//------------------------------// // Chapter 15 // Story: My Little Pony: The Visitor // by Hopeful Soul //------------------------------// Chapter 15 Sibrella and Declan continued to glare at each other for who knows how long and while Sibrella was full of rage, Declan looked calm and serious but also peaceful. Eventually, a smirk appeared on the demon’s face, which unnerved everypony. “So, you actually believe you can stop me now that you’ve gotten stronger?” Sibrella questioned, smugly. “That’s right.” Declan smirked. “And as a matter of fact, you don’t scare me anymore so there’s not much else you can do now.” “Well then, allow me to show you just how truly terrifying I can be.” Sibrella said, eerily calm before her face became ropy and she let out a nasty and somewhat raspy chuckle. Everypony’s eyes bugged out as Sibrella slowly began to transform into something else entirely. Two extra pairs of long jointed legs sprout from the body. Large, curved spikes grow from both sides of the arms, the body takes on an bug contour and her cries became more and more animal like. Once it was finished they were horrified by what they saw; the lower half of Sibrella’s body was black and resembled the bottom half of a spider while her upper half was chalk white, aside from her black hands and spikes. On her face her nose was gone while her jaw was enlarged and had jagged teeth plus red eyes and no hair. As the Emperor’s Gem around her neck glowed brightly she roared at the stunned heroes loudly. They all continued to stare at her silently before Declan finally broke the silence and pointed at her. “Uh… can she do that?” he asked. “I think she just did.” Rainbow stated. “So… what do you think of my new form? Scared?” Sibrella smiled, evilly. “Uh… yes…” Fluttershy squeaked, shaking like an earthquake. “Well I’ll say this much lady; you got real ugly.” Declan commented, which insulted Sibrella greatly. “I personally wouldn’t put it like that, but I do agree.” Rarity added, brushing back her mane. “So, you're not scared?” Sibrella questioned. “Well, if you showed me that mug when I came here I probably would have run off screaming my head off like a mouse at a cobra convention.” Declan noted, as he gave Applejack a wink, which she smiled at. “But after all I’ve been through, that doesn’t scare me, not one bit.” “That’s exactly the kind of brave spirit that makes humans like you so intolerable to me.” Sibrella sneered. “Yeah, yeah, keep talking.” Declan said, uninterested. “But when you're done why don’t you start fighting instead?” “Very well…” Sibrella said, evilly as she began to float up into the air. “Aw, come on! She can fly too? No fair!” Rainbow Dash complained. “Says the pony who barely stays on the ground for more than five minutes.” Declan pointed out. “What? I’m a flier, I like to fly. It’s that simple.” Rainbow shrugged, feeling proud of what she did. “Yeah, maybe a little too much, like how apparently you like drinking cider too much.” Declan smirked. “You do have kind of a problem…” Spike realized. “Everypony’s a critic…” Rainbow grumbled; a bit annoyed while the others chuckled. “If you’re all done mocking each other, we’re all in the middle of something; your destruction!” Sibrella exclaimed, as lightning flashed around her. “And I can think of nothing better to do!” “Boy, somepony needs a hobby.” Pinkie remarked. The others all voiced their agreements. “Last chance for you to quit while you're ahead.” Declan warned. “This could be messy.” Sibrella laughed. “Your hilarious,” she said amused before flying super fast towards and yelling in an angry tone. “NOW PERISH!” Declan stood his ground and grabbed onto Sibrella’s shoulders as she slammed into him. His feet dug into the ground as she pushed him far but still he held onto her until they finally stopped and she knocked him off his feet by firing a magical bolt from her mouth. He hit the ground hard. “Declan!” The others called out worried. The human groaned and began to pick himself up, he held up a hand to let the girls know that it was ok. “I’m fine, I’m fine!” he assured them. “Just… caught me off guard. Lucky shot…” “Careful, you don’t want to get too angry now do you?” Sibrella warned him, with an evil grin. “Remember last time? You were releasing so much negative energy that it almost attracted windigos here.” Declan did indeed feel a slight surge of anger within him but managed to quickly calm himself down. He smiled at Sibrella instead, surprising her. “I… don’t really