The Luck Dragon and the Moon

by DaiAtlas2016

The Everfree Forest

Fluttershy and her friends were investigating the Everfree Forest.
"Fluttershy what are we looking for again? Whatever it is, I don't think it exists.", groaned Rainbow Dash impatiently.
"A Luck Dragon! I heard it yesterday. I know it's here!", said Fluttershy quietly.
"Well sugarcube, what does it sound like? That might help.", said Applejack kindly. They then heard what sounded like a violin playing so sweetly.
"That's it! It's coming from that way!", she exclaimed, taking off faster than Dashie would. They all ran after her.
"Fluttershy, darling, you seem very excited. What is this about?", panted Rarity. But Fluttershy didn't answer, she stopped dead in her tracks. In front of her was the most beautiful creature she had ever seen.
There before them sat a, tall, fluffy, white dragon, not much bigger than Luna, who had his right wing out. It looked much like a giant harp, since instead of skin, strings were on the inner part of it. And his long, thin tail played the strings on his wing, making the sound. His head was covered in fur as well, with two horns on the sides, then he looked back at them with his big, blue eyes.
"", breathed Twilight.
"Hello! How are you all today?", he asked in a sweet and melodious, yet powerful voice.
"Hi...we're good. How...about you?", stammered Fluttershy.
"Oh I'm quite well, thank you! Would you like some tea?", he smiled.
"Yes please!", answered Rarity.
"Ok then, please do have a seat, girls.", he replied, getting a little red teapot and blowing on it with his blue flames. He then gave them all a cup and saucer before sitting down with his. "How rude of me not to introduce myself! I am Nick Braveheart the Luck Dragon! But you can call me Nick! And who might you girls be?", he said.
"I'm Fluttershy, these are my friends, Twilight, Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie, and Rainbow Dash.", smiled Fluttershy.
"You know something, you make me feel very comfortable.", grinned Pinkie, gulping down her tea.
Nick chuckled and said, "That's what Luck Dragons do. They bring you good luck and you always feel comfortable around them."
"So how many of you are there?", asked Twilight.
Nick laughed. "I'm the only one! I haven't seen another Luck Dragon ever! The rest were all hunted down and turned into rugs and stuff. Even after the princesses outlawed it! How's Luna doing by the way?"
"Umm...good. But how do you know her?", replied Twilight suspiciously.
"Were you her special somepony?", Pinkie asked excitedly.
"As a matter of fact, I was.", he smiled. He then looked at the sun. "You better get home, it's getting late. Come visit anytime!"
"We will!", exclaimed Rarity.
Twilight wasn't listening though, she was pondering on the fact that there was something Luna wasn't telling them. And she was gonna find it out!