//------------------------------// // prologue // Story: The Tale of Solarin // by Huntermjiolnir //------------------------------// Prologue It was a beautiful day on earth, one Solarin* enjoyed, which was unusual for him, you see this young man was mute, having lost his parents when he was 3, and no friends to talk to, something inside this young man broke, and he lost the ability to speak. During this day though, Solarin's depression felt strangely absent, he thought himself weird for feeling happy for once, and continued walking barefoot in the forest behind his house. Quite possibly this young mans happiness stemmed from a cartoon show he had found about a month ago, a show called My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. But alas his happiness was slowly disappearing due to him losing his job yesterday, so Solarin decided to take a walk behind his meager living place, when he found himself stopped short by a weird looking distortion in the air. Being an avid science-fiction reader, this young man quickly recognized what this was, a portal, possibly to another world. Depression can make a man lonely, and lonesomeness can make a man desperate, seeing the portal close slowly before him, Solarin weighed his options quickly: Stay in his world and continue his miserable, lonely existence; or go to this new world, and find a new life, possibly better than the one he currently has a life, with friendship. For the first time in fifteen years, Solarin felt hope, hope to get the chance to live a new life, to start over, to get rid of his depression. With a look of determination, Solarin leaped through the portal into a new world, a world he knew, a world he would love, a world known as.... EQUESTRIA! (AN: And done, looking forward to reviews, please tell me what you think *((pronounced Soul-air-in)).)