Transformers Equestria Girls

by RedFire

Ponybots vs Ponycons Part 1

Megatron growled as he slowly woke up and began to look around as he rubbed the back of his head. He was on top of a bush in the middle of green meadow. That was strange. Since when bushes were big enough to hold him? Memories of moments before came to the leader of the Decepticons’ head one after another. The Space Bridge, the white vortex… Suddenly, he gasped after he had saw two organic legs filled with grey fur and two purple hooves. He then looked to his hands and saw that their were replaced by hooves. Even his mighty cannon was gone. Looking to his back, the Decepticon saw two wings filled with feathers and he gots a purple tail. In his head was a purple mane and horn or maybe his new weapon. Lucky, he still has the great Decepticon insignia with him, but he hated the fact of being an organic creature instead of an powerful cybertronian warrior.

“Lord Megatron!” shouted a voice behind him “Thank Primus! You’re alive!”

Turning around, Megatron rose up his eyebrow when he saw four different organic equines running towards him and, thanks to the Decepticon logo in their butts, he was right. For more strange it looks like, he seemed to recognize the weird organics. One was grey with wings and a black and white mane and tail. The second was white pony with and horn and red hooves, tail and mane. The third was dark blue pony with a grey mane and tail. The fourth and last one was black pony with both a purple tail like the Megatron. All his team was there with him and both seem to suffered the same faith has him, but one of his soldiers was missing. The one that he trusted more, even his own spark was trusted to him.

“Where’s Soundwave?” asked Megatron.

“Looks like the lucky bastard was able to escape from the ‘Space Bridge’.” said Barricade.

“So how do you feel to be abandoned by your most trusted comrade, my Liege?” chuckled Starscream “It must be very shocking for you.”

“First of all, Starscream, I'm used to get stabbed in the back. That’s why I created the DJD.” said Megatron with a smile, mocking with his commander “And I’m happy that Soundwave escaped to this horrible destiny. I bet in my spark that he’s working in a way to get us out of this...this place.”

“So what should we do now, Lord Megatron?” asked Knockout “If I’m going to be in this body, which is somehow amazing, I must do something useful.”

“It’s simple, Knockout: we seek the Autobots and crush them.” said the evil leader “At least, the Decepticons can end this war once and for all.”

“I don’t want to be stupid, Master,” said Snow Cat as he rubbed the back of his head “but didn’t the Space Bridge killed the Bots already?”

“Once again, my dear Snow Cat, trust me.” said Megatron with a grin “It will not be a simple defective device that will stop Optimus Prime...”

In that moment, Megatron's eyes gazed a village. It was full of different colored horses with horns, wings or even without both things. The strange creatures were very busy with their daily works. The Decepticon chuckled. That place and its inhabitants have no idea what plans this monster was preparing.

"And I just found a way to bring him to me."

The sun rose over the horizon, its rays spreading light across the forest where the heroic Autobots were sleeping after hours of walking. In that moment, one of the rays laid on Arcee’s eyes, making her to wake up. Stretching up as she yawned, the Autobot look to her friends Hound, Bumblebee and Ratchet resting next to each other as cute sparklings. A sudden breath on her back caught Arcee’s attention, making her to look around and see the mighty Optimus Prime, her leader and her friend, resting behind her. Arcee sighed as a smile appeared in her face. No matter how much he could do, Optimus couldn’t hide his soft side, even from a certain girl that has conquered his spark. After standing up, Arcee looked around once more and saw a lake far away from the camp. For some reason, she had the feeling to take what humans call ‘bath’ to wake her up and clean herself. Arcee thought that it must be the body’s instincts, ordering her what it wanted. Letting her brothers to sleep a little more, Arcee walked towards the lake and set in front of it, using her hooves to wash her face with the water. On Cybertron, the only water that existed was made of Energon or made of acid. Suddenly, as she began to wash her neck, an horrible smell stroke Arcee’s noise, making her to cough. It was like something had died last night while she and the others slept. Without any warning, a paw stroke in the back of her head, throwing her away through the lake like a shale until she arrived to the other side. With blood falling from her snout and her coat completely wet from the tail to the mane, Arcee looked behind, even with her blurred vision, and saw a strange creature similiar to wolf with green eyes, but he it seemed this monster was made of...wood?

