//------------------------------// // Chapter 11. Surprise? // Story: Seeing Rainbows // by Android //------------------------------// You both land and walk through town. Everypony is going about their daily business but all of them drop what they’re doing and wave hello. You’re confused. “They’re waving. Why?” “Well we were all worried about you. You ran off and weren’t seen for a few days, ponies began to wonder if you were OK. I’m really glad you were alright,” Rainbow puts her hoof to the back of her head. You can feel yourself blush, “Thanks. No one’s really cared about me like that before.” “Really? Why?” “I’m supposed to be the son of a famous scientist and an august fashion designer. I’m supposed to be the champion everyone expects me to be. Not many ponies really see me for me. In fact, you and the others are the first outside my parents and Spitfire.” “Well let me show you how much I care,” Rainbow says. You feel her plant a kiss on your cheek. Your face lights up and feels like it’s on fire. Suddenly you hear a pony run up behind you two. It’s Twilight! Oh crap. She just saw… “Storm! We were so worried about you! Where were you? And I see you and Rainbow have gotten a bit close,” she laughs at the end of that. “Yeah,” you feel your face getting hotter, “She found me.” You nod toward Rainbow. “He was in his house the whole time. Just didn’t answer the door,” Rainbow laughs. Music to your ears. Twilight’s tone softens, “So you’re alright?” “I am now. I guess I over reacted a bit. But I’m feeling a lot better thanks to her,” you nod towards Rainbow again. “So you two are officially dating?” Twilight asks excitedly. “Well I, uh, um, I think, well she’s, I re-” You’re cut off again by Rainbow Dash. Her lips are pressed against yours. She breaks away. You blush like mad. “Yes,” she says confidently. You put a hoof to your head again. Suddenly there’s something in front of you. It has the same consistency as a pony and cotton candy. Pinkie Pie. “Oh my gosh! You and Dashie are dating?! Finally! I’ve been waiting for this chapter for the last few weeks now. This is so exciting! I need to go get more ammo for my party cannon and throw you two an ‘Aww, it’s so cute you’re finally dating’ Party. Bye!” With that she jumps down the hole in the laws of physics she just emerged from. “Um, what just happened?” You ask. “Oh that’s just Pinkie being Pinkie,” Rainbow laughs. “You’ll get used to it,” Twilight said, “Well I’ve got to get back to the library. Have fun you too love birds!” She runs off. “So what do you wanna do today?” you ask. “I don’t know. I was hoping I could just hang out with you. If that’s ok with you.” “Yeah. I’d like that a lot.” *** You wake up. This is the best you’ve felt in years. For once you’re not alone. For once you’ve met somepony or a group of ponies who don’t judge you on your disability. It feels wonderful. And on top of that you have a marefriend. You fall out of bed and flop on the floor. You bounce back up and pull your goggles on. You hear a knock at your door after you finish breakfast. Right on schedule. You open the door to find Rainbow Dash. You can only imagine what she looks like but you don’t care. You’re hers. “Hey Storm!” she says. “Hey Dashie,” you say. “So what did ya wanna talk about earlier?” she asks. “Oh, I was wondering if you wanted to…” You drag on the last word. Make her guess. “Wanted to what?” she asks. “Guess.” “Is it a race?” “Nope.” “A movie?” “Nah,” you say, “Try harder.” “A picnic? Pie eating contest? Prank war? Who can stay in the same room with Pinkie talking the longest? I don’t know, tell me,” she says. “Oh I was just wondering if you wanted to come with me to the Cantorlot Summer Games.” “The Games?! As in the Delta games? The greatest games for Equestria’s best athletes?” she shouts in a fan girl squeal. “Yeah,” you say, “Surprise?” “Surprise?! This is the most awesome surprise in the history of the world! How did you get tickets?” “I know people,” you say holding up the tickets and a pamphlet. You hand it to her and pull on a pair of earmuffs so you won’t be blind for the rest of the day. Vibrations in the floor hit you as you wait for the floor to stop shaking. You remove the ear muffs. “Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygoshohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh,” she says. “And that’s another thing,” You say, “When I went to buy the tickets an official wanted to know if you would be interested in competing this year. The final decision remains up to you of course but-” A large mass tackles you to the floor, kissing your face over and over. “THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU,” she says between kisses. You manage to push her off of you. She still grips you in a hug before finally letting you breath. “Where do I sign?” she asks. You pull out a piece of paper and pen, “I would say sign on the dotted line but I don’t know if there is one.” After some scribbling the paper is handed back to you. “Who do we give this to?” Rainbow asks. “The officials at Cantorlot. I can have this mailed there today.” “Cool. Oh and it also said that I’d have team mates to practice with before my event. You know who they are? Cause I hope they’re good.” “Us,” says a voice standing in the open door. A group of ponies has gathered “Hey Spitfire,” you smile at your old teacher, “Fancy seeing you here.” A thud is heard as Rainbow faints.