//------------------------------// // Super Fightin' Robot // Story: Devil May Cry: A New Battlefield // by Lazy_ //------------------------------// A tremor shook the practicing zone of the Colosseum, it's boundries rattled and vibrated with the force of strong resonations, like the impact of a small meteor. Atop it's walls stood the dark figure of the Nightmare, watching her subjects battle each other in the large area below. She was analyzing each and every blow they dealt to one another, partly because if they injured each other too badly they would be useless to her, but mostly because she wanted to know where they were strong and where they needed work. The fight currently going on was Calydoln trying his damn-right hardest to kill Vergil. A powerful flaming right hook flew past the human as he casually stepped back to avoid it with minimal effort. The giant boar's next move was to bring is clawed fists crashing down where Vergil was. Vergil saw the slow move coming a mile away and teleported a few metres to his right, rendering Calydoln's destructive tactic completely useless against the nimble capabilities of the halfling. Calydoln furiously whirled around just in time to receive Beowulf to the face. He was surprised by the sheer strength the small being could throw out, and found himself momentarily stunned by the blow. Vergil used his chance to perform Rising Dragon, jumping into the air while throwing out a pair of charged kicks with the rotation of his body. The force threw Calydoln's front end over his back and he toppled over onto his back. Vergil landed on the ground again with a disappointed sigh while the collection of demons chilling out in the stands applauded and made their own comments. "That was... boring..." He said as he dusted himself down. "After your foolishly confident display earlier, I thout you'd prove to be more of a challenge. Apparently I was wrong." "Calydoln will smash you! I swear I'll get you back for this!" The gigantic animalistic demon said as he rolled over onto his belly and pushed himself up before limping away. "Vergil three, everyone else... nill... we need to get our act together, people." A Satyr like demon, Silenus said as he gestured to the group of demons with his quill and parchment, some who had already been beaten and some who looked raring to get going and have their try at the ring-master. "No matter, he'll still have to beat 'Clocks to get the Ring-Champion crown!" Nightmare watched as the boar crawled out of the ring, shortly being replaced with a Faust, it's giant red claws floating behind it as it flew gently over to the blue coated devil. "He's good." A masculine and zombie-like voice said from behind her. She turned her head to see Sombra floating through the air on the very shadows themselves as he lowered himself onto the tops of the walls to take his place beside the azure queen. "Indeed. Now he's begun to regain strength he looks a little more... threatening. He looks like he could take down nearly anything we put in-front of him." She suggested. "Isn't that a good thing?" Sombra asked, raising an eyebrow. Nightmare's lips curled up a little at one side. "Yes, I suppose. But remember what he said when you first brought him to me? He's not in this for the cause. He's after power, Sombra. The only reason he's working with us is because it looked to be the best option to start off his old quest for power once more. If he was to gain enough strength to rival me, or you..." "Hmmm, I suppose." Sombra said as he watched the ape strip the Faust of it's protective gas shield with a fast barrage of summoned swords and smash the life out of it's cowardly body with a flurry of kicks and punches. "We can't have him betraying us at the last moment, or he'll ruin everything. We will get back his blade as from what I understand it is an artifact of great magical power. But we must keep a close eye on him, less he stab us in the back when we least expect it." Nightmare said, not taking her eyes off the Faust currently being used to mop the dirt off the ground before the damage limit spell kicked in and the poor thing was teleported out of the combat zone. "You can count on me to keep him under my watch, my queen. And about that blade of his, what exactly is it?" "A blade crafted in the forges of Hell itself, imbued with so much dark magic that it cannot dull or even chipped by conventional means. And that same tremendous power gives it such sharpness that it can slice through the dimensions themselves." She explained. Sombra reeled back in surprise. "Are you sure? That sounds an awful lot like... like-" "Yamato?" Nightmare said, filling in the end of the dark stallion's