//------------------------------// // Get Over It // Story: The Other Button // by One of the Crowd //------------------------------// Chapter 33: Get Over It "Settle down class. I'd like to introduce you all to Cold Breeze," Cheerilee said to the class while presenting the white pegasus. He was standing confidently in front of the class while glancing toward me every so often. It's not my fault he got everyone to hate him; I was just a victim. "Would you like to tell the class about yourself?" "My name is Cold Breeze," He said uninterested in the class. "My mom and me moved here from Manehatten yesterday." After that he started walking back to his seat which was right beside mine. Why did the last open seat have to be beside me? "That's good, Cold! Now I'd like to announce that family appreciation day is next week," Cheerilee said while clapping her hooves together. I remember Applebloom talking about this awhile ago. She brought her grandma or something and everyone loved her. It's going to be nice to see everyone's loved ones. I can show everyone how awesome my... my... I don't have anyone to show off, do I? The day went on like it normally does except this time Cold would constantly try to distract me from my work. At one point, he got up to turn in a test and purposely bumped into my desk causing me to scratch out half my work; I had to redo that entire paper in 10 minutes! Still, it's not like he can do any real harm to me. The bell finally rang signaling that it was time for recess. Getting out of my seat I made my way over to the door where Button was waiting on me. "Hey, Chance. Rumble wanted to know if you wanted to play with us again," He said enthusiastically. "Sure, I want to be a pirate this time though!" I said as I ran out the door towards the fort where Rumble and Pipsqeak were currently talking to someone else. As I got closer I could see that they were talking to Cold, and they had a mixed expression on their faces. As I drew loser I could hear what he was saying to them. "Then he slammed me into a wall, and everypony blamed me!" Cold said with complete confidence in his voice. "That doesn't sound like Chance. Didn't he forgive Dinky for hitting his horn?" Rumble said. Cold cringed a little when Rumble mentioned the horn thing. I actually forgot about the whole incident with everything that had been going on lately. "All I'm saying is-" "That your trying to spin the story to make me the bad guy? I don't see how you can do that when you jumped me," I said making my presence known. "I don't think you understand that I don't fight ponies without reason." "Yeah right. I'm surprised you haven't abused your condition here too," "What do you mean?" I asked. This was when I realized what he meant and I couldn't stop him from saying it. "How you think you're a human. You didn't want them to know? oops" He said sarcastically. I froze when he said that, and all of the foals looked toward me. I could spin this in a different direction, but I had to spin this right. "Wow, you still think I was being serious?" I asked with a grin across my face, "I admit that it was a pretty good prank, but seriously? I expected better of you, Cold." "Nice try Chance, but I remember how you talked about your therapist," I forgot I told Cold about Insight before. Well my plan went out the window so I had to come up with something else. I just shook my head side to side before speaking, "Whatever. You guys ready to play Pirates vs. Knights again?" I asked as I turned to Pipsqueak and Rumble who were watching the whole thing play out. "I wasn't done talking to you!" Cold said while getting in my face. This dude really wants to start something doesn't he? "Well I was done talking with you. Listen I'm sorry about Manehatten, but you need to let that stuff go," I said. If he's willing to give this up then I'm willing to show him around town. Instead of taking my advice he spat on my hooves. "That wasn't very nice," ***Arrow*** "So you're in the Canterlot orchestra now?" I asked Lyra who was sitting across from me. After I dropped Chance of at school I dropped by Lyra's for a small chat. "Yep, I've done pretty well for myself," She said as she rubbed a hoof against her chest after breathing on it. Why do ponies do that? "You sure have. The only thing I can really boast about is Chance and that's about it," I said while taking a sip of the tea Lyra gave to me when I arrived. "He's a good kid. He reminds me of my nephew Lucky Charm before he became a vegetable," This was news to me. "You had a nephew?" "Yeah, he looked a lot like Chance but last I heard he was kidnapped from the Canterlot hospital. I think that's why my sister is so interested in Chance. She can't let her son go," "You think she might have been trying to make Chance turn into Lucky?" I asked while looking toward Lyra who was intently focused on her cup of tea. "Maybe. I miss him too, but I wouldn't go that far. You know, I remember when he was around 2 and he conjured his first familiar. It was a bird of all things, but for a 2 year old it was impressive. That thing never left his side," "I'm sorry," I said while putting a hoof on her shoulder. She just sighed before looking up at me, "Does Chance still need a magic teacher?" I thought for a minute. That teacher Insight hired never showed up because of something in Canterlot, but would Chance even be able to stay calm around Lyra? "He does. You want to teach him?" I asked. she just nodded before I looked at the clock. I realized it was about time to go pick up Chance and excused myself before making my way to the school. When I got there I was greeted by the sight of Cheerilee out front with a bruised Chance and that obnoxious colt from yesterday. ***Chance*** "Hehe how you doing Arrow?" I asked while rubbing the back of my head. "What happened?" Arrow asked worried about my safety probably. It's not like I started the fight! Cold threw the first fucking punch. "Cold and Chance were fighting during recess. I have no choice but to suspend them for a few days," Cheerilee said. "Wow, Self defense is frowned upon? I didn't know that not letting the tar get kicked out of you was a bad thing," I retorted. I might not be handling this situation properly, but this was just plain unfair! "CHANCE! Get over here!" Arrow said rather agitated. I don't think I made the right choice here because when I got over to Arrow he gripped my ear in his teeth before dragging me back to Button's. "Ahhh, stop it!" I yelped as I tried to get out of Arrow's teeth by squirming around. Arrow spit my ear out of his mouth before speaking. "Chance, what did I tell you about fighting?" I looked toward the ground before answering him. "I'm better than that," "Exactly. What were you even fighting about to begin with?" "He tried to get everyone to hate me because of Manehatten. I only said what was true so he couldn't twist the story." "*sigh* Chance, just because he was spreading lies doesn't mean you can go and beat him up," Arrow said. In most cases I could agree with him, but Cold wasn't most cases. "I didn't even throw the first punch!" I said when we neared Button's house. Loving and Button were currently outside and Loving had a very angry expression on her face. The only reason Button was here so early was because Cheerilee sent a letter home to let Loving know about my incident. "We'll talk more about this later," Arrow said still agitated. Before leaving however he asked me one last question, "How bad did you beat him?" "Knocked him down 3 times," I stated before walking over to the very angry Loving. Today was a long day, and it's going to be an even longer night.