Research Project: Sparkle

by Axquirix

16:26, 22nd February, 2016

Twilight lay on the floor of her tank, and contemplated. Her mental contest with the man in purple had given her plenty of information – for a start, yes, he was male, or at least thought of himself as such. Probably. Attempting to read another pony’s thoughts outright was considered taboo back in Equestria, but having had Cadance for a foalsitter, Twilight had learned some basic empathic detection and emotion awareness. She hadn’t been privy to her opponent’s decisions, but had understood his feelings.
He had been very confident, to start with. That made sense, since he’d had another two allies behind him, along with the entire staff of whatever facility Twilight was now in, to back him up if she had proven troublesome. He had also been curious, eager and a little bit excited, but that was all subdued – Twilight guessed by a healthy dose of rationalism, since the contest had had all the trappings of a test of some sort, and that would give him a similar emotional investment to herself whenever she found some new, interesting thing to research.
Which pretty much sold her on one point - they were definitely studying her. She thought it odd that they would start with what her magical aptitude was, as opposed to, say, her problem-solving skills, understanding of mathematics, ability to communicate, or indeed anything that would indicate intelligence. Sure, her sheer skill with magic should make it evident that she was a learned mage and not merely a beast capable of natural magic, but that didn’t excuse the fact that their first test basically amounted to “If it got angry at us, how far would we have to run?”
Twilight gave a grumpy huff, and glanced out of the window of her cell.
There were a small number of the creatures – pseudo-humans, she had decided to name them for now – present in the room. One was stood at the door to her cell, and she believed there was a second one out of view next to him, meaning one on each of the door’s flanks. Another two were sat behind the boxy metal benches that were on the raised platform on the other side of the walkway that cut directly in front of her cell. She reasoned that up there they likely had a means of controlling the devices in her tank, along with all the readouts for whatever they were testing her with. At the moment, that was nothing, and both creatures were talking idly to each other. There was a third in the room, on a level below the main walkway, lugging around a big box and wearing a yellow, domed hat.
Twilight considered all of this. She had five idle, sentient minds, none of whom were directly observing her, and at least two of whom shared a common language. She could work a very little magic, probably enough to sense one of the assembled pseudo-humans’ emotions with enough left over for a simple clairaudience spell. Projecting her hearing outside of the thick glass wall wouldn’t be easy, but with the shutters open it would likely be enough. Projecting hearing instead of sight was like setting up two tin cans on a length of string instead of constructing a pair of binoculars, anyway. It was a lot easier.
Twilight took a deep breath to steady her anxiety, and charged her horn. She held it for a few moments, worried that the two creatures sat higher up would notice something on the machines assembled in front of them.
A second passed.
Two seconds.
Neither creature looked up.
A third second.
Okay, either they didn’t have anything set up to detect if she was using magic, such device only detected actual spell casts, or simply neither pseudo-human was paying attention. Since they were studying her magic and didn’t seem to be able to produce proper spell casts themselves, Twilight was forced to assume the latter.
And these were, she presumed, meant to be the smart ones. This would not be hard.
Twilight quickly finished casting the clairaudience spell, and smiled as the sounds from outside the cell entered her ears – whirring machinery, the clink of footfalls on metal walkways, and the strange chattering of the pseudo-humans’ speech. She simply enjoyed the returned sensation for a few moments, before pushing on. She had calculated correctly – casting a second spell while weakened as she was would be nigh impossible, but she could still read the humans’ emotional responses with a simple empathy channeling – not refined and structured correctly, just pushing outwards with sheer magic energy and force of will.
Twilight considered her options, before moving the source of her clairaudience to be directly between the two speaking pseudo-humans, and extending her thoughts to the two of them. It wasn’t perfect, but she didn’t have many options.
Time to learn something.


