Camp Orion

by Meemie7

Chapter 4: Twilight

My hoof steps echo against the tile floor of my mentor’s castle. It feels so cold and lonely here without anyone else around. Even most of the guards are gone today. I couldn’t even bring Spike with me, but I’m sure he’s enjoying his day off. All I have is myself, my saddlebag, and the cavernous halls around me.

The doors to the conference room are already open for me. I can see Celestia and Cadence sitting around an elegant white roundtable. Two chairs are empty, one for me and one for Luna. Except Luna will not be joining us today. This is a more personal princess meeting.

“Good evening, Twilight. I hope getting here didn’t take too long.” Cadence calls to me as I sit down at the table. I can hear the doors close behind me and the hoof steps of the royal guards leaving the room.

“Not at all. Where’s Luna right now?”

“She is out raising the moon. I made sure to schedule this meeting right at this moment, but we have to be fast. Placing the stars in the sky only takes so long.” Celestia says. “Now, we’ve got two matters to discuss here: Luna and Discord. In light of recent events, I don’t think we need much more of an introduction.” Both Cadence and I nod followed by Cadence's voice reaching across the table.

“I don’t think they should be in commission at this stage. The stress of the job might be getting to Princess Luna and we know we have to restrict Discord.”

“I highly doubt my sister would be willing to take a vacation so liberally. And Discord would downright loathe the idea of being restricted.” Celestia places her chin on her hoof.

“Who said this had to be liberal?” I speak up. Both Cadence and Celestia turn to me and I shy away. “Or, um…”

“No, no. Go on.” Cadence urges. I look to my mentor who nods in turn. I clear my throat.

“W-well, I just… they’re gonna resist anything that we try. Or, at least it sounds like they will.”

“This is the Princess of the Night and the Master of Chaos we’re talking about, you know.” I nod in understanding. They have power, authority. We can’t just do anything we want to them. But, this might be best…

“I know. But, sometimes we have to take more drastic measures to see a result. Whether they like it or not, things have to change.” Celestia sighs.

“Alright. What do you suggest we do, then?” I use my magic to take a sheet of parchment folded into fourths out of my saddle bag. I place it in front of Celestia who proceeds to unfold it, then read it. “Twilight, are you sure this will work?”

“If things have to change, this is the way to do it.” Celestia nods and passes the parchment to Cadence. I get a glimpse of the photo at the top of the page, displaying a mare with blue hair, a calculating gaze at the camera, and one heck of a resume calling for just this type of task.