//------------------------------// // Chapter 2 : You Don't Say? // Story: Adagio Took Our Clothes, Okay? // by AnonymousAlicorn //------------------------------// They walked over to the door, the cold tiles on the floor annoying Vinyl's feet. Vinyl peeked out the door, seeing no one there. "Okay, we're good." Vinyl stepped out into the freezing gym, realizing they were both soaked. "Shit! It's cold! God damn!" "SHH! Do you want someone to see us?" Rainbow shut up, realizing that if they were caught together like this. it would be three times as bad then if one of them was alone and caught. "Just follow me, okay?" Vinyl snapped in a whisper. "Damn, calm down. Lead the way." Rainbow was also keeping her voice down, not wanting to be found out. "Okay, I keep a bit of extra clothes in my locker." Rainbow shot her a questioning glance. "Because anything I bring to the orphanage will definitely get stolen, and these clothes were a gift from my mom before she turned into a colossal bitch and I up and left." That satisfied her questioning look, and Vinyl peered around the corner. The hall was empty, and Vinyl gestured for Rainbow to follow her into the hall. They followed the hall for a moment, there was then a T junction in the hall. Vinyl looked around the right turn as she inched her way to the left one. The right was clear, but in the left was a surprising sight. Not more suprising than if someone saw them two, but suprising enough. It was Roseluck, and Colgate, in each other's arms, making out. Now, Roseluck had hit on her and a few of the other girls, but Colgate? The more you know. Considering the situation, they should just roll with it, but it was kind of cute how Colgate was obviously inexperienced. "Rainbow, look at this. Its kinda cute, if you could say that." Rainbow peered, and looked back, trying to prevent a laugh. "Oh my go. Colgate has no idea what she's doing, does she?" She was practically cracking up, and it took all of Vinyl's will not to do the same. "Focus! What do we do now? They're right in the only hall to get to my locker." "Well, I don't know? Maybe we could go around to the other corner and blind them if we're fast enough." "Nice one." They slowly went around, through the gym, and peering around each corner until they were within feet of the secret couple, around a corner. Rainbow was counting down from 5 on her hand, and once she had a fist, they rushed out. Vinyl was just barely to get Roseluck's eyes closed, just as Rainbow got Col's eyes. "What the?!" "What's the big deal?" Roseluck was more annoyed than surprised, but Colgate was obviously freaked out. Vinyl saw Roseluck move her hand to move Rainbow's but was intercepted. "Don't even try it." "Okay, then what do we do?" Rose was obviously upset about the interruption, showing it enough to cover what was probably extreme embarrassment about having been found out. "All you got to do, is help us. Adagio took our clothes, okay? And now we need some help getting around." "What do you want me to do about it?" "Simple. Get some clothes, or at least something to wrap up in, got it?" "Okay, Rainbow, I know your voice. But who else is there?" "None your damn business, that's who." Colgate this time. "It's gotta be Vinyl, right? She can't talk, and she's on the soccer team too, right" Shit, smart. "Just help us out, okay?" Rainbow had some annoyance in her voice, as well as impatience. "Geez, okay. Where do you want me to get some clothes out of, exactly?" Rose was obviously getting tired of this, and had a point. "If we can get to Vinyl's locker-" "Called it." "Can I finish, Colgate?" "Go ahead." "Okay. Once we get to her locker, we can get clothes. She can't keep them at the orphanage." "How do we help?" Roseluck had completely lost her annoyed, impatient tone. "Make sure no one else is around." "Um, how exactly do we do that?" Colgate was definitely the nicer one of the two, using a more inquisitive tone, rather than sarcastic. "Well, uh." Rainbow paused for am moment, then Rose responded for her. "Come on, were all girls here. It shouldn't be so awkward, should it?" "Rose, don't. Just, please, don't." Rainbow seemed against the idea, but Vinyl thought it wouldn't be so bad. She nudged Colgate to try to get her to support the ides, which she did. "Well, why not? If there was a guy, no way in hell. But it's only us, so whats the big deal?" Exactly how Vinyl would have put it. Rainbow sighed, then looked to Vinyl. Vinyl nodded, hoping that they could just be done with the awkwardness. "Ok, fine. Only if you agree not to freak out, alright?" "Okay." Rose seemed too fine with it. "Sure." Colgate was okay with it too. Rainbow nodded, and they removed their hands. Vinyl couldn't see Colgate's face, bur Rose was blushing profusely at the sight of Vinyl with an embarrased half smile, and took a step back. Well, their's what will probably end up being a wet dream for her. As for Colgate, she didn't move at all. However, she was the first one to speak up. "Well, are we gonna just stand around here or go find something for you?" Vinyl saw Rose snap out of her entranced state when Colgate nudged her in the shoulder. "Oh, yeah. Lets go, do, that." It was all Vinyl could do from bursting out laughing at Rose's inability to speak English. It was somehow twice as funny when she turned to go, and saw Rainbow. At that moment, all Vinyl could assume was that Roseluck.exe has crashed. Rose freezed instantly. Rainbow wove her hand in front of her face, still nothing. "Geez, I know she likes chicks, but am I really that hot?" Silence. They were waiting for Rose to respond, which became awkward. Colgate was the only one who could respond, Vinyl not wanting to talk in front of anyone else. "Um, uh, yeah. Rose kinda, well, okay. Um, Rose?" Colgate was obviously nervous about this, but that wasn't the center of attention right now. Vinyl walked up to Rose's side, and lightly slapped her in the back of the head. "YEAHLETSGODOTHAT!" Awkward silence, once again. "Rose, come on now. Focus." Col might be annoyed at this, but Vinyl couldn't totally tell. "Yeah, heh, let's." Rose was trying too hard to hide a blush bugger and redder than an apple the size on the sun, and failed miserably. She started off. In the wrong direction.