A Twilight Summit

by Ponyess

An Unexpected Meeting: 1

”Where am I? I can’t recall these books ever being in my library!” Twilight inquired as she set eyes on a pink mare she had known since the day she set hoof in Ponyville.

“We are in the Royal library of Ponyville, silly!” Pinkie Pie responded, before she noticed the odd detail about her friend, her wings are clearly missing.

“Then I am still in Ponyville, I guess that is a relief? A Royal library?” she then echoed.

“Yes, silly. But, where are your wings?” Pinkie Pie responded.

The light purple Unicorn mare stood still in silence for a moment as she pondered the question, as silly and absurd as it had sounded. Even if it had been the pink mare she knew as Pinkie Pie who had asked her.

“You do know I was born a Unicorn, right? Unicorns has a horn, but certainly no wings!” she then responded in a hushed voice.

“Of course, every last Pony in Ponyville knew that. I hope it isn’t Discord who pulled a new prank of his on you. You do still recall our Draconiquus friend, right?” Pinkie responded.

“Yes, I still do recall him, such a bad trickster. But, why would you assume I had wings, Pinkie Pie?” Twilight responded.

“Twilly, there may be a few details I will have to explain, and things I will have to show you in order to get to the bottom of this!” Pinkie then put forth.

“Since you insist on seeing me as an Alicorn, which would technically make me a Princess on par with Celestia and Luna. Yes, you certainly do have to explain quite a few details here, alright!” Twilight responded with a light sigh.

“Which takes us to the heart of the matter, the throne room. This is after all the castle of Friendship, and is located in Ponyville!” Pinkie pointed out as she bounced on her way to the room in question.

“I do recall taking up the mission of learning everything there is to know of Friendship and the associated Magic involved. If I am supposed to be an Alicorn Princess, I guess you should take me to the throne room. Your logic is consistent and uncharacteristically hard to refute today, Pinkie!” she responded.

“Since you have accepted that much of what I have been explaining, I think this is the only logical conclusion. You certainly do need to see the throne room. Your name is Twilight Sparkle, right? How else could your mark be that of the Element of Magic?” I put forth, slowly bouncing in the direction I had just indicated.

“Of course I am Twilight Sparkle, daughter of Velvet Sparkle, prodigy of Princess Celestia of the Royal castle at Canterlor. I got the mark of the Element of Magic, as she accepted me as her pupil, after I had hatched a dragon egg, which contained the Dragon named Spike. I currently live in the Golden Oak library in the centre of Ponyville!” she explained.

“Very well then, Twilly. Now I will simply have to throw you a new Welcome to Ponyvile Party, for you. I hope you understand my situation!” I pointed out in no uncertain terms.

“Going by what I remember from the previous occasion and my first party you threw for me; that is bound to be a noisy, lively and festive occasion, with every Pony you can pull out of the village and fill the hall of your choice with. Am I following you, this far?” she responded with a silly smile on her face.

“There will be free pastries, cake and punch, to start off. How could any Pony say no to that? I fear the village has grown since your previous party, but so has your home. I think I can make room for each and every Pony who would like to partake in welcoming you, Twilly!” I pointed out as we finally reached the door to the throne room.

“Would you do the honour and open the door, Twilly?” I then added.

Of course, all of the others were already there, which is clearly including Twilight Sparkle.

Gasps were heard from the Ponies gathered in the room, which was clearly to be expected. Who was expecting a second Twilight Sparkle trotting in on the new meeting? A Unicorn at that, nonetheless.

“I am sorry to interrupt. I will also have to bring up a new point on the meeting, which we will also have to discuss. A somewhat urgent matter, if you can see what I mean!” I proclaimed as the door closed quietly behind us, thus finally opening the meeting once and for all.

“Since we are all here, I call to order so that we can get the meeting going!” Princess Twilight exclaimed.

The room soon quieted down, which incidentally had the effect that Spike woke up, looking around in a curious fashion. Only to stop dead in his tracks as he saw the Unicorn standing in the room, looking back at him.

“I think I see what you are driving at, Pinkie. This certainly is an unexpected revelation!” the Princess exclaimed.

“Yes, she is the new point on the list of discussions we have to deal with today!” I pointed out, incapable of hiding the smile entirely.

“Aside from the Party I know you yearn to throw, which I guess I can’t deny you in this case. This does have a few more issues to go over!” the Princess continued.

“You know me only too well, Twilly. The party is unavoidable. Yet, there are other more important aspects of our new friend’s arrival here at your very own castle. I have reasons to believe her on whom she claims to be, even despite certain events we have gone through in the past. Like the Changelings, the Mirror Pool and Discord on the top of our list!” I responded in a more gravely serious tone of voice.

“The Changelings would know that you are an Alicorn Princess by now, Twilight. They would not try to imitate or duplicate an outmoded fashion, not this blatantly. The Mirror Pool would require the Individual to have been at the pool, but it is way too long since you were a mere Unicorn, Twilight!” Rarity pointed out.

“Discord has been too good a friend, for too long to pull this prank now. Maybe a year back, but he would still know that you are a Princess and Alicorn!” Fluttershy spoke.

“Since the library was destroyed, the question is where you would live, Twilight!” the Princess inquired.

Upon mentioning the destruction of her beloved home, the Unicorn broke down and started to sob.

“Of course we can’t leave you homeless, dear Twilight. If you like, we can show you the remains of the Oak, but I think that could wait until we have taken care of certain matters!” Rarity pointed out.

“I guess that would at least give some closure, but my home is still gone!” the Unicorn cried on.

“Aside from Applejack, I am the only Pony with room enough to spare for you. There may be an advantage in staying here, you would always be free to speak with Spike Naturally, he has advanced in his career since the library was destroyed!” the Princess explained.

“Oh yeah. I am not merely the first assistant of the library, now I am the Royal librarian!” Spike exclaimed with some joy to his voice, even if the memory of his former home still refused to agree with him.

“Hello, Spike. Nice to see you. I take it you are doing well here, even without the old library with all these dear memories!” Twilight spoke.

“Hello, Twilight. Sure is nice to see you too. Even if I guess one could say that it was a bit unexpected!” Spike responded.

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