A Particular Taste

by suijin228

Chapter 1

A Particular Taste
By Suijin228

Chapter 1

I’d like to think that I didn’t deserve this fate. I’d like to think that the events that transpired were out of my control. I’d like to think that at any time I could have made the right choice. But I didn’t, and now I sit here, alone and tired.

What brought this on you may ask? Well it all began on a Tuesday… Mardi Grass to be specific.


Bright lights and colors flooded my vision as I stumbled through the streets. Clearly I was drunk off my mind, but the question I was asking myself was if I’d been slipped something by one of the girls I’d been talking to.

‘It would be kind of ironic, being roofie’d by a girl on Marti Grass.’ I thought with a chuckle as I stumbled past a couple talking excitingly. As I passed between them, I could feel the disapproving look they were giving me.

‘Fuck them,’ I thought as I took another swig of the Jack Daniels I’d swiped from an overcrowded bar. The bar was packed, it’s not like they didn’t have plenty more.

I soon found myself in an empty street, the celebratory music and lights off in the distance. Feeling a bit more rambunctious than usual, I cupped my hands to my mouth and shouted.


I swear I heard it echo off a building or two before I bent over and threw up my stomachs contents. Too much alcohol in ones system happens to do that to a person. Normally if this had happened I would have flipped out. However, I was far too gone to even think about my own health.

As I saw a bit of blackness creep into my vision, my mind immediately decided it was time to nap. Making my way over to an alley wall before sliding down. Finishing off my JD, I chucked it at a wall before slipping into unconsciousness.


The next several hours passed me by as I slipped in an out of unconsciousness. I could see shapes sometimes pass over my body, but I was never able to make out who they were or what they were saying.

However one image did remain in my mind.

I believe the moon was just beginning to set and the sun rise when I heard the sound of footsteps stop at my body. Cracking my right eye open just to make sure that said person wasn’t stealing from me, I looked the person over.

His face seemed to be shrouded by shadows, but just being near him made me feel as if he had my life in his hands. He wore an old brown suite, like something out of the 60s or 70s, really tacky I would say if I was into fashion. He had with him black cane, the head of which was styled with a dragons head, a golden sapphire for an eye.

Obviously this man was out of place.

Money like this didn’t come out during Marti Grass, hell, money like this wasn’t really in New Orleans since Katrina.

As I strained by dry eyes to see this persons face, the mysterious person began to talk.

Immediately I noticed that this person was a male, but what interested my about the voice was the power it contained.

They say that emperors, kings, and leaders seem to have a gift of speech, one that allows them to lead nations and draw out the fire in their people. I’d always thought this to be pure bullshit, but this man’s voice seemed to carry it.

What I noticed next was that the man seemed to be absolutely crazy. He constantly asked himself questions only to answer those seconds later. It wouldn’t have bothered me too much, had the questions not been about me.

“What’s his age?”

“about 22, perhaps 23.”




“Looks to be on the lower half of middle class.”

Now to be honest, that last one kind of stung. Sure I wasn’t some super rich playboy, but I worked hard for my money and wasn’t about to let some crazy jackass down talk me because he had cash.

I groaned as I moved my body slightly, my hangover hitting me full force. ‘Danmit, really should have thought that through.’ However my movement caught the man’s attention.

I literally could feel the man grin behind the shadows as I caught sight of his eyes. Good god they were red! I froze as that gaze met my own. I couldn’t help but let the words fall out of my mouth. “A-a Demon!” I instantly felt a bit of wrath descend upon me. Like I’d offended the creature very harshly.

“Hmm, like calling others names do you? I know just the image to give you.” A sick inky blackness swarmed out of the creature as it engulfed me. As I fell back into unconsciousness, I heard the creature say one last thing.

“I wonder how Celly will react once she meets my newest creation.” Celly? Creation? I wanted to ask what he meant, but I was too tired, too weak, and this fell into the sweet embrace of unconsciousness.


As I said before, I drifted in and out of unconsciousness a few more times, each time I did so, I was still in that ally. But as I began to pull myself out of my drunken slumber, I felt something begin to hit me on my face.

Drip. Drip. Drip.

Using my tongue, I licked up the wetness. ‘Water’ I thought as my eyes snapped open. It hadn’t rained at all the previous day and unless someone was just fucking with the passed out guy, that meant I wasn’t where I was supposed to be.

Standing up straight, I almost instantly fell onto my hands as the nausea hit me. ‘aww crap, why the hell did I drink so much?’ somewhere in the back of my mind I heard ‘Martia Grass,’ but I promptly told that part of my mind to shut up.

I craned my neck to look around me. All around me were trees, so heavily leaved that it seemed light was incapable of passing through. ‘Great, someone took me into the Bayou.’ Slowly crawling forward, I listened closely for any noise as I approached what looked like a small pond.

As I neared, I pictured splashing some water on my face, getting myself together, and getting the hell out of the bayou and back home. So focused on this was I, that I didn’t notice that it felt oddly right to be walking on my hands.

As I finally reached the pond, while closing my eyes, I stuck my hands in and prepared to splash some water on my face. But as I attempted to move my fingers to form a cup, I realized that I couldn’t feel my fingers. In fact, I couldn’t even feel my hands at all.

Daring myself to look down, I saw what had my hand had become.

A hoof.

I swear, I stared at that hoof for a god two minutes. Maybe I was in shock, maybe I was in awe, or maybe I just figured I’d gone off the deep end. But the fact still remained; I had a hoof for a hand.

After those two minutes, I immediately began to look myself over. Everything from my hair to my toes was ponified. My once short cut black hair had turned into a mane cascading down my neck. It also turned into a short black tail. I’d turned a dark pale blue, and strange enough, I’d grown wings.

After the look over, I walked, or trotted now, back and forth across the clearing. “Ok, you’re a horse. Or Pegasus now to be exact. Keep calm, stay calm, this is just an alcohol and possible drug educed dream. In a moment, you’ll wake up and find myself in the alley, probbily having pissed myself and smelling of vomit… yes, all I have to do is wake up.” Slowing myself, I took a deep breath, convinced that I was going to wake up any second and be all right.

Closing my eyes, I breathed in, and prepared to open my eyes in the real world.

Opening them, I was still in the clearing, still a Pegasus, and apparently awake.


I was here, a stupid pastel colored horse.


I didn’t know how to get back to normal.


I would probably be studied by the government or used to breed other pegasi.

“NO! NO! NO!”

I would never be able to enjoy the taste of meat again or enjoy other human things since I was a STUPID! FUCKING! HORSE!


That was the day I became a pegasus, and it would also mark the day that I unknowingly stepped foot, or hoof, into a new world. However things weren’t as clear cut or as simple as one might think, something I would soon learn the hard way.



A.N. I know it’s not a strong first chapter, but bear in mind this is my first Human fic. However I do intend to make this story a bit different than the regular human fics out there. So until next chapter, keep goin and stay golden^^