sentence. "Yes... Yamato. But wait, how would he have Yamato in the first place?" The question caused Nightmare to chuckle slightly as she stared in a mix of fascination and intrigue at the halfling of a devil. "Think, Sombra. Look at him. Who does he remind you of?" Sombra concentrated on the demo for a few moments, leaving the air to be permeated with the sound of Vergil ripping through another poor demon. It took all these moments for Sombra to finally realise where Nightmare was coming from. "N-no... It can't possibly be..." He stammered. Memories of those past events all those years ago flooding his mind. "It is true, Sombra. We may have revived a very dangerous demon. That is why I am worried. He will help us, but we absolutely must keep him under control, or he may kill us all if we are not careful." "Hiyaah!" Vergil let out his burst of power on the hapless Frost he was pounding into the ground. He reeled his arm back as far as he could before letting loose and striking the demon clean in-between the eyes. The sheer force of the blow sent the Frost grinding along the ground and careering into the closest wall, sending a considerable amount of dust into the air to cover it as the damage limiting spell teleported it to safety. "Well then..." Silenus said. "I guess no-one else wants to challenge the new guy before the main event. A round of silence followed. "Okay." He ticked something off on his parchment. "Time for the challenger to face the defending champion!" From behind the ground rose the odd robotic thing. Vergil clenched his jaw just at the sight of it. It was clearly a robot, but every time he looked at it, into it's amber eyes, he felt strangely uneasy. Like he was staring into something beyond human, demon, angel or even beast. He could tell, as it walked it's tall body down a small set of stairs and into the ring, that it was something entirely different. But he just couldn't put his finger on it. It's metallic midnight purple plating shone in the night and it's eyes left a haze with movement whenever they were looked at. It tilted it's heavy head up, staring through him with it's burning eyes. Vergil harrumphed as they both stood a way from each other, a moment passing before the machine's synthetic face contorted into a grin, and it began to walk toward him once more, not once showing any sign of second thoughts. The machine was focused, the machine was confident, it had been watching Vergil fight and had been judging him. Vergil readied his stance, the halfling too putting up his fist without even so much as a flinch. The crowd sat in a tense silence, somehow being able to sense that the impending battle might be just a little bit scary to watch. The door to the crystal friendship castle's map room burst open, slamming against the walls with a massive force. Twilight cringed as Dante brought his leg down, and looked up to Nero who had the unconscious Rainbow Dash slung over his shoulder. The devil just shrugged, making a confused face. "Good afternoon, fluff butts!" Dante yelled to a stunned group of ponies and a dragon who looked to have been playing a game of Hoof Twister before they were so blatantly interrupted. Now, a pink pony with a dishevelled hair style and a dragon were collapsed in a pile in the white spotted mat, their limbs entangled in all sorts of uncomfortable looking positions. And their audience, an orange pony, a yellow pegasus and a white unicorn sat on the sidelines, their jaws hanging off their faces like stalactites from a cave ceiling. A light thud sounded as a Stetson fell to the ground. Dante stood with his arms resting on his hips while the other demon hunters strolled in along with Twilight. The ponies inside remained silent. "Where d'ya want her?" Nero said, his other arm coming up to support the pegasus as he prepared to set her down. "Err, just on the ground right there." She turned to her friends who were still stunned. "Can somepony get me a pillow or something?" She said, followed by complete silence. "Hello!? Today would be nice! Dash might be hurt!" She looked to the humans waiting behind her. "Don't worry about them, they're here to help, without them Rainbow could have died." Rarity leaped to her hooves. "Um, I'm on it!" She turned tale and ran through a door to a store-room where rummaging could be heard. Nero lay Rainbow Dash on the ground as gently as he could as Dante walked in, followed by the girls as Twilight's friends began to regain their composure. "And err, who might these... people be?" Apple Jack gestured to the demon hunters, glancing at their giant weapons. "They uh... What were they saving her from, exactly?" The farmer picked up her hat and placed it