know what ‘windigos’ are…” Declan admitted. “But I’m afraid I’m gonna have to disappoint them, since I have no hate in my heart at all anymore, not even for you.” “Well, well, well, these ponies have rubbed off on you, eh?” Sibrella observed. “That’s right.” Declan confirmed. “And you know… all my life I’ve always tried to live up to everyone’s expectations… because I was afraid of letting them down… but now I know that it’s pretty much impossible to go through life without failing something… but I’m ok with that.” “Oh really?” Sibrella questioned. “Really. Unlike you I know the importance of friendship and how precious it is. All you think about is your hatred of us humans and ponies and without that hatred all you’ll be is nothing. That’s what you were before and that’s what you’ll be after I put you back where you belong; nothing.” Declan stated, his eyes narrowing while his words made Sibrella gasp sharply, as if she was hit in the gut. Her shock quickly turned into blind fury as she snarled madly at the human. “Boy, you really nailed her, kid!” Rainbow remarked, impressed. “Thanks. And stop calling me ‘kid’ already!?” Declan exclaimed, aggravated. “Anyways, we can still beat her but only if you guys do exactly what I say.” “You got it, boss!” Rainbow nodded as she spread out her wings. “Oh yeah!” Pinkie added. “I’m in.” Applejack nodded, tipping her hat. “Me too.” Fluttershy agreed. “And I as well.” Rarity smiled. “Count me in.” Twilight stated, with a smile also. “So, what’s the play, Dec?” Spike asked him, eagerly as the human adjusted his glasses. “Well first… Pinkie! Get her attention!” Declan instructed. “Oh, I’ll do more then that!” Pinkie Pie smiled as she hopped on ahead. The pink pony hopped until she was right near Sibrella and whistled to get her attention. Once Sibrella had her eyes on her, she began to do a silly dance featuring a top hat, a cane and a silly face complete with a raspberry. “Heh! Now that’d get anypony’s attention!” Applejack commented, amused. And it did. Sibrella got so angry by Pinkie’s display that she began to rapidly fire multiple dark magic bolts toward her. But Pinkie managed to dodge all of them with ease, baffling and frustrating her. The others watched this happen from close by. “Ok, we got her attention, now what?” Rainbow asked. “Rainbow; take Applejack and lift her up!” Declan said. “Got it!” Rainbow nodded as she flew and circled down before wrapping her forelegs around Applejack’s and lifting her into the air. “Really? The armpit carry?” Applejack questioned, deadpan. “Quit your complaining, would ya?’ Rainbow said, annoyed. Sibrella then finally noticed them both and fired a beam of magic at them. “And you… watch out!” Applejack suddenly cried. The blue Pegasi quickly acted when she saw the laser beam headed her way and dropped down before flying around her. “Now Rainbow; fly back!” Declan cried. “On it!” Rainbow said as she swerved around Sibrella again as she tried to strike her. “And… release!” Declan called out. “Ok! Go for it AJ!” Rainbow told her. “Right!” Applejack nodded as the blue Pegasi swung her back before tossing her at Sibrella allowing the cowgirl to give the demon a flying buck to the face. She tried to strike back but Rainbow caught AJ again and flew her out of the way. “Fluttershy! Give Spike a boost!” Declan yelled out. “Um… ok!” Fluttershy said as she flew down towards Spike. “Hop on.” “Right!” Spike smiled as he got onto Fluttershy’s back and held on as she flew up until they were near Sibrella. “And… jump!” Declan continued. “On it!” Spike nodded as he jumped up till he locked eyes with Sibrella “Now RD, give the Heimlich maneuver!” The eleven-year old added. Rainbow nodded before flying over and wrapping her front hooves around Spike’s chest, just as he was beginning to fall back down, and pressing against it hard, causing him to release a giant fireball at Sibrella, who was barely able to block it. “Rare! Twi! Lightshow!” Declan ordered. “On it!” The unicorn and alicorn nodded. As Rainbow and Fluttershy floated down with Spike, Sibrella turned to Twi and Rarity as they both lit up their horns brightly, blinding Sibrella and causing her to screech as she shielded her eyes. “Can’t see!” she cried. “Yes! Now Twi! Give me a lift!” Declan called out as he rushed over. “Right! Hop on!” Princess Twilight encouraged as she bent down so Declan could get onto her back and held onto her as she spread her wings and took off. “Oh, finally! Somepony who doesn’t mind me