Kindness's Gift

by chibiachika

A Dash of History

        Rainbow Dash flew towards her new school. It was a bit further than her kindergarten was, but she was excited. She was an early flyer according to her parents, and that would give her an advantage in school. Of course, she wasn’t looking forward to the whole schedule. Reading? Boring. Math? Lame. Gym class? So awesome. That was the class she’d have to do her best in if she ever wanted to be a Wonderbolt.

        As she approached the front of the building, Rainbow Dash wondered where everypony was. The courtyard was surprisingly empty. It wasn’t until the school bell rang that she realized what happened: She was late. She’d forgotten to adjust to having to travel the longer distance, and she barely got to her kindergarten class on time. Hopefully they’ll let her slide just this once.

        As she walked up the stairs to the building, a soft sound caught her attention. As she looked back, she noticed a pink-maned pegasus laying under a tree, crying. This girl was probably a few years older than Rainbow Dash. Why was she crying? Is she one of those nerds that love school and upset because she’s late? In her old class, she had heard stories of older students being sent back to flight kindergarten. There weren’t any in her class, but she always giggled at the thought of somepony at Cloudsdale High being in her class. The thoughts of laughing at that pony felt bad now, seeing the upset filly.

        Rainbow Dash started back towards the entryway, but she just couldn’t convince herself to abandon this filly. Why was she so concerned over somepony she didn’t know? And somepony that no one else seemed to notice? She was probably uncool, someone she shouldn’t hang around with. And yet, Rainbow Dash found herself stepping towards the yellow pegasus. “Hey, are you alright?”

        “Go away.”

        “You know, school’s started, right?”

        “I heard. Now go away.”

        “Geez, lighten up. You act like you just lost your best friend.” Rainbow Dash started to turn away, but was quick to find herself being pinned against the wall of the building.

        “It’s ponies like you that are the reason bad things happen to good ponies!” Fluttershy’s eyes burned with a fiery rage, and the heat from her breath was strong against Rainbow Dash’s face.

        “Look, I’m sorry! I don’t even know anything that’s happened here! This is a new school for me!” Rainbow Dash was starting to cry, out of fear of the larger pegasus’s mood shift. “Pl-please don’t hurt me...”

        Fluttershy’s expression went softer, and tears started to fall faster, as she realized what she was doing. She let the frightened cyan pegasus go, and started to walk back to her previous spot under the tree.

        “Hey...what’s your name?”


        “I don’t know what happened to you, Fluttershy, and it’s probably not my business, but it’s not hard to tell that you’re sad. If you want someone to talk to, I’ll listen.” The rainbow-maned pegasus sat down next to the saddened pony.



        “Her name was Violyre. She’s...gone.”

        “Gone? But she’ll come back, right?” Fluttershy started sobbing harder, giving Rainbow Dash a bit of an answer. “Oh...I’m sorry...And I’m guessing she was your best friend?”

        “She...she was my only friend...” She wiped her tears away. “We protected each other...And I failed to protect her..After she had protected me....”

        “What happened to her?”

        “Do you remember the overflow from the water collection?”

        “Totally! My mom made me stay indoors! She said it wasn’t safe for me out there!”

        “At school, we were learning how to fly in that kind of weather. Nopony told us that in that type of weather, you should let your wings get a bit wet before takeoff. Violyre and I were under an umbrella in line. When it was my turn, I flew up without taking a moment to even get damp. My wings started to get heavy, and...”

        “You fell?”

        Fluttershy nodded. “I tripped over one of the obstacles...I couldn’t regain control...And there was nothing under me to catch me. Violyre wanted to save me, so she jumped after me.”

        Rainbow Dash thought for a moment. “So what you’re saying is that she was also under the umbrella, so her wings were dry too?”

        “Oh, no...She was a unicorn.”

        “A unicorn!? In Cloudsdale!? But...but how!?”

        “She was born to pegasi parents. She was completely able to walk on clouds, but she lacked any use of magic. She got called a “freak” a lot in class. I was also an outcast in the class, I was called many terrible names.”

        “I’m sorry...”

        Fluttershy shook her head. “You have nothing to apologize for.”

        “So what happened after she jumped...?”

        “She pushed me onto a cloud...she fell onto a cloud too, but, where mine was one of the white puffy clouds, she landed on one that was filled with hail.” Rainbow Dash cringed at the thought. “The vision of her laying there, not moving, even when the paramedics came...I’ve had nightmares...” Fluttershy started to cry again. “And that...that easily could’ve been me down there...”

        “Does that mean she’s...?”

        “I don’t know...No one will tell me...Her parents blame me for it, that’s about all I’ve heard...She must hate me if she did live...”

        Rainbow Dash hugged Fluttershy. “I’m sorry you went through all that, but you still have a lot to look forward to in the future. No matter what happened, she gave you a second chance at life! Are you going to disappoint her by sitting here moping all the time!?”

        “’re right, kid. What did you say your name was?”

        “I’m Rainbow Dash, soon to be a household name all over Equestria!”

        “Come on, let’s go to class them, Rainbow Dash.” Fluttershy headed towards the front doors.

        Fluttershy stood at the edge of the cloud, a bouquet of violets in her mouth. She made it a tradition every year to bring up the flowers that Violyre loved, and place them on the site where it all happened. This was her memorial service for the past ten years. Only one other pony knew of this tradition, and that was Rainbow Dash.

        “This may be the last time you’re able to do this.” stated Rainbow Dash.

        “What!? Why!?” Fluttershy sounded caught off-guard by this news.

        “Cloudsale Weather executives want to expand some of the new weather projects, and they highlighted this area as their prime pick. The school’s been long gone, relocated across town. I’m sorry, Fluttershy, I know you want to have a memorial at the last place you ever saw’s over...I’m sure Twilight has some books on where the deceased are buried that you could look up.

        Tears streamed down Fluttershy’s face. She still had not convinced herself that Violyre was gone. “I don’t want to find where she’s buried...I want to find out where she’s living.”

        “It’s been ten years since the accident happened, I would think by now, she would’ve sent you something. I hate to be the one to tell you this, but she’s gone, ‘shy. You’re just hurting yourself with this foolish search.’

`        Fluttershy, while not wanting to accept the truth of the matter, started to break down into tears. “I’re right...She would have sent something...”

        Dash put her arms around her friend. “I’m sorry, I don’t want to keep seeing you hurting like this. Even if she were still alive, what kind of friend wouldn’t send their best friend a letter that says “Hey Fluttershy, I’m living in...I dunno...Ponyville?”

        “Fine...I’ll give up...*she closed her eyes, the tear drops slowing down as she stands up.

        “That’s good. Now just know, I won’t let anyone ever hurt my best pal again. Got it?” Fluttershy nodded softly. “What else do you have going on today?”

        “Twilight asked me if I could visit a sick pony. I’m not sure why. She said that she’s scared of everything, so she thought that maybe I might be able to break under the “shell” she’s locked herself in.

        “Alright, then you go do that. I need to get back to work. Let’s meet up later tonight.” Rainbow Dash said with a smile.