//------------------------------// // Mezaekashe Cometh // Story: The Tale of Solarin // by Huntermjiolnir //------------------------------// Chapter 7: Mezaekashe cometh (AN: 50 words away from 10K, so I'm celebrating by getting drunk off my bottom. Hope you enjoy the epicosity (in my mind) of this chapter.) It has been three months since Solarin's dream, and he has been ever vigilant on the watch for Mezaekashe. His relationship with Twilight Sparkle is going well, he has taken her out to dinner many times, having found a way to earn more money by selling his drawings to various buyers. Solarin was enjoying a nice picnic lunch with Twilight on the outskirts of Ponyville, when he spots Spike running toward them looking anxious and worried. “Heya spike, what'cha got there?” Solarin asks. Spike gasps for breath and tries to speak, Twilight and Solarin looking at him in amusement. “Letter.... from... princess... urgent.” Spike says between gasps for breath. As twilight takes the letter she notices it has already been opened, for the ribbon is untied. Dear my faithful student, I have sensed a monstrously strong evil in Everfree forest taking residence in the ruins of Nightmare castle. Return to Ponyville at once and assemble the Elements of Harmony to fight this evil. I have also sensed that Solarin will prove great help to you, so be sure to take him with you. Your friend, Princess Celestia “I already told the other girls, they're meeting you in the library.” Spike says. Twilight looks at Solarin who nods and gets up, quickly packing the picnic up. When Solarin finishes Spike jumps on Twilight’s back and the three of them gallop towards the library.' A couple of moments later, they burst into the library, to find the girls sitting there worried looks on their faces. Twilight speaks to them all. “You know what we must do, this evil being threatens our home, our lives, and our very existence! We must defeat this evil so that it will no longer threaten our lives or the lives of our descendents! For Celestia, for Luna, FOR EQUESTRIA!” The girls scared faces change to determination, and they all cheer the last phrase together, their loudness shaking the windows of the library. “FOR EQUESTRIA!!!!!!!” Twilight nods, then speaks again. “Did all of you bring your elements?” All the girls nod a reach into their saddle bags to show the artifacts. “Good, then we have no time to loose, every moment this evil remains here is another moment it will get stronger, put on the elements and we leave.” Nodding the girls place the necklaces around their necks, Twilight donning the the tiara. Rushing out the door, they leave spike behind, running in the direction of Everfree, determined to root out the evil that is Mezaekashe. An hour of running later The girls and Solarin stop several yards outside of the ruins of Nightmare castle. Solarin looks at them and speaks. “I have a plan, we charge in there and confront Mezaekashe, I want you six to charge the elements, I will protect you.” They nod, but Twilight gives him a worried look. “Please don't get hurt, I don't want to loose you.” “I won't." He gives her a grin. "That's why I have this.” Points at the mark the Alicorn gods gave to him three months ago in the dream realm. Twilight nods, reassured. The other girls nod and they follow Solarin inside, only to hear an insidious voice, like that of a grating roar, combined with nails scraping across a chalkboard. “Oh, so I see Celestia sent her champions after me.' The creature laughs the sound that that of a thousand cats having their tails broken. 'You were foolish to come here, do you truly think you have a chance against ME?!” The group of seven continues walking, and enters the court yard where they see the huge amorphous form of the daemon. “We will stop you Mezaekashe!” Solarin yells. The evil creature turns himself to face them and looms over them, blood red eyes glowing against his black flowing form, wide evil grin showing rows of sharp, serrated teeth, he opens his mouth and laughs inside can be seen a small ink tongue, forked like a snake's. “You are truly foolish of you think you can defeat me, ah I see you brought the elements with you, I reevaluate my earlier statement. You might actually hurt me, but you will not have time! I will destroy you where you stand!” The creature launches its body forward, only to be shoved back by a brilliant forest-green beam of magic. “Start charging the elements!” Solarin yells, his horn glowing. The girls nod and get into position, a rainbow colored light beginning to form above them. “HA! You think you can stop me?! TAKE THIS!” With a wave of its hand, the creature sends a pulse of dark power into Solarin, who flies back skidding to a stop in front of the elements. “Solarin!” Twilight yells, as he gets up slowly and coughs, a stream of blood exiting his mouth, gashes on his body dripping blood. “You call that power? Why don't I show you what I can REALLY do!” AN evil grin forms on Solarin's blood-stained lips, as he presses the mark on his left side. “What?” Mezaekashe yells. Solarin closes his eyes as the mark disappears, and with a roar of energies, an brilliant silver aura springs to life around him, cracks forming in the ground below him, his coat and maned changed to the same brilliant silver from the mount of power flowing through him. Solarin reopens his silver eyes, and they glow with an inner fire. Rearing back, Solarin sends a jagged beam of pure silver straight at Mezaekashe, in response the daemon fires his own beam, its dark energies impacting on Solarin's silver, the beams impact with a bang of magic, energy, and sound. Roars of power jut through the air as slowly, surely, Mezaekashe's beam slowly moves towards Solarin. “Any time would be nice girls!” Grunting in pain, Solarin's front legs collapse, the strain evident of his face. “Ready!” Twilight yells. “Good!, now fire the elements straight at me!” Solarin growls as the dark energy move closer, barely a foot away from him. “What?!” Twilight yells. “DO IT!” Twilight nods, tears in her eyes, and begins to call out the elements by name. “Foolish mortals