riding her.” Declan expressed, smiling and glancing at Rainbow. “Hey! I heard that!” she protested. “You were meant to.” Declan smirked. The others chuckled. “You know, you really need to let that go.” Rainbow Dash told him. “Your one to talk.” Declan countered. The rest of them held back their laughter again. Rainbow scowled. “Well, at least I’m not in denial of being a little kid; which you totally are!” she shot back, which made him growl. “Easy Declan.” Twilight urged him. “She’s right, we all know that you can take her.” Spike reminded him smiling. “That’s right, and now that’s she’s blinded…” Declan began, as they began to get closer. “Swerve around!” Twilight did so and pretty soon they were right in front of the demon. “Now… fire!” The boy added. Twilight charged up her horn, which glowed brightly even with the dark clouds filling the sky then she fired an intense beam of magic at Sibrella, pushing her back greatly but ultimately she canceled it out after extended her arms out. “That’s the best you can do?” she inquired grinning at their surprised faces before launching a fireball out of her mouth. “Uh… Declan! Incoming!” Twilight warned him, very nervously as the attack neared them. “Ok, let me try something…” Declan mused, as he held the gem tightly and concentrated hard. The gem glowed and sure enough a magical shield that was similar to Sibrella’s appeared around them and deflected the attack back at Sibrella. “WHAT!?” Sibrella exclaimed completely caught off guard, but not enough to dodge her own attack. The others soon gathered together once Twilight glided down before setting her hooves back on the grass. Declan climbed off of her and looked up towards their enemy, who was currently fuming with anger, along with the others. “Ha! Not so funny when your own trick is used against you, is it?” Declan smirked, before childishly sticking his tongue at her. “Darn you…” she growled. “Aw, what’s the matter? You still mad that someone dropped a house on your sister?” Declan mocked. “Huh?” They all asked, including Sibrella, sounding confused. “Old Earth movie…” Declan said, brushing it off. “Anyway… it’s time you and I settle this, mano a mano, one on one.” “Your on… boy.” Sibrella hissed, sinisterly. “Well this ‘boy’, is gonna wipe the floor with you, and thanks to Emperor’s Gem, I got the power to do so!” Declan stated. Sibrella smiled, evilly. “This is certainly to be quite an epic battle, my little nemesis.” Declan smiled back. “You bet it will,” he said as she readied himself for battle before concentrating hard. The gem then glowed even brighter and in a few bright flashes Declan’s hair adopted a swept-back style, similar to his pony mane, grew long and eventually grew into a long ponytail with a blue band near the end of it that reached past his waist. He also gained green pony ears on his top of his head alongside his usual ones which quickly turned blue and his eyes turned white and glowed. Everypony stared at Declan with wide eyes and slack jaws. Declan had now grown pony ears and it almost like he had grown a tail, he was half-pony, half-human. “Whoa!” Rainbow remarked. “How’d he do that!?” “Got me.” Applejack shrugged. “Cool! He totally ponied up!” Pinkie said, excited. “Ponied up?” Fluttershy echoed, confused. “It just came to me.” The party pony shrugged. “Well it certainly does look fabulous.” Rarity added, admiring him. “And that’s not all! Watch this!” Declan said as he concentrated hard before wings made out of blue and white fire appeared on his back. The others jaws all dropped. “Cool!” Spike breathed, smiling. “Awesome!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed, excited. “He’s got wings now!” “Whoa Nellie!” Applejack remarked, taking off her hat. “Amazing…” Princess Twilight expressed. “More like dazzling!” Rarity gushed. “Wow… Declan… how did you do that…?” Fluttershy gasped. Declan shrugged. “Simple; it’s like that flight spell Twilight used on Rarity long ago and like those butterfly wings these wings aren’t really a part of me, and they act just like fire, so I’ll have to keep a bit of distance from Sibrella so they don’t go out. Plus I can’t stay in this form for long, more like five minutes, so I’d better get to work,” he said, he crossed his arms as if he was going to defend himself and flew straight up and then right towards Sibrella. “What!? He’s faster!” she gasped, before Declan drew back both his arms and bent his legs as he got closer to her. Then finally, he quickly brought both