//------------------------------// // Sneaking Out // Story: The Other Button // by One of the Crowd //------------------------------// Chapter 34: Sneaking Out CHORES! I just had to go and fight Cold, didn't I? When I came home yesterday Loving decided that Since grounding me didn't work last time that throwing chores my way would work. Why does self-defense result in punishment? "This sucks!" I said to myself as I continued to mop up the kitchen floor. Why am I mopping it? Well when we had dinner earlier someone spilled their drink all over the floor. Now I'm stuck on cleaning duty! "Sorry," Button said while he was soaking up the spill with a sponge. "At least you have that sponge...where did you get that from?" I asked because I never found a sponge with the cleaning supplies. "Found it," Why am I even questioning this? He keeps on finding things and doesn't ever tell anyone where they're from. Dipping my mop back into the water bucket before I looked over to Button, "How do you always find these things in the first place?" "I actually do find them. Pinkie has hiding spots all over town," I just face hooved. Of course the confetti ninja has hiding spots for random objects all over town. I see her around town and she's always doing something that defies the laws of physics...and even the laws of non-physics if they exist. We were finally done cleaning up the spill and I took a moment to step back and admire our work. Then Gibson and one of his friends came up from the basement. Their hooves were covered in dust and some dirt which ruined all the hard work me and Button just did. I am going to have to beat a bitch. "GIBSON, I JUST SPENT AN HOUR CLEANING THIS FLOOR!" I yelled at him. He just looked at me and then to the floor before wiping more dirt on the floor. "DUDE!" "Come on man. That's not right," Gibson's friend said as he walked past us. "What? I'm just helping him build character," Gibson retorted as he followed his friend out of the kitchen. That dude is an asshole through and through. I looked down at the floor to see that the dirt was getting wt and becoming muddy. "You can go, Button. I'll get this," I said as I pulled my mop back out of the bucket to begin cleaning. Instead of going off to play his games I saw him pick his sponge back up and start cleaning up some of the dirt. "You heard me, right?" "Yeah. But if I help you we can play together sooner," Of course he'd be thinking of playing together as a reason to help. Still, I gave him a smile as we went back to work on the kitchen floor for another hour. ***1 hour later*** "Why did they have to come in and out every three minutes!" I said as I walked up the stairs to our room. Button just shrugged his shoulders when we reached the top of the stairs and saw Open heading towards us. I stepped out of his way while he continued on until he reached the front door. "Where are you going?" "I have business to attend to. I'll be back later," He said as he walked out of the house. I swear that dude is up to something shady. I however wasn't allowed to leave the house along with the chores. Why did I let Cold get in my head like that? Turning my focus back to the hallway I noticed that Open had dropped a small pouch. I decided to investigate and see what exactly it was that he had left. Picking up the pouch I opened it up to see quite a few bits in it for some reason. What would he be spending bits on at this time of night? All the stalls and restaurants are closed so he couldn't be using them to buy anything from them. "What are you looking at?" Button asked as he trotted up beside me to look into the pouch. "Some bits." I said while showing him its contents. "Oh, we should probably go give it to dad before he gets to far," Button said as he turned towards the stairs. I quickly stopped him however before I began to explain. "I think we should give the bag to Loving, Button. If Open needs it he'll come and get it," In reality I just want to see if Loving has any idea on what Open would need money for at this time of night. Button looked towards the stairs then back to me before nodding. "Okay. Mom can give it to dad when he comes back," I swear the innocence in this child is heart wrenching. Turning back towards the hallway we made our way to Loving and Open's bedroom. After knocking on the door I waited for a few minutes before Loving opened it. "What are you doing up? It's 11 at night!" Loving asked clearly exhausted from the day. I dropped the bag of bits in front of her before speaking, "Open dropped this on his way out," "Why would he need bits if he's...Chance, I want you and Button to go to bed." She said as she stormed out of her bedroom. Looks like she didn't know about the money and she's pissed about it. I might of made a mistake here. I grabbed Button's arm and quickly made our way over to our room. Once we entered I made my way over to the window to see Loving running off into the night. Yep, I definitely did a bad here. "Where's mom going?" Button asked which reminded me he just saw that entire thing. "I don't know, Button. I'm going to go find out though," I said as I made my way back out of our room. "But mom said-" "I don't care." I cut him off as I started making my way out of the room. I might of really messed up here if this goes the way I think it's going. Only when I reached the front door did I realize that Button was right behind me. "Go to bed, Button," "No, I want to help!" "You don't want to come with me. Trust me," I said as I opened up the door. Button held firm and replied, "I'm going whether you want me to or not!" I just facehooved before beckoning him to come along. He wants to deal with the backlash then that's his problem. I just wanted to figure out what's going on. Still maybe he can help with the situation if it's what I think it is. God I hope I'm wrong.