snuggly back on her head as Fluttershy began to calm down, her hoof over her chest as she steadied her breathing in pants. "Would you believe me if I said demons?" Twilight replied, putting her hoof over Rainbow's forehead to feel her temperature. "To be honest... judging by their uhh, equipment, I wouldn't be surprised." Apple Jack still struggled to take her eyes off the two giant blades and a tube-like weapon with a bayonet that the demon hunters possessed. Dante suddenly felt left out. "So... um... w-what happened?" Fluttershy asked meekly as she edged closer. Her head laid low as she cowered in-front of some of the most intimidating creatures she had ever seen. The two apparently female looking ones stepped forward. "Your friend here got possessed by a rather powerful demon. A tricky one at that. We uh, took care of it. However..." Trish held the last part of her sentence off, not sure how the shy pegasus would take it. "Your friend has inherited demon powers from the possession." Dante explained. "I think Doppelganger, the demon, invested enough power in her to literally ingrain it into her soul. So when the demon died, some of it's powers remained. Now she's half demon. Don't quote me on it though." "H-half demon!?" Spike exclaimed as he picked himself up from the crumpled mat. "Found something!" Rarity's voice exploded from the storage as she burst out holding two dusty blankets in her magical grasp. She rushed over and set them down next to the unconscious mare. Twilight grabbed the blankets and folded one up before lifting Rainbow's body up with her magic. She placed the folded one under where her head would be and slid the other one under her body. She let Rainbow down. "That sounds... neat?" Pinkie half asked, not quite sure what it meant for the speedy pegasus. "What sort of powers did she get?" "Wait, powers? What did I miss?" Rarity asked, her head glancing around at her friends. Twilight sighed. "Rainbow got possessed. The creatures you see around me-" "Humans." Lady interjected. Dante, Trish and Nero looked to her, causing her to shrug with a smile. "-Humans, freed her. But the possession left demonic power in her and now she's part demon. Did I miss anything?" "Nope. Dante clarified. Rarity stood dumbfounded, in mild shock from the news. "Fluttershy." Twilight turned to her meek friend. "I examined her when she passed out and she seems fine, I just need you to give her a once over and make sure there's nothing I missed." "O-okay." Fluttershy moved over to Rainbow. She checked her skeleton... no cracks or breaks she could feel. She appeared to have some minor bruises and red marks, but showed no signs of internal bleeding. If there was some, she'd probably be awake and screaming in agony. Fluttershy opened Rainbow's eyelids to see her eyes. They were a little bloodshot but there were no damage to either eye. She then began to check pulses, heart rates and test the joints in her limbs as well as inspect her delicate ears and teeth. All in all, Dash seemed fine. But there was one last thing she couldn't check with Dash in an unconscious state. "Did she um, take any blows to the head?" She asked. Trish and Lady looked to each other. "Don't think so." Lady answered. Fluttershy smiled and nodded. "Then she'll be fine, if a little in shock. Sounds like a pretty bad ordeal. We'll have to wait until she wakes up to know if her brain is still undamaged, but if she didn't take any trauma to the head she should be okay. But, um... T-Twilight?" The alicorn's head rose. "You er... should really have taken her the hospital." "Even at a half demon's lowest power, she should recover from any small amount of damage within the minute." The ponies turned to Dante. "Why's that?" Twilight asked curiously. "Demons, even half demons, can recover from major injuries quickly. I mean, watch this!" Dante pulled a pistol from his coat and without even looking, shot Nero in the side of the head. The dark blue coated halfling stumbled sideways in shock. The ponies screamed at the sudden loud noise and the fact that he just shot, one of his own friends. "Argh! What the hell, Dante!?" Nero yelled at the devil hunter. The ponies stared in awe, amazed that the halfling was totally fine after being shot in the temple. "Good practical example?" Dante said with a shrug. Nero glared at him before pulling out the bullet and throwing it at Dante's head. It pinged off the devil hunter's face and landed on the ground. "Hehe..." Dante picked up the mushroomed lead ball and shoved it in his coat pocket before turning back to the ponies. "If Rainbow Dash is half demon now, which I think she is, she should be able to take some good punishment. A few bruises should clear up soon enough." "And you're... just gonna' take that?" Pinkie said to Nero. The halfling grunted and rubbed the side of his head. "It's err, an in-joke." He explained. Lady spoke up to finish off. "A long time ago when me and Dante first met, I shot him in the face. Ever since then it's been fashionable to shoot Dante in the head when he least expects it. Nero was the last one of us to do it, so I guess Dante wanted to return the favour." Lady chuckled when she finished her explanation. "That was pretty funny, you know?" She gestured to the devil hunter. "I tried to help you!" Dante said in his own defence. "And you just shot me... twice!" "'Well, this is my kinda' rain!'