The Tale of Solarin

by Huntermjiolnir

Dream Realm

Chapter 6: dream realm.
(AN: 8.8k words, I'm so proud of myself right now, this chapter will involve the dream from the end of the previous chapter, it might be a little short. I also hope the story doesn't feel a bit... rushed.)

In Solarin's dream

Solarin found himself floating in a featureless white void, no light, no dark, just white.


His voice echoed in this strange realm of emptiness, looking around he saw a beautiful, but familiar approach him.

She was a dark black alicorn, that looked very much like an older version of Luna, but her colors were darker, and her cutie mark was a galaxy.

When the Alicorn reached him she spoke, her voice like the song of the universe, beautiful and terrible at the same time. “Hello young one, We have brought you here to converse with you about a grave portent.”

Solarin looks confused, then speaks back. “Luna? We? Portent?”

The alicorn laughs, the sound like the death of stars. “So you have met our daughters, no, I am Luminaia, very similar no? As for we...” Luminaia glances to her left, and there appears another alicorn, this one looks like Celestia except he is clearly male, his mane is several different shades of red, and his cutie mark looks like a raging fire shaped into the form of a horse head. “This is my husband Galactius.”

Galactius speaks now, his voice like the raging inferno of a million suns, coupled with the roar of comets. “We have brought you here, for we have foreseen that you will be useful in the near future, when we watched you in your world, we saw potential within you, so we opened a portal to Equestria, we also changed Twilight’s healing spell to turn you into a unicorn. Because of this, we know you have to power to defeat a great evil that is coming to Equestria.”

“But why me, I know you saw potential, but can't Celestia, Luna, or the elements of harmony defeat this evil.” Solarin asks.

“Yes they could, but it would be much harder without you there. If you were not here, the world would die, even though they had defeated the evil. With you there, the world will survive. We do not wish to place a burden on your shoulder, but since you have come here, we feel we must place this burden upon you.”

“I understand, I will protect Equestria, it is my home now. I will protect it from what ever evil shows up on it's door step. I will use all my abilities to ensure the future of Equestria continues!” Solarin says with a bow.

“We know you will, which is exactly why we chose you. But there are two more things you need to know before you are returned from this dream realm to the real world.”

“Tell me, please, if it will help, I need to know.”

Luminaia nods then speaks. “We cannot reveal to you when this evil will come, but we can tell you it's name, and give you a gift. If you will accept it.”

“I will”

“Good, the evil's name is Mezaekashe. As for the gift...”

Looking at each other the alicorns nod and open their wings wide, horns glowing with power. Their manes rise above their heads merging into one coruscating stream of energy that glows a white so bright it hurts to look at. Suddenly the combined manes and energy slam into Solarin bathing him in raw energy.

Eyes turning from his normal sapphire blue to a brilliant silver, Solarin gasps as the energy enters his body, and an archaic symbol forms upon his left side, within reach of his right arm. This symbol looks like the two alicorn's cutie marks combined, the dark galaxy serving as a background for the fiery horse head.

Slowly the alicorns lower their wings and the energy bathing Solarin disappears.

“You are now marked by us, your eyes will stay that color showing our favor. And when you face Mezaekashe, touch the symbol, and our power will merge with yours, so that you may defeat him for all time, we also suggest you not touch the mark until it is needed, for if you touch it to soon our gift will be wasted, and you may not have the strength to defeat Mezaekashe. As a precaution, the power will only come if YOU touch the mark, should anyone else touch it, nothing will happen.”

“I understand. Thank you, both of you.”

Luminaia looks away as if something catches her attention. “I believe it is time for you to the realm of the real world.” She gestures and a swirling portal appears before her.

“Before I go, is there any message you would like me to give your daughters? If needed I will draw a picture of you to give them as well.”

Galactius shakes his head. “No, if there is any message to be given, it will be given by us. But we do not mind that you would draw us, but we ask that you do not show the drawing to Celestia nor Luna.”

“I understand.” Solarin walks towards the portal, and just before he steps through, says one final thing. “Thank you again, for everything.”

Then Solarin steps through the portal.

Solarin awakes to himself being shaken.

He opens his brilliant silver eyes, changed by the alicorn's power, and sees Twilight staring at him, a worried look on her face.

“Did I grow wings during the night?” He asks her.

“No, but you do have this mark on your left side, that, and your eyes have changed color.” Twilight replies.

“Really?” Solarin gets up and walk over to his mirror, and stares at the mark on his side, then at his quicksilver eyes.

Solarin mutters to himself, just loud enough for Twilight to barely hear. “So the dream was real. I just hope I am up to the challenge.”

“What was that” she asks.

“If I tell you, you have to Pinkie Pie swear not to tell Celestia or Luna. ok?”

Twilight sits down and makes the motions for the Pinkie Pie promise. “Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye.”

Solarin nods, then tells her the entirety of his dream.

(An: done, I hope I didn't mess up the dream realm, I would also like input on Luminaia, and Galactius (that name too close to Galaxus for my liking) hope you enjoyed this chapter. *Spoiler alert* epic battle between darkness and light incoming. Lots of cliché villain one liners followed by even more cliché good guy retorts.)