//------------------------------// // Treason(ish) // Story: My Little Pony: Exodus // by AstonMartinLover //------------------------------// "So lemme get this straight....you wanna break a rule?" Applejack asked. "No, I don't want to...it's a gut feeling I'm having, we gotta do this." Twilight replied confidently. "And not just any rule!" Rainbow Dash added, ignoring twilight completely. "An order? Coming straight from Celestia to basically not do EXACTLY what you intend to do?" Twilight closed her eyes. "It is my hope that I can prevent war from reaching equestria, and if that means going against Princess Celestia...I guess it'll have to do." She said, looking deeply conflicted. "So....we're really doing this?" Fluttershy asked. "Yes." Twilight Sparkle declared. "Who's with me?" "All of us!" Pinkie Pie declared loudly. "Much as I love your random outbursts Pinkie, I think we can each make our own decision on this..." Rarity said, sounding unconvinced. "I...guess I'll go...." Fluttershy said quietly. "What's the risk level?" Rainbow Dash asked. "Extreme. We could be captured, used as prisoners of war, maybe even charged with treason for breaking the mother of all rules..." Twilight said. "Alright. I like it. I'm in." Dash said with a confident smirk. "I was in before there was anything to get into!" Pinkie pie added. "Why not? I can get Big Mac to watch over the farm for a few days." Applejack agreed. Rarity sighed. "Will have to send a message to fancypants...tell him to find another seamstress for this weekend but....I do suppose the future of equestria is slightly more important...ah why not?" Twilight looked over at Spike, as the little purple dragon packed her saddlebag. "Spike...I'm not gonna ask you to come with us. It's a dangerous journey and...you're still just a baby." "Come onnnnnn...." Spike replied. "Can I please come? I won't say a word, and I'll hide at the first sign of danger!" Twilight arched an eyebrow. "Promise?" "Where we headed?" Applejack asked, as Pinkie Pie started loading up the hot air balloons "Appleoosa." Twilight replied excitedly. The pair of alicorns flew gracefully towards the equestrian capital. And on the way, king Nightfire got to see just what his daughters had accomplished since his leave. He said nothing, his eyes merely scanning all the green, the rivers, the forests, and the ponies that resided below. Then they entered the city, and the massive royal palace came into view. "My...you two certainly did become the gods I had hoped you would become." He finally said. "Thank you father. Oh there is so much you have missed...I'm sure Celestia will be just thrilled to fill you in on our history. The good parts anyway..." She said, dreading whether or not Nightmare Moon was as prominent in those history books as she was in Luna's nightmares. They entered the castle. The guards, suspicious at first, stared in wonder as the larger alicorn entered the palace for the first time. Both royal alicorns landed in the main throne room. Celestia looked up, eyes wide. "Ah....father...it is good to see the heart stones worked." She said. "Is that all you have to say to your old dad after all this time?" Nightfire asked. "Indeed. It's been a very long time." Celestia said in a flat tone. "Still...I'm glad you answered the call, we certainly could use your guidance, father." Nightfire nodded, then looked around at all the royal guards bowing. "So many....when I departed, this race was on the brink of extinction, yet here they are. Stronger than ever." "We saved them. Gave them something to unite behind." Celestia said. "I'm sure you could help yourself to our history books." "Ahem....Tia you seem a bit...cold today, this is our father..." Luna said in an embarrassed tone. "Indeed. As I said it's been a LONG time." Celestia repeated. Luna was giving her big sister a death stare. She stomped up to her. "Don't. Please." King Nightfire said. "Celestia is right to be...less than fully welcoming. I abandoned you, my children. As was my duty. To ensure that you became strong gods, leader like your mother and I were." "There were better ways to teach us than to leave us to die." Celestia said, her tone icy now. Luna was non verbally pleading with her to stop. "I know." Nightfire said. "I am so sorry. To both of you. And if Galaxia could be here today, I'm sure she would be as filled with regret as I am at missing so much of your lives. But this situation...I hope I can redeem myself in some way by lending my assistance." Luna nodded. "Thank you father. She turned to Celestia. "May we speak in private?" "Why did you even summon him if you were going to act in this way Tia?" Luna demanded. "Because we need him. Desperate times call for desperate measures." Celestia replied matter of factly. "He is not a 'measure' he is our father!" Luna snapped. "If you felt so strongly that you were neglected, why didn't you summon him ages ago?!" "I DID!" Celestia shouted. Even Nightfire heard this. He slowly walked forward, ears drooped downward. "You...did?" Luna asked. "Yes! Right after I lost you! After I had banished you to the moon, the loneliness...it was too much so I attempted to summon him. It was then that I discovered mothers heart stone had disintegrated. I still tried, I called for father, but he never came. And you know the rest, I was without the company of my sister OR my father for the next one thousand years!" Luna let out a long sigh. "That wasn't his fault, that was mine, please Celestia, take it out on me, not on our father." "I've spent enough time blaming you. And blaming myself. He has to take his share of the blame." Celestia said, tears coming to her face. "I'll take all of it." Nightfire said, peering around the corner at them. "I am truly sorry Celestia. A little over a thousands years ago, a star exploded near a populated world. We attempted to stop it, save the middling species, and your mother succeeded...she absorbed the energy of the star...and it destroyed her." Both sisters listened intently to their fathers words. "I....we were created in pairs. Galaxia and I. And when I lost her...It was as if I lost everything. As if my whole world ceased to exist, all at once. And so I exiled myself to the farthest reaches of the Galaxy. And I did receive your call to me Celestia...and I wanted to come and see you, I truly did...but my soul and my spirit had been broken. And so I stayed away. I recovered. Healed. And then I went back to the work your mother and I had been doing. When Luna summoned me, I knew I had to return this time. I knew I was ready to face you again." He looked upon them, his yellow eyes damp. Then he wrapped his legs around both of them, embracing his children. "I do not ask for forgiveness. Merely a chance to redeem myself." "My princesses!" Shining Armor galloped in. "Oh....you're having a moment...is that king Nightfire?" He asked. "How does he know me?" Nightfire asked. "There are stain glass windows of you seriously everywhere in this palace." Shining Armor said, grinning like a nerd meeting his hero. "Anyways, I have some upsetting news. The griffons have begun their siege on Appleoosa." "No. This is not good...prepare to dispatch the equestrian army..." "There's more..." Shining said, with a deep sigh. "My sister kinda....wants to negotiate with them." "That's alright, I already told her to report to Ponyville." Celestia replied. "Yeahhhh....she's in Appleoosa." "WHAT?!!" Luna and Celestia shouted in unison.