//------------------------------// // Mission 13: Uninvited Preperations // Story: Devil hunter among Ponies // by Dusk Stalker //------------------------------// Authors Notice: I would like to Thank all the bronies out their who gave their support to this fic, despite the 7 negs :3. I urge you guys to check out these DMC Fics If you want: The Dark Slayer in Equestria-0kamaterasu Pony May Cry-SuperAnonBrony Pony Never Cry-Gypsy Pony May Cry: Brotherhood is magic-Madara XIII Its a shoutout to all of them, if you are reading this. I hope you guys kickass with those Fics:) Now back to my story. Dante didn't mind the new look as he twirled Ebony around and slung it back in his holster. Dante then pulled out Rebellion and then perched on his shoulder as he took a peek of himself in the mirror. “I make this look good." Dante said, “And by the way hands...or hooves off the merchandies Sparkles." Dante saw out of the corner of his eyes Twilight taking a few steps back away from the Devil Arms pouting in defeat, “Aww come on please?" “Negative Sparkles, can't let ya." Dante had a reason for not letting her examine them. “Please, just let me examine them just once and I swear I won't ask again." Twilight pleaded as her eyes started to twinkle. Dante thought for a second and was pondering on that thought, what could be the harm of letting her just study one of them? So Dante gave in, “Alright, just-" But before he could finish the rest of his sentence Twilight suddenly had all four of his devil arms in midair and following. “I’ll return these as soon as I can I promise, thank you so much!" Twilight beamed as she went down the stairs in a rampant rush to her room leaving Dante hanging, " I was gonna say just one but since those two are gone now I really don't mind." “Why in the hay don't ya want her to touch them?" Applejack asked, “And why in the hay did you decide to let her study them all of a sudden?" “Well Jack." Dante slung Rebellion back on his well...back, “From what I figure from her, she would peck me to death on studying them until I said yes or she would break into my room and steal all of them." Dante grinned at this little thought that came up, “Personally if she was a human...the second choice would have been my favorite." “How so?" Applejack asked. “It would be a sight for me and I have rotten luck with women." Dante shrugged remembering when Lady shot him in the head, " Comes with the territory." “Ahem." Rarity cleared her throat knowing that it was over, “Well then thank you for giving your time and I am glad you enjoyed the little surprise." “Surprise it was quick to make it Rarity." Applejack said. “Well when it comes to your head and you do it with grace it is a mood which we all enjoy when we work." Rarity said. “Well a coats a coat, but honestly I think I have bad luck with them." Dante added. “How so darling?" " I had it destroyed twice... one was from a job I had to do and one little smart ass decided to think that my trench coat grows on a damn tree." Dante said holding up one finger, he soon pulled up a second one, " Second time, I was shot at and trust me you know how much it takes to fix bullet holes in a coat?" Dante then held up a third finger, “Well you can guess what happened at number three." Rarity, Fluttershy and Applejack winced at that little memory as Dante nodded, “Sucks to have that memory does it?" All three of them nodded innocently as Dante got up and kneeled down to both of them, " Trust me, even though I wasn't given the warmest welcome, I’ll makes sure the demons stay back in hell." All looked up at Dante and were smiling, “Seems you came out of your shell haven't you Dante?" Fluttershy asked, they have never seen this. " What shell?" Dante asked dumbfounded that Fluttershy's question " Well you..were sort of a meanie...I'm sorry for bringing it up." Fluttershy hid behind her mane a bit embarrassed. " Dude...I seriously don't get what your going on about what shell?" " So that was just...all you?" Rarity asked. " When I am around other people I tend not to trust them because said ugly." Dante explained, " Could be a demon in disguise and hell could be uglier then the shell he took over." " So ya'll thought us to be demons?" Applejack asked dumbfounded about this, if Twilight were here right now she would have stayed the whole night just to hear what demons could do. " Yeah but judging from just the single day here; you passed of not being demons." " So is that why you fought the princess?" Rarity asked again. " Ding Ding! We have a winner!" Dante clapped both his hands rapidly. Rarity looked confused at this, why was it really a good reason to fight her if he was suspicious about all six of them. She could only take it in quizzically thinking and weighing every single segment; but her train of thought was interrupted by the doors blowing open, all of them turned around to see a very joyful Pinkie hopping up and down like crazy. " Dante! There is another big meanie in the ball room!" Pinkie said in her usual bubbly tone. " Umm okay." Dante said, " What is it?" " It’s a Vangoose...Vangurd... the thingie you fought in Ponyville." As Pinkie was shaking wildly(If you know when she gets a doozie from her Pinkie Sense). " Jeez another Vanguard..." Dante walked over to Pinkie and smiled, " Well I need something to curb my appetite lead on Pinks!" Applejack, as the Element of Honesty, knew Pinkie was lying but for good reason because in her head she knew what she was leading Dante to. Celestia was at the verge of breaking down upon the desk, the bags under her eyes were starting to be the price for staying up. But she had a duty to defend Equestria and to find these keys to saving it no matter what she had to endure to find them. All