//------------------------------// // Father // Story: My Little Pony: Exodus // by AstonMartinLover //------------------------------// "How many?" Twilight asked, as Celestia finished explaining the whole, brutal situation. "Thousands. Pretty much every soldier they have, is heading for equestria's borders. It's unavoidable. Twilight...we are not a warrior kingdom...we are a peaceful nation, but we have no choice but to mobilize our armies." Twilight shook her head. "There must be some other way. Give me some time, I can figure this out Princess. Let me negotiate with them, they can't want to go to war any more than we do." Celestia shook her head. "No. I'm letting you know about this because you are my pupil, and it would be dishonest for you not to know, but I will NOT have you involved in this directly. As princess of equestria, it is your duty to know, but not to intervene unless I say so. General Ironhoof is working out strategies now, we'll figure this all out. We have allies to summon. Return to ponyville, address the townsfolk, tell them to prepare for war. Go now Twilight. Make haste." Twilight walked out the front door of the palace, shaking her head. "There must be something I can do." "Something weeeeee can do!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed, springing up behind her. "Yeah. Something we can do." Twilight repeated. Pinkie, let's go find the others." she said. She'd let them wander about the city while she dealt with the situation. She felt knots of uncertainty in her stomach. "We're the elements of harmony. We can handle this. We always do. We just need to have a nice, calm, reasonable discussion with the griffons." "This war is foolish. If your attempting to unite our people through tearing down equestria, then frankly, you are not as strong a leader as we thought." The griffon commander chastised. The griffon leader turned to face him, his aged face old and worn. "You Steelclaw, you are the finest military leader in the history of our kingdom. Surely you see the glory in conquest? In taking the land that is rightfully ours?" "But it isn't, my king." Steelclaw said simply. "I have led military campaigns to put down the evil, and the wicked. But Equestria is not our enemy. Not a friend, but certainly not an enemy." "You are lucky the people of this realm love you so, Steelclaw. Because the words you speak now are borderline treason, and any other who spoke to me in this way would be put down. But I must ask you this...though you personally object...will you follow the orders of your king?" Steelclaw let out a short sigh, but nodded. "Of course, my king. As is my duty." The king smiled. "Good. Prepare the troops. The invasion begins tomorrow at sundown. Dismissed." Steelclaw bowed, then turned and left. The king smiled, satisfied at his generals loyalty. He turned, looking into his palace mirror. There was a green glow as the Kings true form revealed itself. And the king became a queen. Chrysalis, Queen of the changelings, smirked at her reflection. "And when the dust settles, both kingdoms shall belong to us, my children." Luna converged on the small valley, where the very first palace of the king and queen had stood. There were no remains. Not even the foundation. It had gone as they had gone. But he remembered his words to her. To them. On the day that the two departed. "If you ever need us, and I do mean TRULY need us, signal is from the grounds. It is my intention that the t two of you learn to handle yourselves, and be the gods we have created you to be. But in case of emergency...summon us from the grounds." It was a simple final message. Gods didn't always make the best parents. King Nightfire had given them matching heart stones, one for each of them, to signal their continued existence. However, eons ago, Galaxia's stone had turned to dust. They had been sealed in Canterlot's vaults, and it took months before anyone noticed. It was the signal that Queen Galaxia had passed away. Celestia had tried to mourn, but in truth, she had been without her parents for so long, she could not. The heart stone for Nightfire still glowed strong. And Luna had brought it with her, as she stood in the grounds, powering up her horn, and sending a flare of energy into the cosmos. 'Father....war is upon us once again...one we do not wish to drag out, please....return to us. If only to aid us. The realm has never faced a threat of this size since...." She trailed off, remembering her own corruption. She closed her eyes, shaking her head as tears came. "...regardless, we require your assistance. Please father...return home." So many times after their parents departure, Luna had wanted to send a message asking them to return, and each time Celestia had talked her out of it. They had been warned that their destiny was theirs alone. When Discord struck, Luna had wanted to call mother and father. Celestia had convinced her they could handle it. When the tribes warred, Luna had again asked for permission to contact the king and queen. Celestia had again insisted they had the power to handle it. And they did. But now, even Celestia wanted the king to return. And this was what scared Luna. Celestia, so confident, so sure of herself, was asking for help. There had to be something she wasn't telling them, something putting this fear into her. Luna shook these thoughts away and concentrated. "My child....is that you who reaches out to speak to me?" An aged, but mighty voice asked. Luna smiled, nodding rapidly. "Yes father. We need you to return. Please. Celestia and I have agreed, it is necessary." "Very well." There was silence, then the winds picked up, the skies grew dark, and from the clouds, came a mighty gust of absurdly powerful wind. Luna blinked against the wind, looking up at the approaching cloud of dark, starry might. There was a thud, and the ground shook. Without thinking, Luna bowed. Two great wings unfurled, and beat once, then folded away. The massive alicorn rose up, his mane greying from the eons of aging he had endured. His black and grey coat, his star filled, flowing mane, and his kind yellow eyes. Scars from various battles during his time away covered his body, but none of them were too severe. A smile spread on his face. "Luna. My beloved child...if only your dear mother were here to see how you've grown...." He leaned down and nuzzled his youngest child. "It has been so long...I'm sorry Luna. Where is Celestia?" Luna smiled the widest smile she'd had since returning from her exile. "In Canterlot. Come with me father, we have so much to show you!" She took off towards Canterlot. King Nightfire unfurled his massive wings, and did the same, taking off after his daughter toward the long awaited family reunion.