//------------------------------// // Chapter 3 : Payback // Story: Adagio Took Our Clothes, Okay? // by AnonymousAlicorn //------------------------------// "Rose, wrong way. Vinyl's locker is the other way, or we wouldn't have come this way." Rainbow stated dead-pan. "I knew that." Rose snapped, slight blush returning. She then proceeded to rectify her mistake, and even turning the right way in the hall. They proceeded to go down the hall, and Rainbow just made the funniest thing ever happen. "Okay, now left." She never said 'into the wall', but that's where Rose went. Right into the white drywall, and onto the floor with a loud bump from the wall, and soft pump from the floor. "Jesus, Rose. That's a wall, if you noticed. Rainbow meant to go down the wall, not through the solid wall." Rose quickly got to her feet. "I know that!" She snapped. "I'm just making sure i'm not a ghost." She hissed. "That you didn't die and go to heaven?" Rainbow always had a way to tease people with their own words, and now was no exception. "Shut up!" Rose was very obviously very flustered and very, well, deep in thought, to put it nicely. Colgate was keeping her composure much better, needless to say. The entire situation was more awkward then anything else could possibly be, at least for Rose. It was a decently comical adventure of seeing Rose bump into corners, trip on trash cans, and even try to walk out a window. By the time they got to the locker, Rose had a nosebleed, and was slightly limping. She had hit her right leg on a bench and nearly faceplanted into a trash van. "Okay, were here. Vinyl." Rainbow gestured, and Vinyl walked up to her locker. She turned the knob for the code 40-21-35, and the door opened revealing a grey trench coat, a spare set of shades, a box at the bottom with her extra gear, and alot of clothes hung behind the trench coat. Vinyl grabbed the coat, along with white sweats and a white undershirt. She set that on the box on the floor, and tossed her spare soccer uniform to Rainbow. She then dressed, Rainbow doing the same. Once fully dressed, Rose spoke up. "Can we go now?" "Do you wanna miss out on ruining Adagio's life?" Rainbow questioned back. "No way!" Colgate responded before Rose had a chance. Rose sighed, and decided not to argue. "Okay, so all we have to do is find them, and separate her from her goons. I think I can handle the separation, but then we need to get her phone. Once we have that, Vinyl can work some photoshop magic, right?" Vinyl nodded in response, and Rainbow started off. Unlike their last leader, she didn't bump into any walls, and they got back to the gym in much less time than it took to get to the locker. Rainbow then went out the other side of the gym, and ran back in. "They're on the bench. Let me go first, and when Adagio comes through, grab her." Rainbow whispered, but Vinyl stopped her. She shook her head, and Rainbow nodded. Then, Vinyl walked through the door. "What are you doing here?" Adagio was half confused, and half surprised, both slowly merging to anger. Vinyl shrugged sarcastically, and walked over to the trio. "Hey! Get back! Girls!" Vinyl was intercepted by the two that were on either side of her. She then backed up, and was followed. Success! She then grabbed a trash can, and dumped it on the two, and ran. She heard their footsteps behind her slowly fading, so she slowed. They began catching up, so Vinyl made sure to stay just barely in front, until one of them grabbed the edge of the trench coat. God dammit! She did have a way out, however, but it was't going to be easy. Unless they made it, which they did. When they tackled her, they only got her sides, so she slipped out in between, stumbled up and forward, and began running again. This time, she assumed that Rainbow had enough time by now, and just took off. Compared to before Sunset became nice, that was nothing. They wouldn't have even survived back then, and some kids really didn't. Now was not the time for remembering that. She just concentrated on making it hard to track her, and turned left into another close T junction where she turned left again. She then took her first right, and they were nowhere to be seen. She took an alternate route back to Rainbow, and saw Rose run into a wall, then Colgate help her up and they kept running. She checked around the corner into the gym, and nearly missed the phone flying at her. She caught, juggled, nearly dropped, and grabbed the phone. She then ran through the halls, and around through the door. She then hopped over