do you truly think you can stop me?!” Mezaekashe yells in rage. “Not trying to stop, only trying to delay.” Replies Solarin as he gets back to his feet, Twilight calling out the last of the elements. “....Honesty!'' And all at the same time the girls yell. '' and together me make the magic of friendship!” The elements unleash the rainbow colored beam slamming into Solarin, who closes his eyes, after a moment the beam fades, and the elements on the girls turn gray, lifeless. “What is this?!” Mezaekashe growls in confusion. Suddenly Solarin begins to rise from the ground held aloft by the unimaginable amount of power flowing through him. Solarin opens his eyes, and the aura around him TRIPLES in size, his eyes glowing the purest white. Solarin speaks, and you can hear two extra voices melding with his. “MEZAEKASHE! THIS IS YOUR END!” Solarin rears back again, and his silver beam turns white and quadruples in size and strength. “No, this is not POSSIBLE! NO, NO, NOOOOOOO!!!!!!” Solarin forces the beam forward and it closes in on the daemon, a moment before it hits the daemon throws every last ounce of his power into his own beam. “I will not fail, I will not be destroyed it is YOU who will DIE!!!” The dark beam moves forward a foot. “You truly think you can win, against the powers now flowing through me?! Against the powers of gods and the elements of harmony?! IT is YOU who will die today! NOW FACE YOUR DOOM!” Solarin rears back a third time, the ground below him breaking into an ancient alicorn symbol of power, when he thrust his head forwards, he uses every scrap of power, from the gods, and the elements and even dips into his own strength to accomplish his goal. Roaring with power and energy, the silver beam turns to white, and slams into Mezaekashe, who screams in pain and rage. “Mezaekashe! I hereby banish you to the farthest reaches of the universe, no longer will your evil threaten good again, now BEGONE!” With a final roar of agony the daemon disappears to be caged within the nether at the edge of the universe. As the energy of the alicorn gods fades, Solarin drops to the ground, looking like he holds the weight of the world on his shoulders, the girls, who were watching everything run over to him as the aura fades, and his coat returns to its forest-green, and his mane returns to its golden color. Solarin looks at them the white in his eyes gone, replaced by Silver, when they look in his eyes they can see his tiredness. Solarin speaks his voice normal as well, “Elements of harmony, I return your power, and heal my wounds.” With a flash of light, Solarin's wounds heal, and six streams of energy flow from him into the relics on the mares. When the last bit of energy returns, the relics regain their color, and Solarin struggles as if the weight of another world was put on his shoulders, and he stares into the eyes of the one he loves, twilight sparkle. “Twilight, know that I love you, I will not die, but I will sleep for a while, please take care of me until I awake.” Tears flowing down her cheeks, Twilight can only nod. Smiling slightly, Solarin gives one last nod before his eyes roll back into his head and he collapses. Twilight sparkle, crying teleports herself and the girls, along with comatose Solarin, back to Ponyville, returning them to the library. Using her magic she lifts Solarin from her back and sets him down on the couch covering him with a blanket. Applejack takes that moment to speak up. “Ah know yah loved him 'n all and we understand, we'll come visit every day, ok sugar-cube?” Twilight looks at them and smiles. “Thank you, now I think we all need to get to bed, today has been a trying day for all of us.” And the 5 girls head off to their homes to rest themselves. In the dream realm Solarin opens his eyes to find himself in the white void of the dream realm again. Luminaia, shows herself to him. “Ah you are awake, we had feared you would sleep forever, even in this realm.” Solarin looks at her and smiles. “Did I do it, is he gone?” Luminaia nods. “You did a great deed, Mezaekashe is banished to the farthest reaches of the nether, at the very edge of the universe. He will not be troubling anyone again. I must congratulate you, you survived holding that much power within you, we almost did not think you could do it, but there is a reason we chose you are our champion, you of all people had the willpower to survive such an ordeal” “How long have I been here?” “In your time? A month. But fear not since you are awake, I can send you home.” “Please, I want to go home, I miss my friends I miss Ponyville, I miss Twilight.” “Very well, but before you go.” Galactius appears next to his wife, and they speak together, kneeling before Solarin. “We thank you Solarin for banishing the evil that was Mezaekashe.” They rise to their feet once more, and a swirling portal opens before them. Solarin steps through the portal and is returned to his body after thirty long days. Solarin opens his eyes to see Twilight and her friends chatting together, eating cupcakes. Solarin smiles, and decides to speak. “So, what did I miss?” Twilight turns around instantly joy on her face, and leaps on Solarin, hugging him tightly. “Twilight.... can't... breath.” She releases him, and he gasps for breath just as She plants a minute long kiss on his lips. As they separate from the kiss, Solarin speaks again. “I guess somebody missed me.” “We all did.” Twilight replies, with a kiss to his cheek. Behind her, the other girls, and spike nod. Solarin gets off the couch with a groan, rubbing his head. “Remind me never to use that much power again, I've got a headache that could incapacitate Celestia.” The girls laugh. “By the way, you may want to inform Celestia that I'm awake.” Twilight nods, and looks at spike who is holding a quill and piece of paper expectantly. They all share a laugh as Twilight dictates the letter, and love is felt through the room. (AN: done! Whew that was a tough one, sorry again if the story feels rushed, if I get reviews giving me suggestions on how to improve this chapter I may come back and rework it. Hope you enjoyed this chapter.)