//------------------------------// // Destinies and Prison-Breaks // Story: The Fault In Our Harmony // by Miralusa //------------------------------// The TARDIS materialized inside a small metal chamber that linked to a hallway. Gwen, Discord and Shining tumbled out of the TARDIS with wide eyes. “We are never doing that again,” Gwen stated indignantly. “Agreed,” Shining said as he stretched his muscles. “I think that went well,” the Doctor said as he walked out with a wide smile. He trotted in place a couple of times and then checked out into the hallway. Sunset walked out and saw Discord still on the ground. “Now’s not the time for joking around, Discord,” Sunset said seriously as she stepped out of the TARDIS. “I’m fine thank you very much,” Discord replied while getting up and dusting himself off. “Alright we don’t have much time, Gwen your with me we have to recover the idol of Boreas,” the Doctor said as he rejoined the group. “One second, where are we and why do we need the idol?” Gwen asked confused. “We’re in an underground bunker twenty or thirty kilometers underneath Griffonstone I think, I can never remember how deep we are, and as to why we need the idol I’ll explain along the way,” the Doctor replied and started pushing Gwen out of the door. “The rest of you have to save the princesses,” He added looking towards the rest of the group. “How do we know where they are?” Sunset asked. “Trust your instincts, and head in the opposite direction from me and Gwen,” the Doctor said and left the room with Gwen before Sunset could reply. “Oh just perfect, come on guys let’s go on our wild goose chase,” Sunset stated and left the room followed closely by Discord and Shining and they all went to the left in the opposite direction from the Doctor and Gwen. XXX “So are you going to tell me now?” Gwen whispered to the Doctor as they snuck past a group of changelings in the bunker. “Fine, the idol is yours,” the Doctor whispered back and looked at Gwen. Gwen simply looked at the Doctor with a confused look. “As in you were meant to find it, but for some reason that never happened, Chaos rose up and he somehow manipulated the timeline so all of this would happen and that’s the reason you’ve been on the run for the past two years, Guinevere,” the Doctor whispered as they stopped and waited for more changelings passed them by. “But why me, why is finding the idol so important to Chaos?” Gwen asked still confused. “Because it means that he can control the Griffons, whoever posses the idol is said to hold the key to their salvation… The person who was meant to find the idol was you, Gwen,” the Doctor said as he checked around another corner before continuing on. “Then that means…” Gwen started realization dawning on her. “That your the future princess of Griffonstone,” the Doctor finished for her as they came to a door with two Griffons standing at attention at either side of it. “Alright, now’s your time to shine, we have to take out those two Griffons without anyone noticing… And by we I mean you,” he said and pushed Gwen in front of him. “Why can’t you help me?” Sunset asked as she stopped the Doctor from pushing her. “Because I don’t do the whole violence thing, I don’t like this at all but I have no other choice. The answer to winning this war is behind that door…” The Doctor trailed off and looked at the door. “Fine,” Gwen whispered back and snuck over to a nearby outcropping in the hallway. Think, Gwen how can I distract them so I can take them out. She looked at her surroundings. The entire passageway was a narrow hallway that was made of pure metal with a sickly red glow to it. The ceiling however was pure darkness though. That could work. The Doctor could read Gwen’s plan from where he was standing. He grabbed a rock from his coat pocket and chucked it at the door. The Griffons spun around and looked at the door. Gwen took the opportunity and flew up to the ceiling and and floated up there as she slowly made her way towards the door. The Griffons turned around again and looked around the rest of the hallway. Gwen took the chance to strike and dropped from the ceiling and bashed the Griffons heads together. The Doctor took a peak around the corner and saw the two unconscious Griffons there. “I told you to knock them out,” the Doctor whispered angrily. “And they are… What? You thought I actually killed them, I can control my anger when I need to,” Gwen said with slight hurt in her voice. “Oh… Well enough of that, now there’s this door to deal with,” the Doctor said changing the subject. “Alright stand back!” Gwen said and started charging up a spell. “Wait!” The Doctor whispered as loudly as he could. “What I can bust this door down easy,” Gwen replied as her horn powered down. “And also alert every changeling, Griffon and Chaos minion in the bunker… This job requires a bit more finesse,” the Doctor whispered as he pulled out his trusty sonic