Camp Orion

by Meemie7

Chapter 1: Celestia

Dear Princess Celestia,

I am the mayor of Saddle Lake, a village south Fillydelphia. I apologize for the inconvenience, but I require assistance immediately. A massive infestation of flying pigs have invaded the town. We are trying as best we can to get the situation under control, but the pigs are hostile and we require assistance. I am deeply regretful to ask this of you, but please help us.

Mayor Petal Twirl

My hoof lifts off the edge of the parchment and the scroll rolls neatly back up on its own. I let out a sigh. This is the seventh letter of distress today. Seven towns are being overrun by a new, unique problem. The last one reported orange soda bursting out of the reservoir and the one before that complained about all the dinner china turning into giant rats. Not one letter said that there was a culprit behind the situations, but I know they know. They know that I know, but no pony wrote anything about it. Probably because they don’t want to suggest one of my friends is the mastermind behind all these unnatural disasters. But, every pony knows who is behind this.

I pass the scroll to an on-standing guard. He takes it with his magic. “Take this and assemble another troop to go to Saddle Lake. And look out for a certain Draconiquis, will you?”

“Yes, your Highness.” the guard replies as he leaves the room. I sigh again. We must be running low on troops right now. I don’t want to get to the point where we have to pull troops from the Crystal Empire, but at this rate, that might be the case. I want to go to Saddle Lake and be part of the action, to confront Discord myself. But, the letters just keep coming! I have to be here to receive any news and command the Royal Guard.

Suddenly, another puff of smoke appears above my head. Most villages have ways of sending messages via magic this way, but only one source comes from that green hue of smoke. I pick up the falling letter with my magic before it even hits the ground. Sure enough, it has the special seal of a large, pink star with five white stars surrounding it. Twilight. Oh, don’t tell me he’s gotten to Ponyville now, too! I open the letter and reluctantly begin reading.

Dear Princess Celestia,

I hope you are doing well and I hope Princess Luna is fine as well. I understand that she was absent last night and I apologize for her absence. However, last night, I learned of a very serious matter regarding your sister and I have many concerns. We learned that she created something called the Tantibus…