in all she could feel a wave of drowsiness sweep through her body as she let out a yawn that would seem contagious to the whole room, surprisingly no one was in the room as it was contagious free. Celestia needed something... anything to provide something from that poem. Then it hit her...she couldn't believe that she forgot one thing important...she took a look at the entry again and re read the poem. Then she suddenly levitated an old scroll, but it seemed to be like it was barely opened at any time, a gift from the trials of time itself. Celestia opened it up to reveal the countries totally different to today's map, there were three primary countries and one seemed to dominate all of them together a thousand times. Her eyes traveled over towards the said country, Soleusk, From the text back then; it was nothing more then a dead wasteland. But suddenly for reason's unknown it was snowed over and all the scholars who tried to find an explanation for this came up with nothing but a blank scroll. Celestia’s eyes suddenly stopped upon one little splotch on the old map, it was one of the only landmarks in their clearly marked to date and to her much needed excitement, their in dark bold letters was the Tomb of Skayhir, she looked towards the present map to find nothing their she could compare to. But that didn't mean it wasn't their at all, so she could assume that it was the Tomb of Skayhir, but then she doubted that it would be intact, but really she couldn't think of it right now as she happily left the library and went towards the main hall for a bit of dinner, humming to herself that everything would be alright. One man was perched right on top of the library waiting for that opportune time to relay what he learned, but... "Your sure of yourself aren't you Vergil?" "They need to learn it first hand what a demonic invasion is and when it can strike." Vergil was tempted to intervene right now and forget his conscious, his demonic side was yelling for him to not even reveal the horde but to let it happen and slay them all. Vergil could feel the energy of the horde quake throughout Canterlot, he needed to tell them now, he air tricked right in front of Celestia who stumbled back a bit, " Oh umm...Vergil was it?" "Yes." " What's the matter? What do you need?" Vergil sighed and rubbed the back of his neck, well it was better to let them know now then let more get slaughtered for no reason, all in all, his father would have done so and let them prepare at least. " We have a problem." Five minutes later Twilight was humming a familiar tune to herself as she leaned each of Dante's Devil Arms on the wall in her room, her eyes were twinkling in pure astonishment and excitement that she couldn't choose which one to study first. She levitated each of the Devil Arm's in a circle, wondering which to study first as she eyed Nevan a bit more closely to see some sparks jump off the strings. Then she turned her attention towards Cerberus who was giving off a cold chill in the room as it let out a few icy mists from one of its heads. Then finally to Agni and Rudra whose orange eyes were still and cold, noticing the curves in the blade she set them to the side and began with Cerberus. She looked out her window real quick to see what was the matter only to see the whole castle asleep, and the fact Pinkie ran off to do something, it really didn't surprise her that much. But Twilight went back to Cerberus as she spun it around in place, a quill and scroll were right next to her jotting down what she found out. " Interesting...it's seems to be emitting ice but for what purpose? More importantly what is this Weapon." "That is Cerberus...its soul has turned into nunchuks." Twilight jumped up and was looking around for the source of the voice, scared out of her wits if it was hostile. "Brother didn't you remember no talking!" "When he is not around Rudra.." Twilight turned to see Agni and Rudra still gaping their mouths, she giggled to herself, " Don't be silly you know they can't talk." "Oh we can." Agni said, Twilight froze at this, Rudra sighed, " Dante maybe hearing us and you are taking that risk?" " Umm..N.No he isn't here." Twilight felt a little uncomfortable talking to the swords. " What a relief." They both said in tandem. "Ummm how is it that you can talk? And who are you?" Twilight asked. "My name is Agni and that is my brother Rudra." Agni said. "We were once gatekeepers of Temen Ni Gru, but were defeated by him and now we serve him." " So...you’re sentient Devil Arms?" Twilight asked, excitement and curiosity started to brim up to a boiling point. " We are...and it seems he has given you Lord Cerberus, Lady Nevan, and Lord Beowulf." Rudra pointed out, Twilight a little embarrassed by the fact she got all of them and didn't let Dante finish what he was going to say, so she blushed a bit, " Well...I sort of didn't let him finish what he was going to say, I really thought he said yes to me studying all of you." "Well in our opinion they’re is no harm it." Agni said. "So you are saying you are going to study us?" Rudra asked. " Well not just you mainly, but all of you." Twilight answered, Agni looked at her quizzically and Rudra sighed, " Very Well what is your first question?" " Well for starters how did Dante come across these?" Twilight asked levitating Cerberus right in their face. "Cerberus, The ice hell hound, one of the gatekeepers of Temen Ni Gru-." Rudra said as he was cutoff by Agni. "I don't think she meant just by their names brother, just by how one is made." Agni explained to Rudra, Twilight nodded in agreement with Agni, still a little uncomfortable with the fact that these swords could talk; but she got over it quickly. " Basically ummm..." Rudra paused at this