screwdriver. “What’s that?” Gwen asked looking at the screwdriver. “It’s a sonic screwdriver, never leave the TARDIS without it. Thank Celestia this door isn’t wooden,” the Doctor said as he activated it and brought it along the frame of the door and down the middle of it as well. “Why’s that?” Gwen asked. “The sonic doesn’t do wood,” the Doctor said as if it was the most normal thing and the door opened. “Whatever you say,” Gwen said as they entered the chamber that held the idol of Boreas inside a glass casing. “There it is,” the Doctor said and activated his sonic screwdriver and brought it along the floor. “Just as I thought, pressure plates,” he added as he brought the screwdriver to his ear. “Easy enough,” Gwen said and took off with her wings and flew towards the idol. “Cover your ears,” the Doctor said to Gwen as he activated the screwdriver and it produced a screeching sound loud enough to shatter the protective glass. Gwen retrieved the idol and looked around. “Normally there’s an alarm,” she said as she flew back with the idol. “Chaos’s overconfidence will be his downfall, now come on that was only phase one,” the Doctor said as he grabbed the idol and placed it in a bag. “What’s phase two?” Gwen asked dreading the answer. “We have to disrupt Chaos’s ritual, otherwise he will regain his full power,” the Doctor replied as he exited the room and looked around. “Is this ever going to end?” Gwen asked as she followed the Doctor. “Not until Chaos is imprisoned again,” the Doctor replied while peering around a corner. XXX “Just admit it, we’re lost aren’t we?” Discord asked as he sat down and spawned a shoe on his foot only to take it off and shake out a boulder from it. “Ah, much better,” he added relaxing now. “Well I’m sorry if I don’t know where the princesses are being held,” Sunset replied angrily. Sunset, Discord and Shining had been running around for the past fifteen minutes trying to find the prison cells in the bunker. “What I’m wondering is why we haven’t encountered anyone,” Shining said looking around cautiously. “That is weird,” Sunset said looking around as well. “What could they be doing?” Discord asked standing back up again. “I don’t know and I don’t like it,” Sunset said now looking down a hallway. “What about down that way?” She asked. “What do you mean?” Shining asked confused. “We haven’t gone down that way, just call it a hunch,” Sunset said running down the hallway. Discord and Shining looked at each other before shrugging their shoulders and following after her. True to Sunset’s words they ended up in a series of cells with the princesses at the end of it. “See, you just need to have a little faith,” Sunset said gleefully. “You were the one that was losing hope thought,” Discord said with a look of confusion. “Shut up, Discord,” Sunset said. “I don’t like this, it could be…” Shining started. Griffons suddenly appeared in front of the cell along with a small horde of changelings. “A trap,” he finished. “Way to go,” Discord said and placed a dunce hat on Shining’s head and patted Shining’s new hat with a cocky smile. Shining just glared back at Discord and shook of the hat and looked to the enemy in front of him. “You take the twenty on the left, I’ll take the twenty to the right, Discord you get the rest,” Shining said in a half-joking manner as he looked towards Sunset now. “Crane stance!” Discord declared as he lifted his knee to his hip and held his hands out to his sides with his fingers pointing down. Suddenly he was in a robe and had a bandana wrapped around his forehead. Sunset just rolled her eyes and charged the changelings. She charged the changelings head on and shot a spell that dispersed the changelings. She tackled one of the dazed changelings and rolled off of it and bucked another changeling with her hind hooves. She used her teleport spell to teleport behind another changeling and cast a push spell to send it careening into it’s brethren. Sunset took a deep breath and looked over to Shining and Discord who stood there there still. “Don’t help or anything, I’m good,” she yelled and ducked a swipe from one of the Griffons. She bucked the Griffon in the stomach winding it and then she cast another push spell sending the Griffon tumbling into another small group of Changelings. Shining rushed in and headbutted a changeling and bucked another. He then spun around and cast a beam spell at another sending it flying. “Discord, deal with these Griffons!” Sunset yelled at Discord who was still in his ‘crane stance.’ “For the love of… Do something!” She added using her magic to teleport again. Discord then clapped his hands together and brought them back to his side and then extended them out in front of him with the wrists still touching. The Griffons suddenly turned into tiny flying sheep. Sunset sent an chain lightning spell through the rest of the changelings to finish them off. She then slumped down exhausted. “What the hell was that? I pretty much had to take those guys on by myself,” Sunset said trying to catch her breath but her anger got across. “Sunset, do you even realize how fast you were going there?” Shining asked her. “The fight was about a minute before you guys joined in,” Sunset said with certainty. “That fight was about half a minute… Total, and it was about fifteen seconds before we got involved,” Shining said. “Right, Discord?” He asked… There was no response. “Discord?” Shining asked again turning around this time. Discord had slumped down and looked worse for wear than Sunset. “Discord, what happened?” Sunset asked running to Discord’s side. “This place, it’s sapping my powers, I didn’t realize it until the fight started… It took all of my power just to pull of that simple parlor trick with the flying sheep,” Discord whispered trying to shake off the confusion. “We need to get you back to the TARDIS,” Sunset said and helped Discord up. “Can you stand?” She asked as Discord tried to straighten up. “Barely, but I have to see this through,” Discord said and tried to walk and stumbled a bit but managed to stay on his feet. “Some god of chaos I make,” he added with a humorless laugh. “Oh come on, the flying sheep was a nice touch methinks,” Sunset said with a laugh trying to cheer Discord up. “You think so?” Discord asked as they got to the princess's cell. “I know so,” Sunset replied and cast a spell to pick the lock. The trio entered the cell to find Cadance and Celestia there. “Cadance!” Shining yelled and embraced his wife. “I’m so glad you're safe,” he added with tears rolling down her eyes. “Of course I am, because I knew my knight in Shining Armor would save me,” Cadance replied and kissed Shining. “Sunset?” Celestia asked in surprise. “Hi, Celestia… Long time no see,” Sunset said not knowing what to say. “Yes it has been… Where’s Twilight?” Celestia asked confused looking out of the cell now. “No time, where’s Luna?” Sunset asked looking around. “She was dragged off to another room, we were all brought into that room to have our powers siphoned,” Cadance said trying to hold back her tears. “Then we have to get her back,” Sunset said adamantly. “Yes we do,” Celestia said standing up. Sunset could tell she was struggling to just stand. “Shining, Discord and I will find Luna, you have to go to the TARDIS,” she added firmly as she saw Cadance was having similar problems as Celestia. “Wait, Sunset I’ll make sure they get back alright, you go and find Luna,” Discord said standing up straight now. “Are you sure?” Sunset asked with concern for Discord. “I’m no use to you here, but I do know the way back to the TARDIS. I promise they’ll make it there ok,” Discord said with determination in his voice and new found courage. “Alright go, Shining your with me,” Sunset said pointing towards Shining. Shining nodded and looked at his wife. “I love you, Cadance and I’ll be back I promise,” he said and kissed her briefly and then followed Sunset out of the cell. “I love you too, Shining and I’m holding you to that,” Cadance said as her, Discord and Celestia left the cell aswell. “Don’t worry, he’s in good hands,” Sunset said with a smile. “I’m not losing anyone else,” she added her face getting serious all of a sudden. The princesses looked at Sunset with pure confusion in their eyes. “Nevermind, I’ll tell you later,” Sunset said and ran in the opposite direction from the rest of the group with Shining in close pursuit. “What aren’t they telling us, Discord?” Celestia asked Discord seriously. “I’ll explain when we get back to the TARDIS,” Discord said trying to hold back tears of his own at the thoughts now running through his mind. “What’s a TARDIS?” Cadance asked. XXX Sunset and Shining ran through the hallways searching for this room that Celestia and Cadance spoke of. “I have a bad feeling about this,” Shining said as they rounded another corner. “Don’t say it,” Sunset said as they came upon a gargantuan metal door. “It seems like a…” Shining started and then changelings popped out of the ground all around them. “Trap,” he finished. “You just had to say it,” Sunset stated as she got into her aggressive stance. “It’s not my fault,” Shining said in a whining tone. “Look out below!” A voice called out from above. Suddenly a Changeling was imbedded with a sword in the head. A stallion dropped down from the ceiling and grabbed the sword and unsheathed another one. He backed up to Sunset and Shining. “Fancy meeting you here, sir,” the stallion said to Shining. “Back at you Flash,” Shining replied with relief to see his friend as he was passed a sword. Oh not him, Sunset thought to herself with a roll of her eyes. “And who is this lovely lady?” Flash asked looking at Sunset. “Flash this is Sunset, Sunset this is Flash,” Shining said hastily without taking his eyes off of the changelings. “We’ve met,” Sunset stated with an exasperated sigh.