. Yeah, that's a helpful thing to say to someone who's falling to their death." Dante looked out over the city from the ledge. Through the opening in the tower's outer walls he could see for miles on end. He could sit and look at the sun set but unfortunately he had a party to catch. He didn't have time for sight seeing. He was about to turn around and progress when he suddenly had an odd feeling... He turned back to the open drop and thrust his arm out quickly. Clamping his hand shut as fast as he can, a heavy weight was lodged in his grip and he wobbled to balance himself out. He looked at his catch. It was the young woman he met after defeating Cerberus, her rocket launcher, pistols and sub machine gun all still with her, the metal adding to her weight. She looked at him confused, before blinking in shock. He smiled at the lady. "Well... this is my kinda rain!" He said, pulling his left arm out for effect and looking up to the clouds. "No wonder the sky looked so funny today..." The lady was not amused. "Let me go!" She barked, pulling a pistol and machine gun from her holsters and pointing them at his face. "Let you go? Hehe, but it would be a shame if you ended up as just a pretty stain." With that, the lady fired her pistol at Dante's face and hit him dead centre of his forehead. Dante recoiled and let her go as he stumbled out of her view. As she began to fall she pulled her launcher from around her shoulder and jammed the bayonet into the stone of the humongous tower. The friction slowly grinded her fall to a halt, and she dangled for a moment as she recovered. "What the hell was that for!?" An annoyed voice came from above her. She looked up in surprise to see the red coated man come back with his arms held out and a small red hole in his head. "Here I am tryin' to help you, and you show you thanks by shooting me?" He put his hand to his chest, his voice quavering in an almost heart-broken manner. The lady pulled out her pistol again and fired another shot, this time a spark flew from his face as his head jolted back. She flipped herself up onto the frame of her launcher and squatted, pointing her pistol up at the man again. He leaned back out and glared at her before spitting out the bullet. He glared for another moment before sighing. "Whatever, do as you please." He said in an irritated tone, gesturing with hand before turning around and walking away. She listened to the footsteps fade away into a corridor before lowering her weapon. "So he's a demon too..." As Dante walked away from the ledge, he pulled the lead from his skull and dropped it onto the ground. "I'm beginning to think I've got rotten luck with women." He lamented, striding through the corridor and looking for a way to move up the tower. "Okay..." Twilight said to herself. "Personal rivalries aside, Rainbow is okay. And that's what matters." She looked up to the two demon hunters who were still giving each other dis-approving looks. "Hmm?" Dante looked down at her with an inquisitive look. "Oh, err, yeah. Your friend is fine. That's good." He motioned with a hand. "So err, I was wondering..." He put his hand behind his head. Twilight looked up to him along with her friends. "Since we helped you and your friend is okay now, do you think you could do us a favour?" Twilight cocked her head. "Do you a favour, Dante." Nero added in a venomous tone. "Yeah, whatever." "What sort of favour? I mean, I'm in debt to you for helping us. But er, from what I've seen of your line of work... I'm afraid to ask." She said nervously. "My sword went missing after Berial ran away. You think you can help me find it? It's kind of a special blade, in a personal way." He patted his chest. Twilight thought. "-Berial?... Oh! The terrifying lava demon!