The Tale of Solarin

by Huntermjiolnir

The Meeting with Celestia

Chapter 3: The meeting with Celestia

Solarin wakes to a hoof gently shaking him, and opens his eyes to see Fluttershy.

Lifting his head he nods at the yellow mare.

“Would you like some more apples.” The mare asks as she pushes the basket towards Solarin.

In reply, the colt grabs an apple with his mouth and starts to eat it.

“You know, even if you weren't a unicorn, you could still grab thins with one hoof.”

Solarin's face shows surprise. Grabbing the chalk with his mouth he writes something then gently pokes Fluttershy to get her attention.

Teach me.

Smiling the mare lays down some distance away for the couch and motions for the colt to lay next to her.

Solarin complies, and Fluttershy begins to teach him how to pick something up with one hoof.

An hour later

It was now an hour past mid-day, and Solarin had successfully learned how to grab items with one hoof, using both his left and right hoof.

A gentle knock sounds from the cottage door, And Fluttershy opens it to find Twilight outside.

“Come in, I just finished teaching Solarin how to pick this up with one hoof, I think he's happy.”

“Good, that can help until I get the chance to teach him unicorn magic.” Twilight replies.

“Good afternoon Solarin.”

Solarin nods, a small smile on his face.

“When is the princess going to arrive Twilight?” Fluttershy asks.

“Actually, she should be here any minute now.”

A moment later another knock sounds on the door.

“Ah that should be her now, come on Solarin, it's time for you to meet the princess.”

Solarin follows out the door a nervous look on his face, outside, he sees three royal guards, and behind them is Princess Celestia and Luna.

“Princesses!” Twilight exclaims.

“Hello there my faithful student,' the white alicorn glances at the nervous looking forest-green unicorn, she notices that he has a chalkboard around his neck. 'Is this the creature you found yesterday?”

“Yes princess, my magic healed him, and changed him to the way he currently is. His name is Solarin.”

“Hello there Solarin.”

In response, Solarin bends his front legs to the ground and bows his head so he is looking at the grass.

Celestia blinks at him until she realizes he is bowing.

“Please get up.”

Solarin vehemently shakes his head.

“Why not?”

Taking the chalkboard from his neck, still not looking up, he writes something and shows it to the princesses, the guards, and the friends.

You're Celestia, she who moves the sun, next to you is your sister, Luna, she who moves the moon. I am unworthy to stand in the presence of the rulers of Equestria.

Luna's face show surprise after reading about herself.

“Twilight, you told him I was coming correct?”

Twilight nods.

“But I didn't tell him anything about Luna, she was never mentioned in the letter, so he should know nothing about her.”

“I suspect Solarin knows something about this.”

In response Solarin starts to shake with fear, eyes still staring at the ground.

“Please, Solarin, look at me, we will not harm you, please stand.”

Solarin stops shaking, gives a silent sigh, and stands up looking at Celestia, fear evident in his eyes.

“I would like to know very much how you know about my sister, and how you know what we can do.”

Can I ask you a question, just go with me for a moment, my purpose will be revealed.

“Go ahead.”

Luna nods in the background.

Solarin nods and wipes the board clean, then writes something.

Do you know a spell that allows you to see into another ponies mind?

“Yes I do, but why?”

Because my tale is too long to write on this board, it would be easier to read my mind then show everyone else.

“I understand, but I would like your permission first.”

You have it.

Nodding Celestia's horn glows, and a moment later a beam of magic lances from her horn to Solarin's.

In Solarin's mind.

Celestia found herself in a large circular room, several different doors leading in different directions.

“Hello?” She asked, her voice echoing in the room.

Suddenly, a forest-green unicorn appeared next to her, And a mental voice entered her mind.

Hello Celestia, you are currently in my mind.

“But I thought you couldn't talk.”

That was because of a very traumatizing memory from when I was young, the force of the sadness from that memory scarred me to my core.

“Will you tell me what this memory is, I also want answers.”

Follow me, I will tell the tale while I lead to to the door that contains memories of the answers you seek.

Solarin walks over to the door, and opens it with a push, turning left he starts walking down a hallway, labeled doors on either side of him, Celestia looks at one of the passing doors and reads it's label. Star Wars. Celestia blinks in confusion from the strange label.

I suppose the story of why I can't speak begins at the age of six. Solarin pauses to take a right turn.

When I was that age I had learned that my parents had died in a horrible car crash, and since I was home-schooled, I never had any friends. Therefore, over time, I found myself speaking less and less, until around a year after my parents had died, I woke up in the orphanage to find I could not speak at all. Panicked I tried my hardest, and gave my best, but to no avail, from that point forward I have tried at least once a year to speak again, each time it ended in failure, at the age of sixteen, I stopped trying to speak altogether. It has been two years since that time.

