//------------------------------// // More Than Meets The Eye // Story: Transformers Equestria Girls // by RedFire //------------------------------// Starscream looked to the blue planet through the Nemesis’ windows. It has been one hour since his leader left his warship. The Elite Seeker loved when Megatron always challenges Optimus Prime with no probabilities of returning alive, but both Prime and the Emperor of Destruction always remain online after their mortal fights. Suddenly, a small blue robot walked behind Starscream. That Decepticon was Rumble, one of Soundwave’s Minicons. Starscream rolled his optics and continued to look to planet Earth. “What do you want, Rumble?” asked Starscream. “Just making sure that you don’t try anything stupid, Scream.” answered Rumble “Including making yourself leader of the Decepticons.” “Careful with your words, you moron!” growled Starscream “Someday, I’ll be giving the orders, Rumble, and you shall do what I say!” “Look, Starscream,” said Rumble while crossing his arms “Megatron is strong and merciless. He can’t be beaten and you’ll never be our leader.” Starscream clenched both his hands and gritted his teeth as he growled. No matter what he do to make everybody see him as the best Decepticon warrior, the troops always saw Megatron as the most powerful warrior in the known galaxy and Universe. “I will find a way.” growled Starscream “Everyone has a weakness.” “Yeah?” said Rumble with a grin “Well, not Megatron.” “We shall see…” growled the Seeker once more. Lightings erupted from the dark skies as Twilight Sparkle charged up his Harmony Cannon. She couldn’t believe that she just fired Megatron in his face and now she was going to face him in a death battle. Optimus couldn’t believe that Twilight just attacked Megatron as well and he needed to stand up, cause he knows that very few that challenged Megatron were reduced into ashes. Optimus tried to stand up, but his body didn’t move a bit since it was overwhelmed by the huge pain in his circuits. Suddenly, the Autobot gasped heard when he heard huge footsteps coming closer to Twilight. “T-Twilight…” growled Optimus as he tried to get up “Please...R-Run…” Twilight turned her head around “Don’t worry, Optimus.” she said with a smile “I’m not leaving you” Optimus growled once more. It was his battle and nobody should be fighting it for him. In that moment, a shadow covered Twilight. When she looked up, the Princess gulped when she saw a huge silver Decepticon staring at her with a angry face. Slowly, Megatron rose up his hand and touched in the Energon that was falling from his mouth. He saw the purple liquid in his fingers and clenched his hand. For some reason, Megatron could fell a powerful energy in the female human. “You hurted me, organic…” he growled “I’m impressed…” Suddenly, Megatron charged up his cannon and fired a purple ball of energy towards Twilight. With a quick reaction, Twilight activated her warp device and disappeared in a flash of light before the purple blast could hit her. Megatron growled in pain when a continuous huge pain appeared in his left leg, forcing him to kneel down. He looked down and saw the purple girl firing her weapon into his leg. “How dare you to attack me from behind, you pathetic insect?!” he yelled. The Decepticon swung his arm and slapped the girl away. Twilight tumbled until she stopped with her belly facing the ground, growling with pain for her small wounds in every part of her body. When she stood up, Twilight felt something liquid falling from her forehead and mouth. She was bleeding for the first time in combat. Twilight Sparkle looked to Megatron, who was trying to get up. The Princess of Friendship growled and teleported herself behind of Megatron. She fired another blast from her Cannon and teleported once again. She continued to do the same thing over and over again, dodging Megatron’s sword and punches at the same time. More lightings filled the clouds as the evil leader rose up his arm and blocked another purple blast created from Twilight’s weapon. Taking this momentum, Megatron charged up his cannon and fired it, but only to destroy a portion of Twilight’s cape. The purple girl landed and looked to her cape and the rest of her war costume. Rarity would be very mad when she saw what’s left of the suit. Twilight looked once more to Megatron and to his wounds filled with purple Energon and sparks. She already saw how it’s look before, but she never saw with that color earlier. Optimus was watching the entire battle as he recovered his strength. He was impressed for Twilight’s skills that were beating Megatron...for now. “I must admit, little slave…” said Megatron as he stood up “You are a really a good enemy to me.” “Thanks...I think.” replied Twilight “And my name is Twilight Sparkle.” “Why do you protect Optimus Prime, ‘Twilight Sparkle’?” asked Megatron “Did he promised you something in return for saving his pathetic spark?” “I don’t know if you know this word, Megatron, but