her car door, started the engine, and apparently the last time she was in here she forgot to turn down the volume. The custom wubs she had planned for next show started blasting loud as absolute fuck. She fumbled for the knob. and managed to press it in and mute the music. No time! She floored it, leaving Adagio and the other 2 in the dust. Once she got to the corner, she slowed. She then made her way to the slightly dilapidated dark grey orphanage, put the roof up, and pulled in. She parked, and immediately she saw the usual pickpockets, lockpicks, and petty criminals instantly, so looked all her doors except the driver seat. She got out while keeping an eye on the kids, double-locked her car, and set the alarm on. Last time someone left a car out here for more than 10 minutes, it got stolen. She then used the remote custom Bar-locks built into the door from her keys. Can't be too careful. Once she was sure that her car would be fine, she walked into the fairly well-lit but somewhat somber room. She went to go hop on the local PC. Amazing that it hasn't been destroyed or sold or stolen or anything. The usual kid, Digit, was on. He was 14 by now, and actually fairly buff. Oh, that's why it's lasted that long, she remembered last time someone tried to force their way onto it. She nodded, and he moved. There was a USB already in, so she hooked the phone up. The screen was black, except for the icons for Mozilla, recycle bin, and the windows task bar. The window popped up with the list. Sync digital media files to this device Open device to view files Import pictures and videos Vinyl selected "Open device to view files" and went into the internal storage. Then she went through pictures. Okay, there was a whole bunch of naked pics here, all of Adagio, some with her trio. Damn, they do some crazy shit together. Some of the pics she couldn't tell who was who. No photoshop needed, so she closed the window, and kept the phone. "Aww, come on. You cant copy some of those to desktop?" Digit pleaded. Puppy dog eyes. Fuckin puppy dog eyes! She plugged the phone back in, went back into the internal storage, created a new folder on the desktop, and copied the entire photo folder into the new folder instead of straight onto the desktop. She did that because the folder icon would only show another folder inside it. Once that finished, she took the phone and went back to her car. Now, time to do what she did every night. She nearly forgot the incident, but luckily steered clear of the school instead of normal. She found her way to the parking lot of walmart, turned off the car, and was about to climb into the back seat and got a text from Rainbow. Hey! Come stay my place tonight. U can do the photo shit over here. Vinyl replied. Cool. When I get there, tho, u see the pics dont need photoshop. She pulled out of the lot, and started for Rainbow's. She lived with her dad, because her mother was a stunt pilot and, well, crashed horribly when Rainbow was like 3. Horrible shit, but Fluttershy and Vinyl helped her through it. Anyway, ending her train of thought, she pulled up to Rainbow's. She knocked, and Rainbow answered. "My dad's asleep. Come on." She whispered, making her way to her computer. They got there, Vinyl plugged the phone in, and went as far as the internal storage folder. "Okar, Rainbow, this is fucking gold." She said, and opened the folder. "Holy shit. We absolutely HAVE to get these all over the school." "Rose might take some of them. Make sure we make duplicates." They shared a chuckle. "um, hi." Instantly recognized the voice. Fluttershy was over, and Vinyl nearly ran to and jumped out the window, if it was any other voice. "Fluttershy! Long time no see." The only other person who was still alive, aside from Octavia, who had heard her voice ever. "Yeah. I've had her over for a while. Her parents finally got fed up with the animal thing. It's cool." Seems legit. "Wow. Kinda messed up." "You ever met her parents? No offense." "You ever meet mine? Only reason I didn't leave sooner is because I managed to haul away, like a crapton of money." "Yeah, we had this talk before. Anyway, you gonna print those?" Rainbow somehow put on a voice that sounded sincere. Vinyl sighed, highlighted the many pictures, and hit ctrl+p. "How many copies?" "Like 10 of each." Vinyl clicked the page box, typed 10, and hit print. Very soon the printer started up. "oh... my." Well, Fluttershy found the photos. Rainbow leaned in to whisper something. "You might wanna print a few extra of some of those."