his arms forward along with his arms to both double karate chop Sibrella in the neck and double kick her in the chest. The impact knocked the air out of her and made her hack out some saliva before flying backwards. She quickly recovered though. Declan then let out some kung fu yells as he delivered a series of punches and kicks, which Sibrella returned. Both of them were trading blows like nopony’s beeswax and each time they clashed a short little ‘boom’ was heard and shook the ground below them. As they fought Declan did his best not to move around too fast in order to his keep his fiery wings from going out, but Sibrella kept coming in fast and the flames that were flowing and forming wings were beginning to shrink. Luckily he managed to shake her off before she could knock him out of the sky. “So you’re not as weak as I thought you were.” Sibrella observed. “In fact you might almost be as strong as the four Princess’. Almost.” “Gee, I’d say that I was grateful for the compliment… but then I’d be lying.” Declan said, making Sibrella scowl. “So, let me guess; your big plan is to find a way to get to the human world using the Emperor’s Gem and wipe us all out after you’ve conquered this world, right?” “Not quite the way I would say it…” Sibrella admitted. “But you get the gist and trust me the cosmos will thank me once it’s rid of your kind and these ponies!” “Man, you are so boring!” Declan commented. “Boring!?” Sibrella repeated, sounding more insulted than ever before. “Yeah, I mean the world ‘Take over the world while getting revenge’ scheme is so overdone it’s sad, not to mention lame.” Declan said, bluntly. “If you were smart you would do something a little more creative, but instead you pick one of the oldest plans in the bad guy book and to me… that’s how a total moron thinks.” “I’m the moron!?” Sibrella questioned. “Yep. Glad you’re following me by the way.” Declan smirked. Angered, Sibrella charged and began to vigorously pummel him and knock him around like a ball in a pinball game. “And I’m glad you’re an easy target!” Sibrella countered as she hit him again. She prepared to do so again for the umpteenth time but he suddenly teleported and appeared behind her where he kicked in the back of the head. Declan snickered. “That was fun!” he commented, as Sibrella quickly recovered from the attack. “H-How did you…?” Sibrella questioned. “See, this the true power of the Emperor’s Gem, when it’s used for good and by the pure of heart, a whole new dimension of power can be unlocked.” Declan explained. “At least that’s what it told me anyway.” “It ‘told you’?” The demon repeated incredulously. “How?” Declan shrugged. “Don’t ask me, but I can feel like a ton of information coming and going from my head and I’m pretty sure the Gem and the light of Hope I unlocked had something to do with it,” he said. Sibrella just growled at him. “Don’t look too jealous, like I said; I don’t think I can maintain all this power for long. In which case I’ll have to beat you quickly then!” “You mean you’ll try!” Sibrella proclaimed as she charged at him again. “Yes, I will, and I’ll win!” Declan declared as he crossed his arms and used his magic to resize his wings before zooming forward as well. The two quickly became streaks of light to the ones watching the fight below; zipping all over the place and slamming into each other every few seconds or so, though the faster Declan went the more his flaming wings began to slowly shrink again. “Wowee! Look at ‘em both go!” Pinkie remarked, amazed. “Yeah… They’re moving so fast I can barely see ‘em!” Applejack added. “No kidding! And I thought I was the fastest there is. Talk about a let down!” Rainbow Dash commented, a bit disappointed. “That’s what on your mind right now!?” Rarity criticized. “What? I got a rep to maintain!” Rainbow defended as they zoomed right over their heads, causing them to duck. They eventually stopped flying and Sibrella quickly began to gather up a large amount of dark magic before firing an intense beam at Declan, who quickly mimicked her. They’re two blasts met but canceled each other out when they both collided, after which they zoomed toward each other again and resumed fighting. The shockwaves they created caused everypony to shield their faces and hold on to each other. “This is almost just like my battle with Tirek!” Princess Twilight realized; a bit fearful. “Declan! Be careful!” “I am!” Declan protested as he continued to try and shield himself from her continuous blows. “And I’m also getting excited!” “So, you think this is a game?” Sibrella questioned as they began exchanging blows again. “Not totally, since Equestria is in danger, but I don’t need to get serious to beat you. Nopony has to for that matter.” Declan told her, bluntly. “Why do you care so much about Equestria anyways!?” Sibrella questioned. “Because… this is my home too!” Declan proclaimed, firmly. “And I won’t let you hurt or destroy it!!” Declan clasped his hands together, brought them back and then swung them forward hard and fast and right into Sibrella’s gut, knocking her away.                 