“What have you learned so far, doctor?” Officer Bradford asked, not wasting time on pleasantries as he walked into XCOM’s main laboratory.
Dr. Vahlen glanced over from where she was talking to one of her subordinates, before nodding at the man and moving towards Bradford. “Concerning the newest specimen, not a great deal so far. Our most recent efforts have been focused on understanding the subject’s psionic capabilities, to ensure that any encounters with more examples of the specimen do not result in the same casualties as our first.”
Officer Bradford nodded, “How is Captain Pimenova doing?”
The doctor frowned, before selecting a file on her data slate and displaying it on the nearest wall display. “Her condition is stable, and medically she is perfectly healthy,” she said, summarising the report on-screen, “but her neurological patterns are unusual. Different areas of the brain keep flaring with activity, as if it is trying to re-organise itself. For now, she remains effectively comatose, and it would be near impossible to tell when such a coma would end.”
Bradford grimaced. “It left quite a mark on her, that’s for sure.”
“Undoubtedly,” Dr. Vahlen replied, “It has been speculated that the cause of the unusual activity is due to Pimenova’s brain attempting to rationalise an imprinting of the subject’s mindset.” She glanced away from the screen, to be met with a blank stare from the military man. “In effect, it is trying to sort her memories from that of ‘Sparkles’ own.”
“You mean to tell me one of my soldiers could wake up thinking she’s a purple… thing?” Bradford asked, before sighing. “And here I was hoping we were past the casualties in this war. Speaking of, have you had any breakthroughs in medical research?”
“Not as yet,” the doctor replied, “My team has had some success in regrowing tissues using the Meld substance, which would allow the growth of transplant tissues to be surgically grafted to injured soldiers, but the procedure is still in its infancy. Attempting to regrow entire limbs is still well outside of our reach.”
“Doctor, I’ve got over twenty men and women upstairs that we owe the security of this planet to,” Bradford replied, “and the least we could do is use some of our resources to give them back what they’ve lost to the aliens. If you think of anything that might get some of them up and walking again, please look into it.” With that, he nodded and left.
Doctor Vahlen stayed silent. After all, it wasn’t her place to explain.


Twilight smiled. She felt like she was making good progress. The two creatures had talked for a long time, and then the one with the domed hat had walked up, briefly joined in, and then left. It had been two or three hours, and she was beginning to tire, but none of the pseudo-humans had noticed her continuous magic use.
She blinked, and her eyes were hesitant to open again. Okay, not just beginning to tire, then. She was about to turn off her clairaudience spell and try to get some sleep, when the door to the outside room opened again.
A male pseudo-human walked in, wearing the same sort of long white coat that the two she had been studying were clothed in. It was carrying a small handled box, and quickly walked over to the other two and began talking to them. Twilight couldn’t make out what was going on, but it eventually pointed to one of the panels on the console.
The other two turned to look at it.
There was a second’s pause.
Three pairs of eyes snapped around to look directly at Twilight.
Twilight’s own blinked in surprise, and almost refused to open again. This, she quickly surmised despite her tiredness, was not good. She cut off the clairaudience spell as one of the two sitting pseudo-humans leant over and began talking hurriedly to the console – into a microphone, she presumed. The more newly-arrived one began running towards the door of her cell, and Twilight noticed that the two guards outside it had become alert. Not good.
Twilight could still feel the emotions of the third coated creature as the door to her cell flew open. Concern. Alarm. Panic. Confusion. It didn’t know what she was doing, but it knew that it was bad. Her own sense of danger did nothing to help move the alicorn’s half-slumbering body, fatigue beating out panic even as the creature crossed her cell.
The pseudo-human placed a hand on her neck, and everything went dark.


Incident Report 00-1162
Time: 18:35
Date: 22nd February, 2016
Personnel involved: Dr W Asad, Dr P Thompson, Dr A Monsoor, Lt J Shmidt, Sgt G Wheeler, Technician R Barnes
Captives involved: X-014-1 “Sparkles”

Incident Summary: Dr Asad enters containment chamber A3, to sedate and collect captive X-014-1 for second medical diagnostic. Drs Thompson and Monsoor are stationed at cell monitoring station. Lt Shmidt and Sgt Wheeler are standing guard at cell A3.
Dr Asad begins turnover of captive procedures with Drs Thompson and Monsoor, before noticing a load of 18.8Vh being registered on the cell’s console. Dr Thompson begins security protocols as Dr Asad moves to assist Lt Shmidt and Sgt Wheeler in re-establishing containment of X-014-1.
Upon noticing no physical activity from X-014-1, Dr Asad enters cell A3, covered by Lt Shmidt and Sgt Wheeler. Dr Asad checks X-014-1’s vital signs, before administering a sedative via injection. Psionic load ends at this point, and Dr Asad takes X-014-1, under guard from Lt Shmidt, to the research lab for the planned medical diagnostic.

