Most Unexpected

by Chocolate Pony

Loss Of Control

Spike's heart skipped a few beats. He was frozen solid for what seemed an eternity. Celestia..wanted him to leave? Forever?

"W-Why?" He weakly asked, tears threatening to spill.

"Its hard to explain. But, apparently, Dragons can be more docile, or more violent depending on themselves and their surroundings. You've always been extremely docile and kind. Accept, for when it comes to one pony. You'd do anything to protect Rarity. Celestia said, that she knew you'd become this way once you hit a certain age. And, if anything happened in your relationship with Rarity. You're a very sensitive Dragon, Spike. That in itself, makes you..dangerous" Twilight explained, hating every moment of this.

"Mom thinks I'm...dangerous?" Spike said in shock

"She doesn't think so. But, everypony else will once you get increasingly violent. You can't remember going off at me, can you?"


"Exaclty. You can't control it. At least, not yet. Until you learn how, you have to leave Ponyville, and live somewhere far away. Preferably, a distant part of the Griffin Kingdom."

"The Griffin Kingodm!? Twilight, that's suicide!" Spike exclaimed.

"This is Celestia's orders. You have no choice. You either leave yourself, or be forced out. I don't want this just as much as you don't. If not more so. But, this was always gonna happen. I knew this day would have to come but...I did e-everything to make it not. I failed you. I'm s-so sorry, Spike!" Twilight wailed, beginning to sob.

Spike out his arm around her, doing his best to offer at least a little comfort. But, how could he when he was on the verge of sobbing too? Ponyville had become his home. Everything about it he loved and adored. And now, he was being forced to leave it all behind.

"I-I guess I b-better start packing" Spike stuttered, slowly moving up to his room.

Twilight watched him, wiping away her tears. Why did fate have to be so cruel? She rested her chin on her hooves, trying to think of a worse situation she'd been in. There was none. Even the battle of Tirek hadn't been as painful as this!

As Twilight was trying to think of any possible way to cheer up, a huge explosion shook the castle. Twilight tumbled out of her chair, hitting her jaw on the floor. She groaned a little in pain, standing back up.

"What in Celestia's name was that?" She wondered.

Her thoughts quickly traveled to Spike, and she ran up the steps. She silently begged for him to still be in his room. But, her hopes were unfounded. A massive hole was now in the wall of Spike's room, and he was nowhere to be seen. Outside, some ponies were running around in panic as their houses and shops were on fire.

"Oh no. He's finally lost it" Twilight squeaked, quickly flying out of the hole. "I've gotta find him and stop him before he hurts...or kills somepony."


Cloudchaser was slowly making her way home after a hard day's work. She'd been kicking clouds for eight hours straight. Every inch of her body ached, and she was not looking forward to going home. She knew Flitter and Thunderlane would probably be there, making out on the couch. She cringed and gritted her teeth.

"Damn you, Flitter. For taking him away from me just like that" She growled to herself.

Cloudchaser could just about see her cloud house, when she heard a loud scream from below. It startled her so bad, she almost fell out of the sky. "What the hay was that?"

She flew below the cloud level, gasping in shock at the sight. Ponyville was a mess! Houses were on fire, ponies were running around screaming, some were even injured. It was not a pretty sight. What had caused all of this?

"Spikey, please clam down" Cloudchaser heard somepony whimper.

A deep, dark, and anger filled voice was quick to reply. "You made me this way! This is all your fault! If it weren't for you, my life would be just fine!"

"I'm sorry, Spikey wikey" Rairty squeaked.

"DON'T YOU EVER CALL ME THAT AGAIN!" He roared, making her faint out of terror.

Cloudchaser had been sneaking closer, and recognised the beast. Wasn't he that cute little baby Dragon she'd met earlier? Wait a minute, cute!? What was she, a smitten high school mare!? She had to do something, but what?

"Spike! Calm down, please" Princess Twilight begged, extending a hoof towards him.

The Dragon responded by swiping at her. She quickly flew into the air to avoid being hit. She didn't have time to avoid being smacked in the head by his tail though. Twilight slammed into the Carousel Boutique, groaning in pain. Spike, blind to all the damage he was causing, opened his mouth to roast the princess. He was stopped by a certain Pegasus.

"STOP!" Cloudchaser screamed, standing in front of Twilight.

Spike closed his mouth, cocking a brow. His red eyes examined the young mare. It was the mare he'd wanted to get earlier. His eyes went from evil to...passionate.

"W-Why's he looking at me like that?" Cloudchaser asked, leaning over to Twilight.

"I-I don't know" She replied, looking up at him.

Spike moved closer to the mare, his eyes examining every inch of her. A small blush formed on her cheeks at this. Without warning, his tail wrapped around the mare's middle. He spread his wings, and flew away.

"Spike! Wait!" Twilight called out, preparing to got after him.

A hoof on her shoulder stopped her. A familiar princess stood beside her.

"Let him go, Twilight. He's better off" Celestia said, looking up at the sky.

"What about Cloudchaser?" Twilight asked.

"She can handle herself. Besides, she's the answer."

"Answer to what?"

Celestia was silent after that. Twilight stood alongside her, not knowing how to feel or what to think. There was one question on her mind though. How was Cloudchaser, the answer? And what was she the answer to?