//------------------------------// // Chapter 2: History behind the Shadow Dynasties // Story: My Little Pony: The Element of Distortion // by Thunderwing250 //------------------------------// Over in Ponyville, Twilight and the Archivist were rearranging books by subject with the assistance of Spike and Doctor Hooves. While rearranging, Twilight came across one astronomy book that made her think. She picked up her head and stared at the wall. “Madame Archivist, I want to ask you a question.” She called out. The Archivist continued to stack books alongside Doctor Hooves. “Yes, Twilight.” The Archivist replied. Twilight exhaled. “What are the Shadow Dynasties?” she asked. The Archivist and Doctor Hooves stood in place and looked at one another. “I’ll leave you two alone. Come, little dragon.” Doctor Hooves said as he walked away. As the two walked out, Twilight and the Archivist remained in the room and walked over to a table. As Twilight sat down, the Archivist used her magic to summon a circular seal below their hooves. Stepping inside, they both went through a virtual realm showing events that occurred throughout history. Twilight observed in awe as she saw events not even written in the current history books. “This…is like that formula I drank from Zecora showing me past events but I’ve never seen this before.” Twilight said. “You could say that but this is far different. What you are seeing are events that occurred during the Shadow Dynasties. Yet, since you asked, I can tell you only little but viewing most of it tells you exactly what the era was…a dark, terrifying period in which the Bronco-Titans ruled the land.” The Archivist replied. Twilight continued to watch, viewing time periods dating back two-thousand years before Celestia and Luna as well as the birth of Equestria. What she saw could only leave her speechless. At one part, she saw Khaoios and Xenxus, then two other unidentified alicorns, with the blue one being the tallest. “The tall one is Titannus, the War Master, The Element of Force.” The Archivist said. “What about the one that’s all black?” Twilight pointed out. The Archivist snared. “That…my little pony…is Tyrannus. The Element of Tyranny and the darkest, most deadly alicorn to walk Pre-Equestria” she replied. Twilight watched as one particular event led to a warzone involving Centaurs marching towards the Dark Castle. Twilight watched as they continued to march in full armor until she came across one centaur with a familiar face. “THAT’S…” she paused. “Yes…Prince Tirek, Son of Tyron, and Grandson of Tyronus. Tyronus and Tyrannus go back centuries with those two at each other’s throats. In this battle, the match is finally met.” The Archivist continued. Twilight turned. “What happened?” she asked. “See for yourself…” the Archivist pointed. Twilight saw a vision of the fierce battle between Tyronus and Tyrannus only to be struck down by none other than the Dark Alicorn, himself. Claiming victory, Tyron swore revenge on Tyrannus by charging towards him with all his might. Unfortunately, he too perished along with thousands of other centaurs, being defeated by these alicorns and their soldiers. One by one, they all fell to only leave Prince Tirek and his other brother, Scorpan to surrender. Mortally wounded, Twilight noticed that Scorpan begged to his enemies to spare his and his brothers life, which she then noticed Khaoios turning away. Very unusual reaction, she thought especially from one of the enemies that took Manehattan, twice. Noticing Scorpans plea, the Bronco-Titans spared their lives and warned them if they returned, they would be killed. Twilight then noticed the tall one, snorting in annoyance. “Titannus seems to be extremely annoyed from what I’m seeing.” Twilight commented. “Yes. Titannus is one that we feared most, just behind Tyrannus. Though Xenxus and Tyrannus may be deadly, Titannus is all about brute-force and destruction. Particularally an alicorn that would rather lay waste on an entire city. That’s what he’s for and also why he tends to stand beside his oldest brother.” The Archivist added. “What happened to him, specifically? I know that Xenxus and Khaoios attacked us, but where would he be?” Twilight asked. The Archivist concluded the viewing of the past and returned back to the library as the seal disappeared under them. “To be honest, I rather not know and want to keep it that way.” The Archivist responded. “I see. When do the Guardians actual take power from them? Seems to me that something is missing?” Twilight asked. “That is for another time, my dear Twilight. For now, you have your duties today and I have mine. Let’s attend to them while the day is still young. Remember one thing though.” The Archivist said. “What’s that?” Twilight asked. “Most origins have dark beginnings. Do those words ring a bell?” the Archivist said. Twilight thought back to her first confrontation towards Khaoios and indeed, her words and Khaoios words are true. Its dark history could also be a major threat for which she knew that revealing it worldwide, it would lead to everyday fear. “Of course.” Twilight sighed. Before the Archivist walked out, she became curious and turned. “By the way, what made you ask about the Shadow Dynasties?” she asked. “I don’t know, really. All I remember was when you told me not to touch the Element of Space, it seemed to give me a past vision of the Shadow Dynasties. Funny, the Element of Time showed me only bits and pieces and when I had the Element of Space, it gave me the whole picture.” Twilight responded. “The Elements gave you remnants of its darkest past. A past no pony should ever know. Intriguing. Anyhow, you have work to do. I’ll be back later.” The Archivist said. “Where are you going?” Twilight asked. “To pay my colleague a visit” the Archivist replied back. As the Archivist left down the hall, Doctor Hooves stood by. Beside him stood Spike, who was allowed to return back to the library, leaving the Archivist and Doctor Hooves alone in the hall. “She saw something?” Doctor Hooves asked. “Yes. She saw remnants of the Four-Horns War. The battle between Tyronus and Tyrannus, to refresh your memory.” The Archivist replied. “I see. What would you like me to do in the meantime?” Doctor Hooves said. “As of now, keep an eye on Twilight. I will be up in Galloping Gorge asking for assistance from Daring Do. She may know something since the ancient Temple is near her home. I’m surprised that she didn’t know about it and hope it stays like that.” The Archivist commented. “The Temple used by Tyronus? Then I best not keep you here.” Doctor Hooves replied. “Yes and yes, I need your help on this. Contact Cabaleron and ask him if he has come across anything unusual.” The Archivist stated. Doctor Hooves understood her words and went off to his duties. Back in the library, Twilight continued rearranging the remaining stack of books onto the shelf. She still wondered however about the war between the Centaurs and the Alicorns. For a while, she could only question one thing, how much of a history does Equestria have and the reason for it to be hidden from its current inhabitants. The ponies of Equestria do have the right to know its history, but to what extent? Perhaps the words from the Archivist is true. Ignoring the matter, she finished stacking her books in her library and decided to walk around Ponyville, assisting her friends in other matters.