it’s called ‘friendship’.” answered Twilight “Optimus is my friend and friends protect each other like family!” Optimus couldn’t believe in what Twilight said. Thought he was from a different world, Twilight considered a friend or maybe a brother or a father. He got to admit: Twilight Sparkle was surely more than meets the eye. Megatron chuckled “Friendship? With that traitor?” he asked “I can’t believe that he really filled your head with his lies.” “Lies?” asked Twilight “The only liar I see here is you.” “He’s nothing than a false friend, Sparkle,” said Megatron “and he will just stab you in the back just like he once did to me!” he said as he extended his hand to Twilight “Stand with me and we will lead where others can only follow in our dark shadow. Together, the Decepticons will finally crush the Autobots and bring order to the Universe.” Twilight growled as she heard that words. No wonder why they are called Decepticons. A silence fall between Megatron and Twilight as more lightings ripped the clouds. Optimus looked to both fighters with his blurred vision, caused by the fatal wound in his shoulder. His strength was coming back very slowly, but he was more worried if Twilight would fall in Megatron’s illusions. “Now I understand why you call yourself ‘Decepticon’.” Twilight broke the silence “You live only to lie and deceive everybody around you with your evil ways. That shall be your doom, Megatron!” Megatron growled as began to stood up “There is no honesty in war!” he shouted “If deception will lead us to victory, then I wear it as badge of honor. ALL HAIL MEGATRON, LEADER OF THE DECEPTICONS AND FUTURE RULER OF THE UNIVERSE!!!” he shouted with a evil laugh. Twilight activated her device again and teleported herself until she appeared behind Megatron’s head, but she wasn’t ready for what was coming. After she teleported behind him, Megatron clenched his fist and turned around, delivering a perfect punch into Twilight’s belly that sent her towards the ground. Twilight stood with one knee in the ground and growled in pain as she felt her broken ribs, but that wasn’t the worst part. When she tried to escape, smallest sparks and smoke flew from her belt. Twilight’s eyes grew when she looked to the belt that Sari gave to her: it was completely broken. “Oh no!” she said “Not now!” Suddenly, a shadow covered Twilight once more. She looked up and saw Megatron with a smile in his face. How could he still have so much energy after fighting Optimus Prime and her? Megatron decided to spare some Energon from his cannon and knelt so he could catch a huge rock with his fingers. With all strength, Megatron threw the rock towards Twilight’s belly. Twilight yelled in pain as she tumbled few steps from Megatron. Once she stopped, she began to throw up some blood. Optimus optics grew smaller each time Megatron punched his friend. He began to clench his hand as his hate for his brother began to took over his body. “It’s impressive what Dark Energon can do to me.” said Megatron while clenching his fists “The blood of Unicron, the Destroyer, within the great champion of Kaon Pits.” “Dark...E-Energon?” said Twilight. Megatron smiled as he knelt and punched the weak phuman with his finger, sending her flying backwards until she landed with a big thud in the ground. Twilight growled once more as blood fell from her mouth and wounds. She never has felt so much pain before. Soon her growl soon became a gasp when Megatron grabbed her by her Harmony Cannon and lifted her up until she was at the level of his face. Megatron’s optics looked to the girl’s weapon. He smiled. “You know what’s the problem with the Autobot technology?” he asked. Suddenly, Twilight felt a huge pain in her arm that forced her to yell above her lungs. Each second that passed, Megatron continued to crash Twilight’s arm along with her Cannon into millions pieces, making the purple girl to cry more. “It spoils so easily…” said Megatron with a grin in his face. Megatron opened his hand, allowing Twilight to fall in the ground with a big thud. Her cries of pain filled Optimus’ audio-receptors, causing him to become more angry. “No…” he growled very quietly. Twilight looked up with tears falling from her face and saw Megatron staring at her with his evil smile. Was that supposed to be her end? Crashed by a giant alien robot that conquered many planets? Twilight always thought that she would meet somepony special, have a family. Slowly, Megatron brought his foot up, ready to squish Twilight Sparkle like a insignificant Earth’s bug. “Don’t worry, Twilight Sparkle.” said Megatron “Your insignificant dead body shall be a excellent trophy right next to Optimus Prime’s head!” Megatron slowly began to lower his foot towards Twilight, so that she could die in the most painful way, but the Decepticon as committed a huge mistake that he never did before: he has forgotten his real target. The evil leader’s optics widened when he heard the huge battle cry coming from behind, but