"What...What the s-slag are you?” she mumbled as she coughed some blood from her mouth.

The wolf responded with a simple growl and started to run towards her, ready to finish his prey’s life. Seeing this action, Arcee tried to stood up, but she immediately fell in the ground. The attack from the creature left her completely stunned and all her strength was simply gone, including in her voice to call her team. Once he was close to the girl, the monster jumped with his claws and fangs ready to get every piece of flesh from her body. Arcee could only close her eyes and await for the horrible pain that was coming. She felt guilty when Optimus discovered what remains of her destroyed corps and blame himself for not protecting her in time. Suddenly, an explosion was heard, making Arcee to open her eyes and see pieces of wood and rocks everywhere flying from a wall as well a big cloud of dust. Something or somebody killed that horrible creature, but what or who?

“You’re okay, lady?” asked a young voice behind her.

Turning her head around, Arcee saw an male beige pony with a horn and a chocolate mane, tail and eyes. One thing that made her question herself was the strange red and blue suit with a black spider in the chest like an insignia. Looking to his forehead, the girl saw smoke coming from his horn, showing that he was her savior. Extending his hoof, the mysterious pony offered her a hoof, which Arcee accepted.

"Y-Yes…" she said "Thank you, mysterious guy."

"Call me Peter Pony Parker," said Arcee's savior "but my friends call me Peter or Triple P."

Arcee smiled "I'm Arcee." she said "Nice to meet you, Peter. So what was that thing?"

"Timberwolf. You're lucky to not be the entire pack," said Peter "but of course you know that."

Well I know it now, thought Arcee.

In that moment, four ponies runned towards Arcee and her friend with very worried faces. Peter looked to this new ponies very closely and he tilted his head when he found out that each one of them was wearing the same Cutie Mark, but what did really caught his attention was the tall white pony that reminds him an Alicorn. Could he really be an Alicorn?

"Who are you, punk?" growled Hound as he tapped with all his strength in Parker's chest "I hope you didn't hurt Arcee!"

"Punk?!" said Peter "I just save your girlfriend's life, you jerk!"

"Girlfriend?" chuckled Bumblebee "Only in his dreams, dude. Hound and Arcee are just friends in arms."

Optimus stepped in front of Peter, making him to swallow hard his saliva as his shadow covered his body "What's your name, young friend?"

"I'm...I'm P-Peter Pony Parker, s-sir." Peter burbled.

"Thank you for saving my friend, Peter Pony Parker." said Optimus "Arcee is like a family to me and I would never forgive myself if anything happened to her." he said before placing his hooves in his own chest "My name is Optimus Prime and these are Bumblebee, Ratchet and I believe you already know Hound."

"I can say we both have a link." chuckled Peter "Before I forget, why the heck you are in the Everfree Forest? Didn't you know that this is the most dangerous place in Equestria?"

"We...Hum...We are new here, Parker." said Ratchet.

"Well me and you, Mister Ratchet." said Peter "I was sent by Prince Shining Armor to Ponyville to…"

"Wait! Ponyville?!" asked Arcee as she cleaned the blood in her snout.

"Yup!" answered Triple P "I was on the way to there before I found you being attacked by a Timberwolf. You were going to Ponyville too?"

"Yes, Peter Parker." said Optimus "We have important matter to deal with Twilight Sparkle's friends. Do you allow us to accompany you to the location of the city, my friend?"

"Sure!" said Peter "After all, I need to speak with the Mane 6 as well."

Before following Peter, Optimus decided to warn the others about an important thing about their true identity. After all, the Autobot leader know that any bot that isn't the so called Mane 6 or Twilight's mentor wouldn't believe that their are in fact giant robot aliens from another planet in another Universe where ponies do not exist.

"Autobots, I want you to keep our identity in secret from Peter or any bot except from Twilight's friends." he said "Use all the lies you must have to tell, but do not compromise our disguise." said Optimus, receiving a nod from each member of his team.

Minutes later…

"So how long do you know each one?" asked Peter to Arcee while walking through the Everfree Forest.

"Well, I can say we all know each other for a long, long time." she said "After all, we are a family and Optimus is our guardian."