Soon after that the two dropped down to the ground and faced each other again, while Declan’s friends all stood behind him Sibrella stood alone. “You certainly know how to throw your weight around for such a small child.” Sibrella remarked, impressed. “And you can fight well too.” Declan shrugged. “Well, I did some self-defense classes, per my Dad’s insisting, of course,” he admitted. “I also got into my fair share of scraps with my friends at the park, pure fun of course.” Sibrella sneered. “Hmm, and I’ll bet you’ve never won once, right?” “Unfortunately… no.” Declan admitted, honestly. “Wait… you lost?” Fluttershy spoke up, surprised. “Uh-huh…” Declan confirmed, sheepishly. “But I have been practicing! …A lot… as you can see.” “Yeah… I don’t find that very reassuring.” Rainbow Dash commented, deadpan. “Not that it will help you much.” Sibrella spat. “We’ll see, soon enough, demon.” Declan stated, fiercely. They glared at each other before they quickly resumed their battle. The two then exchanged blow for blow and while Declan’s combat skills were impressive  Sibrella was gradually beginning to overpower him and dodge most of his blows and Twilight was the first to notice it. “Oh no… this is bad…” Twilight gulped as she watched the battle closely. “What? What is?” Pinkie asked both surprised and eager. “Yeah! Declan’s hanging in there!” Rainbow pointed out. “For now… but Sibrella’s still much bigger than him so her blows are much heavier, not to mention he’s still learning…” Twilight reminded them. “So… you’re saying…” Fluttershy began with a whimper. “He might lose…?” Applejack shook her head. “Uh-uh, no way! He hasn’t lost yet!” “Maybe not… but he should be feeling the effects of her blows soon enough…” Twilight said with despair in her voice. “Oh dear…” Rarity sighed. Spike looked up at Declan seriously. “Come on, Declan!” he muttered, quietly. “You can do it!” The demonic witch then unleashed a barrage of rapid fire energy blasts that Declan was barely able to dodge due to being so worn out. Declan then managed to disappear and reappear next to Sibrella and hit her side hard. Now truly angry, Sibrella fired off countless energy blasts from her body in every direction and this time Declan dodged them with ease. He smirked. “Huh, guess I’m not the only one who loses his mind, to mention his sight of everything, when he gets angry.” Declan observed while panting. “You got quite a temper on you, Sibrella.” Sibrella floated back and smirked also. “Yes, well I still haven’t used all of my full power yet, more like half, just like you,” she said. Declan narrowed his eyes, seriously. “Oh, don’t tell me you’re surprised. It is me after all.” “Ok then, then how about we go all out then?” Declan offered. “No tricks, no holding back?” “Sounds good to me.” Sibrella sneered, looking eager for more. Both of them set themselves down on the ground and stared at each for a bit before they both crossed their arms and both begin emitting a huge amount of magical energy that created waves of energy. That everypony had to shield themselves from the waves and some of them were even pushed away by the sheer force of the shockwaves. “Well, I’d say this battle sure is ranking high on the crazy scale!” Rainbow remarked, struggling to keep herself in the air and resist the waves. “No kidding!” Applejack agreed. “Oh… I hope this is over soon…” Fluttershy cried as she curled into a ball and put her hooves on her head, she looked close to crying. “From the force the waves I can deduce that it might be soon…!” Rarity said trying to keep her mane from blowing too much. “Yeah, the last battle…” Spike added grimly, squinting his eyes trying to see while Pinkie sat down next to him, completely unbothered by the storm the two were generating. “Ooh! This is so exciting!” she squealed excitedly, she pulled out a box of popcorn and ate from it while Twilight gazed at the