//------------------------------// // Drew's new friend // Story: Drew Mathers: Canterlot High Chronicles // by Lethally Insane //------------------------------// Chapter 4: Drew's new friend. She rounded the corner about five minutes later. I sprung at the figure, knocking her to the ground. I grabbed her and threw her against the wall of the alley. I held her there. She wasn't putting up much of a fight. "Why you following me?" I growled through clenched teeth. "I- I just wanted some." she whimpered. "When was the last time?" I asked, lowering her down. "A few weeks ago." she said, sliding down the wall into a sitting position. " Guy jumped off a bridge, I got some of what was left." "That so?" I said sliding down next to her. " How long you been like this?" "Oh, about three months." she said. " What about you?" "Here," I said, handing her the flask. " Drink." "Thanks." she said, sipping it's contents. "Anyway, how long have you been like this?" she asked again. "A little more than 1000 years." I said. "How did you survive that long?" she asked. "What do you mean?" I asked. "Usually we can't survive more than a few years." she said. " Unless you're a part of the gangs." "What do you mean, gangs?" I asked. "Blood gangs." she said. " Things have changed since you were made a vampire, old timer. Unless you're part of a gang, you starve pretty quick." "I'll take my chances." I said, nodding to the cartons of blood beside me. "That's what I said." she stood up, handing me the flask. "What's your name, kid?" I asked. "Vinyl," she said. " Scratch." "Call me Old Timer." I said. " I like the sound of that." "Okay, Old Timer." she laughed. " I'll see you around." I picked up my cartons and followed her out of the alley. I walked back to Sunset's place. I thought about what Vinyl had said. How exactly did these "gangs" operate? I sighed; if they were a danger to humans, I would have to shut them down, permanently. I opened the door to the house, put the blood in my room and grabbed a few smokes. I flicked on the TV and waited for the morning. Nothing much was on. Eventually, I settled on what looked like a history documentary. It was boring, but it had the facts I needed. I marathoned the series for the rest of the night. Apparently, after I had gone to sleep, what was known to me as Pangea had reformed. This brought all the world's populations together. Eventually, after a period of conventional war (as they were afraid to use nuclear weapons in such close proximity to their homes), peace had reigned supreme. After some time, humanity's melanin levels were distorted, leading to the dissolution of races. Then, the world moved on, redeveloping technology that had been lost. I found Sunset's laptop, quickly searching vampires. I found more information. The site read that vampires were fairytale creatures, and listed folktales that mentioned them. I laughed, lighting another cigarette. Humans had the innate ability to forget us, didn't they? I looked at the clock, 7;00. Sunset wouldn't be up for a while. I sat back down on the couch, and cried. I missed them, Alucard and Seras were gone. I had no idea where they could be. For all I knew, the continents had crushed where they had been stored. I thought back to shortly before I lost track of their presences. Somewhere on the ship to America, they were just gone. If felt like having a blanket ripped off of you. I dried my eyes. It was near 8:00 I dumped the ash tray into the garbage can. Then, I cracked some eggs and started on breakfast. About fifteen minutes later, Sunset came in. She was still wearing her pajamas. "Where you up all night?" she asked, yawning. "Pretty much." I said. " Despite what legends say, Vampires don't need sleep in the day. That is, unless I'm hurt or haven't eaten in a while." "I see." she said, plopping herself down at a small table. "I also took the liberty of making breakfast." I said. " We're having omelets." "You can cook?" she asked. "Well, of course." I said matter of factly. " I'm your servant in anyway you need. Cooking included." I placed an omelet at her place. I proceeded to place my own across from hers. "Why's your's pink?" she asked looking at it. "That's the reason I can eat it." I replied. " After I finished your omelet, I mixed in a little blood into the egg. Then, I did mine." "That's, uh, cool." she said nervously. "Relax," I said. " I got it from a blood bank." "Oh." she said taking a bite. She perked up. " This is delicious." "I had lots of practice." I said. "It's Saturday," she said, eating more. " I don't really have anything planned. Maybe I can show you the rest of my friends?" "Okay." I said. " Hey Sunset, I have a question. What's up with everyone's names?" "What do you mean?" she said, finishing of the omelet. "The way their names, well... are." I elaborated. " 1000 years ago, people had names more like mine. How did it change?" "I can't really give you that answer." she said. " I grew up in Equestria, it's always been like that there." "Oh," I said, it was disappointing to not learn how my culture had changed. "I found an alternative for my name." "What?" she asked. "How does Old Timer sound?" I asked. "Wow, it's fitting." she said. " How'd you come up with it?" "A new friend gave it it me." I said. "Who is it?" she asked. "A girl named Vinyl." I said. " I helped her out. We had a nice conversation after that. She called me Old Timer, I liked it." "Fair enough." she shrugged. "I'll only tell my real name to those you deem necessary." I continued. " It'll help me blend in easier." "Okay," she said getting up. " I'll go shower and we can go." I sat back on the couch to continue my documentary. After her shower, we got in the car and headed to a place she called "Sugarcube Corner". I watched as we drove further into Canterlot. I saw a large building as we drove to Sugarcube Corner. "That's CHS right?" I asked from the passenger seat. "Yeah," Sunset replied. " what about it?" "Well, besides your friends antics," I asked. " does anything else out of sorts happen there?" "No," she replied. " not really anything I can think of." "I see." I muttered. We pulled into a cafe. "Here we are." Sunset said. I stepped out of the car, shielding my eyes to the mid morning sun. I stepped in quickly, not wanting to be in the sun for much longer. The cashier looked at me. "What can I get for you?" she asked politely. "Uh, black." I said, glancing at the menu. "It's on me Mrs. Cake." Sunset said from behind me. " I'll have my usual." "Coming right up, Sunset." she said. She took my hand and lead me to a table with five other occupants. I recognized three of them. "Hi there." I said nervously.