These Crooked Eyes

by Symphony

These Crooked Eyes

Through these crooked eyes,
I have seen what could have been a pony’s demise.

Through these crooked eyes,
I have seen goodbyes.

Through these crooked eyes,
I can see through your disguise.

Through these crooked eyes,
I will rise.

Through these flattened ears,
I have heard tears.

Through these flattened ears,
I have heard my worst fears.

Through these flattened ears,
I have heard many swears.

Through these flattened ears,
I have heard my fire rising.

They say that I’m a weak pony. They say that I’m stupid, useless and even retarded. No more. No more sneers, no more frowns, no more anything. I will show them what I can do, they will leave me and my daughter alone. If her so called ’‘friends’’ lay another hoof on her, they will fall. I will make sure they do by my own hooves.

With these weakened wings,
I have been flying in rings.

With these weakened wings,
I have received words that sting.

These weakened wings,
are my strong twins.

These weakened wings,
are my precious limbs.

These weak legs,
I have stood on them to beg.

These weak legs,
stumble towards my bed.

When ponies laugh at me, two ponies stand up against them. Their names is Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy. They’re my best friends. They laugh with me, not at me. Their other friend, Rainbow Dash is a completely different pony. She calls me names, she makes other ponies start mocking me. I have given up trying to reason with them, there’s only treason.

My true strength,
is within an arms length.

I am stronger than they think I am. All of these years have made my endurance high and my muscles tight. They don’t know who the pony they mess with truly is and I have every intention to show them all what I can do. They will not even know what hit them after I am finished.

I have all my reasons,
They have followed me through the seasons.

I have all my reasons,
to live through this rainy season.

With all these reasons,
my plan is near completion.

With all these reasons,
this is their deletion.

The ponies who are innocent will not have to fear me or worry about me coming for them. I have pointed out those who have wronged me. My daughter will be kept safe out of harms way. I will never let anything happen to my Dinky. She deserves something better than this. This is what I will give her; a better life.

Those who have wronged,
their end will not be prolonged.

Those who have wronged,
They do not belong.

My life is just one big fight. To live, to love, to work, to stand for myself, to stand up strong. When I was just a young filly, the other children would make fun of me because of my eyes, because of my lisp and my clumsiness. They never saw me for who I truly am, just a filly that trips on her own hooves.

When I fight,
I don’t need a knight.

When I fight,
I can’t promise I won’t bite.

When I fight,
I will do it by my own right.

When I fight,
my spirit will ignite.

When I had my daughter, it was the happiest day of my life. I had finally found somepony who loved me for who I am, for what I do. During her younger days, I would take her in my arms and fly to a cloud so she could have a look from my view of the world. She means the world to me, I just don’t know what I would do without her.

All of my love,
embraces her like a glove.

All of my love,
sends her to skies above.

When she’s loved,
the hate is shoved away.

We don’t have much in our lives, I have my job and she has her schoolwork. I work so much to pay the rent and to buy food for us. It’s not an easy task but I manage to do it without trouble. The ponies who are nice to me sometimes help me with the rent, I don’t like borrowing money from them but they insist. They are truly wonderful friends.

They don’t deserve any compassion,
I will do this with passion.

On their broken legs,
they will be forced to beg.

Watch me as I deal the justice that is needed to those who deserve it. Watch them as they will see what I have become from their harsh words and abusement. This is it. This is the end.

For everything I have recieved from them, it’s only fair that I give some back to them. Nothing can stop me now, I am unstoppable. I have arranged for Dinky to stay with my mother during the cleansing. She will not understand my actions, I am unsure if anypony else than me will know why I went through with this. If I will ever be arrested, which I probably will be, I will tell them about my experiences and what I was forced to live through and recieve on a daily basis. Maybe then they will understand.

Tomorrow. I will do it tomorrow, I have sent Dinky to my mother in Canterlot earlier today. I hope that my mother will be able to take care of my Dinky when I am gone. My mother was always so caring. All I wish is that Dinky will go on with her life, knowing that she had a mother that loved her so much. Mommy loves you Dinky, never forget it.


It is done.

I have cleansed them fron my surroundings. I started with Rainbow Dash, she called me so many nasty words when I did it. She’s a real potty mouth. By the end of it, she cried and begged for me to stop. I stopped. I couldn’t kill her. I wouldn’t be any better than her if I would have done it.

At least now she recieved the same treatment that I have been given for these twenty-eight years of living. I am still young, I can still see changes but I can’t change with all this hate bottled up inside of me.

I’ve seen so much and experienced just as much on the recieving end, all because of these crooked eyes.