Cause of Incident: X-014-1 was found in a state of moderate physical exhaustion, despite visual surveillance from Drs Thompson and Monsoor confirming that X-014-1 had not performed any physical exercise for several hours. Recordings of all measurements show that X-014-1 was exerting psionic stress for a corresponding time, yet interviews with all personnel involved in the incident deny any thought that it was trying to implicate its guardians, and interview with Technician Barnes confirms that the cell had experienced no more wear than would be typical for normal running. X-014-1 was not, therefore, attempting to escape during this period.

Analysis: One of two possibilities exists: either X-014-1 was attempting to send a psionic signal to other alien presences around Earth, and possesses a means of physically degrading its body to sustain its psionic output (an ability not observed in any other specimen or employed soldier), or X-014-1’s physical form is unstable in some regard, and it must make regular use of its psionic abilities to repair and maintain itself. In the case of the latter, it follows that the psionic inhibition that X-014-1 is placed under for containment is denying its ability to self-regulate, and therefore condemning it to a slow death by degradation. Given the value of the subject, this risk must not be taken lightly – a test will be devised as to ascertain the purpose of X-014-1’s psionic exertion, and determine what course of action must be taken.


Research Project: Subject X-014 “Sparkle.”
Date: 22nd February 2016

Physiology Assessment
X-ray analysis confirms an earlier theory – all four of X-014-1’s limbs end in a firm hoof-like structure, which is then covered by a thin layer of sensitive flesh and hair. This gives the subject a firm footing to move around on, while retaining sensitivity, though it has been questioned why such a sense would be necessary in an otherwise unwieldy limb.
X-014-1’s skeletal structure is otherwise as expected; a disproportioned facsimile of a terrestrial equine’s, with a pair of hollow-boned wings attached. Of note is the fact that the rest of X-014-1’s skeletal structure lacks hollow bones, which easily renders it too heavy to fly by traditional means.
Ultrasound scanning and metal detection reveal another anomaly; X-014-1 lacks any cybernetic implants. Such features are commonplace among other alien specimens observed, to either mitigate observed weaknesses or enhance inherent strengths, but X-014-1 remains entirely unenhanced. It was quickly realised that this meant that X-014-1 could be analysed using an MRI scan, rather than relying on ultrasound scanning from multiple angles, or a full-body autopsy at a later date.
MRI scanning confirmed many of the research staff’s suspicions, that X-014-1 is possessed of a single four-chambered heart, paired lungs, and a dietary tract not unlike that of many terrestrial mammals. Similar physiology is found in both the X-001 “Sectoid” and X-004 “Muton”, as well as a heavily atrophied version in the X-010 “Ethereal”. X-014-1’s lung structure also does not match the dispersed structures usually associated with avian species, instead being in line with the centralised model expected of terrestrial mammals. X-014-1 possesses a larger pancreas than was expected, which, coupled with the Initial Assessment's dental check revealing that X-014-1 has incisors and molars but no canines, indicates that X-014-1’s natural diet consists of plant matter high in sucrose and other sugars. X-014-1 has been observed to consume the nutrient-rich substance provided from the dispenser in Cell A3, and has not had any adverse reaction to it, nor shows any signs of malnourishment - specialised sustenance does not seem necessary.
The MRI scan also revealed another unexpected organ; a (presumably) healthy and functional uterus. All other alien species encountered so far possess identical DNA and either heavily atrophied or absent sexual organs. X-014-1, however, seems to still be capable of sexual reproduction, to the point where several members of the research team debated extraction of a single ovum as a tissue sample. This operation was not performed, but remains in discussion.

Further Research
Why would the alien collective need a species capable of sexual reproduction? Why has X-014-1 not been fitted with any cybernetic enhancement, as every other examined species has? Why does so little of X-014-1’s physiology conform to the low density that its wings would require, even if flight is supplemented by psionics? Given the presence of several animal DNA markers in all collected alien nutritional substances, does X-014-1, seemingly a herbivore, require a separate food source, and if so, why has no such source been encountered among captured alien vessels?
Blood, saliva and small tissue samples were collected from the subject, and are under preparation for genome mapping. A test to determine whether we are correct in X-014s assumed role as an alien engineer is in planning, but is on hold until a full analysis of Incident 00-1162 can be conducted.