not even knowing what her name was. " Twilight Sparkle, but please call me Twilight." She said, " Just tell me everything, short and sweet I don't mind either way." " If that is what you wish to be called." Agni replied whose response was a grinning Twilight, " It is alright...so start from the beginning," Twilight levitated both her quill and scroll over to her, " How are Devil Arm's gained?" Outside Canterlot 11:00 Right at the edge of the forest were leering eyes, beating down upon the city of Canterlot, praying for blood and rule. Discord was at the head of the horde a little uncomfortable with the prides, and to add to his problems a new kind of demons showed up; draped in red but same as the Hell Prides, they were wicked in combat and swift in death: Still a little bit of uncomfortable with them anyway, Discord was use to chaos, but not to this scale were it would mean complete genocide over a whole country and forcing them to their will by blood. Half of him wished he was never freed to see this happen to Equestria, he wanted the same cotton candy clouds that showered chocolate milk, or couches that were made of bubblegum that whoever sat on it would be sticky to the core. But this wasn't the case...never was. "Sooo...this is the supposed leader who brought chaos to this country once? Discord turned around to see one large demon on all fours that towered over the base of the treeline, red and white were his skin colors as veins adorned each leg, pulsating a massive amount of energy, his upper body consisted of four arms with four giant axes all made of obsidian and each pulsating a massive amount lightning off the blades, " What a weakling in my eyes." "Never doubt a demon or in this case a creature by his physical appearance Tores." The demon next to him was Discord's height, all white in scale armor and wrapped in batlike wings, he had two broadswords on his side and were curved to the point that even the slightest touch could kill. " You are defending him?" the demon named Tores said, his companion nodded at his question as Tores scoffed his companion, " Humph...I see nothing in your philosophy Akaro...a weaklings a weakling." " Ummm..e.excus.excuse me," Both of the turned their heads to see Discord shaking in his place, literally to the point a horn fell off, " But who are you and why are you here?" Akaro stepped forward, "I hope you excuse my brutish companion, but we are here as a favor for Dreadwing I am Akaro." he gave a small bow, “ and this gentlemen behind me is Tores.” " And what was that favor?" "We are to help in this...takeover if you will of this city and country and to see that these demons stay in your control." Akaro gestured to the Lust and Pride demons, "and in exchange we take our vengeance." Akaro walked past Discord who was still looking at Tores, his teeth baring down at Discord. Discord was questioning who they were about to take vengeance on, who would cause them such great anger? "So this is the city?" Akaro asked, Discord gave a wary nod as Akaro arms went out to his side, " A thing of beauty...its wonder this place will belong to him." " Don't kid yourself Akaro that city will be nothing but a pile of smoldering ash when I am gnawing on the bones of the fallen." Tores was stretching his demonic tail which slammed down on the ground, killing a few pride demons in the process. "We have been give an opportunity to resettle old habits Tores your way is a bit brutish to the point." Akaro stated as Tores rolled his eyes at his companion's answer. " So you will be taking charge then?" Discord asked Akaro, who gave a stout nod, " And your master Dreadwing will be coming shortly." he lowered his voice to a whisper,"I know what we are about to do but Tores doesn't know, I know we aren't going to make it again Tores will not know, but it will be glorious." Discord was dumbfounded by that answer, who would willingly throw themselves away "So when do we grind some bones?" Tores roared, "My axes are starving as well as my stomach." "One hour." Akaro said, but that didn't satisfy Tores as he stomped towards Akaro; fury in his eyes as Discord was shivering to the bone and the same with the other demons. Tores inhaled his breath to vent his fury, Akaro silenced him with a hand, "Trust me Tores." Akaro peeked towards Discord, "Not counting what Dreadwing said about him, the effect will be glorious to watch." Akaro took one last look at the city. "And we will take our vengeance." Outside the Main Ballroom 11:30 Pinkie was hyped as usual, and that was barely saying anything as she was hopping like mad outside the golden doors to the building. Dante saw that the windows didn't have any light coming through and the only thing he could see was a dark ballroom, past that he could hear a rustles in the room, but he went with it as Applejack, Rarity, and Fluttershy stood right next to Pinkie Pie who opened the door for him. " After you." Pinkie gestured for him to enter the room, Dante and the others(excluding Pinkie) knew what the party pony was leading him towards as he took a step in the room. He looked around to see it pitch black and he could make out something’s in the dark...one of the items silhouetted from the moon’s light, was a party hat, its outline was visible to his vision as he grinned. "Don't tell me..." Suddenly the lights flickered on as a tumultuous roar rang through the room. "SURPRISE!!!" Authors Notice: Curse you writers block and work, I am sorry for the wait guys again Writers Block(Curse you again) and work were catching up, I am trying to get these missions updated as soon as possible. I hope you enjoyed the chapter and don't be afraid to comment. :) *Goes off to ponder whether to start looking for an editor or proofreader*.