“But how is it you can speak in your mind?”

It's because the mind does not use the same pathways to conjure thought, basically, I am thinking out-loud, to your mental avatar. AH here we are, the answers you seek are beyond this door.

The mental image of Solarin stops before a bright pink door labeled MLP.

I must warn you, what you see in there you may not believe, but I will answer questions you have in order to show you that I am telling the truth.

The mental image pushes open the pink door, and motions for Celestia to go inside.

Celestia does so, and the door shuts behind her, turning to look she see Solarin's mental image had shut it.

If you want answers I suggest you turn around, do not worry these are merely memories, you can see and hear them but they cannot see or hear us.

Celestia, does and suggested, and her jaw drops as she finds herself in her own throne room, hearing herself speak to twilight and her friends about the elements of harmony.

As she continues looking the memory changes, and she recognizes it as the time the elements defeated nightmare moon, her eyes tearing up as she sees herself hug the her younger sister, mouthing the same words her memory used.

Again the scene changes, and she recognizes it as the time Fluttershy took Philomena from her without permission, to try to take care of the phoenix.

Celestia turns to face Solarin, questions and disbelief evident on her face.

“How, how do you know all this? Everything I saw is accurate, down to the detail, HOW!”

The mental image of Solarin smiles.

I guess I should start by telling you I am not from this world, I am from another world called earth. On that world there is a show, called My Little Pony. That show is where I got that information from, I believe what I say to you may be more believable if I mention I used to be human, and the show was created by a human woman named, Lauren Faust.

Celestia nods in understanding, “I know Lauren, I allowed her to come here and chronicle our ways of life, to show her world the ways of friendship and love, to show the other humans how to learn to live together in peace and harmony.”

As far as I can tell, in places, that teaching is working rather well.

Celestia smiles. “You do know Twilight isn't going to believe any of this right?”

Don't tell her of my knowledge then, merely tell her that the portal I came through imbued me with some of this worlds information.

Celestia nods, understanding that Twilight would never accept the full truth.

Now that you have your answers, I believe I have a question or two for you.

“Go ahead, if it is within me to tell you I will answer.”

I would like to know if I could live in Ponyville, more specifically, the library, back home my passion was reading, and books my friends. I believe that would be the best place for me to stay.

“I will allow you to take residence in Ponyville, as for living in the library, you will have to ask Twilight.”

There is one more thing I may need your help with.

“Ask, please.”

I will need a way to earn money in Ponyville, a job that will be easy to accomplish, it must also be accepting of my lack of ability to speak.

“I believe you will have to ask the mayor about that, but I am sure she can find you a suitable job.”

Thank you. I believe it is time we return to the real world.

At that Solarin gestures and another door appears, this one labeled, Exit.

In the real world

It had been an anxious ten minutes since Celestia cast her mind reading sell upon Solarin, it was made even more unnerving that the guards sat just sat there like statues as if this was an everyday thing.

“Calm down Twilight, I'm sure the princess is fine.” Spike says.

“I agree, my sister is powerful, she will not come to harm.” Luna says.

As if to agree with her words, the glow surrounding both Celestia, and Solarin fades.

Luna breaks the silence. “How did he know this information? Please, tell us.”

Twilight speaks as well. “I would like to know too.”

Celestia glances at Solarin, who merely nods.

“Solarin is not of this world, he came here through a portal, I don't believe this portal formed by chance though, he was brought here by something greater than us, for a reason we may never know, upon entering Equestria, the magic of the portal imbued Solarin with knowledge of our land, including the language, and us.”

“Another world? That's so amazing I have so many questions!” Twilight exclaims.

“Now my faithful student your questions can wait until later, for now I believe Solarin would like to ask you something.” Celestia replies with a light chuckle.

Solarin nods as twilight looks at him, then he writes something on the chalkboard.

Would you mind if I stayed in the library with you while I live in Ponyville?

“Well yes, but you'll have to sleep in the guest room, on the extra mattress.”

I don't mind at all.

“Thank you for your time Solarin, My sister and I must return to Canterlot, ready Luna?”

Luna nods.

Celestia's horn glows, and in a few moments, her, Luna, and the guards are teleported back to Canterlot.

“Come on then Solarin, lets gets you settled in Ponyville,' Twilight turns to look at Fluttershy as Solarin replaces the chalkboard around his neck. ' Are you coming Fluttershy?”

“No thank you twilight, I still have to feed the animals.”

“All right then, see you later.”

And with that, Twilight and Solarin walk off towards Ponyville.