//------------------------------// // New Friend // Story: Most Unexpected // by Chocolate Pony //------------------------------// It had been at least an hour since Cloudchaser had been forcefully taken from Ponyville. She'd tried squirming out of the Dragon's grip, but it was no use. She was beginning to have red marks on her stomach from his tail being around it for so long. Just when she thought he'd never put her down, he landed at the mouth of a large cave. Cloudchaser looked around. It was a mountain with a huge cave on the side of it. The cliff edge was lovely, but that was the least of her concerns. The Dragon walked to the inside of it, moving pretty far back. Cloudchaser finally lost it. She'd been a good little mare for the past hour, but she was about to become anything but. "Listen up, scaly butt! You don't put me down, right now, I'm gonna peel off your scales, one by one! Now, PUT ME DOWN!" She screeched. Spike merely snarled at her outburst, dropping her on the ground. He watched Cloudchaser rub her now sore head as she glared at him. "Stupid flying snake" She growled, standing on all four hooves. Spike growled himself at that, only louder. Cloudchaser began backing up as he edged towards her. She ended up against a rock inside the cave, pressing herself against it as much as possible. She shut her eyes in fear, believing the beast was about to finish her off. She was quite wrong. Spike began sniffing the young mare, examining her again. Cloudchaser popped an eye open, watching him closely. His fangs were mere inches from her flesh, frightening her slightly. Fear became a thing of the past, as Spike moved his nose...a little too far down. It made Cloudchaser gasp, and buck him in the nose with her back legs. "Hell no! Watch were your nose goes, punk!" She hollered. Spike shook his head, whining a little. Suddenly, his body started shaking, and his size began to decrease. Before Cloudchaser could blink, the once massive, dangerous Dragon, was now back to being a harmless baby. "Where...am I?" Spike asked, looking around. That did it. This Dragon's mood swings were driving her nuts! First, he was all big and mean. Next, he acted like nothing had even happened! Cloudchaser snorted, gritting her teeth. "Where..are you? WHERE ARE YOU!? I'LL TELL YOU WHERE YOU ARE! YOU'RE ON DEATH'S DOORSTEP IS WHERE YOU ARE!" She screamed, backing him against the wall. "H-Hey easy now. What's g-got you stop riled up?" Spike stammered. "YOU DO! You're the one who destroyed 80% of Ponyville! You're the one who nearly killed Rarity and Twilight! And you're the one who BUCKING KIDNAPPED ME!" Cloudchaser finished, panting for breath. Destroyed Ponyville? Almost killed Rarity and Twilight? Kidnapped her? What was she...? Then it hit. His hatred must've taken over him. He must've attacked everyone, unbeknownst to him. Spike slumped down on his butt, staring at the stone floor of the cave. "Celestia was right. I am dangerous. She was right t-to banish me from Ponyville. Heck, she should've just sent me to the moon like Luna. I'm..I'm a monster" Spike muttered, just before erupting into tears. Cloudchaser was taken aback by the Dragon suddenly crying. Guilt from what she'd said only moments began to set in. He really didn't know what he was doing. She say down beside him, putting a wing around him. He looked up at her with the most miserable of eyes, making her more guilty. "Look, I'm sorry kid. I thought you not knowing what you'd done was just a big trick. I didn't realise you were being sincere about not knowing. I shouldn't have gone off like that. I've just been...under a lot of stress lately" Cludchaser explained, sighing in exhaustion. Spike listened to everything she was saying, still sniffling a little. She was a bit rough around the edges, but still a sweet mare. A bit like..Rarity had once been. Only...maybe just a tad more fierce. He kinda liked it. "I-I accept your apology. Friends?" He asked, extending a claw. Cloudchaser extended her hoof, shaking it. "Friends." The two then sat in silence for a good few minutes. "Hey, since we're alone now, wanna talk about what you were crying about earlier?" Spike suggested. "Oh..that. Well, it's a very unpleasant story but, I suppose it's good to tell somepony" Cloudchaser said, bowing out some air. So, the two talked for a couple hours. Cloudchaser about getting cheated on by her coltfriend with her own sister, and Spike about Rairty cheating on him with an upper class stallion. Not to mention getting pregnant. "Man, it sounds worse for you. I mean, at least mine didn't get pregnant. Because it's not physically possible" Cloudchaser said, smiling sheepishly. "Yeah but, at least she didn't cheat on me with my sibling" Spike replied, play playing with his claws. Cloudchaser and him sat at the mouth of the cave, talking with each other. Celestia had been lowering the sun, and Luna had started raising the moon. Spike yawned, leaning against Cloudchaser. She blushed slightly, but smiled. She put her wing around him, yawning herself. "Well, goodnight Cloudchaser" Spike said, falling asleep. "Night, Spike" She replied, smiling down at him before drifting herself.