"Guardian?" asked Peter "What do you mean?"

"We and my brothers were once happy in our home far away from here," she said before sadness took over her face "but it was destroyed many years ago."

Arcee closed her eyes. Although she was lying, she was saying the truth at the same time. Cybertron was her only home and she remembered her deceased parents before the war started. Arcee had to survive alone and avoid every battle between Autobots and Decepticons. If the old Alpha Trion didn't found her in the Iacon's gates, she would not be right next to her savior right now.

"Oh…" said Peter, while rubbing the back of his head "I'm sorry. I didn't meant to..."

"It's okay, Peter." said Hound "We have been through worst. Luckily, Optimus was there to save us in time."

Looking forward, Peter Parker saw Optimus Prime with Bumblebee and Ratchet walking next to him. His face was always serious, even when he talked with his friends. So noble, so respectful...Peter wondered if he's really an Alicorn without wings. walking out of the the forest, the Autobots and Peter Pony Parker saw the famous Ponyville, but not how they expected: houses were on fire, ponies screaming and running to a safe place and lots and lots of explosions. Beyond the screams of pain and panic, many laughs were heard, but it weren't simple laughs. It belonged to somebody that Optimus and his friends hated for a long time.

"Decepticons..." murmured Optimus Prime.

"What?!" said Peter "What's a 'Decepticon'?"

"You stay here, Peter Pony Parker." said Optimus "It's the least you can do to after you saved Arcee."

"Why are you telling me this?!" he asked "Optimus!"

But Optimus didn't answered him. Instead, the Prime and his comrades just sprinted towards the village on fire, letting Peter Parker behind completely confused. The heroic normal pony surely wanted to stay there and obey Optimus' orders, but he was a Knight of Equestria and it was his duty to protect everypony from evil.

Amethyst Star crawled backwards with her bag as the grey Pegasus walked towards her with his hooves covered with purple fire that wasn’t hurting him. A few minutes ago, Ponyville was attacked by evil ponies ponies calling themselves ‘Decepticons’ and, to be worst, they were under the leadership of an Alicorn who said that was looking for an ‘Optimus Prime’. Turning off one the flames in his hooves, Starscream grabbed Amethyst’s neck and pinned her back against the wall of a wrecked house. The second-in-command didn’t understand how could he control that power or even grab the creature’s neck, but he doesn’t care about it. If that allowed to kill the colored equines, it was fine to him. Slowly, Amethyst grabbed a red gem with a string that was inside of her bag and, with her hoof shaking, she offered to her attacker.

“P-P-Please, sir. Accept this n-n-necklace as a gift.” she said “C-C-Can you please let me g-g-go?”

Starscream looked to the strange piece of crystal. It was similar to Red Energon, a rare type of Energon that allowed any bot to go faster than normal. After turning off his other flames, the Decepticon grabbed the necklace to inspect it more. Somehow the strange object was emitting a powerful energy that Starscream’s body could feel through his veins. Amethyst smiled when she saw her attacker putting her gift in his neck, but soon her smile died when Starscream showed her an evil grin and made his hooves to be covered by the purple fire again. Very slowly, the Seeker approaches his hoof towards the pony’s face to burn it into ashes as she cried as she tried to break free. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a rainbow blur stroke Starscream’s kidneys, throwing him against a wall. Looking up, the pink pony with a purple mane and tail smiled when she saw the blue Pegasus with a rainbow mane and tail flying above her head. Then turning her her around, she saw the rest of the Mane 6: Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie.

“You should get out of here, Amethyst.” said Rainbow Dash “Things are going to get a little hot around here.”

Amethyst Star didn’t waste no time. After standing up, the unicorn sprinted away as the evil Pegasus stood up very slowly. When Starscream looked to the Mane 6, he gasped. Their manes, their coats...He couldn’t believe in his optics, but the equines was really the Autobots’ pets.

“YOU!” shouted the second-in-command.

Fluttershy rose up her eyebrow “Hum...We?” she asked.

“I don’t know how did you get here or even found me,” said Starscream as he activated the flames in his hooves “but I will make sure that the Autobots receive you as a pile of ashes!”

“Wait!” said Rainbow Dash "Did you said 'Autobots'?"

