//------------------------------// // And Into The Fire // Story: The Other Button // by One of the Crowd //------------------------------// Chapter 19: And Into The Fire I was groggy when I finally woke back up. I swear I'm going to flay that nurse alive if she sticks that needle in me again! I slowly opened my eyes back up to see the room I woke up in earlier. "Good Morning, Chance!" Three fillies happily said a bit loudly. It was better than the yelling so that's good, but it begs the question of why they were here in the first place. "Morning, what's been going on?" Scootaloo stepped up and answered, "Everyone at school heard you got hurt so we all decided to stop by," That explains these three chilling next to me, but they said everyone at school so where is- Before I could finish my thought Applebloom swung the door open and multiple children came filing in. Cheerilee came in behind them and made sure that all the stragglers were in the room as well. "Good morning, Chance!" Cheerilee happily said as she trotted over to me with a cake balanced on her back. It was a pretty big cake too, I mean the thing could be used for a fucking wedding and still have pieces left over! It had white frosting and the message 'get well soon' on the top of the cake in red frosting. It might be the fact that I hadn't eaten anything since I got to the hospital, but I decided that I deserved half of that cake NOW. "Leave us some, Chance!" Sweetie cried out as I shoved my face into the side of the cake before gorging myself with said cake. I didn't rightly care that they wanted any because this was probably the best cake I've ever had; at least until confetti shot out the top of it. "Happy happy birthday I sing this song for you! Happy happy birthday your cake is almost through!" Sang a pink pony who was dancing on top of the cake that I had buried half my face into prior. I looked to everyone else in the room and they were all just as confused as me. Even Cheerilee was surprised by the recent turn of events. "How did you... you just...what?" Cheerilee sputtered as she tried to get her brain to restart, but sadly it broke and her warranty expired last month. Pinkie just smiled before hopping down from the cake and taking Cheerilee by the shoulder and taking her on a journey of what the fuck happened. "You see, when you ordered the cake for Chance I had the..." I stopped paying attention because of a tapping on my left side. Turning over to face whoever it was I saw Dinky sitting there. She had a glum expression and seemed to want to say something but couldn't find the words. "Yes, Dinky?" "I'm sorry," She squeaked out. "About what?" "If I didn't hit you with the stick you wouldn't have run away!" She was tearing up and turned away from me in shame. She actually believed I ran because of her. That isn't right so I decided to clear things up right now. "Dinky, I didn't run because you hit me with a stick. I don't even know why you thought that, but you didn't cause this," "But you-" "Hush now baby child," I said while putting a hoof over her mouth. "You didn't cause me to get hurt. It was my own stupidity, not you." She didn't say anything else after that, instead she lunged at me. I didn't realize what the hell she was doing until she wrapped her arms around me for a hug. Why do these ponies love hugging so damn much; It's adorable but why? I just returned the hug when I heard a few of the kids in the room make impromptu gags. "Dinky and Chance sitting in a-" "Finishing that is not a good idea" I cut off whoever was starting to sing that stupid saying song thing. I always hated when kids would do that randomly whenever you decided to be nice. It even happened back in Manehatten with that one filly that made fun of how I spoke. Apparently that was a sign that she really like me to them because they wouldn't shut up! When she pulled away her face was starting to turn pink for some reason. Embarrassment does tend to do that to people so why not ponies. I was going to try to speak some more with her when someone started to tap on my other side, and as I turned around I realized it was Button. "Yo, Bro," I said. In my mind it was perfectly fine, but Button's face told an entirely different story. His face had a huge smile on it for some reason before he spoke, "Is there a crow show?" "No though there's a doe toe," "Why are we rhyming, Chance?" "You continued it when I was just saying hi," "Oh right..." He turned around to walk away when I stopped him, "What did you want Button?" He turned around realizing that he forgot the entire reason he was talking to me in the first place. He pulled out a book that had stars all over the cover before saying, "Ms. Cheerilee wanted us to work on the project together," God damn it they already got the books! How am I supposed to find what I need now? My thoughts were interrupted when I realized Button had been talking this entire time, "I'm sorry can you repeat that last part?" I asked which didn't seem to bother him as he turned to a certain page in the book and spoke, "This is the constalation we're working on, but I can't read this half," I looked toward the half of the page he was pointing to. I froze when I saw the writing because it was the exact same as the book Ryan found. "Button, where did you find this book?" "Cheerilee handed it to me, why?" "It's very important I find out what language this is, Button." "Why is it-" "I have to know," He nodded before picking the book back up and heading to Cheerilee who was trying to wrap her head around everything pinkie had just said to her. Why do these ponies love tapping me because yet again someone was tapping my other side. "Hi Chance," Diamond said when I was facing her. There was another filly behind her with a grey coat and semi-white mane. She was also wearing glasses. I was about to ask who she was when Diamond continued, "This is my friend Silver Spoon." "Hello," She said in a sort of snarky voice which earned her a glare from diamond. "Nice to meet you Silver. What did you need Diamond?" "I just wanted to know when your cuteceaƱeara was," "What do you mean by that?" She pointed toward my ass which now had a picture of a bonfire on it. Well color me purple and call me Vincent, I have an ass tattoo! "I've been up for two days and no one said a word about this?" "You didn't know?" "I was a little unconscious for a few days," "Well then I should help you plan-" The doors opened before she could continue with what she was saying. In walked in two royal guards and one very large white alicorn. I remembered that I had attacked her back in the cave and now I'm remembering that she is royalty, I'm fucked. Everyone in the room bowed down to her, even me. I didn't see a reason why not to, and it might just serve to keep me from being executed. Wait, I'm in a hospital so execution isn't happening so what is she... "May I speak with Chance alone?" Celestia asked Cheerilee who nodded and ushered the enitre class out of the room. She looked to the guards and nodded for them to leave as well. Once they were finally gone she walked over to me and took a seat. I felt so small in her presence, and instead of that safety I once knew near her, I felt fear. "I'm sorry princess!" I blurted out rather suddenly. I didn't dare look up at her in fear of what she might do if she didn't think I was honest, "I know, but you committed a capital offence, Chance. If you were any other pony it would be grounds for execution." As she spoke I felt chills run down my spin over what she had decided to do with me instead of execution. "I understand," "You however are a sick colt, and I'm not a tyrant so I've decided that instead of execution you shall be Arrow's personal assistant." "I under- wait WHAT?" "I said you shall be-" "I heard you, but that seems a little lenient," "Only you, Arrow, and I were in that cave. If a guard was there I'd have to throw you in a dungeon. This is a great mercy I'm granting you Chance. Do not waste it," With that she started to walk out of the room, but I had to ask, "What happened to Fire Catcher?" "He's back in his cave with a few new royal gems," She then walked out of the room with elegance leaving me alone in silence. A few moments later was when everyone else returned to talk to me, and see what the princess wanted. I never answered that question because of what she said about if anyone else was there.