//------------------------------// // Getting Settled // Story: The Tale of Solarin // by Huntermjiolnir //------------------------------// Chapter 4: getting settled. (An: warning, this chapter may be a tad short, just long enough to establish a base for him in Ponyville to work around.) As Solarin and Twilight enter the town, Twilight looks back at Solarin, and asks a question. “Solarin, would you like to get a cupcake before we get to the library?” Solarin nods, and Twilight smiles. “Good,' Twilight giggles,' Pinkie Pie is going to throw you an awesome 'welcome to Ponyville party' when she sees you.” Twilight giggles again at the idea of Solarin meeting the playful prancing party pony, (try saying that five times fast) and smiles. Soon they reach a small building with a sign that depicts a cupcake, surrounded by candy and backed by pink sugar, they enter. Glancing around, Twilight spots all her friends, except Fluttershy and pinkie, sitting at a table and waves to them. Twilight stand by the counter, Solarin standing next to her, and clears her throat. From behind a counter, pops Pinkie Pie, a smile plastered on her face, pink mane frizzing everywhere. “Heya Twilight, OH, who's your friend, he's new I can tell he's new! HI! My names Pinkie Pie what's yours.” The pink mare gushes. Solarin writes his name on the chalkboard and shows it to the party pony. Pinkie blinks then speaks to Twilight. “Why did he write his name? Can't he talk, if he can't talk that would be horr....” Pinkie's gushing is stopped by a lavender hoof placed in her mouth. “No Pinkie, he can't talk, please don't ask, he's sensitive, I just wanted a cupcake for me and him, then to introduce him to the rest of my friends before I show him where he'll live in the library.” Twilight says as she removes her hoof from Pinkie's mouth. “The library? Why there?!” The pink pony asks as she hands twilight two strawberry cupcakes. “Because Celestia told me to let him live there.” She replies, stretching the truth a little. “Oh I see!” Grabbing the cupcakes with her magic, and placing eight bits on the counter, Twilight motions for Solarin to follow, then goes to sit down at the table where her other friends are seated. “Well howdy there Twih, and who is this feller?” Applejack asks as they sit down. “I agree, Rainbow Dash said something about her and Fluttershy finding an injured creature in Everfree. Is this the same one she's told us about?” Rarity asks, following Applejack's question. Twilight nods. “Girls, this is Solarin, he's going to be living in Ponyville, oh and he can't talk, so he has to communicate with that chalkboard." Twilight motions to the board around Solarin's neck. "Usually he'll write on there what he wants to say, unless its a yes or no question, in which case he'll nod or shake his head.” “Can't talk, Oh my, why ever not darling.” Rarity says. Twilight notices the look of sadness that comes over Solarin's face. “Please don't ask he's sensitive about that subject. “Oh my, I do apologize darling, I hope I didn't hurt your feelings.” Rarity replies. “Hey don't feel bad I made the same mistake when I tried to ask his name yesterday.” Rainbow says as she speaks. Solarin writes something on his board, and shows it to the group. It's fine, but like Twilight said, please don't ask, it hurts to remember. “Ah understand, sugar-cube. Ah got some bad memories too.” Applejack replies after reading the board. Twilight hands Solarin his Cupcake, which he promptly unwraps and inhales. Twilight eats hers more slowly. “So darling, where is he ever going to stay, if he is indeed going to live in Ponyville?” “Well, the princess asked me to put him in the guest room in the library. And I gladly accepted, after I show him where he'll be staying, I'll give him a tour of Ponyville, then we'll see the mayor about getting him a job that doesn't require him to speak.” Twilight finishes the last of her cupcake and stands up. As She turns around she bumps into Pinkie, who whispers something in Twilight’s ear. Twilight glances at Solarin, who is waving goodbye to her friends, then nods at Pinkie, whispering something back. “Lets go, Solarin, you need to see where you'll be staying.” They leave and the door shuts behind them. “What did you ask Twilight, sugar-cube?” Applejack asks. “I wanted to know if it was ok to throw Solarin a welcome party in the library, she said to start