when he turned around...It was already too late. “LEAVE HER ALONE!!!” shouted Optimus. The leader of the Autobots swung up his fist towards Megatron’s chin for a perfect hit. Time seems to slow down to Twilight when she saw Prime’s hand: it was covered by a blue flame, but it was not hurting Optimus. When the punch stroke Megatron’s chin, neither Optimus and Twilight could believe it. Somehow the attack was so strong that send Megatron flying so high that almost looked like he went towards the dark and cold space. Soon the fire in Optimus’ fist was gone, leaving only a small smoke that died in few seconds. Optimus lowered his arm and turned to Twilight, who was now standing and holding her broken arm. “Optimus…” she said. “D-Don’t worry, T-Twilight…” said Optimus “I’ve got y-your back t-too…” Suddenly, Optimus fell backwards in the ground with a growl, creating a huge cloud of dust. That punch depleted all of his energy he tried to recover, but he knew it was worthy to waste it. Slowly, his system began to shut down every chip in his body, but before his audio-receptors and optics could went offline, Optimus saw and heard Twilight crying for his name. Megatron was probably still online and has escaped, but he protected her human friend and now she was safe. With a smile under his faceplate, Optimus released a silent sigh and the next thing he could see was total darkness. A huge ‘online’ appeared in the middle of the darkness. Cybertronian letters flashed in Optimus’ optics as he began to wake up and the first thing he saw was his old friend and medical officer Ratchet. Optimus looked around. He was in the Ark again and all his team and human friends was looking at him with a very worried face. Slowly, he rose up, but Optimus growled when he felt a small pain in his body. Ratchet placed Optimus’ arm over his shoulder and helped his leader to stand up. “Easy with your gears, Optimus.” said Ratchet “You took a heck of a damage in Pompeii. If it wasn’t Sari and Teletran-1’s amazing job, you would enter in stasis-lock for sure.” Optimus looked to Sari “So you actually took down my code…” he said with a smile in under his faceplate. “And she was the one who gave the warp device to Twilight so she could reach to you in time.” said Wheeljack as he showed the destroyed belt “I got to admit, Sari, you can be useful outside of the base. I mean you took a year to do this while me and Perceptor took almost many years.” Sari began to blush. She never had been so much acclaimed before. Optimus began to look to his human friends. Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Sunset Shimmer, Pinkie Pie, Spike and Rarity were looking at him very happy, but what did surprised Optimus was a yellow girl with pink hair staring at him with a shy smile. Fluttershy was sitting in a wheelchair and she was covered with few bandages. Words didn’t came from both Autobot leader or shy girl. She was alive and that was enough to Optimus Prime. Optimus looked to Bumblebee. Although he was wearing his faceplate, Prime could tell that the yellow scout was happy as well for Fluttershy being alive too. Suddenly, Optimus rose his eyebrow. From all the Rainbooms, only one was missing: Twilight Sparkle. “Where is Twilight Sparkle?” he asked. “She’s up there, in the Ark’s roof.” answered Spike “Megatron gave her a good damage too. She said that she needed a time alone.” “Not for long…” said Optimus as he walked towards the elevator. Nobody decided to stop Optimus Prime to get to the elevator. If he wanted to talk with Twilight, then it was the best to let him do it. A few moments later, the elevator arrived to the roof made of rock that covered the Ark. That was now the tomb of the great Autobot ship that crash-landed on Earth a year ago. Besides the training room, his quarters, the control bridge and the armory, Optimus alway spend some time in the Ark’s roof too, staring at the stars and to the home he once loved and lost by his brother’s madness. In front of Optimus was a purple girl sitting and staring to the stars. When Prime took a step forward, Twilight Sparkle immediately turned her head around. She smiled. Optimus noticed that Twilight was covered with few bandages like Twilight and a cloth was holding a metallic plaster so that her broken arm could recovered. Slowly, Optimus walked towards Twilight and sat next to her. Both staring into the stars silently, without saying a word. After a few minutes, Twilight decided to broke the silence. “How are you doing, Optimus?” she asked. “It is the external wounds which heal the quickest.” said Optimus as he rubbed his shoulder. “You tell me…” said Twilight as she looked to her broken arm. “I'm sorry that I put you in the middle of this war between me and Megatron, Twilight.” said Optimus “I left my hate consume my conscious and that almost cost the destiny of Earth and the entire Universe.” “Don’t be like that to yourself, Optimus.” said Twilight “I understand that you wanted avenge Fluttershy, but