The Tri-Equine

by EB

Summer Sun Devastation

Summer Sun Devastation

The Summer Sun Celebration, for most ponies it was a time of celebration, but for Celestia it used to be time of shame and bad memories However, thanks to her prized pupil, a young unicorn named Twilight Sparkle and her friends, it was now a time of joy for her. This year the celebration would have many foreign diplomats would attending. Therefore, she had to take some extra precautions. But Celestia, was sure that she was being paranoid. After the princess of the sun was finished decorating she went to the castle garden to relax. However, when she got there she saw that her sister, Luna, was relaxing there already.
"The keepers have done an excellent job with the garden, “Luna said in a somewhat joyful tone.

Celestia smiled then she sat down next to her sister and replied, "Indeed they did it quite beautiful."

Silence be fell the two as they gazed at the garden's beauty.

Suddenly a thought broke Celesta silence. She felt like this might be the best time to ask her sister a question that she had been too afraid to ask before. "There’s something I need to ask you,” she started in a serious tone.

Luna hearing the seriousness in her sister’s voice responded, "I'm listening."

Celestia closed her eyes, inhaled heavily and said, "Do you hate m....." she couldn't finish the question. It felt as the very words were shook in her throat. As Luna’s face began to show concern she panic and blurted out, "mangoes"

"That is an odd question," Luna looking completely bewildered.

"I am sorry I do not know what came over me," Celestia said in a flustered tone as her eye shot to the ground, she then got up and walked off.

When Luna said," I love them" in joyful tone.

Celesta turned and asked, “Love what?”

Luna laughed and said, “Mangoes silly.”

Celestia smiled and said, "Then I will make sure to have the chef give you plenty of them at the feast." Celesta then went towards the castle courtyard to watch the festivities before she rose the sun but before she got there she noticed a pony trip, dropping his saddlebag and its continence. Celesta almost instinctual went to help the brown stallion getha up. As she drow closer his dark brown eyes widen and his mahogany main seemed to stand up. Celesta then asked, “Is everything alright?” as the stallion quickly gathered his things and put them back into his saddle bag. The brown stallion then quickly regained his posture.

“Of course princess,” he said in a sophisticated tone as he bowed before walking off.

Celesta soon after entered the courtyard where children ran and played. Ponies where buying and selling different types of food and other merchandise. Celesta decided to participate in the festivities into she had to rise the sun.

She played with the children and dined with the adults for hours. Alas the time came to raise the sun. Luna started by lifting herself slightly into the air and being to lower the moon. Then Celestia lifted herself up slightly as well and began to raise the sun. As the sun and moon crossed paths Twilight flew passed creating a shockwave of purple energy shaped like a six pointed magic star. As the shock wave dissipated the moon was gone, the sun shined brightly in the sky, and the three princess were now standing back on the stage. As the crowd cheered Celestia felt happy to be able to share this glory with her sister once again.

Suddenly Celestia was thrown against the wall as a deafening discharge of thunderous sound occurred. Her vision became and she hardly breathe as a high pitched ringing sound echoed in her ears. As her eye reconstituted, she saw ponies running in all directions The royal guard then showed up and began to carry her, as well as her sister and Twilight, back towards the castle. As they drew closer to the castle she saw smoke rising from the city and then, everything faded to black.

Soon after the explosions tore through Canterlot shining armor was gathering any available guards, and volunteers to deal with the chaos, and injured, as Celestia walked in tattered, and bruised and she damned to be informed on the situation. Shining Armor assigned a lieutenant to take over his post so he could inform Celestia on the situation. Celestia, and Shining Armor walked over to a map of Canterlot that had been hastily nailed to the wall. Shining Armor then said in a very firm voice “Explosion have occurred all over the city, mostly in the upper districts but a few have been confirmed in parts the lower districts and also as you experienced even in the caste itself. We believe that there over 200 detentions of varying size.”

Celestia’s pupils sunk in horror. She had know that things were bad but she could've expected this. Celestia then swallowed and said “how many de….” she couldn’t finish the words captured getting stuck in her throat.

“ you know that knowledge will not help you. Know instead I suggests you help the relief effort” Shining Armor said in a closed and confronting tone.

Celestia noded and and headed out to the city to do what see choud but before she got too far Princess Luna and Princess Cadence caught up “I Am so glad the two of you are all right, where;s’s Twilight?” Celestia stopped and address.

Both Luna and Cadence showed a pained look and said she “With Spike.”

Spike was covered in bandages and connected to medical equipment with tobes completely unable to move or speak he did nothing to deserve this. As twilight look at her number one assistant she could feel tears run her face. For all the magic she knew there was nothing she could do to help spike.

A doctor came in and said “He's very is lucky if it wasn't for his thick scales he would be dead right now”.

“Will he be alright” Twilight asked with tears still in her eyes

The doctor smiled gently and said “he'll be just fine but, he’ll need a lot of rest and time to heal.”

Outside in the streets of Canterlot there was panic screaming and chaos, these are thing Discord usually can not get enough of. However, here he was helping to heal the injured that he could and free the many who were trapped under the rubble. This entire time it was not joy that entered his mind but anger. For this chaos had no laughter, or amusement but only pain, suffering, and pointless death.

Usually Discord could just snap his fingers and fix any problem he encountered but here he was pushing himself to his limits trying to save as many of the city's inhabitants as he could. Discord is powerful but even he has his limits and it wasn't just Discord, how was being posed to his limits. Celestia, Luna, and Cadence were and also being pushed to their own limits.

The hours seemed dragged on days but as they were as helping the last of the survivor, the perpetrators of this cruel and malicious act revealed themselves with a huge magical video in the sky. The video consisted of three pony covered in shadow but Celestia could make out that they were an earth pony, unicorn, and pegasus. They were covered in full body armor. The earth pony in the middle spoke in a deep raspy voices and said, “we are the The Tri-Equine and we are here to free you from the tyranny, and brain washing of the Alicorn race. Make no mistake all that stand in our way will fall and soon a new age will a be born”. The video disappeared from the sky and the city went silent. Despite the the silents Celestia felt filled with a rage in her that she had never experienced before.

To Be Continued...