Spike! I'm so glad to see you again. And to see you're small and intelligent, too!”
Spike broke the hug and looked Twilight Sparkle over. “Say, what?” He placed a palm on her forehead and rubbed his chin. “Hmm, no fever. Did you get into the hard cider over in that other Equestria?”
Rainbow Dash flew up and away from the others. “No, but I know what I'm gonna be doing tonight. Applejack, remember that barrel you were telling me about?”
Applejack rose to all four hooves and nodded. “I think I'll have a barrel right beside you, Dash. Well, after I get quill, inkwell and scroll and fire off a letter to Manehattan. Several of them, in fact. I made a promise, and I don't go back on my word.”
Luna's horn flashed. She, Pinkie, Fluttershy and Rarity all disappeared, then reappeared a moment later, upright and none the worse for wear.
Pinkie hopped up and down. “Thanks, Luna.” She bit her lip and her cheeks puffed out as she bit back on a massive yawn. “Oh, I think I'm too pooped to party until at least... tomorrow afternoon?” She slid a calendar out of her mane and checked the pages. “Hmm, maybe tomorrow midday, if I have some coffee.”
Celestia walked up to Luna and hugged her tightly. “I am so glad you're all right! What happened over there?”
Luna leaned into the hug, then tilted back and looked Celestia over. “You're all right. Praise Zacherle, you're all right.”
Celestia arched an eyebrow. “Okay...” She broke from the embrace and walked over to Twilight Sparkle and Spike. “My prized pupil, please, what happened over there?”
Twilight Sparkle suddenly leaned back on her hind legs and hugged Celestia's chest. “Oh, Princess! I'm so glad to see you're all right!”
Celestia blinked. She reached over and patted her student on the withers. “Thank you, Twilight. I suppose it can wait a bit?”
Luna walked over to Celestia's side and draped a wing over her. “Believe me, sister. It's a long story.”

Nightmare Moon walked through the halls of Canterlot Palace, several scrolls floating in front of her. Over a dozen ponies trailed behind her. One by one, she floated a scroll to them. Finally, she stopped in front of a door and turned to them. “All right, we've gotten a lot done, but there's even more to do after a good sleep.” She opened her mouth and yawned loudly. “Even alicorns get tired, especially after a day like this.”
One of the ponies, Fancy Pants, unrolled his scroll and looked it over. “Jolly good, Princess. But are you sure there's nothing else we can do? Is there anything we can do for you, perchance?”
Another pony spoke up. “Right-o! There must be something we can get for you!”
Nightmare Moon's cheeks reddened slightly. She held up a hoof and waved them off. “No, no. I appreciate it, but the best thing you can do is leave me to get some rest for tomorrow.” With that, she turned, opened the door to her new room and walked in.
Inside was a relatively simple room, with a few pieces of furniture scattered about, two doors that led to a bathroom and bedroom, and a large balcony that overlooked the street below. Nightmare Moon walked up to the balcony and looked down at the ponies below, then up at the night sky, a true night sky, with the moon hanging overhead and stars shining brightly. A warm breeze blew through the air, just fast enough to ruffle through manes.
Nightmare Moon's eyes darted back and forth at the large number of ponies still out and about, either by themselves or in groups. More than one stopped in their tracks and waved to her, shouting greetings and cheers. Nightmare Moon grinned and quickly began waving back, even as fatigue seeped into her bones.
“Didn't you say something about getting rest? It's not good to ignore your own advice.”
Nightmare Moon continued waving as Celestia walked up behind her. “Well, they're waving to me. It's not like I can just ignore them!” She laughed. “Thank you, thank you. I love you, too. I love you being out here for my glorious night!”
Celestia grinned at Nightmare Moon. “I've made sure to cultivate an appreciation for the night among the populace over the past thousand years. To make up for... before.”
Nightmare Moon turned and faced Celestia. She narrowed her eyes. “All right, Celestia. Young Twilight is hidden away. You're better, the sun is healed and I'm out.” She cantered around Celestia, into the room proper. Her horn closed and the bay windows to the balcony closed, glowing with a noise-cancellation spell.
Celestia turned and shrank back slightly. I... I'm sorry!” She dropped to her knees and began crying. “I'm sorry I didn't try harder. I'm sorry I did that to you. I'm sorry I didn't notice or do something to help you out. I'm so, so sorry, Nightmare Moon! If I could I'd go back and make everything right!”
Nightmare Moon turned and looked over her shoulder at Celestia. “You're kidding.” She spun around and knelt down to Celestia's level. “You're kidding, right?”
Celestia gulped and looked up slightly. “W-what do you mean? I failed you!”
Nightmare Moon's expression changed to confusion. After a moment she rolled her eyes. “Sweet Zacherle, you're not kidding. You think... you really blame yourself for my actions? My atrocities and crimes?”
Nightmare Moon dropped to her knees and placed a hoof on Celestia's cheek. “Celestia, look at me – look at me!” She waited for Celestia to lock eyes with her before continuing. “Don't. Don't blame yourself. Not for what I did, for what I was going to do. That's on my horn, do you hear me? That wasn't your fault.”
Celestia sniffed. “B-but the other Luna, she got through to you. W-why couldn't I do that? If only I had – “
“If only you had bludgeoned me over the head and forced me to fully confront the sheer magnitude of my crimes through the dreaming. If only you had the time between me trying to blow a hole through your chest, then enact Eternal Night, which would've killed every single thing in Equestria and beyond?” Nightmare Moon slapped her forehead with a hoof and slowly dragged it down her face. “Okay, Celestia? I'm going to tell you something. You may not believe it, but it's true. Ready?”
Celestia slowly nodded.
Nightmare Moon leaned in close to Celestia's ear. “You did the right thing. And I'm glad you stopped me.”
Celestia looked away. “It doesn't feel right, or that I did the right thing.”
“But it still was. Trust me, there wasn't anything you could've done differently. I was out of control and insane with petty jealousy.” Nightmare Moon stood up and extended a hoof to her sister. “But now my mind is clear, and you're well. It's time to heal Equestria. Let us do it together.”
Celestia looked up. She wrapped her forearm around Nightmare Moon's, stood up and drew her in for an embrace. “Together it is, sister. Like we were meant to.”

The End