-" "Well, last I saw of him, he was confronted by the Princesses. And since I haven't heard of any reports concerning him, my guess is he was either slain or captured. Of the princesses though... Well I'm sure they're fine. They're tough stuff. Maybe one of them would know?" *Belch* A blast of green flame erupted from the little purple scaled dragon's maw. The demon hunter's 'ooh'd at the sight of a scroll materialising and beginning to fall. It couldn't complete it's fall though, and it was enveloped in a light purple glow. "Speaking of..." Twilight said with a smug grin. "I used to be Celestia's student. I'm in contact with her." "Sweetness!" Dante replied as he watched Twilight unroll the scroll. "Guessing that's from her?" He pointed at the scroll. "Yup." She responded, not taking her eyes from the parchment before her. "Ugh, parchment... Papyrus is so old school... reminds me of history class." Dante put a finger on his chin, as he remembered the good old days. "One of the five subjects I passed at school..." Nero raised an eyebrow. "You only passed five subjects?" He asked, almost smirking at the thought of Dante getting his result papers, and the disapproving glare of his mother. "Yeah. A's in History and PE, B in English and a C's in Mathematics and the Sciences. Failed everything else." He chuckled at his own failures as a kid. "Oh, my mother was so angry at me... Why, you got a problem?" "Nah, just find it funny the great and powerful Dante was a dumbass at school, that's all." "Go ahead then, how many subjects did you pass then Mr. Knowitall?" Dante crossed his arms. "Nine. A Plus in PE, A's in English and French, B's in Mathematics and Science, and C's in Geography, Religious Studies and History." "...Screw you." "Dante?" Twilight asked, still looking at her letter. "Yeah?" "Your sword wouldn't happen to be a large Claymore with a screaming skull on the guard, would it?" She moved the letter past her eyes, allowing herself to gauge Dante's reaction. She smiled when she saw his face light up. Vergil teleported out of the way of a scythe blade came slamming down into the ground infront of him with tremendous force. He watched the ground split and a wave of purple sparks erupting from the fissure. He felt his magic being drawn to the fountain, like the electricity that it was powered by fed upon it. "-Void magic...-" Vergil recognised it immediately. Void magic was a type of magic that was powered by the magical energy it absorbed. The wall of crackling sparks were powered by ambient magic in the air, and since he held a huge amount of demonic magic himself, if he were to accidentally walk over them they would burn even more ferociously. He turned his head back to the opponent. Clockwork held onto it's weapon, the short handled scythe hung over it's face and the blade half covering it's eyes. The amber glare shone over the stained metal, and created a corona of radiating energy that the blade seemed to absorb until it glowed with magic. Then the machine swung the blade back and swiped horizontally with blistering speed, a purple arc hanging in the air for a moment until it formed into a demonic sigil. Vergil didn't have time to read it before it shone yellow with the glowing eyes of the machine behind it and exploded in a purple haze of lightning and smoke. Vergil covered his eyes to protect them from the mist that the explosion left behind, and once he was able to see again, he noticed Clockwork was nowhere to be seen. He looked around, his guard up and ready to face anything from anywhere around him. However he didn't think to check beneath him. A column of lightning blasted up from the ground beneath his feat, launching him up into the air and tossing him head over heels. He was disoriented for a moment as he regained his balance in the air. Once he was upright, he teleported back down to the ground in a kneeling position, cursing himself for not thinking of the exotic attack in time. He didn't have enough time to pull himself back to a stand though, as the ground under him lit up once more. He took a steady breath to calm himself before teleporting once more. In a blue blur he reappeared no less than five metres away to see another column of purple tinted lightning blast into the air behind him, before fading away. Then for a third time, the ground at his feet lit up again. Vergil figured out the technique being used was to catch him off guard and force him to move until he ran out of energy or got impatient. He calmly kept teleporting again and again, the blasts getting faster and faster, until after about six blasts of void lightning they stopped. A purple sphere of energy appeared around Vergil as he stood in place, and he recognised the strategy as being much like one he used himself. The sphere he was surrounded by was a shield, meant to either trap an enemy or protect the user as they charged a more powerful attack. They worked on the principle