But Starscream didn’t had time or even attack to answer when purple laser beam stroke the ground beneath the Mane 6, sending them flying in every direction. Before Rainbow Dash could react, a pair of blue fireballs stroke her wings and, instead of burning them, froze them in second, making her to fall straight into the ground. Rainbow tried to get up, but a blue hoof pushed her head against the ground. Slowly, a grey Alicorn stepped in front of the blue Pegasus, making her to move her eyes up. She could see that other two ponies pulling her friends closer to their leader, each one with cuts created by Decepticon leader’s attack.

“I could deal with them, Megatron!” growled Starscream.

“I don’t care if you could deal with them, Starscream.” said Megatron “After all, I’m still your superior leader, am I wrong?”

“So you’re Megatron?” asked Rainbow Dash, catching Megatron’s attention “I thought you were bigger. By the way, you should call yourself ‘Maretron’, cause it suits with your new look.” she chuckled.

Knockout laughed, but soon his laugh turned into cough when Megatron and his friends turned their attentions to him. Ignoring his medic, Megatron looked to the blue Pegasus and showed her a grin before turning around to the other Mane 6. Dashie gasped when she saw his horn glowing. He was going to blow up her friends.

"W-What are doing?!" she said as she struggle to break free "Leave them alone!"

"I just need one of Prime’s little friends to bring him to me,” said Megatron “which means the others are useless to me.”

“NO!” shouted Rainbow Dash.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, a blue laser beam stoke Megatron in the back, throwing him into house. Turning their heads around, the Decepticons saw a group of five ponies staring to them with angry looks. Snow Cat released her hostage to crack his hooves. Taking this moment, Rainbow Dash gasped when she saw the strangers’ Cutie Marks. It was exactly the same insignia as the Autobots.

“Woah!” said Hound “How did you do that, Prime?”

Optimus blinked as he looked to his steamy horn “I...I’m not sure, Hound,” he said “but I think is about our feelings and though.”

“DECEPTICONS, ATTACK!!!” shouted Starscream.

“Autobots, keep them busy!” said Optimus as he runned towards the Mane 6.

Both groups rushed towards each other, ready to deliver some punches. During this conflict, Optimus Prime and Rainbow Dash helped each pony of the Mane 6 to stand up. Once they were up, they looked to the mighty of the Autobots. It was really him and he was in Equestria with his team.

“You...You’re O-Optimus Prime.” said Fluttershy.

The Autobot nodded in agreement. In that moment, the house that Megatron crashed into it exploded into millions pieces of blocks as the Decepticon leader flew out of the fire. Once he landed in front of his troops, Megatron stared to his mortal enemy with many cuts in his body. He knew that Optimus wouldn’t resist to save innocent creatures from his wrath.

“Rainbow Dash,” said Optimus “you and your friends evacuate the city. I deal with Megatron.”

“No way, dude!” said Dashie “I will not let you fight this freak alone!”

“Rainbow Dash is right, Mister Prime.” said Rarity “Together we can take him down for good!”

“The security of Ponyville’s population is the most important thing right now.” said Optimus “Keeping them away from the Decepticons is the ultimate victory of this battle. Now go!”

Rainbow Dash stared to the ground, thinking in Optimus’ decision. If she leave him alone, Megatron could kill him, but if Mane 6 didn’t help in the evacuation, many ponies could get hurt during the battle between the Autobots and Decepticons. Deciding to obey Prime’s order, Rainbow Dash took flight and led the Mane 6 to assist in the evacuation. Using his magic, Megatron made a purple floating curved sword appear in his hoof. Following the same action and his theory, Optimus used the magic of his new body to create a blue floating narrow sword floating in his hoof as well.

“Optimus Prime…” said Megatron with a grin “Or should I say ‘Optimus Pony’?” he chuckled.

“You really are a sick mind, Megatron.” said Optimus as he pointed his sword to his brother “Threaten innocent lives only to you find me is a very low and old blow.”

“It’s your fault, Optimus, not mine.” said Megatron “I only try to find a way to bring order to everything. Peace through tyranny, as I always say.”