preparing it while she was giving Solarin a tour!” The party pony replies with a smile. “A welcome party, I say that is a marvelous idea!” cheers Rarity. And so the trio of friends begin to plan the party, Rainbow Dash watching the library to tell the other when Twilight starts the tour. Twilight leads Solarin inside the library motioning up the stairs. “The guest room is up here Solarin.” Solarin follows her up the stairs. They reach the top of the stairs and Twilight motions to the left. “Here is the guest room" Twilight opens the door, Solarin following her in, Twilight points at the bed, then at the door across from them. "There's your bed, and through that door is a shower and bathroom.” Solarin nods. “Now if you'll follow me I believe we need to see the mayor about getting you a job.” Twilight walks down the stairs and out of the library, Solarin following behind. In the sky above them Rainbow Dash spots them leaving and zooms back to Sugarcube corner to tell Pinkie Pie the coast is clear. As they walk towards the mayor's office Twilight pauses a moment to ask Solarin a question. “So what do you like to do?” In my world, I loved to read, Solarin points at his cutie mark before continuing. I also enjoyed drawing, as I was very good at it. “So what kind of job would you like?” It doesn't matter, as long as they don't mind me speaking by writing. Twilight nods and starts walking again. “I'm sure me and the mayor can think of something.” In a few moments, they arrive in front of the mayor's office, Twilight opens the doors with magic and they walk in. Once inside they encounter a cherry-red horse sitting behind a desk, with various papers stacked on it, and a writing quill and ink nearby, behind the desk is a pair of doors with the sign Mayor's office on it. “Hello, how can I help you?” the mare asks. “Yes I'd like to see the mayor about getting my friend, Solarin, a job.” Twilight replies. The red mare glances at Solarin who nods, getting up the secretary knocks on the doors, then opens them far enough to stick her head in. “Mayor, do you have time for a visitor?” A cheery voice replies back. “Of course dearie! Send them in, send them in.” The secretary opens the doors then motions for the two to enter, which they do. “Ah hello Twilight, what can I do for you today." She spots Solarin. "And your friend?” Asks the brown mayor mare. (hehe, word play, gotta love it) “Well, I was wondering if you knew of a job that Solarin,'' Twilight points at the forest-green unicorn next to her. ''could do, one that would allow him to speak using the chalkboard around his neck. He can't speak so he uses that to talk to us.” The mayor nods, “I believe I may have something in mind, would you mind being a mail stallion?” I don't mind. “Good, I'll set up an arrangement with the post office tomorrow, the I'll let you know. Where will you be staying?” Twilight replies to the question. “In the library with me.” The mayor nods. “Thank you for your time Mayor.” “Not at all dearie.” With that Twilight leaves to give Solarin a tour of Ponyville. An hour and a half later. After a complete tour of Ponyville Twilight is leading Solarin back to the library, a knowing smile on her face. Stopping, she lets Solarin enter first, then enters a second after. As soon the door closes, the lights turn on and a loud shout can be heard. “SURPRISE!” Solarin freezes as he stares at the welcome party arranged for him, the ponies wait with baited breath to see his reaction. Slowly a large grin creeps across his face. Everypony in the library cheers as they see his smile. And with gusto, Solarin joins the party, dancing, playing party games, and eating cake. Three hours later. It is late and the party has begun to wind down, the only ponies left are Twilight, her friends, and Solarin. “Hey Twilight, you think Solarin enjoyed the party?!” Pinkie Pie asks. “I don't know why don't you ask him.” Twilight replies. The two mares search for him, then Twilight begins to giggle as she spots him, then Pinkie Pie starts laughing as twilight points out Solarin. He is sitting at the table head laying down in a plate of half-eaten cake, sound asleep. Using her magic Twilight floats him to the couch, and covers him with a blanket; then she wipes the cake off his face with a damp cloth. “I think he liked the party Pinkie, he partied himself to sleep.” And thus Solarin came to Ponyville.