that the magic warped space inside of it, and anything inside of the barrier was technically in a pocket dimension completely impenetrable to most physical attacks. Any other demon would be trapped. But not to a teleporter. Vergil had to use more power to teleport through a barrier, and as the blur of blue magic came to rest outside the barrier he grunted in frustration. Clearly Clockwork was far more powerful than the rest of the demons he had practised against so far. He looked back to the sphere just in time to see the sphere become filled with blinding flashes, arcs of energy slicing across the barrier in rapid succession from every angle. He recognised that, too. The Judgement Cuts Yamato was capable of performing were oddly similar. That meant one thing. The blade used by the machine was a dark blade, just like Yamato. A blade so sharp and saturated with demonic power that it slices through nearly anything. To his knowledge, Yamato was the only dark blade in existence. If the demonic realm hadn't accidentally lost any of it's special weapons, then the only other way it could have been created was with the mortal sacrifices of magi. Many mortal sacrifices. That's the only way it could exist. Vergil stood up as the ball of dimensional magic evaporated, and it it's place stood the machine, it's eyes glowing brighter than ever. The halfling glanced curiously at the blade before looking it in the eye. "-The more magic it has to use, the brighter it's eyes must shine...-" He deduced. "-No issue, now I know when it's struggling to fight me.-" Clockwork was fighting him at range, staying well away from Vergil's Beowulf attacks. Vergil decided to bring the fight to his opponent. He teleported into the air and went immediately into a starfall, angling his kick down and bringing the force of his greaves down on the machine. It dodged backwards and charged it's short scythe by pulling it back as Vergil made a small crater in the floor. Clockwork slashed at Vergil but the halfling turned sideways to avoid the swipe. He then jabbed at Clockwork and sparks erupted from the machine's face as it stumbled back, catching itself very quickly to return a wide horizontal slash at the blue coated devil. Vergil had no choice but to dodge, backstepping out of danger with ease. He returned fast by launching himself forward with a straight lunge. To his surprise though, Clockwork was on point, and he parried with a raise of it's mechanical hoof, causing sparks to escape and fly away from the contact. The parry sent Vergil reeling after the metalic clash resonated through the arena, and Clockwork was on the offensive once more. It swiped horizontally from top to bottom. Vergil spun around summoning a spiral of swords around him, his change of orientation allowing the scythe to pass by safely. He followed with a teleport to escape danger. Clockwork was pelted with crystalline swords smashing his metal hide and shattering to launch shrapnel into his face and endanger it's vitals. Meaning it had to stop mid combo. It glanced over to where Vergil had materialised. "-Mmph. Again, Yamato would make this so much easier.-" Clockwork leaped forward, spinning in three-sixties and swiping in wide arcs around it's body. Vergil rolled to the left and began charging a rising sun, which the machine was too busy recovering to defend from. Vergil smashed his opponent with an uppercut and launched both him and Clockwork into the air. The machine let out a mechanical growl as Vergil's spins collided consistently, creating tears in it's metal plating and imparting spin upon it. Vergil noted he stopped rising at the apex of his climb, and began charging an aerial lunar phase. He begun his first spin and brought his heel down on Clockwork... only to be halted as the force from his attack was channelled into what felt like a unbreakable wall. Clockwork had caught his leg in his mouth. The machine flexed it's synthetic fibrous muscles and threw Vergil at the ground with all it's might. Vergil didn't have time to teleport, and found himself bouncing along the floor like a rag doll. After a few bounces, he came to rest. The devil shook his head to shake away the dizziness and pushed him self to his feet, ready to fight once more. "-Okay... it reacts too fast for back-to-back charged attacks... noted.