that’s called ‘mistakes’ and everybody, even ponies, learn with them. Like I said before, nobody is perfect.” “I know,” said Optimus “but I should know that revenge would not bring back those we’ve lost.” Another silent moment fell between Twilight Sparkle and Optimus Prime as both stared to the stars again. Optimus was still thinking in the battle between his human and Megatron. After more few minutes, Optimus was the one to break the silence with another chat. “It’s a beautiful night, isn’t?” he asked. “Sure it is.” said Twilight while looking to the stars “I wonder which star is Cybertron.” In that moment, Twilight felt a small movement that attracted her attention. She looked to her side and saw Optimus Prime extending his arm and pointing to a shiny star in the middle of many others. “See that star over there?” he asked “That is the star of Alpha-Centaury, Cybertron’s solar system. For many eons, a blue star has revolved around her. That blue star was Cybertron.” Twilight smiled when she heard that amazing fact. A blue star, something that Twilight never saw in her entire life, but soon her smile was gone when she hear the end of the fact. Looking again to the supposed location of Alpha-Centaury, Twilight only saw a white star, but no blue one. She remembered when she and her friends meet the Autobots for the first time, when they told about the story of the War for Cybertron and in the death of the planet. “Optimus…” she said “I’m so sorry…Hold on a second!” said Twilight, attracting Optimus’ attention “You can locate a planet just staring into the stars?” “Yes.” answered Optimus Prime “I’ve been studying the galactic map left by our explores for many years. Each planet that was discovered by the Knights was impressed in that map and I remember each one of them.” “No way…” said Twilight “Show me!” Pointing to the stars, Optimus began to reveal every location of the planets that a group of Transformers called ‘The Knights of Cybertron’ have discovered over the years. Twilight Sparkle was just like a small fangirl hearing the names of the many worlds like Velocitron, Junkion and many more. Some were Cybertron’s colonies, planets once uninhabited that were ‘cyberformed’, like Optimus said, into a copy of Cybertron, but others were planet filled with other alien species that made contact with the giant alien robots for the first time. “And that is Corneria, a planet similar to Earth and its people are a combined form of human and Earth’s animals like foxes, for example.” “Whoa…” sighed Twilight “I never knew that there was so much life out there and you were the first to find it.” “And it was our pride and joy that lead us to our destruction…” he said “Twilight...Am I really your friend?” “Is that a joke?” she asked “Of course you are my friend, Optimus! You saved Sunset Shimmer in the Nemesis, Rainbow Dash and those people in the dam and you decided to save Fluttershy instead of attacking the Decepticons.” said Twilight “You are more that just a hero, Optimus. You are a really a good and true friend...My good and true friend.” Slowly, Optimus looked to Twilight, who was smiling at him. She trusted in him, although he brought his civil war to Earth. Now he understood why she’s called ‘Princess of Friendship’ in Equestria...And now he knew what he needed to do, even if it goes against the treaty. “I’m honored to have you has my friend as well, Twilight,” he said “but that will not be enough for me.” “Huh?” said Twilight “What do you mean?” “Twilight Sparkle, I would like to make you and your friends my Autobot warriors.” answered Optimus. “What?!” said Twilight “A-Are you sure? I mean, I would l-like to help the Autobots, but what about our identity, Optimus? And what about Lennox and Spitfire?” “Your identity shall be a secret to the other humans thanks to Rarity’s disguises.” answered the Autobot “And don’t worry about Major Lennox and Special Agent Spitfire. If they have anything against you and your friends skills, then they’ll have to answer to me.” Twilight stared to Optimus for a few seconds. She couldn’t believe it, but Optimus Prime, the great leader of the Autobots, was asking for help to a single human to an alien war against Megatron and his Decepticons. What made he change his mind? “Optimus…” said Twilight before being interrupted by Optimus. “I saw what are you capable of, Twilight,” he said “and I got to be honest with you: I don’t think my Autobots and I will make out alive from this war without the Rainbooms. After all, you said that you got my back, right?” said Optimus. Twilight slowly showed her smile “Yes…” she answered “Yes, I did.” The giant robot slowly picked up the purple girl and laid her on top of his good shoulder. Both smiled and stared to the stars together. Very slowly, Twilight rested her head against the Optimus’ head. Whatever this war was waiting for them, the Autobots and the Rainbooms would face it together, because their friendship was surely more than meets the eye.