//------------------------------// // The Letter // Story: The Tale of Solarin // by Huntermjiolnir //------------------------------// Chapter 2: The letter (AN: anything written by Solarin will be underlined) Princess Celestia was enjoying this wonderful day. So far she had had no courtly concerns that had come to her attention. Humming happily, Celestia was walking to her throne room, when she heard the familiar sound of a letter from her prized student. Smiling, she caught the letter with her magic and started to read. Dear princess Celestia, Today I am writing from Fluttershy's cottage, earlier she and Rainbow Dash had gone exploring in Everfree, where they encountered a strange creature under attack by a manticore. Celestia frowned at this. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy scared off the manticore and brought it to Fluttershy's cottage to mend it's wounds. Fluttershy then sent Rainbow Dash to find me, Fluttershy had asked Rainbow to tell me to grab books on identifying the creature, and a healing spell, at first I was skeptical, a strange creature? But when I arrived at the cottage, I found that they had indeed found an injured being. Thinking quickly, I search through the creature guide and found NOTHING in there. I gave up after an hour of frustrated searching. Then Fluttershy asked me to use a healing spell on the creature, I know it was risky, seeing as the magic could back-fire, but I had to try anyways. Celestia frowned again. Fortunately, the magic DID heal the creature, its wounds, and its broken arm healed in a matter of minutes, which surprised me usually healing magic isn't that powerful. Then when I tried to stop the magic I couldn't soon the magic grew to an intense level and back-fired, I am sorry to say that though the creature is still alive, my magic had changed it into a unicorn, please don't be mad at me, and I am sure you will want to meet this creature as soon as possible. Your faithful student, Twilight sparkle Celestia sighed as she finished reading the letter, checking her schedule she smiled as she realized she had nothing arranged for tomorrow. Using her magic to grab a quill and paper, she began to write a letter back to Twilight. Back at Fluttershy's cottage “This is bad, really, really bad.” Twilight moaned. “But why is it bad, the creature, now a pony, is healed!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed. “That's the POINT, my magic wasn't supposed to turn the creature into a pony!” “Twi, I think Celestia's sending a letter back.” Spike said. Twilight’s face went from worried to frightened, as spike spat up Celestia's reply. Dear Twilight Sparkle, my faithful student, I am going to visit you at Fluttershy's cottage tomorrow, when I get there I am going to meet this creature, now a pony, and gather some information from him. If at all possible, please have awaken him today and try to get his name, and some information before I come tomorrow, and do not worry, I am not mad that your magic changed the creature into a pony, in fact I applaud you for taking a risk to heal the creature, even if it did change him. See you tomorrow. Your friend, Princess Celestia. “She's coming tomorrow?! Oh my goodness, we have to prepare!” Twilight practically screamed. “Could you please calm down, if that's all right with you. The princess told us to wake the pony today and get his name.” Fluttershy said meekly. “Your right! Go ahead and wake him up rainbow.” Twilight replies. Nodding the cyan-colored Pegasus walks over to the now-unicorn, and begins to gently shake him. Shifting in his sleep, the forest green unicorn slowly opens his eyes. “Hey Twi, he's awake” Looking to see who said that Solarin stares at the Pegasus for a moment, then a second later the unicorn blinks as who she is registers in his mind, and his eyes widen. “Hello there, my name is Twilight Sparkle, who are you?” The unicorn turns to look, and his eyes widen even further, and his jaw drops. “Uhm, Twilight, I think you're scaring him.” Fluttershy says, as she gently moves Twilight out of the way. “There, there, no need to be scared, you're safe now.” In response the unicorn's jaw closes, and the eyes shrink back t normal, and he nods. “Can you tell us your name please?” The timid Pegasus asks. He stares a her and sadness begins to enter his eyes, a sad frown forming on his face as he shakes his head. “Well why not!” yells Rainbow. The sadness becomes even more apparent an tears begins forming in the eyes. “Rainbow, your making him cry.” At that the unicorn shakes his head sadness still on his face. “Can you tell us why you won't tell us your name?” asks Twilight. The unicorn turns to hear, tears now freely flowing down his face. Then he starts to make motions, twilight watching him intently. He points to his mouth then makes a swiping motion with his hoof. Twilight just blinks and cocks her head in confusion. The unicorn now looks even more sad, and the tears start to flow harder. Again he makes a motion. He points at his mouth, and pantomimes talking, then swipes his hoof, he repeats the gesture twice. Fluttershy gasps, understanding coming to her. “You can't talk?” The unicorn looks at her and nods, then closes his eyes, tears still flow, and curls up into a ball, sobbing silently into the pillow under his head. “There, there, it's okay, I understand. Shhhhhh. Please stop crying.” Slowly, the unicorn stops sobbing, and looks at Fluttershy, his eyes red from the crying. “Can you write?” The unicorn nods, then looks at his hand, which is now a hoof. The look of sadness changes to surprise, as he looks at his new form. Then he spots his horn, and the look of surprise changes to one of utter disbelief. Lifting his left hoof, he pokes the horn several times, then places two hooves over his body and squeezes a bit of skin between them, wincing from the pain of the pinch. Twilight speaks up. “Fluttershy, you have a chalk board and chalk right?” Fluttershy nods. “Can you go get it? He did say he could write, lets find out what his name is.” Fluttershy nods again, and heads into a closet rummaging around, and returns with a chalk board, several pieces of chalk, and a piece of string. “Thank you, but why did you bring the string.” “So he can hang the chalk board around his neck, that way he can carry it easier.” Twilight nods and uses unicorn magic to attach the string to the board and then sets the board in front of the unicorn of the couch. “Can you tell us your name?” The unicorn blinks then nods, as he grabs a piece of chalk with his mouth, and slowly writes something, then turns the chalkboard around to show Twilight. The board says on word. Solarin. “Is that your name? Rainbow asks. Solarin nods. “Do you know where you are?” Spike asks. Nodding, Solarin wipes the board clean with a hoof and uses the chalk in his mouth to write something else, then shows it to Twilight. Equestria. “You can't use Unicorn magic can you” Twilight asks. No. “That's fine, until I can teach you, I think you'll have to deal with using your mouth.” That's fine. “Well Fluttershy I have to go now, I'll be back here tomorrow, to meet the princess with Solarin.” Twilight says as she leaves, spike in tow. Rainbow waves goodbye as well then flies out the door, leaving Fluttershy alone with a wide-eyed Solarin. “Are you okay?” Fluttershy asks. The princess wants to meet ME?! “I think so, so you should get some rest.” I'm hungry, can I eat something first? “Of course, would you like an apple? Solarin nods. Fluttershy walks into the kitchen and retrieves a small basket of apples. “Here you go, eat up, you need your strength to meet the princess tomorrow.” Thank you. “Now if you'll excuse me, it's getting late and I'm tired, make sure to get some rest after you eat ok?” I will. Spitting out the chalk, Solarin grabs an apple with his mouth and begins eating, after the third apple, Solarin opens his mouth in a silent yawn, and drifts off to sleep.