-" The machine fell heavily to the floor, softening it's landing with a bend in it's legs. It then used the force of the fall and re-directed the force into a leap. It closed the distance between it and Vergil incredibly fast. Vergil teleported to the side of the machine's lunge and began an uncharged combo of fast attacks. He threw two punches, left-right combo and both punches connected solidly with Clockwork's head causing it to stumble around and try and escape the stun. As it recovered, Vergil gave a short charge to a viscous whirlwind kick. Clockwork raised a hoof to try and catch the kick but was still recovering from Vergil's punches, so the hoof was merely batted out of the way. However the obstructed reduced the speed of Vergil's spin, so his second kick was slow enough to react to. Clockwork backstepped out of the combo to let the last spin kick finish, then darted back in again and deliver a downward vertical slash that Vergil was unprepared for. Now it was Vergil's turn to stumble as the slash caused a spike of pain in his chest. Clockwork needed no cue, and brought the blade of his scythe before his eyes once more, the intimidating view of half his glowing eyes cascading light over the metal imbuing it with magic until it glowed at the same brightness. Then he slashed through vergil in a horizontal swipe. Vergil was prepared for pain... but it didn't come. Instead, the arc of void energy left in the blade's wake formed into another sigil directly in-front of Vergil's face. He tried to dodge what he thought was going to be a column of lightning from below, but instead the sigil blasted a giant beam of energy point-blank into him. The blast sent him sliding along the ground, his body erupting into pain as he was grinding along to dirt. Eventually, he forced himself sideways into a roll and he broke his speed and stopped himself from receiving anymore damage. He lay on the ground for a split second as he cursed himself once more. After berating himself for allowing a robot of all things to deal him so much damage, he shakily pushed his body back into a stand. ""NRRRRRGH!" He growled in pain as he slowly stood up straight. The void magic had drained his energy and he was now beginning to feel very tired. "This is what I get for fighting opponents without father at my side..." He grumbled to himself, feeling severely underpowered without his blade. Then a voice cracked out into the air, carried on a sudden wind. "STOP THIS AT ONCE!" It was the voice of the queen of the realm, Nightmare Moon. Vergil looked up to see her and the shadow demon floating down on a platform of darkness. They gracefully touched down onto the ground to interfere. "As entertaining as it is watching two professionals battle, you need to save your strength. At this rate you'll kill each other. You two are two of my best agents, I need your prowess on the field." Vergil harrumphed, anger swelling in his soul. As much as he hated being ordered around... she was right. Vergil gave the grinning machine one last stare before a light enveloped his limbs and his devil arm was returned back to his being. And he watched as Clockwork slotted the blade of it's short scythe into a holster mounted on it's side. "This isn't the last of this." He hissed at his opponent. Clockwork let out a nightmarish laugh, ending it in an low pitched growl. "And I can't wait for the re-match!" It replied, it's voice resonating through the air. "You're a worthy opponent, you're not at full power and I'm betting you'll be even better with your blade. Besides, that was just a warm up..." He smiled evilly. "Next time, it'll be just us. Nothing to hold us back. Then we can see what each other are really made of, hmm?" The resonating tone to it's voice filled the air dread for some reason. Vergil's lips turned upwards, he liked this machine. No messing around, just strength and skill to back it up. All it needed to have, nothing more, nothing less. Still. Didn't make it any less annoying that he was caught off guard several times. Though Clockwork said it itself, he wasn't at full power and was missing his primary weapon. Being able to attack more efficiently at range with Yamato would be a huge benefit. He would enjoy the fight when they are both at their prime. "Keep your fight for after we've destroyed the threats facing us, I need you at your best, understand?" Nightmare Moon explained sternly. Both her underlings nodded in understanding. "Good. I need you all at my throne in three hours. We will coordinate our plans and decide when to strike." She turned away from them and began making her way over to the elite demons watching in the stands to explain the same thing to them. As she went, the shadow king Sombra gave Vergil an uneasy glance out of the corner of his eye before continuing on his way, following his mistress. Clockwork gave Vergil a grin, showing off his sharp teeth before turning and following after the queen of the night. Vergil stood by himself in thought. With Clockwork in the mix his plans had just got a whole lot more difficult.