My Little Pony: Mutual Respect is Magic

by Frieza665

Echo vs Everfree Forest

Music link here:

Echo had been looking for her sisters for 3 days and she was beginning to lose hope. Right now she was wondering through a strange forest. It was filled with more plant life then she had ever seen in her life. She even happened across an old, deserted castle. In the front she saw a statue of the big white alicorn they'd encountered earlier that week. Judging by this statue, the alicorn must have a part of the ponies government. Also because she called herself "Princess". Echo snuck around the castle as not to attract attention in case there actually was someone...or something in there. She continued her trek threw this jungle until she felt something grip her tail. This turned out to be a vine. Echo just shrugged it off and continued walking.
Soon though she became paranoid. She was hearing noises and the vines kept grabbing onto her. Eventually a huge vine came from beneath the ground and wrapped around her foot. This made her trip on the ground and the vine started dragged her to someplace unknown. Luckily her toe claw sawed through the vine with little effort. Without thinking, Echo got up of the ground and dashed through the vegetation a fast as she could. While running she spotted a cave and headed over to it. Echo thought that it would be a good idea for her to take cover in there for a while.
Once she was in the cave she decided to explore it a little to make sure it was safe. After a long search she found no danger and decided to take a nap. She couldn't believe that Starlight was dead. Maybe some sleep will calm her nerves. But just as she was drifting off a silky web shot out from the darkness and wrapped around Echo's snout. Her eyes shot open and she jumped to her feet quick, noticing what landed on her. But then the web started to burn away the flesh of her snout. She screeched as loud as she could and darted out of the cave. The web that caused this flew off due to how fast she was running. After about a minute of running and screaming in pain she arrived at a lake. She walked over to the water to see her reflection.
End Music
Echo was shocked to see that there was a huge burn scar that wrapped around the end of her snout like a rubber band. To be honest she thought it looked fine. To avoid it from getting infected, Echo dipped her head in the water for a moment. When she was done washing the wound she heard a rustling sound from behind her and sound turned round to see.
Standing before the scarred raptor were 3 timber wolves and they seem to being choosing her as their next meal. Echo knew what to do, she ran, only because there were 3 of them and one of her. The wolves were almost as fast as her and were catching up fast. She was soon corner by the ravening beasts. She was getting ready to fight when she noticed from the corner of her eye a bright light. It was the edge of the forest and no doubt the boarder of a populated area. She ran as fast as she could to the light. A wolf almost took a chunk out of her tail as she pounced out of the trees and into an open plain. Luckily, Timber Wolves must hate leaving their territory because they ceased their chase. As soon as Echo realized she was in the clear she promptly collapsed and fell asleep. But before she closed her eyes she saw long white legs approaching her. It was Celestia and she said
"You've had a long day haven't you? Well sleep now, you'll be with your sister soon enough."