little boy with shock and concern. “Declan…!” Princess Twilight said, silently prayed for his safety as the final stage of their battle began. As energy began to swirl around each of them in a helix like shape the two them stared each other down before suddenly vanishing. Small booms were heard above them and everypony looked up to see Declan and Sibrella fighting and vanishing every few seconds. Sibrella saw the human quickly approaching her and her eyes glowed blood red. Splinters, shards and clumps of rock floated up from beneath and stacked upwards, forming a solid wall of stone. The building was finished in a second, and Sibrella figure was hidden under a perfectly smooth rocky globe. Declan engulfed his bodies in a azure light to act as a shield for the collision. Only a few feet separated the eleven-year old from the globe, when suddenly with a sound of a knife sliding over stone, a multitude of razor sharp spikes emerged from the smooth surface. Seeing himself out of ways to dodge in time, Declan teleported, appeared right behind Sibrella and tried to strike. Sibrella quickly intercepted Declan’s fist and moved it away from her. “Interesting, your power seems to rival that of a God… like me!” she declared before she reeled her fist back and sent Declan flying and rolling through the air before he quickly stopped himself and scowled at her. “What’s the matter? Don’t you like having the power of a deity? I’m personally enjoying it. And here I thought there wasn’t anypony like me in the universe.” “I’m not a god, and I’m certainly nothing like you.” Declan stated, firmly. “You’re a monster and above all… you’re a jerk.” Sibrella gasped, then snarled in pure anger. She zoomed towards him and tried to strike him but the human simply and calmly raised his arm to block it and tried to strike back, only for her to catch his fist. They both broke away from each other soon enough and began zooming all over the sky, smashing into each other every few seconds. The two then began to play ‘magic laser tag’ with each other as they fired magic beam after magic beam, hoping to hit the other Sibrella’s left arm then morphed fully into a crab like pincer, which she tried to strike Declan with but the human grabbed it at the last second and side kicked her in the neck before blasting her back. The human then began to do multiple front handsprings using the remaining clouds around them and once he got close enough he did one last one to pound both his fists into the chest now monstrous Sibrella. She fell to the ground and created a large crater upon impact. “Atta boy Declan! You got her!” Rainbow encouraged. Declan nodded acknowledging them then noticed that his fire wings were beginning to become smaller. “Yeah… but my flames are starting to go out… and I can already feel my powers fading… better finish this up quick…” Declan said, before he zipped away. Declan and Sibrella then flew at each other and their punches collided, sending out an shock wave that rocked some far off mountains. They pulled away from each other and Declan smirked. Angered, Sibrella zoomed forward, blocked and moved away his next punch and delivered a heavy blow to Declan’s abdomen with her right arm, knocking the air out of him. She followed up by hitting him a few times more then flicking him with one of her multiple legs hard, which that sent him flying and spinning through the air. Declan stopped himself in mid-air again, but before he can counter-attack, Sibrella disappeared and reappeared behind him  before putting him into a headlock which Declan managed to break of. Sibrella then proceeded to give Declan another flick from one of her legs, right in the face, sending him flying again. Sibrella then appeared behind him again and clamped her new pincer around his neck, making him choke a bit. “Declan!” Everypony cried.                 “Hey! Let me go you old crone!” Declan exclaimed as he struggled to free himself from Sibrella’s pincer, which began to squeeze his neck even tighter, making him choke. Any tighter and it would snap off.                 “Still think I’m boring?” Sibrella hissed in his ear.                 “Uh… little less so now…” Declan answered, as she tightened her grip on his neck, making him choke.                 “Good. Now… any last words?” Sibrella growled.                 “Yeah, how about…”                 Sibrella was then rammed by a rainbow maned Pegasus, causing her to be knocked back and release Declan, who had noticed his friends rushing over closer and Rainbow Dash herself flying in-between them, looking serious.                 “Get your claws off our friend!” she finished. “Yeah!” Everypony shouted in agreement. “Gah! You pests again!” Sibrella hissed as she narrowed her eyes at the ponies and dragon below her. But because she was distracted Declan was able to get free and zoom upward at top speed, surprising her. “Hey!” Sibrella exclaimed, before Rainbow flew in and used her hoof to jab her in the face. “Oh, no you don’t! You’re focusing on us now!” she told her. “Alright ya’ll; let her have it!” Applejack yelled as she kicked up a rock and bucked it at the demon. Rarity and Twilight fired laser beams of magic at her, which she held up her claw to block but was still pushed back. Fluttershy gestured towards her and pretty soon all the flying animals around came zooming in and started pecking and attacking her. “Hey! Stop it!” she cried. She was further aggravated when Spike started blowing his fire breath at her and Pinkie fired her party cannon at her repeatedly while Rainbow continued to hit her directly. Eventually, Sibrella had enough and extended both her arms as she let out a primal yell as well as a pulse wave that sent Rainbow and the animals flying back and cancelled out all of their attacks. “Fools! You’ve accomplished nothing!” she spat. Rainbow then flew back and joined the others, she smirked. “Actually, we got you exactly where we want you!” she revealed. “Huh?” Sibrella asked confused. “NOW DECLAN!” Everypony yelled out as they looked up. “WHAT!?” Sibrella exclaimed as she looked up with her eyes wide with shock as Declan floated over until he was directly above her. “Always wanted to say this…” he muttered to himself before yelling out. “Hey, Sibrella! Guess what?” As his flaming wings went out vanished his right hand glowed with a fiery blue aura. Sibrella was frozen in fear and stunned speechless while Declan glared at her as he began to fall straight down towards her. “To quote the Thing… ‘IT’S CLOBBERIN’ TIME’!” Declan exclaimed as he pulled back and then extended his right arm forward and as he did so a blue energy wave was fired from his hand which hammered Sibrella into the ground, dealing out a devastating amount of damage. Declan’s leg then came soon after, side kicking her in the back and creating a crater that doubled in size in just two seconds. A massive explosion followed soon afterwards which lit up the area and sent both Sibrella and Declan, both back to normal, tumbling backwards till they were a good distance away from each other. Spike managed to catch Declan, though he was pushed backwards, creating a trail in the ground. Parts of Declan’s body was also currently emitting smoke “Declan!” The girls cried as they rushed over, worried. “Are you ok!?” Twilight asked, deeply concerned. “And do you know that you're smoking?” Pinkie Pie added. “Huh?” Declan responded, before noticing the smoke on his clothes and quickly patted it out. “Whew! That was close…” “So… did you beat her?” Spike inquired. “Is it over?” Fluttershy piped up still scared while Declan began to pick himself up. “Not yet…” Declan sighed while groaning as if every muscle in his body was in pain. “Still got one thing left to do.” “But Darling, are you sure you should be getting up so soon?” Rarity questioned also deeply concerned. “Yeah, I just need a minute to catch my breath…” he assured her. “Cover me, ok?” “Right!” Everypony nodded as Declan began to walk toward Sibrella while they followed him close behind. Once he got in front of her, she looked up at him furiously. “It’s over Sibrella, you’ve lost and to make it even more humiliating… he’s just a kid.” Declan mocked. The demon growled. “I’ll get you for this!” Sibrella told him. “You hear me! I’ll be back! I’ll get my revenge on you! All of you!” Declan then smirked. “Said the loser lady in the box.” “What? I’m not in a…” The demon began before a green aura appeared around his left hand which he held out while his right gripped the Emperor’s gem, using the last bit of it’s power in the process. Rarity and Twilight’s horns also glowed before a unfolded metal box appeared around Sibrella. Once she realized what was about to happen she roared and tried to run towards them but the metal box quickly folded up around her before she could, causing to slam right into the metal wall. Her side of her face made an imprint in it that made everypony wince before it sunk into the ground which closed right up behind it.