//------------------------------// // That's not what that means. // Story: I'm soooo jelly. // by Zeyon The Green //------------------------------// “Aaaaaaiiiiieeeeee.” A scream shot throughout the castle, and Spike flopped out of bed. He was sprawled out on the floor, and his eyes were wide enough to possibly pop out of his head. The clumsy drake stumbled to his feet tripping over a blanket and his Rarity plushie landed on his head. “What in Tartarus, was that?” He actually stood up this time. “Uh… I don’t want to know.” Spike curled back up with his blanket, and felt something slide off of his head. The dragon jumped at the sudden movement and fell out of bed. He slammed a pillow down on the intruder in his bed. At the count of three he pulled the pillow up to come face to face with the stuffed replica of his beloved. “Oh, Rarity it was just you… I guess that noise just made me jumpy.” Spike stared at the doll for a second. I can’t show weakness in front of my mare, even a plushie of her. Just play it cool like you always do. “Ha, just kidding Rarity. I’m a big strong dragon. What do I have to be afraid of?” Spike puffed his chest out. If I am going to be the stallion of Rarity’s dreams I have to be her brave knight, besides Twilight could have fallen down the stairs or something. Boy is it going to be a pain in the ass to find her in this castle. Spike strode over to the door and looked into the hallway. It was dark as a cave, but then again he didn’t need a light source. He pumped a fist, got to love that darkvision baby. He looked left and right down the hall. With nothing in sight he decided to head to Twilight’s room to see if he could find her or if she had at least woken up too. It wasn’t that far to the royal chambers. Twilight had been Irritated that he had called them that, she was still the same Twilight she said. One turn and a little walk down the hall later, he noticed that the door was open a crack. He stepped inside and saw that the bedsheets were in disarray. Owlowiscious was sitting there on his perch, looking out the window. He turned his head 180 degrees to the new arrival. “HOO!” “Hi Owlowicious, Twilight go somewhere again?” “HOO?” “No, I am not doing that gag again.” “HOO, HOO?” The owl twisted his head back around. “You know very well what I mean.” “HOO…” “Anyway did she go to the bathroom?” Owlowicious shook his head. “Observatory?” Another head shake. “Walk?” Another shake. “Kitchen?” “HOO!” “Alright thanks, keep up the watch.” Spike entered the kitchen and found the refrigerator door open. Odd, Twilight wouldn’t have left the door open. He walked towards the door and soon saw a familiar horn on the floor, and laughed. “Twilight? Is the refridgerator unorganized again? That’s nothing to faint over.” He saw her unconscious form in the light. “Hey Spike.” A odd sounding voice said. “Whoa Twilight… you can talk in your sleep. That’s creepy.” “No silly billy, I’m talking to you.” The voice said to his right. “Who said…” Spike stopped cold as he noticed a pink jelly mold with pink hair and blue eyes on a plate. There was a smiling mouth in the middle of the wiggling mass. It seemed to be jiggling by itself, and jumping up and down on the plate. “Who are you? What did you do to Twilight? Do you come in peace?” Spike crouched over Twilight shielding her from the demon jelly. “Spike don’t you recognize me? I may be gelatinous, but I’m still Pinkie Pie.” The jelly pony broke into giggles. “Pinkie?” “That’s my name.” She smiled wide. “I thought you were going faint like, Twi Twi.” “What happened to you Pinkie?” Spike stared at his jelly friend. “I’m soooo jelly.” She chimed happily. “First of all, I can see that. Second of all, that is not what jelly means in that statement. Three, why are you jelly?” Spike scratched behind his ear scales. “I mean I know you are… Well… You… But how?” “Oh, I was talking to Discord about pranks and I said wouldn’t it be cool if I was jelly and that it would be fun to prank someone by sitting in the fridge and we came up with a plan that I would sit in a refrigerator to surprise someone and I thought about Twilight because she is always so moody because she has so much work to do and I thought it would make her smile so then he poofed me into Twilight’s fridge and I’ve been in here since Friday.” Pinkie took a deep breath. “Oh.” Spike said like this was a totally normal occurrence. It’s Pinkie Pie, what else is new. “The only problem is that I have been in here for three days, I thought that Twilight would have been more hungry.” Pinkie seemed a little sad. “It’s a little lonely in here. “Sorry we just came back from a weekend in Canterlot, you know that big Equestria convention she had been planning for weeks.” Spike looked over Twilight for Injuries. “Oh. That was this last weekend? I must have forgotten to look at my schedule after those 12 birthday parties that I had to set up in a row.” Pinkie stared into space. “Maybe I need a secretary.” “So what are you going to do now?” Spike started to pick up Twilight and sling her over his shoulder. “I have to take sleeping beauty here back to her bed.” “Well, I got nothing to do until tomorrow night. Hmmm…” She tilted her gelatinous form to the left and the right. “I guess I could go to Discord to get changed back, but I’d hate to wake him up tonight.” “Is there anything I can do to help?” Spike grunted and lifted the alicorn. “Damn Twilight has gotten heavy since she ascended.” “No Spike, I think I’ll wait until tomorrow. Just close the door and I think I’ll just stay here for now.” Pinkie yawned. “It is night after all.” “Well probably for the best. I don’t want to have to clean up a pinkie puddle in the morning.” Spike grabbed the door to the fridge. “Good night.” “Good night Spike.” Spike closed the door and began to make his way back to Twilight’s bedroom, he thought to himself. I think I’ll tell Twilight it was just a dream and suggest that we go out to eat tomorrow morning. As Twilight always says no Pinkie Pie Hijinks before breakfast…