//------------------------------// // Out of the Frying Pan // Story: The Other Button // by One of the Crowd //------------------------------// Chapter 18: Out of the Frying Pan The mare stood there as everyone in the room stared at her because of my outburst. Her expression was now neutral to everything that was going on. She made her way over to Arrow and whispered something into his ear. "He just woke up! I don't think-" The mare started whispering again before Arrow could finish, "Fine, but why can't she send a letter instead?" The mare shrugged before moving back out of the door while shooting a glare at me the entire time. "What a bitch," I said to myself before I realized that there was three other people in there and one of them was a colt. I turned around to hear what they would say, but they were all distracted by the food Loving brought in her saddlebags. I smiled and made my way over to them so I could try to somehow make amends with them. They never said they hated me though; this was very strange since I did kind of set one of them on fire. Why do they care so much about me? I could think of an answer before the door opened up. I didn't see who entered, but I also didn't care as I was more preoccupied with being around Arrow. I felt the pony get near me before Arrow looked up and spoke, "Hey, Lyra," "Hey, Arrow. I see your kid is awake," "Chance? Yeah he woke up today," "This is the first time I'm seeing him not freaking out," What did she mean by that? I started turning and when I finally face the mare all the color drained from my face. It was her! My heart started to beat faster and faster. I started to tremble where I stood, and I could feel my legs getting ready to bolt out of the room when I heard Arrow call out, "Chance! Calm down!" "It-Its h-her Arrow. It's that m-mare," My eyes were locked onto her, and I wanted to run away. My legs weren't listening to me however and they refused to listen to me. She was staring at me with fake pity! She thinks I don't know who she is; well I am smarter than she fucking thinks! "Arrow?" The mare asked taking her eyes off of me for a minute. This was my chance to get out of here, and get to safety. My legs unlocked and I started sprinting toward the door. It slammed shut when I got near it however, and it also locked itself. When I was able to focus again I saw the mares horn glowing with a golden aura. "Stay away from me!" I called out. The mare didn't listen to me and started to move closer to me so she could grab me. I wasn't going to let her take me. "Chance! This isn't Jungle!" Arrow called to me. He didn't see it? He actually doesn't recognize this monster that kept me trapped for over a month! I tried to use my magic to lift the lamp beside Arrow, but I realized that my magic wasn't working because they cut it off while I was here. "Stay back or I'll...or I'll" I felt something pierce my ass and everything was going foggy. Looking behind me I saw that nurse from earlier with a syringe in her mouth. "You bitch..." ***Arrow*** "Did you have to knock him out?" I asked looking toward the nurse who lifted Chance onto her back. "He was about to panic, and could of harmed everyone in here," She retorted. "He's not that dangerous Red Heart," "We can't take any chances," "Yeah, a nine year old can do some serious damage..." "He's a nine year old that had a magical surge powerful enough to almost kill him. If that happened here there'd be big problems," She retorted as she walked back out of the room. I was alone with Lyra and Chance's foster family now so I decided to see how things were those first few days. "Before all of this, Did Chance give you guys any problems?" Loving was still staring at Lyra in confusion before turning toward me and saying, "He actually made us breakfast his first day," "Did he make his blueberry pancakes?" "Yes?" "Why didn't you tell me? He's made the best pancakes I've ever had!" Lyra decided that this was as good a time to cut in as any other, "How have you been Arrow? Any word on my sister?" She asked. This was when I pieced together why Chance was panicking so often while we were her. Jungle Vine was Lyra's sister who was a tiny bit insane; they both believed in the human myths but Jungle was on a whole other level. "Jungle hasn't shown up since Manehatten. Thanks for finding Chance by the way," "I couldn't let my former band mate's kid get hurt," "Actually, I'm looking after him," Loving said as she walked over to Lyra and extended a hoof. "Nice to meet you Lyra," "Likewise" Lyra said as she took Loving's hoof and shook. Button had decided to climb onto the bed with me while the ladies were talking. He seemed to be really bored and pulled out a piece of paper so he could doodle random things. "What are you drawing there?" I asked. "My family," I looked over to his drawing and saw a five different ponies. Based on the colors I recognized his parents, him, and his brother. The other pony wasn't colored in though, "Who's that?" I asked as I pointed at the blank pony, "It's Combo." "Who's Combo?" Button didn't respond and just started to color the pony in with a dark blue crayon. Kids are weird, I mean normal kids are strange but this is just plain abnormal. Chance is almost as weird I mean I remember how he actually would talk to me about politics, politics! What kid can tell you the difference between an absolute monarchy and a dictatorship? He's a smart kid, but I wish he could understand that he's a pony not a human. I noticed that it was getting dark outside, and the nurse came in to inform them that visiting hours were over. I didn't want them to go yet, but rules are rules. When everypony left and the nurse came in I decided to have a little chat with her. "Why did you lie to Chance?" "He is a danger to you, Arrow," "How exactly?" "A kid comes in from a magical surge, and a guard comes in with massive burns. I can put two and two together," "I still don't see the problem," "If that happens again there is a good chance you'll die," "I doubt th-" "Those burns are severe and the actual point of impact was the bottom of your hooves. If he hit you directly you'd be ash." I reeled back at the thought of Chance accidentally disintegrating me, but he wasn't that dangerous. "He's not as dangerous as you think he is," "He might not be, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't be careful," She calmly walked back out of the room. I was once again alone, and had a lot to think about. The most prevalent was how to get Chance to stop being scared of Lyra.