With their conversation done, both leaders jumped and clashed their swords against each other, creating small sparks. After landing in the ground, Optimus and Megatron jumped backwards before clashing their swords over and over again. During their combat, both their teams were fighting against each other, but the Autobots were having some problems since the Decepticons have, somehow, learned to use their new powers. Hound jumped on top of Snow Cat, punching in his face many times. Tired of being punched, Snow Cat grabbed Hound by his neck and threw him towards a tent filled with fresh apples. Taking this moment, Cat turned on the blue flames in his hooves and fired a beam of fire that stroke the green Autobot, freezing him in few seconds. The Decepticon chuckled as he walked towards his amazing masterpiece. After all, revenge is a dish best served cold.

“Now just chill out while I destroy the rest of your team, Autobot.” he chuckled while tapping in the frozen statue before a frying pan stroke the back his head, letting him very stunned “Oh! Ice cream…”

With those words, Snow Cat falls forwards and remains unconscious in the ground with a pink pony smiling behind him holding a frying pan in her hoof. Putting her pan inside of her mane, Pinkie Pie looked to Hound. He was still frozen and she needed to do something to unfroze him. An idea stroke Pinkie’s brain like a lightning stroke a tree in a storm. Placing both her front hooves statue, the pink pony began to lick the ice that started to disappear second after second.

“Ow!!!” she growled in pain with her tongue out “Brain freeze!”

Megatron swung his sword and stroke Optimus’ sword, but the impact was so strong the threw the Autobot into a building. The Decepticon leader chuckled as Optimus, filled with cuts, stood up from the wreckage, persistent as ever. That was one of Optimus’ defects that Megatron liked the most. Charging up his horn, Megatron fired a beam of purple energy towards Optimus, but the Autobot jumped out of the impact zone. Taking this momentum, Optimus charged up his horn and fired a blast that stroke Megatron’s chest, throwing into the fountain. The Decepticon leader stood up as he rubbed his head and spat few blood, but soon the tip of a blue sword in his snout made him stop. Prime was one step of winning the battle and Megatron needed to find a way turn the battle to his favor.

“We shouldn’t be fighting against, Optimus,” said Megatron “but working together.”

“What?!” said Optimus as he tilted his head.

“You heard me, Optimus.” said Megatron as he looked to his sword through the corner of his eye “We and our troops are both trapped in this world and I believe that this creatures may have a way to take us back to Earth. We should make an alliance to escape from this rock.”

“First of all, Megatron,” said Optimus, pressing the tip of his sword in Megatron’s snout “that’s Starscream’s move. Second is that you would never unite with the Autobots so easily even if you were the last Decepticon in the Universe.”

“For once, I agreed…” Megatron chuckled.

With those words, Megatron threw a piece of mud to Optimus’ eyes, blinding him for a few moments. The Autobot leader tried to took the mud off his face, but he wasn’t ready for Megatron’s next attack. A perfect swing of his brother’s sword, Megatron threw away Optimus’ sword, letting him completely unarmed. Taking this momentum, the Decepticon leader stroke his blade Prime’s chest, who yelled in pain as Megatron pushed more deep his weapon. Blood began to drain from both Optimus’ chest and mouth, painting the ground and the purple sword with his red color. Megatron laughed as he pulled the sword off his mortal enemy’s chest, causing more blood to paint the ground. All of Optimus’ strength began to disappear as he fell forward, with air that began to slip away from his lungs. During this combat, Bumblebee punched Barricade in his face, throwing him away. When he turned around, the yellow pony gasped when he saw Megatron laughing over the wounded Optimus Prime.

“OPTIMUS!” he shouted “NO!”

Every Autobot and Decepticon heard this two heard. After seeing that the end of Optimus Prime was coming, Starscream and Knockout decided to prevent Arcee and Ratchet from reaching their leader. No Prime, no Autobots. No Autobot, no hope. Before he could react, Barricade jumped on top of Bumblebee, pinning him against the ground while smiling as his leader rose up his sword, ready to deliver his final blow to destroy the last of the Primes once and for all.

“Today is the day, my dear Optimus.” said Megatron “This shall be the day when I will end the lineage of the Primes for all eternity and this time…” he chuckled “This time, there is no Twilight Sparkle or even your pathetic human friends to save you! Farewell, Optimus Prime!” laughed Megatron as he grabbed his sword with both hooves.